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Kuuntele uusi Afterowork -jakso tuttuun tapaan keskiviikkoisin Podimossa!
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Afterwork on viikon odotetuin hetki hyvien ystävien seurassa ja monenlaisten aiheiden parissa, jotka juuri nyt askarruttavat mieltä. Afterworkin äärellä parannetaan maailmaa, jaetaan kokemuksia, itketään ja nauretaan, haastetaan omaa ja muiden ajattelua ja välillä opitaan jotain ihan uuttakin. Viikoittaisen ystävien “terapiatuokion” aiheet vaihtelevat maan ja taivaan väliltä, kepeistä jutuista syvällisempiin ja vakavampiin keskusteluihin. Sarjan tekijät ovat suosittua Pupulandia-blogia kirjoittava Jenni Rotonen, stylisti Meri Milash ja toimittaja Petra Väänänen - ja välillä menossa on mukana vierailijoitakin.
Podcastin musiikki: Matti Paalanen
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
The hot new location for all your beauty needs. Learn how to stay beautiful on the inside and out with advice from Kay Durairaj, MD, a top plastic surgeon from Los Angeles, California. This podcast will feature the inside scoop on trends in plastic surgery, botox, fillers, beauty, and wellness. Guest stars will include influencers, entrepreneurs, and other top plastic surgeons across the country. Stay tuned for Beauty Bytes, and follow us on Instagram @beautybydrkay.
Second Hand Stories -podcast esittelee pitkän kansainvälisen uran mallina tehneen Maryam Razavin vieraina suomalaisia tunnettuja ja värikkäitä henkilöitä, jotka avaavat vaatekaappiensa ovet ja keskustelevat muodin vastuullisuudesta ja esittelevät omia vintage-aarteitaan. Vieraina mm. räppäri Mikael Gabriel, ihmisoikeusaktivisti Natalia Kallio, muusikko Jussi69, poliitikko ja runoilija Anni Sinnemäki ja monta muuta julkisuudesta tuttua persoonaa! Second Hand Stories tehdään yhteistyössä Tise -applikaation kanssa. Lataa ja rekisteröidy Tiseen ja kuuntele uusin jakso. Tarjolla on rahanarvoisia vinkkejä ja kiinnostavia löytöjä. Jaksot nähtävissä myös YouTubessa kanavalta: Second Hand Stories. Seuraa Maryamia Tisessä: @maryamrazavi ja Instassa: @maryam.razavi
Kuuntele Saran kaverikirja tiistaisin Podimossa!
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Sara Parikka on näyttelijä, juontaja, somevaikuttaja ja kolmen hurmaavan tytön äiti. Hänet tunnetaan positiivisena ja räiskyvän iloisena persoonana, jolle perhe on aina ykkönen. Instagramissa hän päästää seuraajat kurkistamaan lapsiperhearjen kulisseihin ja moninaisiin töihinsä kameran edessä ja sen takana. Sara jakaa lisäksi myös vinkkejä sisustukseen, muotiin ja ruuanlaittoon liittyen.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Step into the vibrant and dynamic world of fashion, design, and unparalleled creativity with Blamo!, the podcast that invites you to journey alongside host Jeremy Kirkland as he unveils the stories, inspirations, and craftsmanship of visionaries shaping the world of fashion and culture.
Get ready for an immersive exploration of the fashion and culture realm that goes beyond the surface and delves deep into the minds behind the garments, music, and the things we all can't get enough of. -
The Style Masterclass Podcast with your host Miss J. The Style Coaching podcast that teaches you to show up with Style & Confidence no matter what size you are.
Let's Build Your Confidence
Style You To Look Like a Boss
Build a Wardrobe You'll Wear
And Get You Showing Up Ready to Conquer & Slay.
You ready? -
The Glossy Beauty Podcast is the newest podcast from Glossy. Each 30-minute episode features candid conversations about how today’s trends, such as CBD and self-care, are shaping the future of the beauty and wellness industries. With a unique assortment of guests, The Glossy Beauty Podcast provides its listeners with a variety of insights and approaches to these categories, which are experiencing explosive growth. From new retail strategies on beauty floors to the importance of filtering skincare products through crystals, this show sets out to help listeners understand everything that is going on today, and prepare for what will show up in their feeds tomorrow.
The Big Move is a podcast started by Em from the beauty blog, The Lipstick Fever. Inspired by Em’s Big Move from NYC to London in 2017, it’s a motivating resource for women by women. From international entrepreneurs to industry experts, Em talks with some of the most motivated and badass women out there. They are fearless leaders that will inspire us through their experiences of both moving and living abroad and launching their own brands and businesses. Talk about making major #moves.
Welcome to the Beauty and the Biohacker Podcast!
The ultimate podcast bridging the worlds of Health and Beauty. Learn from the greatest minds around the world on how to live a happy, healthy long life and look good while doing it!
So What is Beauty & the Biohacker?
Taking the Health & Beauty industry by storm…
If you’re into looking and feeling like an ultra healthy rockstar, tech mogul or supermodel, you’re in the right place! Rachel & Katie are the co-hosts of the hit podcast Beauty and the Biohacker where these two get into the weeds with some of the BIGGEST ICONS in the space of aging like a pro and hacking our physiology all in the pursuit of one thing – cultivating a fulfilling and radiant human experience.
Rachel Varga brings the Holistic SCIENCE of BEAUTY to all things skin rejuvenation and radiance, while Katie Moore brings the Type A Biohacker Spin on all things tech and gadgets behind tracking and analyzing human optimization.
Stick with us – we’ve got your back, front, everything in-between and unseen!
Learn more about Rachel & Katie your co-hosts if Beauty & the Biohacker at
Work with Rachel Varga One on One for skin guidance at
Check out Katie's YouTube Channel for all of your biohacking needs at
Fashion journalist and editor of SEELE Magazine Ally Portee lets you in on some of her conversations with inspiring people from around the world in fashion, faith, entertainment, music, and entrepreneurship. Basically, these are conversations from the soulful side of life about topics that will hopefully inspire your life.
Ålänningarna Amanda Nordqvist-Duenez och Linn Pease-Ekebom pratar om livet i USA.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Labeled: A Brand In The Making is a weekly show discussing fashion entrepreneurship, fashion news and insights, building a brand, and just honest conversations about the industry as a whole. Hosted by Ariel Campbell & John Nwankwo.Follow us on Instagram: Ariel Campbell: @arielvcampbellJohn Nwankwo: @jaynwankwo Support this podcast: