In episode 38, we talk to Lilya a holistic wellness coach and someone who has been taking humans on self discovery journeys for a while.
She discusses with us on topics of toxic masculinity, men's emotions, patriarchy etc.
Its a healthy debate with our view points and "perspectives".
You wish to start a podcast like this for yourself? DM me “Podcast” on my Instagram channel! -
Tell me what you think about this episode in the comments!
Don’t forget to subscribe and press the bell icon for my next episodes!
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#podcasts #passion #purpose #life #personaldevelopment #entrepreneurship #hustles.
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In episode 37, we have a conversation with Mr Pankaj Patel, a UFC gym manager in India and also a body building athlete.
He talks to us about the new trends in men's fitness, the basic supplements any man can take that are not harmful to you and how to balance fitness with a hard work schedule.
Listen now!
This is the only podcast you need to hear around fitness, its so simplified!
If you wish to join the top 100 members of our Skool community - The Mens Circle:
Click this link
Create your own community in Skool:
You wish to start a podcast like this for yourself? DM me “Podcast” on my Instagram channel! -
Tell me what you think about this episode in the comments!
Don’t forget to subscribe and press the bell icon for my next episodes!
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#podcasts #passion #purpose #life #personaldevelopment #entrepreneurship #hustles.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In episode 36 of our podcast with talk with James McCauley who tells us how you can improve yourself as a man, become 1% better each day, what is the concept of "Bio Acoustic Massage" and the new norms of the Wellness World.Stay tuned!You wish to start a podcast like this for yourself? DM me “Podcast” on my instagram channel! - me what you think about this episode in the comments!Don’t forget to subscribe and press the bell icon for my next episodes!You can listen to my podcast on Spotify: social media handles for more such content:Instagram - - - #passion #purpose #life #personaldevelopment #entrepreneurship #hustles #hynotherapy #alphamen
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Episode 35 of "Out of the Hood with Hamza" features Simran Dhurandhar, a women entrepreneur who has started a luxury hair care brand called SIMRASA with her older sister.They have a series of products like shampoos, sprays and hair wraps that make you stylish, sustainable and are also vegan and gender neutral.I talk to Simran about establishing a company, work like balance, starting a business with your sibling etc.We have introduced a new segment in this podcast called "Fire in the Hood", a rapid fire to get the best out of our guests!PS - This was an impulsive not a repulsive podcast ! SHOUT OUT TO SIMRANS BLUNDER...Don't forget to follow and subscribe to our channel and put on the bell icon!..You can listen to my podcast on Spotify: social media handles for more such content:Instagram - - - #business #luxurybrand #haircare.
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In this episode (34) with Aarshia Siddique, we speak about running a business all by yourself (a nail salon in this case), how to accelerate your Instagram growth and our journeys on the road of Spirituality.This conversation has been super insightful and we spoke about mindfulness and meditation in depth basis our own experience.
We reveal some personal tales and stories with the hope to inspire you!
See you in the podcast!
Also streaming on YouTube.
#instagram #solopreneurs #spirituality
To enroll into my 4+1 week Podcasting Course, connect with me on my Instagram using the link in my bio.
You can also book a Calendly call with me using the same link.
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In episode 33 of my podcast, I have with me - Vikram Mittal the owner of MAVIS Kombucha, a brand that pitched on Shark Tank India Season 1.Vikram talks about his brand and mission, the art of selling and how to become comfortable with it and also the reality of Shark Tank India.The process of application, selection, presentation etc.
Keep listening to the podcast and showing your support!
You can grab my podcast course and follow me on my socials using the link on my profile!
#sharktank #brands #kombucha #artofselling #realityshow.
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On the 26th of February 2023, I held my first Men's Circle in Mumbai.
A Men's Circle is safe space for men to open up about their life, in terms of feelings, emotions, work, relationships or anything else they feel stuck or conflicted with.
We promote men's circles because in todays day and age of toxic masculinity and stereotypes, we want men to take the right path and grow their communities as well.
Listen to this episode to know more! Message me to join our circle!
#menscircles #safespace #community #supportgroup.
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This is episode 31 of "Out of the Hood with Hamza" with my dear friend Rahul Makhija.
We talk about his new upcoming song - Dastaan ( A song of Loss), the story behind it, ideas for new artists and we end with a small jam.
He is a singer and song writer from Mumbai and is ready to launch his new song "Dastaan" (Releasing on the 20th of January'23).
Stay tuned to know everything about it!
Please follow us on Spotify and give us a rating!
#music #emotions #artists #dastaan #independentmusic #podcast.
You can follow Rahul's work at:
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21 Day Monk Mode is a challenge for you to change and transform yourself!
It includes sacrifices and discipline to follow certain daily activities and routines.
Inspired by one of my favourite youtuber's Iman Gadhzi, I decided to share this challenge with ya'll.
Enough of excuses and fake resolutions, now's the time to build habit and get shit done. Take a listen and execute now! Happy New Year Family!
#monkmode #challenge #newyear #habits #transformation.
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The new year is right around the corner!
This podcast is going to share with you a few pointers and tricks to achieve all you want in 2023.
Want six packs, start a new business, pursue a new hobby?
The learnings from a book called "Make No Small Plans" is going to give you direction.
Tune into this short podcast and get more clarity!
Follow me on Instagram.
Grab my course on TagMango today at just Rs 299/-.
#newyear #2023 #betteryou #personaldevelopment #thesecret #earlnightingale #thestrangestsecret.
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This is episode 28 of "Out of the Hood with Hamza" , a Spotify podcast. We get in conversations with Rhea Kishnani, a Mumbai based Psychotherapist who gives us ideas and tips on being a better decision maker and get clarity in business as an entrepreneur through therapy and mental health work.
Rhea is a mental health counselor and the founder of a private counselling center, MindHeal(th) in Mumbai.
She also provides certain tools in therapy and a checklist you can keep in front of you before picking a therapist for yourself!
Have a listen to it and share your feedback!
You can follow her at "rheakishnani" and "mindheal_th" on Instagram.
#business #mentalhealth #decisionmaking #therapy #psychotherapy #clarity #entrepreneurs.
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Episode 26 - Profit with Purpose
This podcast is about the emerging wave of social entrepreneurship and our need to build businesses that are sustainable and also provide for the community.
I talk about my experience with social businesses, my learnings and a new social venture I wish to build - MaukaMedia.
This episode also features my social entrepreneurship professor Mr Ameya Ambulkar who talks about his understanding of social entrepreneurship and the qualities of a modern day entrepreneur.
#socialentrepreneurship #ventures #business #professor #agencies #purpose #profit.
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Episode 26 - This video podcast is a short appreciation to all the stuff I've learnt from Iman Gadzhi in the past couple of months!
I talk about:
My background
How Iman Gadzhi videos have helped me?
How I would use the giveaway money?
My new agency inspired by Iman Gadzhi work.
This podcast is also available on YouTube.
(Submission for a giveaway).
#imangadzhi #agencyowner #onlinebusinesses #business #entrepreneur #spotify #youtube #toppodcasts.
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Episode 25 is a short solo podcast that explains my journey with fitness.
I urge you to listen to this podcast if you're struggling to hit the gym or workout everyday!
I talk about my early experiences with combat sports and mixed martial arts that has shaped my personality and brought in so much discipline.
Being fit can change you mentally, spiritually and also physically.
See how one punched changed my life!
#fitness #personaldevelopment #motivation #changelife #punch #mma #mixedmartialarts.
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“Finding your sense of purpose”
I launched this podcast a few months back when I was struggling to find my sense of purpose in life. This episode from “Out of the Hood with Hamza” is about figuring your sense of purpose in life. Inspired by an article written by one of my favourite author's Mark Manson.
It will give you clarity on your career, relationships, personal development etc. It includes a 3 step technique you can use to find out where you get a feeling of belonging and purpose from!
It is my first ever Spotify video creation podcast!
If you like our content and episodes, please give us a good rating and like our episodes!
#podcasts #passion #purpose #life #personaldevelopment #entrepreneurship #hustles.
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin for some good short form content!
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Have you ever felt like you're lost in the fog of your own thoughts? You keep hearing the same things over and over again, and it's hard to tell if they're a sign that you need to change something or if they're just a part of who you are.
If so, you're definitely not alone. We've all been there. But there's a tool available to help you find your way back to clarity. It's called the Life Audit, and it can help you figure out what parts of your life are working for you and which ones aren't.
In this episode, I'll be talking about what the Life Audit is and how to use it to create a life that works for YOU!
#lifeaudit #personaldevelopment #goals #mindset.
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Being recorded as the special "Teachers Day Episode", this conversation with my dear friend Reema Rathod is about her life as an IB PYP educator!
She talks about how she got into teaching, how life changes when you move from being a student to a young teacher, her motivations in life and secrets of staff-room banter!
Apt for aspiring teachers, parents and students!
#teachersday #teachersspecial #teacherspodcast #teachersoffduty #schoollife #conversations.
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Listen to the story of Grace Moore, an associate producer on the Netflix documentary "Kiss the Ground". She talks about "saving the soil", her journey being spiritual, how she approaches life, her future prospects in India and much more. Bloom Network is a regenerative network she is currently working on and she hopes to extend it and bring it to a global level. Join her in her journey and check out what's in store in Episode 21.
This is "OutoftheHoodwithHamza" hosted by and delivered by Hamza Chitalwalla. See you at the podcasts!
#netflix #networking #socialcircle #socialising #solotravel #lifeinindia #nonprofits #networks.
Connect with Grace:
LinkedIn - Grace Moore
Email -
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This is a short episode that talks about 15 money principles that help you formulate the right growth and finance mindset you need in todays world and economic situation. Its super crisp and innovative. Give it a listen and start your financial journal today! Follow me on instagram at "hamzachitalwalla" for more content on podcasting and use the link in my bio to download my free ebook! #moneymindset #finance #financialfreedom #thinkingaboutmoney.
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Inspired by the book 'The Millionaire Fastlane' by MJ Demarco, this podcast talks about the great story of wealth mentioned in this book.
It explains how real wealth is created by wealth systems that take time to build but will reap benefits for life.
Success is not a result of an event but a series of processes that take time, effort and a great will.
It mentions that assets that generate wealth without putting much effort after the creation process are true instruments to the riches and give great leverage.
Have you always wanted to start your own podcast but had no idea how to do it? Well then you're at the right place, hit me up on my email or socials for a free consultation call and lets see hear your podcast ideas!
My eBook -
#millionairefastlane #mjdemarco #storyofwealth #spotify #anchor #financepodcast #outofthehoodwithhamza #selfdevelopment #selfhelpbooks #bookinspiration.
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