
  • It’s the last episode in the series of Our Stories Within!

    Time to sign off for August, ready to embrace September refreshed and raring to go.

    If you feel a little like you’re in a period of high expectation and low reality I have just the thing for you, my friend, to re-centre and realign!

    Today’s episode is all about the Summer of Self: our FREE, 4 week mini-course. It’s self-development 101. It’s the building of a strong foundation. It’s your springboard to deeper work.

    Listen to find out all about the self-development yumminess you could achieve over August, with minimal demands on your time!

    Have the most wonderful summer, and I can’t wait to be back in your ears September 💚

    To dive into the Summer of Self, sign up here.

    And you can continue the progress from your Summer of Self with support from myself, my fellow CL coaches, and a beautiful collective of inspiring women through the CL Collective, opening its doors again in September.

    You can also connect with me here:

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    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Sports days, prize-giving events, fancy dress days, break-the-rules days… if life isn’t busy enough, this time of year can get overwhelming!

    And when life doesn’t stop life-ing, it’s so easy to get lost in it all - bogged down by the details, stuck in the weeds.

    I’ve been feeling it, and today I’ve spoken with four women with four very different lives, all feeling the same way too… So what can we do about it?!

    In today’s episode of Our Stories Within, we’re exploring:

    The importance of pausing, pulling up and zooming out One simple question to ask yourself to recalibrate A beautiful quote I stumbled upon today that came just at the right moment The power of downloading in a safe space The number one thing to do to distract from the details

    Want something extra?

    Gift yourself some clarity this August and take our free mini-course for some self-development 101! Discover who you are, what you need, where you want to go, and how to get there by embracing our Summer of Self!

    If you need a safe and supportive space to download to get yourself out of the weeds, and stop getting caught up in the little details, get in touch at

    We’ll be back in September when the CL Collective will open its doors again!

    You can also connect with me here:

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    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

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  • After a busy weekend, I’m here this week with a short yet oh so sweet episode to celebrate uniqueness and all that we are.

    I implore you to reclaim anything that’s been lost, and to give yourself permission to be bold with all that you are!

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within is my reflection on:

    The beauty in diversity of lived experience

    My recent trip to London for Stefano Sifandos’ incredible breathwork event

    Questions to ask to stop yourself denying your truth

    Redirecting your power to choose something different

    Embrace the ‘Summer of Self’! Join the CL Collective now for self-guided exploration through August and clear the path ready to dive into collective self-development in September.

    To find out more about Stefano’s work on reclaiming your power and his next trip to London, visit:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

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    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Did you hear? Georgie is supporting Stef Sifandos at his Breathwork For The Feminine event in London on July 7th! It’s going to be amazing. Details below!


    I had a profound and transformational experience through exploring breathwork as a student. And in that moment I let everything go.

    Game changer!

    Today, I have the privilege of welcoming Stef Sifandos, a trained educator, behavioural scientist and relationships expert to Our Stories Within to share his work on breathwork.

    He’s been instrumental in my own personal development, and we’re delving into how you can use breath techniques to heal and build deeper connections with self and others.

    If you’d like to hush your inner critics, regulate your emotions, change unwanted recurring behaviours, increase awareness of self, or to create a more calm and compassionate version of yourself, then breathwork could change the game for you too my friend!

    I’m delighted to be chatting with Stef on today’s episode to share:

    What exactly breathwork is!

    Breathwork as a powerful tool to change your state/energy

    Pre-breathwork and post-breathwork Georgie

    Stef’s journey through self development and somatic work

    Exploring ‘the feminine’ and what that means

    Stef’s upcoming ladies only event in London and what his powerful breathwork container could do for you!

    To join us at Hyde Park Crescent on 7th July and Reclaim Your Feminine Power, secure yourself a ticket at

    And if you can’t make it to London on the day, there’s no reason to miss out - you can attend virtually either through the live stream or through the recording after the date!

    If you found today’s discussion on breathwork insightful, useful, or thought provoking, I’d love it if you share this episode of Our Stories Within with a friend ♥️

    You can connect with Stef here:

    On Instagram:

    On the web:

    You can also connect with me here:

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    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Do you often judge others?

    Is that ok? What might it mean about you?

    And why does it feel so icky when you realise that’s what you’ve been doing?

    These are the questions we’re exploring today!

    Two clients brought their experiences of judging others to our coaching sessions this week, so I’m bringing those conversations to you.

