
  • Let’s be honest
life is full of challenges. That’s never going to stop, especially if you’re in business. When the to-do lists are never ending and the demands keep rolling in, it can feel like the only option is to get through the day in a constant state of stress.

    No time for a break, no time for rest. Your body just has to deal with being highly strung and anxious.

    You might not be able to change the circumstances around you, but there is a lot you can do to help change the response in your body, even when life is chaotic.

    1. Incorporate Cortisol-Reducing Foods

    Cortisol is our main stress hormone, and prolonged high levels of cortisol can affect everything from mental function and mood to metabolism and sleep. Certain foods can help reduce cortisol, including carbohydrates—yes, even high Glycemic Index (GI) carbs are beneficial in this context. 

    2. Create Calendar Space

    Build small pockets of decompression time into your day—the five-minute breaks where you can stretch, get some sunlight, or just breathe. These micro-breaks can significantly lower your stress hormones and help you feel more at ease.

    3. Make a “Do Now” List

    Most of us carry around a never-ending mental to-do list that adds to our stress. Simplifying your list to just a few essential tasks allows your mind to focus and function more freely, reducing that overwhelming sense of obligation.

    4. Prioritise Sleep

    Sleep is your body's natural way of healing and resetting. Aim for eight hours of sleep and try to get to bed by 10 p.m. 

    5. Cultivate a Clear State of Mind

    A noisy, over-analytical mind triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. On the other hand, a clear state of mind fosters the ability to think rationally, problem-solve and find the solutions you need. 

    You can’t control everything that happens in life and business, but you can be proactive to equip your brain and body to deal with stress. 

    Have you ever thought there's nothing you can do because your life is so chaotic? 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

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    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • We’ve all had those stressful periods where the pressure is on, deadlines are creeping up and the demands of work leave us feeling drained and exhausted. 

    While you might think the only answer is your next holiday, there are practical ways you can boost your emotional wellbeing to not only manage your emotions but also make a positive impact on your results and overall effectiveness as a business owner or leader. 

    Many clients I work with have been on the brink of burnout, overwhelmed and highly strung because of their inability to regulate emotions. 

    So, how can we navigate these challenges like top performers do? The secret lies in managing both our nutritional intake and our mental processes. 

    Expect to learn nutritional psychology tools for emotional wellbeing, including:

    How lack of hydration affects your moodThe importance of balancing your blood sugar levelsWhy proteins are the building blocks for neurotransmittersHow to boost your brain through Omega-3 The role of mindset and how to stop overthinkingWhy sleep is essential for emotional wellbeing

    Have you noticed how your emotional balance affects the way you lead your team or solve problems in your business? 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

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  • Would you say that you’re in love with your work? 

    A lot of people start their careers and businesses fuelled by enthusiasm but then life happens, they hit hard times, and the passion is gone. 

    Maybe you’re struggling financially, you feel like you’re always putting out fires or you simply don’t find joy in what you do. 

    If you can relate to this sense of trudging through your day, I’m putting out a challenge today to take a look at your thinking and how this impacts the way you feel about your work and the direct impact it has on your success and vitality. 

    A piece of research conducted by the Mayo Clinic revealed fascinating insights about how we perceive our work. People generally fall into three categories: those who see their work as a job, those who view it as a career, and those who consider their work a calling. If your motivation is mainly the financial reward, you see your work as a job. If you're driven by recognition and status, it's your career. And if you find deeper meaning and use your natural gifts, you view your work as a calling.

    What aspect of your business, work, or life could you fall in love with?

    What stories and habitual thoughts are holding you back?

    Imagine the impact if you fell in love with it and how it would transform your results and the level of joy you experience in life.



    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • If I had a dollar for every high achieving woman that comes to me with symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, I’d be a very rich woman. 

    These women are feeling run down, they have low moods,  high levels of anxiety, thinning hair and a host of other symptoms that they just can’t seem to move through. 

    They’ve already been to the doctor and have been told that it’s not their thyroid because their TSH levels are fine, but they don’t know where else to look.

    Unfortunately, thyroid dysfunction is extremely common, but you need to look further than your TSH levels to get to the bottom of it. Your pathology panel needs to include levels of T4, T3, TSH and your thyroid antibodies. This will give you a clearer picture and establish where your thyroid is at.

