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Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.
⚓Le Groupe Beneteau, c’est 140 ans d’aventures en mer, de bateaux iconiques, d’innovations, de récits sportifs, d’audace… Une saga familiale vendéenne devenue, au fil de l’eau, acteur mondial de l’industrie nautique. Au gré des époques, nous vous invitons à remonter le temps, à la découverte de l’Odyssée du Groupe Beneteau. Un podcast raconté par Michel Desjoyeaux.
Join music and Disney enthusiasts Jayna and Aimee as they interview other musicians and Disney enthusiasts. This unlikely pair will delve into the experiences of musicians and Disney enthusiasts, as well as themselves. There will also be theater content as well, including Glee. Episodes will be released on Wednesday’s. Follow us on Instagram @jaynaandaimeeexperience.
Over a delicious drink, Flaviar's resident liquor experts, David Wondrich and Noah Rothbaum, discuss all things cocktails and spirits. On each episode of Fix Me a Drink, the award-winning podcast hosts uncover lost liquor history, explore modern cocktail culture and interview an incredible array of spirited guests. So fix yourself a drink and enjoy the show!
Oddaja V navezi je namenjena vsem, ki jih na katerikoli način zanimajo gore in z njimi povezane aktivnosti. Predstavlja stično točko vseh dogodkov, ki se v našem prostoru na tem področju dogajajo – izobražuje, obvešča, prinaša reportaže in pogovore z ljudmi, ki so z gorami tako ali drugače povezani. Ozira se tudi v zgodovino, iz katere vam v vsaki oddaji predstavlja ključne dogodke, ki so izoblikovali našo alpsko identiteto. V navezi z vami vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu na Prvem ob 14:30.
Doživetja narave - oddaja za vse, ki čutite, živite z naravo in v njej preživite lepši del svojega prostega časa. Gorništvo, planinstvo, alpinizem, pohodništvo, izletništvo, kolesarstvo,... med vsem tem najde svoj prostor tudi amaterska astronomija in v letu 2018 tematska oddaja o vremenu. Povabljeni v družbo zanimivih gostov: avanturistov, strokovnjakov, rekreativcev, piscev planinskih spominov. Vsak petek ob 17.05h.
Dobrodošli med gledalci in poslušalci prvega slovenskega tekaškega podcasta - Zagret za tek!
Vaš gostitelj Marko Roblek skupaj z gosti poskušam biti informativen, zanimiv, zabaven in provokativen.
Naročite se zdaj! Lahko po mili volji tudi všečkate in delite. Celo donirate!
Hvaležen iz srca, drage tekačice in dragi tekači. -
A greenkeeper's take on everything that is happening in golf. The Talking Greenkeeper, Joe Gulotti, is having long form discussions with anyone who has an interesting or valid take pertaining to the oldest game in the world. Greenkeepers, golf professionals, players, general managers, consultants, bag room attendants, caddies, professors, agronomists, chefs.....anyone involved or who loves golf will have a say with The Talking Greenkeeper.
At just 19, Luka Dončić is already a double European Champion and the Euroleague MVP. Take a peak at how the Slovenian sensation blossomed into a basketball prodigy. Why he left his home at 13 to play for Europe's top club, why he got punished when he watched a game of his current team, the Dallas Mavericks and what made him a team leader as a teenager? Luka Dončić: Becoming Wonderboy, a story also featuring NBA All-Stars Goran Dragić, Phoenix Suns coach Igor Kokoškov and double Stanley Cup champion Anže Kopitar.