    Whilst on one level, judgement of others is very predictable. It’s how and why it presents itself, what that tells us about ourselves, and what we can do to reduce the ickiness - that’s the really interesting bit!

    So in today’s episode of Our Stories Within, we’re exploring all things judgement, including:

    A personal example of judgement and what it told me

    Our primal need for judgement

    What judging others tells us about our relationship with ourselves

    The difference between judgement and opinion

    A helpful tool to use to challenge your judgements and a real-life example of how I used it with one of my clients

    For help reigning in judgement, check out episode 52 of Our Stories Within for the Triple A check method or ping me an email for help finding clarity on your judgements:

    Or to have more players in your team, join us at The CL Collective to make changes, be supported by myself and fellow CL coaches, and feel all the ups and downs of life with other extraordinary women treading the same path!

    As always, I’d love it if you could share Our Stories Within with a friend to spread the love ♥️

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

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    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • It’s story time and I’m celebrating the delivery on a promise I made to myself 10 years ago!

    I’m sharing a little bit about my journey through coaching, from a place of feeling a bit lost and unsure of who I was becoming to finding direction and delivering on my dreams.

    I know I’m not alone in how I felt pre-coaching. I was changing, what I wanted was changing, and my self-worth was being challenged at every corner.

    But from a place that felt so lonely at the time, the most magical things have happened!

    In today’s episode of Our Stories Within, I’m sharing:

    How I went from feeling lost to finding my spark again

    The moments (and people) along the way that held space for me

    The doubling down on a dream

    The promise I made myself 10 years ago and how that could help you today!

    To find out all about the amazing space created just for you and fellow inspiring women, head over to our shiny new CL Collective webpage!

    And if today’s episode of Our Stories Within resonated with you, I’d love it if you could share it with a friend who might appreciate it too!

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

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    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Have you ever slowed down enough to realise that everything you’re working towards, everything you’ve wanted to be, do, or see is already here?

    We’re so often running towards a future goal but have you ever stopped to ask yourself exactly where you’re running to? Or what it will look like and feel like when you get there?

    Being specific with how it would look and feel can open us up to the fact that we may already be enjoying some of the success we’re striving for. Right here, right now.

    And we’re robbing ourselves of enjoying that success!

    I get it - it can be hard to give yourself permission to take joy and light in life when there’s so much pain and suffering around us. I’m here today to encourage you to hold both - both buoyancy, lightness, and joy, as well as pain.

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within is your guide on how to do just that. We’re exploring:

    The importance of examining what you’re running to (or from!) in the invisible race against yourself

    Examples of how to release and regulate when the world is dragging you down

    A timely quote from Tony Robbins

    How to be in a loving relationship with yourself

    Getting crystal clear on your finish line to bring everyday wins to the here and now and stay aligned in the face of adversity

    For support on building a compassionate relationship with yourself, or getting clear on what your finish line looks like, the Chasing Lobsters coaches and I are here to guide you every step of the way through our wonderful group coaching: The CL Collective

    I’d love to hear if this (slightly gloomier than usual!) episode resonated with you and feedback is always welcomed and taken with love at:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

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    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Managing energy is a constant battle!

    We often feel we need to keep going, keep doing, keep ticking things off the list. But if we don’t manage our energy it can lead to stress, overwhelm, burnout, injury, and illness. No thank you!

    My energy level is screaming at me to keep things simple today. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do!

    I’m inviting you to do the same and gift yourself the kindness of listening to your energy and what you need (and don’t need!).

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within will be exploring:

    A simple exercise to highlight your taps and your drains

    Examples of all the good things that charge me up - one recently highlighted during a day with the WI!

    How you can manage your schedule to make the most of your changing energy levels

    The one question to ask yourself to help keep your energy charged and protected

    To read more about managing your energy through foods or your menstrual cycle, grab yourself a copy of these two must-reads: Fast Like a Girl by Dr Mindy Pelz and In the Flo by Alisa Vitti.

    To be held while discovering what charges you and what drains you, book your one-to-one connection call by emailing me at:

    If exploring self-development within a space of supportive women would pour into your energy and recharge your soul then the CL Collective is just for you:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Resistance. It gets in the way, blocking us from being who we want to be or doing what we want to do. And it’s a sneaky little thing!

    Unfortunately, coming up against resistance is a natural part of the process of self-development and it presents itself in all kinds of yucky ways.

    You go about your life making the same pattern of choices time and time again even when you don’t want to, unaware of whatever’s creating resistance and preventing you from making choices more aligned to who you want to be.

    Frustrating isn’t it?!

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within is a simple hack (or rather a broader understanding!) of resistance so you can manage it - and stop it in its tracks - until you’ve done the deeper, inner work to keep it in check completely!

    We’re discussing:

    How to recognise patterns of resistance

    How resistance can present itself in your brain, body, and behaviour

    An example of how resistance shows up in my life every single Wednesday 🤦‍♀️ (I’m working on it!)

    Your two-step hack to take the power away from resistance and move beyond it

    The yummy benefits from addressing the resistance in your life!

    For a deeper dive into overcoming the inevitable resistance we all face when creating change visit:

    To join our monthly coaching membership, the CL Collective, and tackle your resistance head on with a group of like-minded, driven women with support of our wonderful CL coaches, contact us at:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • What have you been putting off or taking for granted?

    Shame be gone - we all do it! Health, fitness, a relationship, a job, leadership skills… we can take them all for granted.

    But if we neglect certain arenas too much, it may come back to bite us in the bottom. And it can hurt!

    I’m airing my embarrassment today and sharing the thing I’ve been neglecting recently (and for longer than I care to admit!) and how it came back to bite me!

    The potential future consequences of taking these things for granted are often far greater than tackling the hurdle here and now. And sometimes those hurdles are actually little molehills, my friends!

    Today's episode of Our Stories Within is your prompt to re-engage with whatever you’ve been taking for granted. We’re exploring:

    How to identify arenas in your life that you’re taking for granted or neglecting

    The stories you’re telling yourself that are giving you the permission to take that thing for granted

    Questions to ask yourself to identify where else it might be happening and what you can do about it

    How to prioritise all the balls you’re juggling so you don’t drop the glass balls!

    How we can use this information to tell us where to deposit our attention, time, energy, and commitment

    And a little bit of accountability (see below!)

    If today’s episode has resonated, don’t feel you have to solo it! Use me as your very own accountability coach over on Instagram and tell me:

    The thing today’s episode highlighted you’re taking for granted

    The commitment/action you’re taking to change the needle

    The date by which you’re going to do it!

    For a safe and supportive space to explore this and more within a collective of incredible women sharing, learning, and rising together as one, email me at with the subject line COLLECTIVE to find out more.

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Too much time is occupied by our inner critics and not enough time given to our inner advocates.

    Too often do I hear ‘I need to get better at X’ or ‘I’m not very good at Y’ without dedicating equal airtime to celebrate (and appreciate!) our strengths… something that has as much - if not more - importance in our journey of growth!

    So, today, my friends, I ask you: What are you already doing really well? Let’s acknowledge those innate gifts that live deep inside you and come so naturally to you. And let’s polish them up so they shine even brighter!

    As a counter to last week’s episode of Our Stories Within exploring bouncing back from ‘failure’, today's episode is recognising and celebrating our greatest qualities to help us grow.

    We’re diving into:

    Healthy Vs Toxic Drive

    The discomfort of receiving and accepting compliments!

    Exercises I use within my 360° Performance Reviews and how you can apply them to finding your own strength blind spots

    A simple exercise you can use to discover, celebrate, and leverage your strengths so you can go out into the world and shine!

    How to use your strengths to guide you to a place of pure fulfilment

    And much more!

    To hear more about my 360° Performance Review process or to find out what 1-to-1 coaching may look like for you, book a connection call at:

    To revisit last week’s episode exploring growth mindsets, check out Episode 61 of Our Stories Within.

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • When something doesn’t go our way it’s easy to beat ourselves up, feel like a failure, and create ‘truths’ based on what’s happened. And sometimes those ‘truths’ can be downright mean!

    The reality is, when you’ve had the wind knocked out of your sails, you have two options: you can let that ‘failure’ define you, OR you can learn from it, bounce back, and bounce forward!

    So, how do you guide yourself away from self-criticism and limiting thoughts and towards a place of learning, self-development and growth?

    In today’s episode of Our Stories Within, I’m here to share with you the 4 step process I use with myself, my clients, and even my kids, when things don’t quite go to plan!

    Along the way we’ll be discussing:

    Fixed Vs growth mindsets

    How to discover where your fracture lines are

    The difference between guilt and shame

    The importance of bringing heaps of compassion to the process

    And much more!

    To be held and supported through your own process of growth and self-development, book a connection call and let’s chat;

    For a more detailed explanation and examples of the hugely useful Triple-A Check, check out Episode 52 of Our Stories Within.

    To explore fixed Vs growth mindsets in greater depth, dive into Carol Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Does the thought of investing in yourself give you the ick?

    The reality is a lot of women don’t feel comfortable investing time, space, energy, resources, and (of course!) money in themselves.

    You know the biggest challenge when I start working with women wanting to make changes in their lives?… Finding the time for that first call! The initial commitment to start the wheels turning.

    But, when you’re on the other side of that investment - when you’ve invested time and resources to you - the results are… glorious!

    When you show up to your desires and take on any resistance felt, great things happen!

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within is an invitation to back yourself and invest in the person you want to be. We delve into:

    Recent successes of real-life women I’ve been working with

    Different aspects of your life that may be yearning for investment

    Discernment and the questions to ask before your invest

    Challenging the barriers getting in the way of the commitment to make changes

    The nourishing care, attention, support, and results that flow from investing in yourself

    To set the wheels in motion, contact me for 1-to-1 coaching at:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Ever feel like the universe is conspiring against you?

    Well, you’re not alone! I’ve had a week of it this week: constant resistance, road block after road block, red light after red light.

    I’ve felt tempted to give up (this is the 4th attempt at this week’s podcast episode!), but then I remembered something empowering… I get to choose how I respond.

    So, this episode is a short and sweet reminder to cut yourself some slack when life throws everything at you.

    Even when you get derailed, YOU get to choose your new path forward. And I’m here to share with you how I’m choosing to respond…

    The episode I had planned for this week will be ready for your ears soon. In the meantime, I hope this little reminder is helpful to anyone feeling up against it at the moment.

    Sending love!


    For support with everything life throws at you, contact me for 1-to-1 coaching at:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Do you ever feel like a spinning top? You’ve overcommitted, you’re overstretched, you have to keep moving and keep busy to stop your world from crashing down.

    Busyness isn’t necessarily a bad thing - it creates big ‘yes’ energy! It gets stuff done.

    After all, you’re a resilient, high-achieving woman whose capacity to execute is through the roof!

    But what happens when we unknowingly overstretch ourselves? That busyness soon becomes a burden.

    If this is ringing true for you, it’s time to rebalance the spinning top, my friend! It’s time to reduce the top-heavy demands resting precariously on your shoulders or to build a broader, more stable foundation to support them.

    On today’s episode of Our Stories Within, we’re exploring:

    Where your desire for busyness comes - which root cause do you resonate with? What the act of busyness is taking away from you What the end goal of your busyness is and if it’s aligned with your needs How we can rebalance the spinning top and be busy, productive, and high-achieving in a loving, nourishing, and sustainable way.

    To find balance and protect your bandwidth, join other like-minded women in our carefully curated coaching space, The CL Collective at:

    If, like me, you want to explore the world of lunar cycles, phases of the moon, and energy, let me know at @chasinglobsters on Instagram or and I’ll send you my findings!

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Hands up if you have a to-do list longer than your arm! 🙋

    Owing your time to an endless list feels horrible - niggling, irritating, heavy. Rather than feeling in control of your own time, you can feel at the whim of others: other people’s needs, other jobs, and other tasks that need doing.

    Your time is always in the red.

    Well, no more my friend! I’m here with a quick fix to releasing your time debt and the stresses that come with it.

    Time to close your open tabs, feel lighter, feel freer, and enjoy all the yummy nourishment from the space you create!

    In today’s episode of Our Stories Within we’re exploring:

    Where you’re in time debt What impact that’s having on you How to free up your time and mental capacity WITHOUT having to tick off everything on your list

    Once you’ve ‘Eaten That Frog’, don’t forget to message me and let me know at @chasinglobsters on Instagram or

    To explore all things ‘time’ in a month dedicated to the topic (one of the many themes we address!), join our wonderfully supportive space, The CL Collective at:

    To learn more and ask any questions you have about joining life coaching membership, book a chat with me here:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • What nourishes your soul? Walking? Getting out in nature? Cooking? Coffee with friends? Sex?

    We all try to set up and keep habits that feed us, make us feel alive, or heal us. But often, these habits slowly become a tick in the box, we start to multi-task, or they drop by the wayside completely.

    How many times have you gone for a dog walk to get away from it all and soak in nature, only to make a phone call, check emails, or listen to a podcast?

    Our time is a precious commodity, something we don’t get back. If you decide to invest your time in something that brings you joy, I’m imploring you to squeeze every little last drop of juice out of that joy! I want you to feel every single benefit.

    So, what’s the key to maximising that joy? Presence!

    In today’s episode of Our Stories Within, we’re diving into:

    What brushing my teeth in the shower made me realise about my cold-shower habit! Questions to ask yourself on where you’re investing your time, on what, and (most importantly!) why? The benefits of running a ‘time audit’ Presence as a pathway to receiving the biggest gifts from the time you’re giving

    If you’d like to find out more about ‘Time Month’ and running a time audit in a safe, encouraging space with other inspiring women, join The Collective at:

    For any questions on time audits, presence, The CL Collective, or if it’s time to invest in one-to-one coaching, email me directly to book a connection call:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Strap yourselves in because I’m here today with an emotional pep talk just for you to tell you not to give up! Do NOT give up on your dreams. Don’t let your unmet desires live dormant. Live a life that lights you up!

    I know, I know - life happens and things get in the way. Our dreams can be shelved by changes in responsibilities, changes in circumstance… or a pandemic!

    But the dream is NOT over until all options are explored. It’s easy to think it’s option A or option B, and choosing one means sacrificing the other. But what if there’s an unseen option C?

    The world is a beautiful place and it’s at your feet - so give your life your best shot! After all, as my darling Dad always said, the world is your Lobster!

    Today, I’m reminding you of:

    The dangers of boxing yourself in When to chase your dreams and when to let them go The difference between giving up and letting go The place from which decisions are made - empowerment, choice, and love or fear and self-abandonment The importance of grieving a dream not met What happens when we deny ourselves our truest desires and self-expression (spoiler alert - it’s not great!)

    To start the process of achieving your deepest desires, book a connection call with me:

    If you’d like to share your journey to realising your dreams with an inspiring group of women in a supportive, progressive, and nourishing coaching membership, join my very own dream come true: The CL Collective at

    To hear all about my origin story - and the start of my journey to achieving my dream - check out Episode 20 of Our Stories Within:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Are you looking for positive change in your life that feels good and creates sustainable results?

    Well then, the first step is to forgive. And we’re starting with forgiveness of self. That’s right - the buck stops with us!

    In episode 52 of Our Stories Within, I shared the Triple-A Check to improve self-awareness (one not to miss if you haven’t had a listen already!). If, from the Triple-A Check, you find you’re not living in alignment with your values, desires, or needs, then it’s time to start making some changes.

    First stop - re-align! Bring a sense of solidarity with yourself and address the judgements or criticism you’ve held against yourself.

    I invite you to forgive and start building a foundationally solid relationship with yourself.

    Today’s episode of Our Stories Within delves into:

    The power of self-forgiveness and why it’s important

    How to start repairing and move towards positive, sustainable change

    A super-quick and highly effective tool to add to your toolbox of self-forgiveness

    What we can learn from an unwillingness to forgive and holding ourselves in anger, resentment, or bitterness

    What to do if you’re riddled with resistance to forgive!

    If you don’t feel willing to forgive yourself, or you need support in doing so, email me at with the subject line ‘Forgiveness’ to get your hands on some of my favourite resources to kickstart your journey of repair.

    For judgement-free support with forgiveness through one-to-one coaching go to: and book your FREE Connection Call.

    To get curious about forgiveness within a wonderfully supportive community of women, join ‘The CL Collective’ coaching membership at:

    To revisit the Triple-A check, listen to Ep.52 of Our Stories Within:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me:

  • Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others? Does scrolling through social media leave you feeling inadequate or ‘less than’?

    Well, no more my friend! It’s true, comparison can be the thief of joy. But it doesn’t have to be.

    It’s human nature to compare - so if we can’t stop comparing ourselves to others, it’s time to turn comparison on its head. In this week's episode of Our Stories Within, we’re doing just that and looking at how you can switch your narrative of comparison, use it to your benefit, and create something truly beautiful from it!

    We’re exploring:

    The energy we’re approaching comparison with What our positive and negative projections really mean Realising our unmet desires and setting goals to fulfil them How to leverage comparison and overcome the gremlins!

    If you’re ready to embrace the learnings from comparison and meet other brilliant women on the journey to more ease in life and success, you can join our coaching membership ‘The CL Collective’ here:

    For your FREE mini training series on goal setting go to:

    Or email me directly to book a connection call or share your thoughts on Our Stories Within:

    You can also connect with me here:

    On Instagram:

    On Facebook:

    On the web:

    Apply to be coached on the podcast:

    Learn more about coaching:

    Book a connection call with me: