
  • Let's be real: running a business can be incredibly exhausting. But here's the thing - you don't have to operate on empty. There are three powerful sources of energy available to you right now, and when you tap into them correctly, they're practically unlimited. In this episode, we're cutting through the noise to explore how you can access these energy reserves, even during your busiest seasons.

    Your physical energy is your foundation - it's what gets you out of bed and keeps you going when you're reaching for that second coffee. We'll explore how your cellular powerhouses (yes, your mitochondria!) are affected by stress, and why that 9:30 PM bedtime might be your new secret weapon. 

    Beyond the physical, we’re talking about mental and spiritual (life force) energy playing crucial roles in your daily performance. From practical hacks like managing your blood sugar levels for razor-sharp focus, to identifying which tasks actually light you up (and which ones you should delegate), we’ll discuss how to create sustainable energy that fuels both your business and your passion. By the end of this episode, you'll have actionable strategies to tap into all three energy sources, helping you show up as your best self in business and life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Physical Energy: Sleep optimisation, nutrition balance and mitochondrial healthMental Energy: Focus management, stress reduction and blood sugar regulationSpiritual Energy: Task alignment, delegation strategies and passion-driven productivity


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Do you ever feel as though life is just one exhausting treadmill? You work hard, balance responsibilities, and yet, can't seem to shake off that constant feeling of fatigue. You may be surprised to learn that this overwhelming exhaustion might have nothing to do with your workload.

    Fatigue manifests as sleepless nights, heightened stress and a dip in mood, affecting mental wellbeing. It's easy to attribute these symptoms to a demanding schedule. But what if the real culprit has nothing to do with how much you’re doing?

    In this episode, I’m talking about the real reason you might be burnt out, and how you can find renewed energy without altering your daily routine. 

    It's all about the body’s energy production and stress management. Our cells are equipped with mitochondria, often referred to as natural batteries, responsible for generating energy. When you increase activity, your body produces more mitochondria through a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis, resulting in enhanced energy levels. Essentially, the more we do, the more we can do.

    We’ll also explore how to improve mitochondrial health, including:

    Reducing stress hormonesCorrecting internal imbalancesFocusing on mental health

    Remember, low energy levels don’t dictate your capacity. By enhancing mitochondrial health and managing stress, you can achieve more without feeling drained. You don’t need a dramatic lifestyle change to start feeling better. Small tweaks in your daily routine can drastically improve your energy, allowing you to live a much fuller life.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

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  • Have you ever been in a place where you're watching every bite you eat, sticking to a strict exercise routine to feel fit, yet you still end up feeling tired or not as healthy as you wish? 

    It’s downright frustrating, isn't it? You're following all the rules, so why isn't it working?

    Well the culprit could be the gut-brain axis. 

    Have you ever felt a 'nervous stomach' before speaking in public, or butterflies before a big event? 

    That’s your mind talking to your gut. Similarly, if you're stressed about food, your body can have a harder time digesting food properly. 

    Recently, a client of mine experienced this first-hand. She had chronic gut issues, liver problems, and multiple food intolerances. Over time, we worked on gut healing, and her health improved significantly.

    However, some symptoms returned, not as severe, but they were there. 

    It turned out that her extreme focus on her eating plan was the problem. Her anxiety about deviating from her diet was causing stress and affecting her gut. I told her she needed to trust the healing we had done and her body's ability to handle different foods. 

    When we spoke again a month later her symptoms had vanished, and she was enjoying a variety of foods with ease. This showed her just how powerful her mind was over her body.

    So, think about your own relationship with food. Are you always strict with your eating? Do your symptoms appear when you eat off-plan? Take a moment to recognise how much your thoughts might be shaping your physical symptoms and your feelings about food.

    I’d absolutely love to hear your thoughts, let me know in the comments below!


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Register For The Masterclass

    The masterclass focuses on regaining leanness after 40, reversing insulin resistance and belly fat. You will learn the strategies to help participants lose up to eight kilos in four weeks and boost your body's self-healing abilities, ultimately increasing energy and confidence.

    Evolution Masterclass

  • What does anxiety stop you from doing?

    How does it interfere with the life you want to live  or the work you want to do?

    If you’ve ever felt anxiety’s grip, you know it can be debilitating and it’s a serious hurdle that blocks a lot of people from living the life they want. 

    The thing is, anxiety isn’t your enemy. When you feel your heart beating faster, your palms sweating and your mind going a hundred miles an hour, your brain has detected something that it believes is a threat, whether you're aware of it or not. 

    It all starts with the amygdala—a tiny but mighty security system within your mind. It prepares your body just in case the future poses a threat. This can be triggered by a shadow lurking in your peripheral vision or a simple thought. Whether there is a physical threat or it’s just in your thinking, the response is exactly the same. 

    When we feel anxious, of course we want it to go away. But that resistance to anxiety is the very thing that amplifies it. The best way to reduce anxiety is to do whatever you’re doing with anxiety anyway. Then, your brain learns that it is safe.

    Here’s what I’ve learnt about anxiety:

    1. Anxiety Is Not Your Enemy: Understand that the racing heart and dry mouth you experience aren’t signs of weakness but signals that your body is gathering its resources to perform well. 

    2. Do It Anyway: It sounds almost too simple, but allowing yourself to undertake tasks with anxiety rather than fighting it can often diminish its strength. 

    3. Exposure Is Your Friend: Repeated exposure to anxiety-inducing situations can, over time, teach your amygdala that you are safe. The more presentations you give, the less intimidating they become, proving to your brain that the perceived threat is manageable.

    What would you find yourself doing if your anxiety didn’t stand in the way? 

    Accept that feeling nervous is a part of the journey, and let it come and go without letting it hold you back. Teach your amygdala through exposure, and transform anxiety from a barrier into a stepping stone toward your aspirations. Remember, it's not about getting rid of anxiety; it's about understanding and thriving despite it.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • What if everything you've been taught about self-improvement is actually wrong? 

    This question might make you uneasy, especially if you're accustomed to the constant chase for improvement, whether that's being smarter, richer or more talented. The truth is, many of these teachings hinge on a detrimental idea—you're not enough as you are. And here's where the conversation gets interesting. There's a profound shift available to us if we dare to step beyond the fallacies.

    At the very root of many self-improvement journeys is a sense of lack—a belief that we must undergo constant transformation in order to succeed. I've been there myself. Like many, I found myself engrossed in strategies, coaching sessions and personal critiques, all the while nurturing an underlying belief that I wasn't good enough.

    My breakthrough? Understanding that we possess far more innate tools can liberate us from self-doubt. Seeing this potential within ourselves is key, and it calls for a deeper understanding of insights. Insights, as opposed to the exhausting grind of constant willpower, offer us transformative 'aha' moments that can fundamentally change our behaviours and beliefs.

    If you're finding yourself ensnared in your goals or life challenges and are unable to move forward, this episode is for you. I encourage you to pause and allow space for an insight to emerge. Often, it’s when we still our minds that the greatest revelations occur. So next time you're stuck, take a moment to quiet the noise and seek that guiding insight.

    Key takeaways:

    The trap of perceived inadequacyShifting perspectives through insightsThe ineffectiveness of flaw-focused self-developmentThe transformative power of insights and how they can create instant changeRelying on insights over intellect Trusting the unseen intelligence



    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Have you ever found yourself pushing the limits, working tirelessly towards a goal, and still feeling like you’re not getting anywhere? 

    Whether it's achieving personal health milestones, chasing career aspirations, or pursuing hobbies, sometimes it seems like the harder we work, the further away success feels. This continuous cycle can be exhausting, and I’ve been there—making things look harder than they should be has almost become part of my identity. 

    But what if I told you there’s a different approach, a way to achieve a 10x leap in what you want without all the sweat and toil? Allow me to introduce you to the intriguing concept of quantum leap success, inspired by one of my all-time favourite books, “You2” by Price Pritchett. It’s just 37 pages, but it’s jam-packed with profound ideas and insights that can revolutionise your perspective on success and achievement.

    In the world of quantum physics, particles can jump from one place to another seemingly without effort. They don’t take the typical step-by-step path we often assume is necessary for success. This notion of a quantum leap suggests that we can achieve massive progress not by ticking off every box meticulously but by embracing a more intuitive and open approach.

    While hard work is important, success often requires an element of unseen forces—a bit of luck, serendipity or intuition that is beyond our control. Today, I’m taking you through my personal breakthrough that transformed my entire outlook - and my business. We’ll also explore the importance of seeking clarity about our goals and taking action towards them, while remaining open to unforeseen guidance, is crucial.

    So how can you invite these unseen forces into your journey, whether they be intuition or that much-needed clarity? Perhaps it’s through meditation, spending time in nature, or simply taking a pause to think. Whatever it is, find your method to allow a fresh perspective or a new insight to flourish, guiding you towards achieving your goals with ease rather than struggle.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Does your life look the same as it did last year, even though you’ve made goals to change it?

    If you’re battling the same issues you’ve had for years or you’ve been struggling with things like chronic illness and weight loss, the problem isn’t in your strategy.

    It’s an identity issue.

    Right now, you have two identities: the present one—who you believe yourself to be right now—and the second identity, which is the person you aspire to become. Maybe you want to improve your financial situation, build stronger relationships, lose weight or pursue a new career. Whatever it is, these desires create your second identity.

    Which identity occupies more of your mental space?

    Listen to the language you use and the intentions you set daily. Always speak to where you want to be, not where you are right now. I've seen this pattern repeatedly, whether it's with clients stuck in a chronic health situation or those struggling to lose weight. They often identify so strongly with their current situation that they inevitably stay stuck in it. Their entire lives revolve around managing the status quo rather than breaking free from it.

    In order to shift your habits and behaviours, you need to identify with the person you want to be. Visualise yourself as healthy, robust, disciplined, and focused. As you do this, you reclaim your ability to take action and stay committed to your goals.

    The year will move by quickly, as it always does. So if you really want to see something shift this year, take a moment to reflect on where your mental energy is going and where an identity shift is necessary. 

    Who is the person that needs to execute your goals? 


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • You eat all the right foods and take all the right supplements, yet still feel exhausted, while other people seem to eat what they want and have an abundance of energy.

    What’s going on?!

    Some clients come to me having tried carnivore, keto, low carb and every supplement under the sun but no matter what they do for their physical bodies, they still feel tired, stressed and burnt out. 

    What we consume matters, absolutely, but what if I told you there's an infinite source of energy available to you beyond the realms of food and pills? 

    I’m talking about life force and how tapping into it can transform your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

    Life force is the essence of being; it’s what keeps us thriving on this blue ball in space. It’s abundant in nature and while we often overlook its significance, it's a concept embedded in ancient healing practices across the globe. In India, it's known as prana; in Chinese medicine, it's referred to as chi or ki; and in Hawaiian culture, it's called mana. Irrespective of its name, the essence remains the same. It can be nurtured, expanded, or, unfortunately, diminished.

    A few years ago I worked with a client who had been living with fatigue for 14 years. Despite trying everything in the way of diets, supplements and meditations, she felt lifeless. During one session, she revealed her deep longing to start a business in the holistic space—something she'd always dismissed as impossible. I encouraged her to pursue this dream and she took a leap of faith. Two weeks later, she was transformed; her energy and zest for life returned.

    What held her back was the belief that her dreams were impossible and that is what diminished her life force.

    Something we don’t do often enough is sit quietly to ask the deeper questions. If you know that your life force is lacking and you want to cultivate a higher sense of vitality and freedom in your life, start by thinking about what truly excites you, even if it doesn’t feel possible. 

     It's all about  doing what brings you life and stopping the things that don't.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • How many hours a day do you spend in stressful thinking? One hour, six hours, 12 hours? When I ask people this question, they’ll usually say, “Oh, maybe an hour.” And trust me, that is a huge underestimation!  We've become so accustomed to our level of negative thinking that we don't even notice it anymore. 

    Conversely, when I ask people how many hours of their waking day they spend in a quiet, peaceful mind, they’ll say: “Oh, I’m lucky if it’s an hour”. That means all other hours of the day - let’s say 15 waking hours - is being spent in stressful thinking. 

    So how does constant, long term negative thinking really impact us, and how do we stop it? Today, I’m taking you through the biochemical effects of negative thinking, how to identify common negative thought patterns and how you can break the cycle to change the way you feel. 

    By paying attention to our internal dialogue and choosing to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we can radically transform our mental and physical well-being. 

    Remember, it really is a choice. You have the power to reclaim your thoughts and in turn, your life.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


  • It's ingrained in our culture to believe that losing weight is simply a matter of eating less and exercising more. But anyone who's tried this route knows the intense cravings and hunger that can so often follow.

    Think of your body as having a metabolic control centre—a command hub that regulates hormones influencing your appetite, cravings, and even how much energy you expend. While we can't directly control this metabolic centre, we can influence the signals it receives. 

    Stress, poor sleep, and inappropriate eating patterns can send harmful signals, which makes your body switch to glucose over body fat as an energy source. By reducing stress and prioritising relaxation, you create a safe environment for your body to burn body fat for fuel.

    Ultimately, we need to shift our perspectives from self-blame to a broader understanding of the many external factors that influence our metabolism. Only then can make informed lifestyle changes that support our overall health and help manage our hunger more effectively.


    Further Training: 

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


  • Are you burnt out before the year has even begun?

    There’s a lot of buzz and excitement at the start of a new year with big plans and goals in the pipeline for the next 12 months. 

    But if you’re exhausted just thinking about it, it’s a clear sign we need to do some repair work. 

    A lot of women feel this way and the good news is that there are some really practical ways to help boost your vitality and unlock the energy you need to get back to peak performance. 

    Your personal wellbeing should be an integral part of your business plan because, let’s face it, if you’re too tired or stressed, you’re not going to perform at your peak.

    Let’s start with a reality check. How are you feeling right now? Do you wake up ready to conquer the world, or does the mere thought of exercise exhaust you? Perhaps you power through your workday only to find you’re a zombie by 5 pm. These are cues from your body that you need to pay attention to.

    Are you sleeping well? Eating regularly? Experiencing brain fog? All of these factors drastically impact your energy and focus. I often conduct an energy check with clients to help them understand where they currently stand and what might need to shift. 

    Now, let’s uncover the common saboteurs that drain your energy

    1. Stress 

    2. Metabolic Health

    3. Gut-Brain Connection

    4. Mental Load

    In this episode, I share how you can start making impactful changes today so that 2025 is your best year yet. 

    - Morning routines

    - The importance of regular meals

    - Reducing mental stress

    Your energy and vitality are the foundation of your business's success. So if you’re feeling zapped just thinking about what you need to achieve this year, start by doing a reality check. 

    What small changes could you make to tap into the energy you need for 2025?


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • It’s that time of year again! If you’re like most people out there, you’re probably experiencing that universal feeling of sluggishness –

    possibly due to a bit of celebrating or a disrupted exercise routine.

    Maybe you've been socialising, overindulging and noticing some unwanted weight gain creeping in. You had those goals to lose weight this year, but life happened, right? 

    But don’t worry - hope is not lost. I’m taking you through a 3-step hormone reset plan we use in my programs that has helped so many women do things a little differently and find success in their journey to losing weight.

    It's pivotal to understand that after 35, hormonal shifts make weight loss more challenging and weight gain easier. Women in particular see changes due to hormonal imbalances and stress, both significant factors in weight management.

    Additionally, modern diets and poor food quality, filled with preservatives and processed ingredients, work against us by inducing nutritional deficiencies that slow metabolism. Constant dieting or having a "diet mentality" doesn’t help either, as these approaches can deteriorate metabolic health over time.

    The 3-Step Hormone Reset

    So, let’s take a look at the three key systems to focus on in order to nourish the hormones responsible for a super fast metabolism:

    Revitalising the AdrenalsSupporting the Pancreas and LiverNourishing the Thyroid

    It is possible to reach your weight loss goals, all while enjoying a balanced, satisfying diet. But as I always say, this journey is most importantly about repairing your metabolism, with weight loss as a welcoming side effect. 

    If this approach resonates with you and you'd like to delve deeper, I've put together a comprehensive training session on these three phases. You'll find the link to this below, offering detailed guidance on achieving a revitalised, vibrant you.


    Full training:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Are you beginning to slow down a little?

    It’s hard to believe it’s this time of year again but here we are - Christmas is around the corner and 2025 is fast approaching! 

    But before you bring 2024 to a complete close, now is the perfect opportunity to reflect, recharge, and set the stage for a new year. 

    To help you end the year strong, I’m sharing five essential self-care habits that you can tap into now while the pace of business begins to slow down. 

    Prioritise Regular Pathology Testing

    As business owners, it’s easy to push personal health needs to the back burner. But this is your reminder not to wait until it’s too late. 

    Make Sleep Non-Negotiable

     I always tell my clients the secret to re-energising is the "Power of Eight before Ten." Aim to be in bed by 10 pm and get yourself a full eight hours of sleep.

    Take a Creativity Day

    I encourage my private clients to take a full day once a year to completely disconnect from digital distractions. Yes, that means no phones or laptops allowed! 

    Commit to Personal Coaching or Mentorship

    December might be a hectic month, but it's also a great time to set clear intentions for the coming year. 

    Energise Through Socialising

    As things slow down, take advantage of this period to reconnect with family and friends. Feel the energy boost that genuine social interactions offer, rather than viewing them as draining tasks you need to escape. 

    These five habits are my top recommendations for closing out the year strong and paving the way for an even better one to follow. The creativity day may require more time and commitment, but it’s worth the effort. 

    I’d love to hear which habit you’ll join me in adopting for an incredible end to the year. Here’s to finishing strong and starting 2025 with vitality and purpose!


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • I love ticking things off my to-do list. 

    Finishing a project gives you this natural high, leaving you feeling satisfied and accomplished in your work.

    But so many women I talk to feel like no matter how hard they work, they never get to the big, meaningful projects.

    They feel busy all the time, they’re caught up in shallow work and don’t have the physical energy or mental capacity to hone in on the deep work. 

    A lot of women come to me asking, is it ADD? Is it brain fog? Why do I feel like I’m constantly busy but getting nowhere?

    There are plenty of productivity hacks out there but today I’m exploring what’s happening in your brain when it comes to performance and focus. More importantly, I'll share how you can leverage nutrition, dietary tweaks, and lifestyle changes to enhance your mental capacity.

    Tracking Your Daily Activities

    I recently embarked on a little experiment with some clients who were caught in this cycle of busyness without productivity. Together, we started tracking their daily activities in 30-minute increments over seven days. The results were astounding.

    Addressing the Root Causes

    So what can we do about it? For some clients, a simple boost in mental activity was achieved with supplements like L-theanine, an extract from green tea that enhances performance. However, for others, the brain's exhaustive state called for a deeper look into overall body wellness.

    Addressing digestive health often reveals a web of connected symptoms, such as inflammation that disrupts brain function, leading to ADD-like or dementia-like symptoms. It's also crucial to regulate cortisol levels and blood glucose to prevent those energy crashes that commonly happen after lunch.

    To finally start pushing the needle forward on those big projects, consider tracking your daily activities to highlight any patterns going on. From there, you can begin to see what dietary and lifestyle changes you might need to make. 


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Many of my clients come to me with chronic bloating, heartburn and reflux. 

    They’ve tried everything from supplements and probiotics to meticulous dietary changes, but nothing seems to work. 

    They find themselves caught in a frustrating and extremely uncomfortable cycle and I’ve been there too! 

    It took me five years to find the answers to my severe bloating - it amazed me to discover that my digestive issues weren’t the result of the food I was eating. 

    Gut work

    Tackling digestive issues begins with thorough gut care—balancing pH levels, getting rid of unwanted bacteria, nurturing good bacteria, and repairing the gut lining. 

    Reduce cortisol

    Make thoughtful tweaks to your diet, sleep routine, and caffeine and sugar intake - anything that might contribute to your cortisol levels. 

    Hypervigilant Thinking

    Mental stress is another key player, and is often overlooked. When we’re constantly overthinking our symptoms, it keeps us in a fight-or-flight state rather than the healing zone. 

    If you’re experiencing bloating or other digestive issues, have you tried looking beyond the usual dietary interventions? 

    Do you catch yourself in the cycle of overthinking and stressing about your symptoms and what remedy you can try next? This might be part of the problem.


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Perimenopause can be a really challenging season. The hormonal changes occurring during this time can lead to depression, which affects everything from your energy levels to your career and relationships. 

    But what if I told you that a complete transformation is possible… and that it could happen faster than you think? 

    Typically, we recommend clients approach the program step by step, gradually implementing small habits to avoid overwhelm. However, Kim chose the accelerated path, tackling everything at once. By week two, Kim experienced a remarkable change. 

    My client, Kim, had tried every hormone replacement therapy drug known to man and joining the Buh-Bye Burnout program was her last resort. Today, I’m sharing her journey as a testament to what can happen when you restore balance to your body. 

    Within two weeks, Kim reversed five years of depression and saved her marriage from the brink of divorce. Here’s what we focussed on:

    Reducing Stress HormonesMind is MedicineThe Gut-Brain ConnectionDetox

    Though not everyone will experience transformation at the same speed, Kim’s story is a powerful testament to the change that is possible when we look beyond symptoms to the core issues.


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • For years, I felt like I was responsible for my client's health. It was all up to me. And without me and my expertise, they wouldn’t succeed. 

    It took me a while to realise that this wasn’t helping them at all. In fact, it was perpetuating a drama cycle. I was the rescuer, thinking it was completely up to me to swoop in and solve their problems. And by doing so, I was not only exhausting myself but also robbing my clients of being able to step into their own power. 

    The drama cycle is a psychological framework that often traps us in one of three roles: the rescuer, the victim, or the aggressor. We all step into these roles in various situations in life and until we become aware and make the conscious mindset shift to change this, it’s going to be very difficult to help others.

    - The Rescuer: Driven by the desire to help, rescuers often take on too much, leaving others powerless to handle responsibilities themselves. This can lead to burnout and the feeling of being overworked and undervalued.

    - The Victim: Their language tells the story: "I can't do it," "It's too hard," and "I feel helpless." Victims see themselves as unable to take control, often drowning in their own despair.

    - The Aggressor: Aggressors blame others for the difficulties they find themselves. By doing so, they feel like they are taking control of the situation.

    Recognising which role you’re playing is a crucial part of breaking the drama cycle. We all step into these roles subconsciously, so it's not about judgment but awareness. By understanding these patterns and why we fall into them, we can make conscious choices to change. Real transformation begins when we reject the victim mindset and choose empowerment over helplessness.


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Do you feel like you're running on empty? 

    It’s like all the responsibilities and pressures in your life have drained you of energy. You feel tired and irritable, you’ve lost your passion for what you do, and no matter how many supplements you take, nothing seems to fix it.

    If you’re a business owner or in a leadership role, this might sound all too familiar and you might be on the brink of adrenal fatigue. 

    When I first launched my clinical practice, I worked tirelessly to create a successful business, not knowing that fatigue was quietly building within me. I insisted on powering through until I reached the point of needing midday naps just to function. Anxiety gripped me, I was constantly worried about my finances and I could never disconnect from work.

    Real healing doesn't come from just pushing through. It comes from crafting a thoughtful recovery plan that incorporates healthy habits and allows space for mental and physical recuperation. 

    If you're feeling the strains of burnout or adrenal fatigue, there is so much you can do to transform exhaustion into empowerment.


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Most people are aware that consuming foods high in sugar will cause your blood glucose levels to spike. But did you know that stress and other lifestyle factors can do the same? 

    Big peaks and drops in glucose levels can lead to serious metabolic health issues and whilst people might not be aware this is happening in their body, they do feel the symptoms. Tiredness, brain fog, weight gain, irritability and poor sleep are just some of the signs that your glucose levels might be out of wack.

    So how do you get your glucose levels under control?

    One way that has revolutionised our approach to metabolic health is using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM): a device that keeps track of your glucose levels, even while you sleep. 

    In this episode, I share an overview of how continuous glucose monitors work and outline some of the amazing benefits:

    Track how your body responds to certain foodsMake customised dietary changesBetter compliance due to instant feedbackIncrease of mindful eatingMonitoring with data insights

    Continuous glucose monitors have changed the way we approach metabolic health. They reconnect us with our bodies, teach us how to make healthier decisions and support the maintenance of lean muscle mass as we age. 

    So, what do you think? Would you be open to giving one a try?


    Double Your Energy Masterclass:


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout

  • Have you noticed changes in your body since your mid thirties? Perhaps a little bigger on the waistline, more cellulite and less muscle tone? While it might be considered a normal part of ageing, it may be a sign that your metabolic health is suffering. The good news is that this is completely correctable and you can also prevent it.

    Metabolic health refers to how efficiently our bodies manage energy. When our metabolic processes are firing on all cylinders, we feel physically and mentally capable of conquering anything that comes our way. However, the pressures of running a business or managing a team can often lead to habits that aren't exactly metabolism-friendly. 

    Think about those rushed fast food lunches, endless cups of coffee, or perhaps a glass of wine too many—sound familiar?

    Metabolic syndrome is a major contributor to chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It’s also closely linked to insulin resistance, belly fat, and even mental health concerns because our brains need glucose to function efficiently. As women, particularly those in their forties and beyond, we become more susceptible to metabolic health issues due to hormonal changes that escalate insulin resistance.

    Find out the steps you can take to improve your metabolic health.

    Double Your Energy Masterclass:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Buh-Bye Burnout