
  • In this episode my guest is Jim Smith, a Lincoln city based bespoke tailor, with a reputation for providing high levels of service, with clients requiring measurements for suit fittings to the eventual fitting of their specially made attire.

    In order for Jim to stay focused on his services he stays fit and healthy by running, with 5k, 10k, half marathon and full marathon events.

    Now aged 52 years young, Jim can testify to the benefits of self discipline and how his exercise regime pays off with a great fitting suit to top things off.

    Contact Jim at to enquire about a personal visit for a consultation, whereby he'll be happy to suggest materials, cuts and colors for your bespoke suits.

    Watch the full video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts.

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  • In this episode, my guest Poppy Pearson shares her stories, experiences and future plans on all things netball.

    Poppy has worked her way from local Lincolnshire based under fourteens clubs to currently playing, training and competing at Loughborough University's under nineteen's cohort.

    Visiting my Lincoln based personal training center in summer 2024, for a strength training program, Poppy and I worked together to fine tune her musculoskeletal strength, prior to her return to her new season of netball.

    Watch the full video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.

    Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe for more free content on all things health and fitness related.

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  • In this episode, I discuss the current culture of women joining mixed gyms with the sole purpose of seeking attention from men.

    Whilst joining a mixed gym is a good idea for both the members and gym owners, it's now considered a hub for attention seeking young women, who by design or default, literally set up shop on the gym floor, with an array of gadgets, from mobile phones and recording equipment, to perfume and beauty products.

    There are daily incidents, whereby either a male member of the gym or an employee have to request the woman in question to 'cease and desist' from recording herself in the public gym in question. Often the woman recording herself training can accidently or deliberately film unsuspecting gym members in her video and eventually feel the wrath of a man or woman who haven't given permission to include them in the soon to be uploaded snippet.

    Low budget gyms that open all over the UK are considered the go to place for this behavior, of which is in some cases is encouraged with marketing and advertising, by way of scantily clad outfits designed by overnight manufacturers.

    The deluge of young women dressing up and applying a full cosmetic look to go to the gym is on the rise, as they essentially step through the door with the purpose of seeking attention from men. The men also know this and subsequently, from time to time reciprocate the attention with an offer to 'spot the woman' with her weights or simply hang out next to them in the weight lifting area, sometimes to no avail and sometimes with a degree of success, either by acquiring her phone number or connecting via various social media apps.

    This method of hooking up may be fruitful or pleasurable for some, however it also opens up a potential disaster when the woman uploads video footage of men in the gym, who are interested in her or completely unaware she is recording them for her attention seeking social media platforms.

    Gyms are now displaying written notices on their walls or websites, forbidding members from filming in their establishments, to avoid increasing confrontations between members. This is simply a soft deterrent, as some women are now hooked on the attention they crave or receive in the gym and continue in their quest for a veritable address book of eager men, waiting for their turn to snap her up.

    Of course some woman have no intention of the aforementioned culture and are there to stay fit and healthy, even if they are single / not in a relationship. They may be aware of the attention seeking teenagers or 20-30 somethings dressed up to thrill, holding their mobile phones, but don't engage in this behavior, as they are time restricted and want to avoid being tarred with the same brush.

    My thoughts are, we should encourage women to join the local gyms or leisure centers and fight off poor health, however it's advisable to also be mindful of potential problems when certain woman have an agenda above getting fit, meaning to crave attention and create an online profile of themselves.

    Watch the full video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music.

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  • In this video, I discuss the current culture of women joining mixed gyms with the sole purpose of seeking attention from men.

    Whilst joining a mixed gym is a good idea for both the members and gym owners, it's now considered a hub for attention seeking young women, who by design or default, literally set up shop on the gym floor, with an array of gadgets, from mobile phones and recording equipment, to perfume and beauty products.

    There are daily incidents, whereby either a male member of the gym or an employee have to request the woman in question to 'cease and desist' from recording herself in the public gym in question. Often the woman recording herself training can accidently or deliberately film unsuspecting gym members in her video and eventually feel the wrath of a man or woman who haven't given permission to include them in the soon to be uploaded snippet.

    Low budget gyms that open all over the UK are considered the go to place for this behavior, of which is in some cases is encouraged with marketing and advertising, by way of scantily clad outfits designed by overnight manufacturers.

    The deluge of young women dressing up and applying a full cosmetic look to go to the gym is on the rise, as they essentially step through the door with the purpose of seeking attention from men. The men also know this and subsequently, from time to time reciprocate the attention with an offer to 'spot the woman' with her weights or simply hang out next to them in the weight lifting area, sometimes to no avail and sometimes with a degree of success, either by acquiring her phone number or connecting via various social media apps.

    This method of hooking up may be fruitful or pleasurable for some, however it also opens up a potential disaster when the woman uploads video footage of men in the gym, who are interested in her or completely unaware she is recording them for her attention seeking social media platforms.

    Gyms are now displaying written notices on their walls or websites, forbidding members from filming in their establishments, to avoid increasing confrontations between members. This is simply a soft deterrent, as some women are now hooked on the attention they crave or receive in the gym and continue in their quest for a veritable address book of eager men, waiting for their turn to snap her up.

    Of course some woman have no intention of the aforementioned culture and are there to stay fit and healthy, even if they are single / not in a relationship. They may be aware of the attention seeking teenagers or 20-30 somethings dressed up to thrill, holding their mobile phones, but don't engage in this behavior, as they are time restricted and want to avoid being tarred with the same brush.

    My thoughts are, we should encourage women to join the local gyms or leisure centers and fight off poor health, however it's advisable to also be mindful of potential problems when certain woman have an agenda above getting fit, meaning to crave attention and create an online profile of themselves.

    Watch the full video here on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music.

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  • In this episode I discuss the denial before acceptance phases often repeated by sports and fitness enthusiasts, when faced with injuries sustained in their chosen sports or pastimes.

    Let's take a runner for example, who experiences knee, hip or lower back pain, which diminishes his normal expected times in weekend runs. The runner in question usually defaults to a veritable list of stages both mentally, physically and emotionally as he battles with musculoskeletal complaints.

    The runner initially ignores the injury / pain and continues with his Saturday morning park run or evening 10k cardio workout, which in turn leads to acute or severe discomfort.

    Weeks or months go by with a notable reduction in the regularity of training and increased rest periods mounting up.

    The runner resorts to anti inflammatory medications, quick fix equipment purchased online and hours spent on social media platforms researching possible routes to recovery.

    When these solutions fail to fix the root cause of the problem, only then does he consider contacting a local therapist to assess and apply the necessary soft or connective tissue remedial treatments.

    Should the therapist suggest a period of abstinence from running, focusing on a return to daily, pain free function, followed by strengthening the body in preparation for a eventual light runs, the runner / client / patient hesitates to adhere to his therapists post care advice and chooses to essentially 'wing it' by way of either totally ignoring the protocols provided and continuing running, or even enlisting the professional care of another therapist, in search of a subtle form of conformation bias, from a second or third party.

    The runner's cycle of emotions thus ensues, from delayed acceptance, to anxiety, fear, depression and a final chapter of chronic hopelessness, which may be reversible with the correct diagnosis and subsequent treatments, but in some cases is less likely to prove a success due to the runner simply wanting a quick fix and implementing his own method of coping and recovering. (THIS IS NOT UNCOMMON).

    My advice as a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist, is to carefully choose a therapist with experience and work together with a common goal of getting back out on the road or track, only this time with a better understanding of injury prevention, allowing for an enjoyable, healthy future.

    Watch the full video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.

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  • In this discussion, I look at the current norm of unhealthy grooms and or brides walking down the isle on their big day, with dangerous levels of excess body weight and body fat.

    When saying 'yes' or 'I do' it's incumbent on both the bride and groom to be, to evaluate a multitude of decisions going forward as husband and wife.

    Often subjects are overlooked or even ignored, from prenuptials and wills to divulging incomes and pensions.

    With this in mind it is imperative that both parties address any existing health issues, which left unchecked often give rise to catastrophic outcomes i.e. chronic disease ranging from type two diabetes to long term back pain.

    Whilst romance is in the air, difficult conversations are replaced with sourcing wedding venues, dresses, suits, flowers and sorting the dreaded wedding guest list.

    The financial implications of the big day and subsequent honeymoon pale in comparison to complications of poor physical and mental health.

    With today's media frenzy of championing poor health on TV, social media and even educational establishments, it is no surprise that men and women are happy to pledge the rest of their lives to each other in the knowledge that they are unhealthily overweight or masking an underlying psychological disorder.

    Remember to subscribe to this channel and feel free to comment on YouTube.

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  • In this discussion, I look at why it's important to have a hobby or totally separate interest, away from your newly found fitness quest.

    Often people new to exercise can quickly become single minded regarding their running, weight training or classes, by way of missing out on social gatherings, family events or even quality time with their significant others.

    The effects of exercise and subsequent weight loss or body fat reduction, can become borderline intoxicating, as we tighten our belts or drop a dress size. Let's take a bodybuilder who has to consume up to six meals a day or a marathon runner having to cover up to 30 miles per week, pounding the pavements, both of which are time consuming and take up valuable physical, mental and emotional capacity.

    Coupled with full time work and daily routine tasks, it's very easy to slip into a chronic habit of avoiding our once equally important work commitments or social connections. THIS IS NOT GOOD

    So, next time you're invited to a works do or a friendly meet up, try not to come up with a flimsy excuse, with a mindset of "I can't attend as it will curtail my fitness progress or goals".

    My advice is to ensure you have a balanced view regarding exercise and look into a fun, light hearted hobby from hand gliding to horticulture, which helps you appreciate the hours or days spent staying fit and healthy, which in turn has a degree of physiological benefits when participating in non exercised based endeavors.

    Watch the full video on YouTube, or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music.

    Feel free to comment and subscribe to the channel, to help it grow and enjoy future free content.

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  • In this episode I look at the reasons and outcomes of the UK and the USA's on-going issue of manual labour workers significantly reducing their workloads and in some cases, stopping work early in life due to RSI (repetitive strain injury) or chronic (long term) musculoskeletal complaints.

    According to 2023 Great Britain Labour Force Survey 21% of work related injuries come from lifting, carrying or moving, with the lower back / lumbar region being the most common complaint

    From electricians and bricklayers to plumbers and warehouse operatives, the ever present threat of a career change or even forced retirement looms, as the body's ability to adapt and recover from physically demanding workloads decreases.

    Let's consider a plumber, whom regularly kneels down to access low height fixings, giving rise to acute or long term tendonitis or ligament damage to his knees.

    How about a plasterer / dry wall expert, who spends hours everyday with his shoulders in both flexed or retracted positions, leading to frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) or permanent rotator cuff injuries.

    The physiological changes to posture, mobility, flexibility and musculoskeletal strength may creep up slowly during our 20s or 30s, however once we hit our 40s, these changes can have a rapidly declining effect on the above functions, culminating in poor work standards and or increased absenteeism.

    Coupled with excess weight gain and elevated body fat levels, the work related injuries can have a devastating effect on the physical and mental health of a once highly skilled and sought after construction worker or landscape gardener.

    It's therefore advisable for manual labour workers to consider embarking on regular self care, by way of joining your local gym, hiring a personal trainer or visiting sports massage therapists and physiotherapists to maintain good health and subsequently extending your career into your 60s/ 70s.

    Nutrition is also a key factor in longevity, assisting with balanced energy levels and soft tissue (muscle) repair. We often think of manual labour workers gorging on highly processed foods at lunchtime or getting off work early on Fridays to start a heavy drinking session, followed by salt and fat laden takeaways, leading to struggling through Saturday's workload and possibly losing a client or lucrative contract of employment.

    I have personally trained joiners, bricklayers, painters and electricians with an eye on sustaining their chosen professions, allowing for a healthy body, which in turn prolongs their ability to provide a high level of service and of course earn a wage respectively.

    Listen to the episode here, Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple Podcasts and watch the full video on YouTube.

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  • In this episode, I openly discuss the modern day phenomenon of online dating.

    With the advent of dating apps now available via mobile phones, smart pads and laptops, its considered the norm for singles to initiate contact with potential dates via anyone of the above devices, with minimal effort and low to zero expense.

    This multi billion pound / dollar industry is hear to stay, weather we like it or not and as such it's inevitable at some point, you, a friend, family member or work colleague will join the millions of eager app swipers in search of a date.

    As a professional personal trainer, with actual real life experience using dating apps, it's gradually sunk in that in order to get a date we men must be willing to make efforts regarding our physical appearance, which of course is the first line of offence on our profiles.

    I've heard on countless occasions of women looking for a date, only to swipe left without even reading our profile blogs, due to men uploading pictures of themselves looking overweight and in poor physical health. The instantaneous left swipe, that follows essentially deletes the profile from the woman's memory, both figuratively speaking and the algorithm on the app itself.

    It's with this knowledge and acceptance, men must take action and get back in the gym, out on the road or in the swimming pool to reduce the pounds or kilos of unwanted / unhealthy excess body fat.

    Obviously the main reason to get in shape is for our physical health, however part of our DNA and social make up is to meet and subsequently bond with women, be it for casual dating, marriage or starting a family. With this in mind, we cannot blame the app, the uninterested women or society itself for our failure to land that all important first date, and therefore it's incumbent upon us to get healthy and at the very least, have a reasonable chance of meeting the lucky lady for a coffee, lunch or a walk in the local park.

    The obesity epidemic sweeping through the male population in the UK, USA and Europe is simply not helping us to stay in the 'romantic hot seat' as even average looking women in low paid employment willingly swipe left, when they lay eyes on a overweight, double chinned, beer bellied bloke from Hull to Harrow.

    Okay gents, time to up your game and take accountability for your personal health and appearance, so get to it and increase your already slim chance of landing an exciting and hopefully long term other half.

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  • In this episode, I sit down with Lincolnshire's premier chauffeur, Stephen Jones of White 7 Lincoln, to discuss his own personal journey into a healthier lifestyle.

    Stephen came to our center in 2023 with an aim to improve his mobility, flexibility and posture, in order to maintain his physical capabilities, for the long hours spent sedentary in his workspace (the car).

    Arriving at his clients homes early in the morning or late at night to drive them to airports around the country, with time deadlines to meet, is a very responsible profession, as clients are also driven to their own weddings or social gatherings in style.

    As a high class service, Stephen often picks the clients luggage up to load into the car, allowing clients to relax and destress and then of course enjoy the luxury surroundings of executive travel.

    Morning, daytime or night, Stephen is ready to provide his services, of which can often be repeat bookings, as long term clients put their trust in his professional and friendly personality.

    However, this can take it's toll on his body and this is where Good Condition Lincoln comes into the conversation, with Personal training and Sports Massage Therapy.

    We've guided Stephen to a new, focused and disciplined way of life, with regular stretching, strengthening exercises and nutritional changes.

    Find out how this journey is unfolding on here, Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or watch the full video on YouTube.

    Thanks for listening and please subscribe to the channel for future free content.

  • In this episode, I cast my eye over a recent article in the UK's Times Newspaper.

    The two page finding, was at best scare mongering and at worst, ill advised by another columnist with little to zero evidence of the potential damaging effects of young men striving for physical fitness through resistance training, nutrition and supplementation.

    The USA based social media influencers, whom literally overnight have become tiktok and YouTube sensations with daily uploads of their weight training schedules, eating habits and supplementation, are now followed by millions of young men, aged 12 and upwards, with an interest in improving their physical appearance and performance in the gym or sports fields.

    The article in question, challenges this phenomena, with notions of body dysmorphia and injuries sustained through poor technique and or underdeveloped physiologies. Whilst this is not impossible, simply down to the sheer amount of participants, the alarming amount of overweight or obese men in the UK and USA far exceeds those with hang ups or short term injuries through weight training.

    Often, unhealthily overweight men seek others in the 'same boat' as themselves, through design or coincidence and likewise, physically strong, muscular and determined young men do the same, by working out in gyms or at home.

    TV advertising, newspapers and streaming channels are bombarded with processed food commercials, gambling app promotions and subtle to blatant championing of obesity. This on-going problem is here to stay and as such those with vested interests in promoting unhealthy lifestyles are given free reign to pour scorn on those who take self accountability.

    Given that there are indecencies of addictions to exercising, dieting and in some cases performance enhancing pharmaceuticals, it's far more likely that young men aged sixteen and upwards who frequent weight training clubs will reap the rewards later in life, avoiding excess body fat storage, musculoskeletal disorders, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer related complications, which are, for those deciding not to embark on resistance based exercise plans, can be an unwanted but inevitable outcome.

    The Times newspaper have chosen not to ask an experienced male weightlifter, personal trainer or competition bodybuilder, opting for a middle aged woman, with what might initially appear to be a deep rooted concern, but in all probability is based on limited experience, knowledge or proof, regarding the aforementioned 'craze' surrounding, muscle clad influencers.

    My advice as a professional personal trainer with over 40 years of fitness training is to seek help or simply ask a friend who works in the fitness sector for a few pointers in the right direction, when starting out on your resistance exercise plans and above all take time to learn good form, healthy nutrition and quality sleep.

    Watch the full video on YouTube or listen on Amazon Music, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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  • In this discussion, my guest is Alison Whitely, a fifty year old mother, wife and adventurous personal training client.

    Alison was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) late in life, by way of initial diagnosis in her son. This hasn't put up a wall and if anything it's spurred Alison on to travel the world, living overseas and recently trekking the Nepali Himalaya up to base camp in the Everest region.

    We hear about why and how Alison went about working with myself to get in her best physical shape for the her trek, starting with cardiovascular training and progressing to strength based movements.

    Alison, never content to stand still is also building her family home with her husband, with a target of moving in by the end of summer 2024, which itself is a huge undertaking, whilst juggling everyday family life.

    Enjoy this discussion and watch the full video on Youtube.

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  • In this discussion I share my my experiences and thoughts on my recent visit to Tokyo and Kyoto.

    Travelling through these amazing cities I was pleasantly surprised to see how healthy looking the people are. There are almost zero obesity levels within the Japanese population, of which currently sits at an exceptionally low 3.8% of the population.

    Compared to the UK, at 26%, which is crisis level and rising, the Japanese have something to be proud of and equally important, could share with the western world.

    A possible combination of cultural differences, family bonding at mealtimes, school education, national health services, self care and pride are worth considering and as such we here in the UK still have time and the resources to course correct regarding the health crisis gripping the nation.

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  • Looking for some weight loss motivation? Listen to this episode to hear how one of my personal training clients, Carrianne Dukes, went from 105KG (16stone 7lbs) to 68KG (10stone 7lbs) in one year.

    Her fitness journey consisted of good nutrition, the majority of the time and a consistent exercise programme.

    In this podcast, Carrianne shares how she manages to stay disciplined to create a healthy lifestyle and keep the weight off.

    We discuss the common barriers to exercise, her personal journey from consultation to today, the impact of marketing on the obesity epidemic, comfort eating, strength training, social exclusion, inclusion and the importance of changing up your exercises.

    If you want to become mentally stronger and physically fitter, this episode will give you heaps of insight and tips from someone who has put in the work and stayed consistent to achieve an impressive weight loss target.

    Enjoy listening!

    Remember to subscribe to this channel for more health and fitness related content.

  • In this video we look at ways to stay healthy during both short haul and long haul travel.

    As we enter the summer season, the rush to book holidays ramps up with package / all inclusive vacations to far off destinations for world travel.

    In the UK, there is a long standing standing of travellers over indulging on alcohol and junk food at the airport, only to arrive at their destination intoxicated and lethargic, giving rise to poor decision making or in some cases even asked to leave the aircraft, due to disruptive behavior.

    This tradition and subsequent outcome are physiologically unhealthy and should be avoided at all costs, allowing for smooth travel and a healthy holiday.

    Regarding our mobility and flexibility, we should take regular walking breaks on airplanes and maintain hydration, to combat joint stiffness, decreased blood flow and dehydration.

    Resisting the temptation to finish all of the inflight meals is a sound investment as we are in a state of inactivity and therefore calorie consumption should be reduced accordingly.

    When we arrive at our destination, its advisable to take the earliest opportunity to stretch our muscles and go for a walk. This simple and effective discipline can speed up our jet lag recovery and kick start our metabolism.

    My suggestion is to seek out the local gym, swimming pool or park to maintain our physical and mental health whilst away. By doing so we can ensure a safe, healthy return home, without the traditional unwanted weight gain and brain fog.

    Enjoy you travels and stay in good condition.

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  • In this episode I discuss how to gauge our body fat levels and why it's important to address any health related warning signs.

    As a general rule, we should monitor our body fat and visceral fat levels, by way of weekly if not monthly composition readings.

    Excessive levels of abdominal fat are physiologically detrimental to our health, leading to possible type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders and in some cases social exclusion.

    Poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, inactivity and sedentary professions are most common factors, of which are all preventable / reversible, with self discipline and common sense.

    We look at national guidelines and charts depicting various ranges of body fat categories, from elite athletes to GP referral levels.

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  • In this episode, my guest is Scott Perry, a professional magician who takes care of his physical and mental health, allowing for high levels of service to his clients and guests.

    Find out what it takes to stay in good shape, when you are the focus point during shows to the general population or celebrity clients, ranging from Prince Charles to Joanna Lumley.

    A professional magician requires both physical and mental concentration, much like a Personal trainer, as we are constantly giving our time, knowledge and energy to our clients.

    Watch the full video on YouTube and listen on Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple Podcasts.

    Please subscribe to the channel and feel free to comment.

  • In this episode, I discuss how to implement a body weight only exercise program, to kick start your resistance based workouts.

    Our body weight is a physiological free weight, in that it's not attached to a fixed frame or object for support or function.

    Our upper and lower body limbs, make up a large part of our anatomy and subsequently we are naturally predisposed to workouts focusing on arms and legs.

    Whilst this is okay, it's important to ensure our core muscle groups are also challenged for strength, stability and functional movements.

    The good news is we generally don't require anything to start bodyweight workouts, other than floor space and adequate lighting, therefore most rooms in our homes are sufficient to use for a starting base.

    A spare bedroom, dining room, kitchen or even the garden can all provide us with enough space for on the spot exercise.

    Find out in this podcast, things to consider when starting at home, work or outdoors and get moving for a healthier body.

    Please feel free to subscribe to the channel and comment on any video, for more content to follow.

    Thanks for listening and watching.

  • In this episode I celebrate a small milestone of reaching 50 podcast videos, covering health and fitness as a personal trainer.

    Back in December 2022, I decided to start this channel, simply to share my experiences, thoughts and knowledge on how we can learn to improve our physiological health by way of exercise, nutrition, remedial therapy and general lifestyle choices.

    Upon making this decision, I enlisted the expertise of a local podcast teaching professional, Miss Carrianne Dukes of eComOne, a digital marketing growth agency based in Lincoln City UK.

    Carrianne guided me through the "what, when and why" this podcast channel was launching.

    Once we established these important factors, I started the learning process of how to record content and distribute it to a multitude of platforms, from YouTube and Spotify to Amazon Music and Apple podcasts.

    My initial goal was to make one video per week in the first 12 months, starting in May 2023 and here we are now at episode 50 in mid April 2024.

    It's been enjoyable and educational, with a lot more content to come. With time and effort, I aim to improve the quality of content and bring in more guests to discuss all things health and fitness.

    Watch the video and listen here to find out what you can do to achieve your own personal health goals, with a target of 50 me it's doable.

    Okay, it's onwards and upwards as I now aim to reach 100 episodes, so please subscribe to the channel for more free content.

    Thanks for listening and watching

    Tristan Lowe

  • In this episode I discuss why it's important for men to get out in the sun as much as possible, in relation to improving our libido.

    Vitamin D, from the sun is our natural source of testosterone boosting energy, which decreases with age, poor cardiovascular health, excess fat storage and erratic sleep patterns.

    In the UK and various other countries around the world, we have less sunlight, due to our four season cycle, unlike parts of Europe, North and South America, Asia and the southern hemisphere, which benefit from up to ten months of sunlight per year. With this in mind, we in the UK should pre-empt this throughout the Autumn and Winter seasons with a vitamin D supplement, followed by a daily walk, run, cycle or gardening during spring and summer, allowing for increased uptake of vitamin D on our skin.

    Low libido in men is a huge economic benefit for pharmaceutical companies, with manufacture of testosterone boosting prescription medications are at an all time high. Whilst there is scientific evidence of some 'wonder pills' available on the market today, they are unlikely to be superior to a natural boost obtained from the sun's rays, accompanied by exercise, quality sleep and nutrition.

    Research is starting to surface, proving men as young as eighteen years old have unnaturally low levels of testosterone, which over time can lead to a depleted sex drive.

    Spending excess time indoors, though sedentary work, video gaming, tv streaming channels, social media scrolling and even enforced lock down periods are all detrimental to men's physiological health, which is visibly evident as we see a huge increase in obesity and depression related visits to our GP and or mental health practitioners.

    On numerous occasions in my profession as a personal trainer, I have learned from male clients of their low sex drive, which is some cases in non-existent. There may be multiple reasons why, however it's usually apparent at the start of a male client's personal training journey that he doesn't get enough daylight enhancing feel good sun rays.

    My advice is to get up early during spring and summer and go for a thirty minute walk before work starts, or take an outdoors lunch break, irrespective of the temperature.

    Please subscribe to this channel and enjoy the free health and fitness related content to come.

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