    Once it’s been confirmed that you are suffering from thyroid dysfunction, the next step is to understand the causes of this dysfunction and where you can make changes to improve your health.

    In this episode, I break down some common causes of thyroid dysfunction, and how to manage them.

    Pathology Tests to Manage Stress

    Turn Cortisol Into Your Ally


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • A lot of people identify themselves as burnt out. 

    They’re tried, stressed out and unmotivated in their work and everyday life. For some, pushing themselves too hard and for too long has resulted in burnout. For others, while they may have some of the symptoms, they’re actually experiencing something else altogether.

    So what else could it be? 


    While it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that burnout is the cause of our problems, it’s important to understand that our stress response comprises various stages. It all starts with chronic stress, which leads to more severe conditions that have damaging effects on the nervous system. 

    But between these stages exists something called functional freeze.

    Functional freeze is a maladaptive stress response where you can still complete your tasks yet feel stuck in a kind of “freeze mode.” You have a sense of consistent heightened anxiety without the desire or energy to do anything. You might feel like you’re in limbo, functioning but not thriving.

    So what are the signs of functional freeze, and how do we get ourselves unstuck if we’ve found ourselves in its trap? 

    In this episode, I’ll break down the symptoms and causes of this stress response, and take you through strategies you can experiment with to overcome it. 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • I've encountered countless women struggling with iron deficiency and depletion. 

    They’re tired all the time, breathless when they shouldn’t be, unable to focus and have nagging headaches that hang around for days. Being in a general state of fatigue all the time leaves them feeling unable to function properly.

    It can be really debilitating.

    So they head to their doctor, get the relevant blood tests and are prescribed iron supplements or if the levels are really low, an iron infusion could be recommended.

    They start taking their supplements and wait for their levels to increase.

    But despite being diligent with their iron supplements, they continue to face low iron levels and their energy levels aren’t improving. 

    This cycle can be incredibly frustrating, mainly because iron is such an essential nutrient for our bodies. It carries oxygen around our body, and without enough of it, we're left feeling tired, unfocused, and weak. 

    In this episode, I break down why this is happening and what you can do about it.



    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • I’m a recovering “nice girl”. 

    I often joke about it, but the reality is, I think I’ll be saying that for years to come. 

    I’ve spent a long time trying to unlearn the habits that come with people pleasing, yet somehow they still manage to show up in all different areas of my life. It impacts the way I lead in business, how I speak up in relationships and the compromises I make in my friendships. 

    Being a “nice girl” is more than just being agreeable and polite. There's a hidden cost to people pleasing that not only hinders your potential, but takes you on a fast track to burnout

    So how do we recover from “nice girl syndrome” and quit trying to please everyone else to our own detriment? 

    We recognise that it’s a product of our socialisation that no longer serves us as adults. We get comfortable with discomfort, setting boundaries or having difficult conversations when necessary. Particularly as women, we ask for what we want, whether it’s a pay rise at work or unmet needs in our relationships. 

    I encourage you to take a step back and observe where these patterns show up in your life. They won't be isolated to one area—they'll be in your work, relationships, social settings and health choices. 

    It’s time to challenge the ingrained habits and start living a more empowered, authentic life. Do you see these symptoms in yourself? And what steps are you taking to overcome them?


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • You know that hangry feeling when you haven’t eaten for a while? You feel irritable, anxious and your brain struggles to concentrate. You just don’t feel yourself.

    When we think about mental wellbeing, we often think about the importance of meditation, yoga or getting enough sleep. But research has shown that your food choices might be making you feel anxious or depressed.

    Today I’m talking about nutritional psychology and how our brains can mimic symptoms like anxiety and depression simply because of the food we eat.

    The Role of Glucose Control

    Let's start with glucose control, the first major internal factor influencing our mental health. Our brain's main source of fuel is glucose, which it needs 24/7 to function properly. If our brain doesn't get a steady supply of glucose, or if there's dysregulation, the body releases stress hormones to compensate, which can amplify feelings of anxiety and depression.

    The Gut-Brain Axis

    The second major player is our gut health. Our digestive system and brain are connected by the gut-brain axis, or the vagus nerve. When our gut lining is compromised—often referred to as leaky gut—it triggers inflammation that affects the whole body, including the brain. This inflammation disrupts our neurotransmitter production, leading to symptoms of anxiety and depression.

    The Impact of Overthinking

    Many women tell me their minds just won't shut up—they're constantly worried or overwhelmed. This habitual overthinking drains our neurotransmitters, making it difficult for our brains to regulate mood, leading to heightened anxiety and depression. 

    We often get stuck in thought traps, spinning in analytical loops that keep stress hormones activated. This burnout can disrupt brain activity and further drain neurotransmitters essential for a balanced mood.

    So next time you’re feeling a bit flat, think about what fuel you’ve been putting into your body. It might simply be a matter of needing to tweak your food choices or quieting the mind to help regulate your body and get back to feeling yourself again. 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Do you find yourself obsessing over your weight, constantly judging how you look in the mirror? Or maybe you’re often stressed about how you feel, worrying about symptoms that won’t go away. 

    If this sounds familiar to you, you could be suffering from one of two things: weight anxiety or health anxiety. It could even be both. 

    Health anxiety is a common issue I see amongst my clients, who often work themselves into a state about the symptoms they’re experiencing. They could be suffering from constant fatigue or chronic pain that won’t let up, unable to shift their focus from what seems to be going wrong. They have anxiety about anxiety.

    I get it - it’s an awful feeling to be unhappy with how your body is performing, and troubling when the answer isn’t easily found. 

    However, I have to break it to you: your anxiety could actually be making things worse.

    Today, I’m talking about hypervigilance and the extremely damaging effects it can have on the mind and body. We’ll explore how this relentless over-focus and worry can actually exacerbate a problem instead of alleviating it. 

    I’ll take you through its ability to disrupt hormonal balance, particularly affecting systems like the thyroid—a gland that plays a crucial role in regulating our metabolism and body weight.

    While there are no hard and fast strategies to escape a cycle of negative thinking, we’ll talk about a vital step on your journey towards breaking free from stress: finding acceptance for the current state you’re in. 

    I know it seems impossible not to feel at war with your body when it’s letting you down, but I’ve seen firsthand in my clients how a mindset shift can begin to alter someone’s physical state. 

    Take a step back and remember you’re doing the best you can with what you have. A bit of self-love will help bring clarity and trigger those precious chemicals in our brains that keep us relaxed, rational and able to handle whatever comes our way with confidence.  

    Remember, acceptance doesn’t mean giving up; it means reducing the mental resistance and making space for genuine healing. 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Do you get the munchies at night? Maybe you’ve eaten healthy all day but come late afternoon, you find yourself rummaging through the fridge and pantry for something sweet.

    If you're struggling with sugar cravings, addiction to food, or binge eating, you're not alone. Many women face these same challenges. You might think it's a matter of self-control or willpower, but researchers in obesity have shown otherwise. It's unlikely that we've suddenly experienced an epidemic of low willpower over the last 30 years. 

    So, what’s really at play here? 

    First, let’s get to the root of the problem: ultra-processed foods. These are items like energy drinks, cereals, ice cream, chocolate, and takeaway food. But don’t let their addictive nature fool you. They may taste good but they also mess with your brain and hormones.

    In this episode, I share four practical steps to help you overcome cravings:

    Reduce Ultra-Processed Foods
    Eat Regular Meals
    Choose Better Carbohydrates
    Realign Your Circadian Rhythm

    Remember, the cravings you feel are a result of consuming addictive foods. Just like overcoming a nicotine addiction, understanding that these foods are engineered to be addictive is the first step in breaking the cycle. Reducing your intake will stabilise your glucose levels and minimise your cravings.



    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • You know those pesky symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings? Many of us in our mid to late 30s instantly think, "Ah, it must be perimenopause." But what if I told you that might not be the whole story?

    Many of my clients and friends in their late 30’s and early 40’s have come to me convinced they're experiencing perimenopause, but the reality is that these symptoms can also be due to other underlying imbalances. 

    Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause, typically beginning in your 40s but can start earlier in some women. Common symptoms include fatigue, low mood, depression, brain fog, changes in period patterns, and weight gain. However, these symptoms aren’t exclusive to perimenopause. Misdiagnosis can leave other health issues untreated, there's a lot we need to consider.

    Areas to investigate include:

    Thyroid DysfunctionStress and the HPA AxisThe Role of DietGut Health

    I want to encourage you to take control of your health. If you're finding it hard to get comprehensive tests done through your GP, many of these tests can be ordered online. It’s crucial not to overlook potential imbalances and assume it's all perimenopause. There is a lot you can do to investigate and address the root causes of your symptoms.


    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • As we age, maintaining muscle mass becomes increasingly important for our overall health and mobility. Yet, many women find themselves struggling to prevent muscle loss, especially once they hit their 40s. These changes can be frustrating, but there's good news. We can combat this age-related muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, with the right knowledge and strategies.

    Muscle health isn't just about aesthetics. Yes, it helps us avoid those saggy arms or the dreaded muffin top, but more importantly, muscle is a huge indicator of overall health and longevity. The more muscle we retain, the healthier we are. Strong muscles lead to better bone health, improved vitality, and a longer life.

    Key Factors Contributing to Muscle Loss

    1. Aging: Naturally, we lose 8% of our muscle every decade from ages 40 to 70. This rate increases to 15% per decade after 70.

    2. Insulin Resistance: As we age, hormonal changes make us more prone to insulin resistance, leading to more belly fat and overall fat storage, which is inflammatory and impacts muscle health.

    3. Hormonal Changes: Perimenopause and menopause accelerate sarcopenia if we don't adjust our diet and lifestyle.

    4. Low Protein Diets:  Many women, despite thinking they have a good diet, often don't consume enough protein.

    5. Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity, especially resistance training, worsens muscle loss.

    Steps to Reverse Age-Related Muscle Loss

    1. Protein Intake

    Protein is vital for muscle protein synthesis. Aim for at least 1 gram of protein per kilo of body weight daily. If you’re more active, this requirement increases. Whether through animal or plant proteins, ensure you’re meeting your protein needs. For vegetarians and vegans, consider supplementing with leucine or branched-chain amino acids.

    2. Carbohydrate Management

    Managing carbohydrate intake to prevent insulin resistance is crucial. Avoid processed carbs and sugars to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods to help maintain muscle and overall health.

    3. Resistance Training

    Engage in resistance training 2-3 times a week. Using your body weight, weights, or tools like Pilates bands can build strength and muscle mass. I recommend working with a personal trainer to ensure the exercises are effective and safe.

    4. Vitamin D and Sunlight

    Vitamin D deficiency often stems from inadequate sun exposure. Aim for some sunlight daily to support bone health. During winter, even face and hand exposure for 15 minutes can be beneficial.

    5. Prioritising Sleep

    Quality sleep is essential for muscle recovery and overall health. Poor sleep disrupts your circadian rhythm and increases cortisol, which can lead to muscle loss. Aim for consistent, restorative sleep each night.

    Maintaining muscle mass as you age doesn’t have to be complicated. By understanding and effectively managing your protein intake throughout the day, you can stay strong and lean well into your 40s and beyond. Remember, it’s not just about how much protein you consume, but how you distribute it that makes the biggest impact on your muscle health.


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • I hear so many women over 35 worrying about how to manage their stress, weight gain, and belly fat. It’s like one day you wake up, glance in the mirror, and realise your body isn’t quite what it used to be. The routines that worked so magically in your 20s and early 30s suddenly yield less impressive results, and more often than not, it's your midsection bearing the brunt of these changes.

    After the age of 35, many women start noticing a significant shift in their bodies. The frustrating part? These changes often accelerate after we hit 40. 

    As we edge into our forties, we become more prone to conditions like insulin resistance. This isn't just a minor inconvenience—insulin resistance is linked with weight gain, especially around the midsection. Hormonal changes are primarily to blame, but the good news is that this is entirely preventable and reversible. 

    In this episode, you’ll discover how you can reverse insulin resistance, reduce belly fat and regain muscle tone through dietary adjustments, stress management, and proper exercise.



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • I see a lot of CEO’s and busy women who can handle a lot of stress but when it comes to gut symptoms, that can be the unexpected trigger that drives stress and anxiety through the roof.

    Symptoms of poor gut function can range from bloating and embarrassing gas to constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and indigestion. And - you might have leaky gut without experiencing noticeable symptoms.

    Gut health has a profound impact on our energy levels, mental focus, productivity, and overall success. For women who are overstressed, exhausted, and burnt out, these symptoms often cascade into what's known as leaky gut. 

    Leaky gut occurs when the lining of the gut becomes compromised. Given that 70 to 80 per cent of our immune system resides just outside the gut, any breach in this lining allows unwanted particles to trigger the immune system, causing inflammation and whole-body effects, including the brain.

    In this episode, I’m sharing the four steps you can take to repair your gut and why simply taking a probiotic might be a waste of your time. 



    Master Cortisol Webinar:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Imagine trying to work with a head full of cotton wool. Yes, I’m talking about when our good friend brain fog creeps in and won’t leave you alone.

    Brain fog is an issue that I believe far too many women are suffering from. Missing appointments, leaving meetings early, or feeling drained at the end of a less-productive day can all be part of this experience. But here’s the kicker—it could also indicate underlying health issues. 

    In this episode, I will break down what brain fog is, what causes it, and most importantly, how you can get rid of it.

    The key to conquering brain fog lies in identifying and addressing its root causes. Whether it is managing stress, balancing thyroid function, improving gut health, or tweaking your diet, these changes can vastly improve your memory, concentration, and overall mental clarity. Try these tips I’ve mentioned today, and let me know if your brain fog symptoms improve!



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • As high-achieving women, we often push ourselves to the limit, managing numerous responsibilities while striving to excel in our careers and personal lives. With stacked schedules, many of us don’t notice when our health starts to decline. 

    We feel more tired, our mood might drop, and we could suffer from increased anxiety or other health issues. But these changes often happen so gradually that they’re easy to ignore. Regular pathology tests can help you catch these changes early, ensuring you can address them before they become more serious. 

    In this episode, I provide a comprehensive guide on the specific tests to ask for, including thyroid panels, cortisol levels, iron studies, and more, especially tailored for high-performing women with busy lifestyles. It's an informative episode that empowers you to proactively take charge of your health and well-being through effective testing and understanding your results.



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

  • Today I'm excited to share some insights on dealing with stress without feeling overwhelmed. 

    As high-performing women, we've all experienced days when a hefty to-do list felt manageable and others when it felt completely overwhelming. The difference often lies in how much we're overthinking. Overthinking leads to feelings of anxiety, low moods, and eventually burnout. 

    Avoiding the Overwhelm: The Importance of Positive Thinking

    Positive, calming thoughts induce healing hormones and begin to reverse the damage of negative thinking. By recognising the impact of our thoughts, we can start to clear our minds, encouraging thoughts that help us stay content and peaceful.

    When we're stressed, our bodies are flooded with cortisol, which drops our IQ and narrows our focus, making it difficult to resolve our issues or find solutions. It's akin to reading a book with your nose pressed against the page; you can only see a few words instead of the whole story.

    It’s important to zoom out and look at the whole picture.

    How to Navigate Life Without Overwhelm

    1. Understand How the Mind Works:

     Strategies alone won't create lasting change unless we first understand what's happening in our minds and bodies. 

    2. Escape Thought Traps:

    Identify common triggers that lead to catastrophic thinking. 

    3. Be Okay with Bad Feelings:

    It's crucial to accept negative emotions without trying to resist them. When we resist, they persist. 

    As you move through your daily challenges, consider how your current mindset impacts your stress levels. What small changes can you make today to break free from negative thought cycles? 

    How can you encourage a more positive, calm, and rational mindset to improve your overall mood and performance? Take a moment to reflect and commit to one actionable step toward a clearer, more peaceful mind. You've navigated challenges before, and you have the strength and resourcefulness to do it again. 



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

  • Do you ever feel like you're constantly dragging yourself through the day, desperate for bedtime, only to find yourself wide awake when your head hits the pillow?

    Or maybe you doze off easily but wake up around 2 or 3am and can't get back to sleep.

    If this sounds all too familiar to you, the culprit could be a disrupted circadian rhythm.

    What is your circadian rhythm?

    Think of it as your body's internal clock, a 24-hour cycle that regulates everything from sleep and wakefulness to hormone production and digestion. When this rhythm gets thrown off whack, it throws a wrench into all those vital processes.

    So what are the main causes of this circadian rhythm dysregulation?

    Blue Light Overload: Our devices are major offenders, emitting blue light that mimics daylight and suppresses melatonin production. 

    Shift Work and Travel: If your work schedule constantly flips your sleep-wake cycle, or you're a frequent flyer battling jet lag, your circadian rhythm takes a hit. 

    Unnatural Light at Night: Evenings spent watching brightly lit screens or working under harsh fluorescent lights can disrupt melatonin production. 

    Inconsistent Sleep Schedules: Going to bed and waking up at random times throughout the week throws your circadian rhythm into disarray. 

    Lack of Sunlight Exposure: Sunlight acts as the master cue for our circadian rhythm. Not getting enough sunlight during the day, especially in the morning, disrupts the natural cycle and makes it harder to feel sleepy at night.

    The good news is, there's a simple and free way to start realigning your internal clock: sunlight!

    Sunlight is the master cue for your circadian rhythm. Aim to get some sun exposure, especially in the morning and evening, around sunrise and sunset. Even ten minutes a day can make a difference. 

    So ditch the snooze button and embrace the sunrise! Your body will thank you for it.



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

  • Ever feel like you're dragging yourself through the day, constantly wired but somehow also exhausted? 

    It could be your cortisol – the stress hormone that plays a surprising role in your energy levels, mood and sleep. 

    Cortisol, often demonised, has a complex role. It's our main stress hormone, and in the right amounts, it's essential. Think of it as that surge of adrenaline that helps you meet a deadline. However, chronically high cortisol disrupts our health.

    The key here is understanding the three stages of the stress response:

    Acute Stress: Short-term stress triggers a burst of adrenaline, making you feel super productive but unsustainable.

    High Cortisol: This is the "fight-or-flight" mode. You might wake up tired, anxious, and struggle with sleep or digestion. 

    HPA Axis Dysfunction: Chronic stress depletes cortisol, leading to low cortisol symptoms like constant fatigue, low mood, and brain fog. 

    I often speak with women who mention that they’re experiencing symptoms of both high and low cortisol, which can lead them down a very confusing path. But it’s common that by the time you’re experiencing symptoms of high and low cortisol, you’re on your way to full-blown HPA axis dysfunction. This is your body sending you a wake-up call that you need to listen to. 

    Here's how to break the cycle of cortisol imbalance and support healthy levels:

    Ditch the Fast: When stressed, prioritise breakfast within 30 minutes of waking. Manage Your Morning: Skip the sugary cereals and opt for a balanced breakfast with protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Move It or Lose It: Feeling overwhelmed? Don't reach for another coffee. Get moving! 

    Remember, cortisol is there to help you adapt, but too much is detrimental. By implementing these simple strategies, you can regulate cortisol, optimise your energy levels, and reclaim your peak performance.



    Master Cortisol Webinar: 

  • I speak with a lot of high-performing women who are struggling with burnout. 

    They’re exhausted all day long yet unable to sleep properly at night, anxious, there’s an endless chatter in their minds and it all feels very overwhelming. 

    A lot of these women, although suffering from burnout are still high achievers and so they don’t seem to feel like the situation is bad enough to do anything about. 

    But if left unchecked, burnout can send you down a path of chronic symptoms that leave you feeling unwell for many months, or even years. 

    Today I’m sharing my five-step plan to help you get out of burnout and back into performing at your best:

    Step 1: Acknowledge and Address Your Burnout

    Don't brush off burnout as a minor setback. This is a wake-up call to prioritise your well-being. Also ask yourself what is driving you to keep pushing. Are you striving for external validation or clinging to outdated ideas of success?

    Step 2: Sleep Isn't Optional, It's Essential

    We all know sleep is important, but let me tell you, it's the foundation of everything. When I was burnt out, sleep was the first thing to go. Without quality sleep, your physical and mental performance plummets.

    Step 3: Ditch the Convenience, Nourish Your Body

    Those late-night takeout binges? Yeah, those have to go. Here's the truth: what you eat directly impacts how you feel. You need to look at swapping convenience for home-cooked meals as much as possible. 

    Step 4: Quiet the Internal Chatter 

    Chronic stress often manifests as a constant loop of worries and anxieties – a mental chatter that disrupts your sleep, clouds your judgment, and fuels the fire of burnout.

    Step 5: A System Reset

    Burnout disrupts your body's natural balance, especially your gut health. This is where a system reset comes in. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to a better mood, improved sleep, and stronger stress resilience. 

    Remember, this is a roadmap, not a rigid prescription. Be kind to yourself, focus on progress, not perfection. By focusing on these steps, you can reclaim your peak performance and rediscover the joy and fulfilment that fuels your journey.



    Master Cortisol Webinar: