
  • Welcome back!

    My first piece on Orville’s experience in the 80s had good reader reception, many thanks to your support! This piece focuses on Orville's story in the 60s and 70s working on China. Orville Schell is the Director of Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society.

    In this one, you will hear about Orville’s grandfather who taught medicine in Changsha in late qing; his semi-activist mom; studying with John Fairbank at Harvard; drinking tea with Chiang Kai-shek in Taipei; locked in a cave by CCP officials on his first trip to China; and getting chased out of Indonesia by the Indonesian communists. It shines a light on a not-so-distant era. Not sure about you; I certainly hear many echoes with our time.



    - Changsha, Tahiti, and Taiwan

    - First trip to China and a wake-up call

    - Living in Taiwan, dreaming of Beijing

    - John Fairbank and Edgar Snow

    - ‘Ganyang America!’ (‘Crush America’ in Indonesian)

    About us

    The Peking Hotel podcast and newsletter are bilingual online publications that take you down memory lane of recent history in China and narrate China’s reality through the personal tales of China experts. We present subjective, opinionated, and coloured views of veterans in the field based on their first-hand experience and direct observations. The project grew out of Leo’s research at Hoover Institution where he collects long oral history of China experts living in America. The stories here are a reminder of what China used to be and what it is capable of becoming.

    We have Substacks in English and Chinese. Do subscribe!


    I am recruiting a part-time editorial helpers for this Substack. Drop me an email with your CV and a short self-intro at [email protected] if you are interested.

    Get full access to Peking Hotel at
  • (This episode is in Mandarin Chinese.)

    本期做客百京饭店的是林培瑞老师(Perry Link)。林老师有许多传奇故事。比如他在哈佛做过哲学家罗尔斯、汉学家费正清和傅高义的学生,他为乒乓外交做过翻译,是相声大师侯宝林的关门弟子和唯一的外国徒弟,为刘晓波的零八宪章做英文翻译。1989年,林老师是美国科学院的驻华官员,负责美国学者的交流工作。在今天的分享中,林老师会向我们讲述他的六四故事,其中包括他和中国知识分子打交道的经历,六四中的亲眼所见,以及带中国民主运动的标志性人物、天体物理学家方励之躲进美国大使馆,保护了方励之一家的生命安全。希望大家喜欢这期的故事。


    - 一封寄给邓小平的公开信

    - “我们这次饶了你”

    - 奥克森伯格之怒和小刘的大刀

    - 保护方励之

    - 反思六四记忆


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  • Orville Schell on his experience in China in the 1980s, a magical decade in recent history that brought hope, optimism, dynamism and endless possibilities in China, and ended with Tiananmen Massacre.

    The Peking Hotel podcast and newsletter are a bilingual online publication that takes you down memory lane of recent history in China, and narrates China’s reality through the personal tales of China experts. We present subjective, opinionated, and coloured views of veterans in the field based on their first-hand experience and direct observations. The project grew out of Leo’s research at Hoover Institution where he collects long oral history of China experts living in America. The stories here are a reminder of what China used to be and what it is capable of becoming.

    This episode is co-produced with China Books Review, a new digital magazine about everything China and bookish. A special shoutout to the editor, Alec, for supporting the Peking Hotel and to Taili Ni for sound-editing.

    Since this is only my first episode, any feedback from our audience (you!) is warmly appreciated. We also have Substacks in English and Chinese. I hope to publish more conversations like this one, so stay tuned!

    I am recruiting a producer and editor to help me run this publication. Email [email protected] if you are interested.

    Get full access to Peking Hotel at