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Over 12,000 people per day, from all over the world have found the Morning Mindset a great, Jesus-filled way to help them get their minds aligned with the truth of God's word, every single morning! Episodes are drawn directly from scripture, life-application-based, steeped in prayer, and challenging to mature and beginning Christ-followers alike. 7 minutes to get your day started with Jesus!
Find out more at or become a monthly partner and get access to our Partners-only podcast feed of bonus material at
Contact Carey at [email protected] -
What's up! Welcome to our new podcast "The Holy Hustle"! In this podcast, Zach and Jaylin will be discussing what it means to be a follower of Christ and how we can balance our faith with the demands of everyday life. Our goal is to guide you towards opening your bibles and learning about discipling Jesus in our world today. We believe that being a Christian is more than just going to church on Sunday, it's about living out our beliefs in every aspect of our lives, including our work and relationships. Each week, we'll be sharing our personal experiences and insights, as well as having in-depth conversations with guests who have a passion for living out their faith in their own unique ways. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just starting on your faith journey, we believe you'll find something valuable in our conversations. So join us as we explore what it looks like to be a holy hustler, balancing our faith and our daily responsibilities. We can't wait to dive into this exciting new project with you! God bless!
Do you desire to gain wisdom, make an impact on your world, and create a living legacy? Through the use of positive/encouraging stories, parables, allegories, and analogies we will explore the trails of everyday life in a practical and meaningful manner as we scale towards our summit of life. The purpose of our Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal is to teach you wisdom and discipline, to help you understand the insights of the wise, to teach you to live disciplined and successful lives, to help you do what is right, just, and fair. By obtaining this wisdom then you will be able to create a living legacy for today that will live on and be multiplied through the lives of others. is your portal to all things pertaining to the acquisition of wisdom, insight, and knowledge. The Wisdom-Trek platform includes this website along with a daily journal, and a daily podcast on wisdom and creating a living legacy. It is your portal because it is our hope that everyone will share and participate in gaining wisdom, insight, and discernment. As we gain wisdom it is so we can share what we have learned with others. No single person is ‘all-wise’ and when we share with each other that we all gain wisdom. We encourage you to share insights, ask questions, and grow together. Join us today and become part of the Wisdom-Trek team. -
Hosted by Daniela Arango, Master Healer, Mentor, and Visionary Leader, this podcast is your sanctuary for soul-aligned leadership, energetic mastery, and creating a lasting legacy.
Dive into powerful conversations that bridge the gap between spiritual mastery and real-world success. Each episode is designed to guide ambitious, heart-centered women into their highest potential—unlocking intuitive wisdom, embodying feminine power, and leading their businesses from a place of alignment, flow, and purpose.
Expect inspiring stories, transformative tools, and grounded insights that will help you reconnect with your truth, heal energetic blocks, and step into leadership with confidence and ease.
Join the Divine Alignment world and follow Daniela’s journey and teachings @iamdanielaarango. -
Do you feel like you have this HUGE mission, but have no idea what it is or what you're supposed to do to get ready for it? And even worse, do you feel like you were supposed to know it all and be ready yesterday? Then you're in the right place.
This podcast is for those whose spiritual awakening also brought on a spiritual mission. There are 100,000 of us on the planet here to help uplevel it. If you said yes to the questions above, you're one of us. This podcast will help you get ready as quickly as possible so you can step into your power and purpose and fulfill that mission you have.
And if you're ready to get on the express train to fulfilling that mission you feel so called to, then check out The Spirit Guides School at If you're already a spiritual teacher, healer, and/or practitioner, then check out our Ascend Spiritual Business Marketing program at for how to take your spiritual business to the next level.
The Spirit Sherpa Podcast started as a beginner's guide to energy. magic, and the spirit world with a reminder that none of these work if you're not doing your inner work too. But then, a few months in, my friends started telling me how much they loved the show. Since all my friends were pretty advanced, I was floored. When I asked them why they were listening, they said that I was taking every 2 hour class they had ever taken and putting it into a larger context. So there's that.
Over time, the Spirit Sherpa podcast has evolved from a beginner's foray into a wide variety of topics into a more intermediate level education and now, 7 years later, we've evolved into an advanced discussion with shows around becoming a spiritual entrepreneur as well. If you want a way to fast-track your spiritual knowledge/awakening so you can step into your mission, the Spirit Sherpa podcast is a great start.
Spirit Sherpa shows up with the oldest episodes first because if you're new to this, then this order will be the most useful for helping you orient to this spiritual space. But, as always, you are a sovereign being, so feel free to jump around if you'd like. You'll find a wide variety of episode types, including: information, interviews, sound healings, guided meditations, rituals, and listener profiles. We have also done multiple series around different topics. There are hundreds of episodes to choose from. We're certain you'll find something for almost any question you have. And if you don't, then send us an email at [email protected] and request an episode on your desired topic. We LOVE to take listener requests. Enjoy! -
I Re:formera Podden tar prästen och inspiratören Magnus Persson med dig i spännande möten och samtal med olika gäster från hela kyrkans värld. Här blandas erfarenheter av och nyfikenheten på alla de rikedomar som finns inom kyrkans olika traditioner i ett engagerat samtal om ”helkyrklighet”. Tillsammmans med sina gäster tänker Magnus högt och gör olika spaningar när de tar sig an aktuella ämnen som berör kyrka, tro och teologi. Infallsvinkeln är att försöka fördjupa och förvalta, förnya och förena skatterna från kyrkans olika traditioner. Frikyrklighet eller folkkyrklighet, högkyrklighet eller lågkyrklighet? Risken med olika etiketter och allt för tydliga avgränsningar är att det till slut enbart leder till halvkyrklighet. Kan man tänka både och istället för antingen eller?
Podden produceras av Re:formera i samarbete med EFS Sverigeavdelning.
För mer information och kontakt: -
Buko’s Transformation Hub is a podcast about manifestation, mental health and creating a healthier and happier version of yourself. Here you will learn actionable and practical tips to integrate into your daily routines to achieve a better quality of life. Buko started her manifestation journey at 19 years old and changed many aspects of her own life, having experienced a very a traumatic childhood. She is now 35 years old and has manifested loving relationships, built a community of deliberate co-creators worldwide, a successful business, financial abundance and emotional stability.
Buko's webpage to book one of her coaching services:
Subscribe to her newsletter to stay updated with freebies, manifestation success stories and discount codes and more:
Intro music by Foolboymedia. Mail to [email protected]
Cover photo by Lou Sringern. Insta:
LEVA MISSION. Stora ord men svårt i praktiken. I denna podd funderar Martin Alexandersson och Mikael Artursson på vad mission innebär för oss kristna. Varför missionerar vi, och vad innebär det egentligen? Du kommer att få praktiska hjälpmedel och duon slår hål på myter som försvårar att prata om tro. Tillsammans ser vi människor och samhällen förvandlade av Jesus.
Mikael Artursson är regional missionsledare för EFS Mittnorrland, och Martin Alexandersson är utvecklingskonsulent på EFS Sverigeavdelning. De brinner för att dela tron på Jesus med sina medmänniskor och är aktuella med podden Leva mission, samt kursen Träning för att dela evangeliet.
Podden produceras av EFS
För mer information och kontakt: -
Becoming Who You Came Here to Be is the adventure of a lifetime.
You have your own Essence, and your unique instruction manual on how you are meant to paint it on this canvas called Life.
Alignment is when you choose thoughts and actions that reflect that essence, so that you become your Real Self more and more each day.
We are all so different, and yet we’re still acting like there’s one way to do life. Let’s talk about it.
For a detailed description of your own Essence, how you're designed, look up your design or on 'Align: The Human Design App' in the App Store and on Google Play. -
A podcast for seekers from various walks of life who are craving more substance in their lives through practical, spiritual approaches to handling life’s daily adventures, and gaining insights and self-mastery through -
• “How to” approaches in incorporating spiritual principles into your
day-to-day living
• Personal-professional stories of overcoming and honoring your
• Gaining greater sense of well-being and inner peace regardless
of circumstances
Join host Dr. Judith Holder (Leadership Coach-Psychologist, Facilitator, Consultant and Author) as we integrate the knowledge of what you know into who you are; and empower you to explore who, what, where is your True Self, also known as your SOUL (Substance Of Ur Life), the source for greater peace, fulfillment, joy and purpose.
Simply put, this podcast is educational in nature and explores the arena of how to live a more fulfilling life in the 21st century!
Learn more....
Life is not a straight line! We are trying to flow with it and wisely determine how to get the most out of life! If you are searching for strategies, tools, techniques, and innovative approaches to thinking and applying spiritual principles in daily living then this is the podcast for you!
We delve into exploring, innovating, providing understanding through creating ways to tap into the oasis of your True Self during life’s daily adventures and at times, hassles! Your True Self is the essence of who you are, usually untapped and often unknown to us, yet is the substance and source for having more meaning, purpose, fun, and inspiration in living.
We explore and discuss topic areas such as –
• Seeking something more in life amid an ever-changing world
• Integrating keys to leading self and others; and having healthy
• Building Soul self-awareness in everyday living
• Tuning into key ingredients to one’s higher purpose as parents
• Understanding keys to how Soul testing(s) occur in daily living
• Learning to tap into your superpowers to master life’s small and
great challenges
• Digging into the essentials of wellness of body, mind, soul
and spirit
These are some examples of our focus during our time together. ….and in this podcast is so much more!
This podcast is not about changing your religious or spiritual affiliations but more about adding value and enhancing how you go about integrating the knowledge of what you know into who you are (as stated) and empowering you to explore who, what, where is your True Self, as mentioned.
Note: These educational episodes are the opinions and views of the podcast host and should not be interpreted as any form of psychotherapy or counseling. Please feel free to ponder, utilize or try something different than what is discussed in these episodes.
Guests on Dr. Holder's podcast provide their opinions and also are educational in nature and not prescriptive. Assistance should be sought from providers and/or healthcare professionals who are familiar with listener’s specific situation. -
Ett spännande samtal om kommande söndags bibeltexter.
En podcast om kyrkoåret och dess texter. Den vänder sig dels till dig som ska predika på söndag men också till dig som vill fördjupa dig i söndagens bibelläsningar och vill fundera vidare på deras plats i tron och i våra liv.
Ett nytt avsnitt av podden publiceras varje måndag.
Välkommen! -
Manifestera mer av det du vill med hjälp av Manifestations coachen Frida och hennes 7 år av kunskap inom attraktionslagen, mindset och manifestation. I podden Aha Moment delar Frida med sig av sina personliga "aha moments" och tar djupdyk i ämnen som The law of Assumption, Lucky Girl Syndrome och andra manifesteringsmetoder för att hjälpa dig manifestera mer överflöd, glädje och frihet i din vardag. Häng med och höj din vibe, levla upp ditt mindset och manifestera dina drömmar med attraktionslagen!
Frågor eller funderingar? Skriv till @freedombyfrida på IG eller besök ✨ -
Att dela tron med fler i vår tid.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
MAITRI är ett sanskritord som betyder kärleksfull vänlighet. I den här podden publicerar jag, till en början, guidade meditationer som jag lett och delat på olika ställen. Se mer här: Så småningom hoppas jag att det också blir samtal eller föredrag. Till vardags översätter jag, redigerar och publicerar buddhistisk litteratur till svenska, samt bidrar också på olika sätt på Stockholms Buddhistcenter och Dharmagiri retreatcenter. Se även Bodhi-förlaget:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.