
  • Ralph Burns and Lauren Petrulo are all about making your presence in your business redundant—yes, you heard it right—useless! They share their perspectives on delegating effectively and trusting your team to take the reins, making sure your business can thrive even when you step away. Lauren introduces us to her game-changing gadget, the Stream Deck, which streamlines her workflow during client calls with a press of a button, proving that sometimes, the best productivity hacks are quite literally at your fingertips. Ralph, not to be outdone, praises the virtues of the Remarkable Two, a digital notepad that keeps him organized and focused without the distraction of endless browser tabs. Whether it's empowering your team or enhancing personal productivity, this episode is packed with advice you can put into action today. So, gear up to learn how to strategically make yourself obsolete—in the best way possible!


    00:00:00 - Kicking Off with Pink Shoes and Podcast Pleasantries00:01:10 - Back to Basics: Reviving Our Favorite Productivity Secrets00:02:36 - How Lauren's Stream Deck Revolutionizes Efficiency00:05:12 - Ralph Unveils the Remarkable 2: A Distraction-Free Note Paradise00:08:40 - The Power of Streamlined Communication: Insights into Efficient Client Calls00:12:08 - Crafting Uselessness: The Art of Making Yourself Redundant00:17:27 - Cultivating Team Autonomy for Enhanced Productivity00:18:32 - Innovation in Absence: How Stepping Back Spurs Creativity00:20:40 - Setting the Compass: The Role of Clear Objectives in Business Success00:22:29 - The Evolution of a Team: Constant Improvement as a Core Value00:25:00 - Training vs. Execution: Striking the Right Balance00:31:52 - From Ladders to Lattices: Rethinking Career Progression00:34:12 - Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways and Where to Find Us Next


    Career LaddersPT on TelegramSearch Ryan HodgesEpisode 591: Is Delegation Your Kryptonite? Conquer The 4 Levels And Free Up Your TimeTier 11 VisionTier 11 ManifestoTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Lauren on Instagram and Connect with
  • We’re sharing an episode of the Dugout CEO podcast, hosted by Casey Cavell, where Ralph was a guest. He talks to Casey about key insights on effective business management, and strategies for CEOs and marketing leaders facing economic challenges and organizational growth. Ralph discusses the importance of aligning teams with a unified vision and making informed decisions about outsourcing and in-house operations. He also goes into the need for the right support system, explaining the value of working on the business, fostering independence within teams, and leveraging strategic planning for sustainable growth. Tune in to gain knowledge on managing business complexities and scaling through purposeful strategies.


    00:00:00 - Kickoff: Welcome to the Perpetual Traffic Podcast00:00:07 - Business Growth Hurdles and How to Manage Them00:01:48 - Why Integrators Are Essential for Success00:04:48 - Meet the Dugout CEO Podcast00:06:13 - Ralph Burns' Journey from Baseball to Business00:09:03 - Drawing Business Insights from Baseball00:13:45 - Specialization vs. Scaling: Finding the Balance00:17:30 - When to Pivot: Adapting Your Business Strategy00:19:50 - Listening to Customer Needs for Growth00:22:12 - Targeting and Serving Your Ideal Customer00:26:00 - Mastering Strategic Planning and Leadership00:28:15 - The Mr. Fix-It Hat: Empowering Your Team00:32:45 - The Fun and Importance of Quarterly Planning00:36:05 - Wrap-Up: Key Takeaways and Final Thoughts


    The Tier 11 ManifestoPT on TelegramVirtual Boss: A practical guide for masterfully leading and managing remote teamsEpisode 588: (Part 2) From One-Man Show To Growth Engine: The COO Transformation With Ryan HodgesTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph Burns offers a look at key strategies for business expansion and the challenges of managing a virtual enterprise. He shares his personal journey to building a multimillion-dollar agency, discussing critical choices related to business valuation and growth pathways. The discussion also touches on the fundamental principles that sustain business success and the importance of a structured hiring process. Also, Ralph provides tips on using simple technological tools to streamline operations and the benefits of developing effective operational procedures, giving you actionable guidance for nurturing and leading a successful digital business.


    00:00:00 - Embarking on Excellence: The Scaling Voyage Begins00:01:00 - Growth Trifecta: Revealing Key Expansion Strategies00:01:36 - Remote Realities: Overcoming Virtual Business Challenges00:03:00 - Ralph's Journey: Building a Multi-Million Dollar Legacy00:04:47 - Market Mastery: Capitalizing on Industry Opportunities00:08:05 - Strategic Pathways: Selecting Routes for Agency Growth00:12:36 - Valuation Visions: Navigating Exit and Expansion Options00:16:47 - Strategic Insights: Exploring Growth Through Mergers and Acquisitions00:20:59 - Core Philosophy: Unveiling Tier 11's Foundational Beliefs00:24:53 - Talent Magnetism: Strategies for Attracting Top Talent00:27:06 - Organizational Architecture: Designing Effective Structures00:29:48 - Hiring Excellence: Enhancing the Recruitment Framework00:34:30 - Optimizing Operations: Streamlining Processes with Innovative Tech00:39:12 - Tech Toolbox: Harnessing Simple Tools for Operational Efficiency00:43:13 - Systems for Success: Crafting and Implementing SOPs00:46:26 - Closing Insights: Reflecting on Key Learnings and Farewells


    PT on TelegramVirtual Boss: A practical guide for masterfully leading and managing remote teamsEpisode 588: (Part 2) From One-Man Show To Growth Engine: The COO Transformation With Ryan HodgesThe 3-Step Strategy I Used to Build a Multi-Million Dollar Virtual Marketing Agency(Video)Tier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph and Lauren chat with Tom Breeze, CEO of Viewability, about the changing world of YouTube ads. Tom explains how user behavior and ad strategies have shifted, thanks to new tools and trends. He breaks down a three-act storytelling approach for crafting engaging, effective ads that convert. If you’re aiming to up your YouTube game, this episode is a must-listen!


    00:00:00 – Welcome to the Perpetual Traffic Podcast!00:00:39 – Join Our Telegram Group: Get the Inside Scoop00:01:09 – Meet Tom Breeze: The YouTube Ad Maestro00:04:42 – Tom's Unconventional Agency Model: Viewability Unleashed00:09:12 – The Birth of Viewability: Tom's Origin Story00:11:34 – High-Risk, High-Reward: Performance Partnership Model00:14:07 – Building Trust and Delivering Results00:16:19 – Future-Proofing Your YouTube Ads: Trends and Strategies00:19:23 – ChatGPT's Impact on YouTube Search Habits00:22:15 – Cracking the CPM Code00:25:38 – The Long-Form Ad Advantage: Strategy for Success00:28:42 – Decoding YouTube Analytics00:31:48 – The Cornerstone VSL: Killer Video Sales Letters00:34:01 – Tom's Three-Act Structure: Mastering Video Content Strategy00:38:29 – Act Two Unpacked: Problems and Solutions00:41:05 – Crafting Act Two: Techniques for Problem-Solving Videos00:43:40 – Act Three Finale: Delivering Solutions and Building Trust00:52:42 – Tom's Five A's: The Blueprint for Video Marketing Success00:58:23 – Tom's Reflections: Becoming a Video Marketing Master


    PT on TelegramTom Breeze on PTAverage Percentage ViewedTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Lauren on Instagram and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

  • Ralph Burns and Lauren Petrullo take us into the fascinating world of email deliverability and lead quality, providing insights and tips for businesses looking to optimize their sales funnels. Ralph and Lauren debate the merits of vanilla ice cream while breaking down complex marketing strategies into digestible, actionable steps. From leveraging tech-savvy automation techniques to the importance of proof of life in email campaigns, the duo guide listeners through practical solutions to common marketing challenges. Tune in for a lot of tactical advice that could revolutionize your approach to lead generation and conversion!


    00:00:00 - Welcome to Perpetual Traffic: A Business and Marketing Podcast00:00:38 - Unraveling the Telegram Thread: Our Community Insights00:02:45 - Email Delivery and Lead Quality: The Deep Dive Begins00:07:24 - Personalized Emails: Strategies for Better Segmentation00:09:33 - High-Quality Lead Forms: Crafting the Perfect Questions00:13:17 - High-Intent Lead Forms: Balancing Quantity and Quality00:16:49 - Audience Engagement: Boosting Email Interaction00:19:02 - The First Email: Setting the Stage for Engagement00:24:13 - Effective Calls to Action: Maximize Your Email Impact00:26:10 - Lead Scoring and Tracking: Techniques for Success00:28:22 - Automating Sales and Marketing: Best Practices00:29:31 - Building Your Automation Team: Roles and Responsibilities00:34:10 - Specialization vs. Cross-Functional Roles: What Works Best00:36:00 - Social Media Strategies: Driving Sales and Engagement00:41:03 - Paid Traffic Conversions: Optimizing for the Right Events


    GorgiasEpisode 494: Top Ways Your PPC Spend Is Being Wasted With John MoranEpisode 543: How To Sell A $250,000 Product With And An 8X ROAS On Google With John MoranPT on TelegramTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Lauren on Instagram and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph Burns and Perpetual Traffic’s new co-host, Lauren Petrullo are tackling the TikTok turmoil shaking up the digital world. They dissect the possible ban’s ripple effects on small businesses and influencers who’ve found a goldmine in the app’s algorithm. Amid the political wrangling and economic power plays, they question what's really driving this move and who stands to gain or lose. Get ready as Ralph and Lauren unpack the drama, providing hot takes on how this saga could reshape your social media strategy.


    00:00:00 - Welcome to Perpetual Traffic: Fresh Faces and New Beginnings00:00:44 - Telegram Talk: Join Our Buzzing Community00:02:16 - TikTok Trouble: Legislation, Bans, and What It Means for Business00:05:35 - Algorithm Secrets: Why TikTok’s Formula Has Everyone Talking00:07:00 - National Security or Nonsense? The U.S. Government’s Concerns00:08:45 - Economic Power Play: TikTok's Influence on Small Businesses00:10:15 - Competing Platforms: How TikTok Stands Out from Meta and Google00:12:09 - Project Texas Unveiled: TikTok’s $2 Billion Security Bet00:14:30 - Jobs on the Line: Economic Impact of the TikTok Ban00:16:45 - Global Ripple Effect: What Happens if the U.S. Leads the Way?00:18:10 - Small Business Stories: Real-Life Examples of TikTok Success00:20:30 - Political Year Drama: How Elections Influence Tech Policies00:23:24 - Big Picture: Social Media, Government Scrutiny, and Business Impacts00:28:15 - Parting Words: Join the Conversation


    37 Important TikTok Stats Marketers Need to Know [2024]TikTok sued the U.S. government to block a ban. Here’s what happens nowDiscovery on TikTokTikTok TOSRestrictions on TikTok in the United StatesPT on TelegramTikTok Sues U.S. Government Over Law Forcing Sale or BanTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • This episode is Kasim Aslam’s finale as Perpetual Traffic co-host. Ralph and Kasim share a heartfelt conversation about their journey together. They reflect on the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the memorable moments that defined their partnership. With humor and sincerity, they discuss the power of podcasting, the importance of curiosity, and the art of effective communication. As Kasim bids farewell, this episode serves as a tribute to their collaborative spirit and a celebration of the growth they achieved. Join us for a poignant and entertaining send-off as we look back on the incredible ride with Kasim and look forward to what lies ahead.


    00:00:00 - Welcome to Perpetual Traffic: Introductions and Farewells00:01:00 - Reflecting on the Journey: Ralph and Kasim's Partnership00:03:45 - The Emotional Side of Podcasting: Saying Goodbye00:06:23 - The Power of Podcasting: Insights and Impact00:10:15 - Building Connections: Networking Through the Show00:13:30 - Content Creation: From Podcast to Multi-Channel Strategy00:16:50 - Lessons Learned: The Influence of Perpetual Traffic00:19:37 - Becoming the Guide: Lessons in Leadership and Learning00:24:02 - The Essence of Curiosity in Podcast Hosting and Joe Rogan: A Multifaceted Success Story00:26:24 - Mastering the Art of Listening00:28:08 - The Challenge of Being Genuinely Interested00:32:40 - Listening Skills: Creating Space for Deeper Conversations00:36:07 - The Art of Reinvention in Business and Podcasting00:42:37 - Openness and Vulnerability: Lessons Learned00:47:04 - A Fond Farewell and Looking Ahead


    Tier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

  • we have some of Kasim Aslam’s best moments as co-host on Perpetual Traffic. Through a nostalgic journey spanning several years, we revisit discussions that not only shaped the trajectory of our strategies but also left a mark on our community. From the evolution of Google ads to the ethical intricacies of AI to conspiracy theories, Kasim's insights have consistently challenged and enriched our understanding. His hot takes and rigorous analyses not only highlight the dynamic nature of digital platforms but also underscore the enduring relevance of adapting to technological advancements. As we explore these themes, Kasim's legacy emerges as a beacon for innovative thinking and strategic agility in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing.


    00:00:00 - A Fond Farewell: Commencing Kasim's Celebratory Send-off00:03:22 - The 1 Secret to Lowering Your CPAs by 60% on Meta00:32:24 - 6 Critical Campaigns for Success in Google Ads with John Moran00:42:29 - Why Google Might Be 1300X Smarter Than Facebook00:50:42 - Why Google Performance Max Now Kinda Sucks & When You Should Use It01:07:49 - Parting Wisdom: Kasim's Final Insights and Heartfelt Goodbye


    Tier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

  • This episode is a fond farewell to Kasim Aslam, celebrating his impactful tenure on Perpetual Traffic. We are revisiting Kasim’s debut episode, the one that landed him the (unpaid) gig and doubled his business at Solutions 8. You can reflect on how the strategies discussed have cycled back to relevance with the advent of Google Performance Max. Kasim’s expertise shines in his first appearance as he demystifies Smart Shopping and Google’s vast data prowess, making a compelling case for its use in e-commerce. A fitting replay that not only honors Kasim’s contributions but also highlights the timeless value of data-driven marketing strategies.🎙️🚀


    00:00:00 - Introduction to Perpetual Traffic: A Tribute to Kasim Aslam00:01:39 - Insights on Google Performance Max00:04:26 - Kasim’s First Episode: A Look Back00:05:49 - Achieving Astounding E-commerce Results00:09:00 - Leveraging Google's Extensive Data for Marketing00:14:23 - Google’s Data Profiling00:18:55 - Strategies for E-commerce Growth with Smart Shopping00:22:00 - GTIN Codes and Product Feeds00:24:00 - Lifestyle Images in Ads00:27:00 - High-Ticket Items and Lead Generation00:28:49 - Smart Shopping: Best Practices and Pitfalls00:29:46 - The Role of Conversion Tracking in Smart Shopping00:31:22 - Overcoming Smart Shopping Campaign Hurdles00:32:20 - Effective Budget Allocation for Smart Shopping00:33:15 - The Significance of Product Selection in Campaigns00:44:18 - Expanding Smart Shopping Campaigns Thoughtfully00:48:01 - Post-Learning Phase: Campaign Optimization00:52:25 - Selecting an Agency for Google Ads Management


    The 3X Shopify ChallengeGoogle Ads Mastery Program with KasimAbout Smart Shopping CampaignsGlobal Trade Item Number (GTIN)Episode 302: iOS14 Attribution: Where’s Your Money Going?Tier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph and Kasim share a mix of goodbye tears and wise cracks. Kasim's stepping down to chase new adventures, but not before they dive deep into the secrets of making a business grow by letting go. They chat about the ups, downs, and sideways of their podcast journey, proving that sometimes, to really step up your game, you've got to know when to step back. It’s a goodbye, a lesson in trust, and a little nudge to all of us to sometimes just pass the baton. So tune in, laugh a little, learn a lot, and maybe say a little goodbye yourself.


    00:00:00 Welcome Aboard: The "See Ya Later" Episode Begins00:00:42 Trip Down Memory Lane: Celebrating Growth and Good Times00:02:04 Big News Break: It’s Not Goodbye, It’s “See You Later”00:04:25 The Power of the Co-Host Seat: From Little Kasim to Big Celebrity00:07:12 Heartfelt Thanks: A Co-Host's Gratitude and Insights00:09:40 The Future Calls: Kasim Talks New Beginnings00:12:55 Delegation 101: How to Grow Big by Letting Go Small00:18:58 Deep Dive into Boss Moves: The Fine Art of Delegation00:21:33 Why You Should Let Go to Grow: Insights on Leadership and Growth00:24:50 Unpacking Delegation: The What, Why, and How00:28:15 From Doing to Leading: Embracing the Delegation Journey00:30:42 The Big Delegation Discussion: Getting into the Weeds00:33:58 Strategic Delegation: Moving from Micro to Macro Management00:36:20 Transitioning Out: A Co-Host's Path to New Adventures00:38:04 Breaking Down Work: From Busywork to Brainwork00:39:17 Delegation Decoded: Making More by Doing Less00:40:02 Climbing the Work Ladder: From Grunt Work to Genius Moves00:45:43 Delegate Like a Pro: Cut Out, Smarten Up, Hand Over00:53:55 Delegation Live: Turning Theory into Practice00:58:55 Wrapping Up: The Magic of Letting Go and Looking Forward01:06:11 Signing Off: Reflecting Back and Rocketing Forward


    The Easier Way to Delegate for Perfect ResultsEpisode 304: How To Get Insane Google Smart Shopping ROAS With Kasim AslamPT on TelegramTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph Burns and marketing maven Lauren Petrullo navigate the digital shopping aisles frequented by Gen Z and Millennials. With her Disney-honed savvy, Lauren discusses how these consumers trust algorithms more than ads and why brands must tune into digital trends to keep up. From the quirks of Gen Alpha to the power of TikTok in buying decisions, this discussion unpacks the toolbox for today’s digital marketers. Tune in to learn why understanding these tech-savvy shoppers could be the key to your brand’s next big break.


    00:00:00 Kickoff with Ralph: Diving into Gen Z and Millennial Shopping Behaviors00:00:35 Lauren's Expertise Unleashed: Decoding Marketing Trends for Young Consumers00:01:44 Spotlight on Gen Alpha: Preparing for the New Frontier in Consumerism00:05:40 The Digital Marketplace: How Social Platforms and Amazon Shape Purchasing00:07:22 Tag, You're It!: The Role of Product Tagging on Instagram and TikTok00:08:45 Consumer Intelligence: How Brands Use Data to Predict and Influence Purchases00:10:12 A Look Ahead: Disney's Approach to Predictive Marketing00:13:01 Future-Proof Marketing: Crafting Immersive Experiences for Gen Alpha00:19:49 Big Brand Playbook: Utilizing Major Strategies for Your Business's Advantage00:22:23 Wrap-Up: Key Takeaways and Actionable Insights for Marketers


    Gen-Z Broke the Marketing FunnelSUPERCHARGE YOUR MARKETING ROIPT on TelegramWiki Generation AlphaWorld of LuxuryMy Disney Side Shadows Augmented Reality Experience | Grand VisualTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • On part one of this two-parter, Ralph Burns hosts Lauren Petrullo for a captivating look into the magical world of Disney’s marketing mastery. Lauren spills the secrets of how Disney not only captures hearts across generations but plans their strategies with the precision of a fairy godmother preparing for a royal ball. From the sunny avenues of Disneyland to the bustling crowds of Disney World, discover how the house of mouse designs experiences that are tailored to everyone from toddlers to teens to their grandfolks. Whether it’s dissecting the nuances of generational marketing or exploring how to engage the ever-elusive Gen Z, this episode packs a punch that’s as delightful as it is insightful. Tune in and learn how to sprinkle a little bit of that Disney magic into your marketing mix! Catch part two of this conversation on Friday!


    00:00:00 - Introduction to Perpetual Traffic: Unpacking Marketing Mastery00:00:39 - Disney's Long-Term Vision: Lauren Petrullo's Insider Look00:03:24 - Strategic Moves: How Disney Anticipates Market Trends00:06:06 - Generational Appeal: Marketing from Millennials to Gen Alpha00:09:00 - Tailoring Messages: Disney's Approach to Different Demographics00:12:17 - Consumer Shifts: How Gen Z Redefines Engagement00:14:13 - Tech at the Forefront: Gen Z's Integration of Digital Tools00:16:48 - The Influence of Visual Media on Gen Z Buying Habits00:19:34 - Adapting to the Age of Information: Marketing Strategies for a New Generation00:22:07 - Retail Reimagined: Meeting Gen Z Where They Shop00:25:02 - The Power of Tech and Social: Upgrading Your Marketing Tools00:29:24 - Closing Thoughts: Join Our Perpetual Traffic Community


    Gen-Z Broke the Marketing FunnelSUPERCHARGE YOUR MARKETING ROIPT on TelegramWiki Generation AlphaWorld of LuxuryMy Disney Side Shadows Augmented Reality Experience | Grand VisualTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much

  • In part two of Ralph Burn’s discussion with Ryan Hodges, the Chief Operating Officer of Tier 11 and founder of Simplaphi, they dissect the art of thriving amidst change. Ryan shares his personal experiences and professional wisdom on navigating life's inevitable shifts with a blend of humor and grit. In today’s episode you’ll learn how embracing change can open doors to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. Tune in for a dose of inspiration that’s perfect for anyone looking to master their own life transitions.


    00:00:00 - Kickoff with Perpetual Traffic: The Brains Behind the Operation00:00:44 - Why Rush? The Mighty Merits of Methodical Moves00:01:30 - Decoding Delays: How Slowing Down Keeps You Ahead00:03:15 - Step by Step: The Strength of Strategic Pauses00:05:45 - The Art of Anticipation in Process Optimization00:07:39 - Command Central: Constructing a Leadership Team That Scales00:10:22 - Blueprints for the Big Time: Constructing a Core Leadership Team00:13:38 - Meet the Integrator: Your Business Growth's Secret Weapon00:15:05 - Integrators 101: Aligning Vision with Operational Reality00:17:29 - Operational Orchestrators: Why Every Business Needs an Integrator00:19:20 - The Wrap-up: Integrators, Impacts, and Next Steps00:21:00 - Signing Off: Connections and Conversations to Continue


    PT on TelegramTraction: Get a Grip on Your BusinessEOS Operating SystemRocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your BusinessSUPERCHARGE YOUR MARKETING ROIRyan Hodges on LinkedInTitus Talent Services Tier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on
  • Ralph Burns and Ryan Hodges discuss the power of effective leadership and how critical it is to understand business fundamentals. With Ryan making his debut on the show, they unpack the challenges and triumphs of navigating business growth through strategic insights and personal anecdotes from their journey at Tier 11. The duo discusses the major importance of aligning a company’s vision with its operational execution and culture, explaining how necessary it is for leaders to step back to propel their enterprises forward. Tune in for not only a masterclass on scaling businesses but also a candid exploration of the personal growth that comes from embracing change and fostering a supportive corporate environment.


    00:00:00 -  Startup Signal: Meet Ralph & Debutant CEO Ryan Hodges on Perpetual Traffic00:00:37 -  Mastermind Marvels: Unveiling the Potency of Elite Business Networks00:02:15 -  Hidden Gems: Decoding the DNA of Successful Masterminds00:04:32 -  Stagnation to Elevation: Solving the Founder’s Puzzle00:06:09 -  Expert’s Angle: Ryan’s Recipes for Revamping Enterprises00:08:47 -  Twisting Paradigms: Ryan's Radical Approaches to Business00:11:34 -  The Haji Wheel: Spinning Strategies for Stellar Standards00:13:58 -  Full Circle: Diving Deep into the Haji Wheel’s Core00:16:23 -  Metrics that Matter: Evaluating Success Beyond the Bottom Line00:19:41 -  Revamp & Recharge: Tactical Tales from the Corporate Trenches00:22:09 -  Workshop Wonders: The Art of Business Makeovers00:25:02 -  Scaling Summits: Strategic Insights on Elevating Operations00:28:16 -  Leadership Lore: Scaling Peaks through Vision and Values00:31:45 -  Visionary Victories: Cultivating a Culture that Conquers00:35:10 -  COO Chronicles: Merging Minds for Monumental Growth


    PT on TelegramTraction: Get a Grip on Your BusinessEOS Operating SystemRocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your BusinessSUPERCHARGE...
  • Join Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam, along with the media buying wizard Nick Miller from Tier 11, as they dissect the latest shifts in media buying strategies, focusing particularly on the transition from Ad Set Optimization (ABO) to Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO). This trio unpacks the complex jargon of digital marketing and talks about practical tactics to leverage algorithms for improved campaign effectiveness. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, this discussion will not only clarify the buzzwords but also enhance your understanding of the digital advertising landscape, all delivered with a healthy dose of wit. Prepare to have your marketing myths busted and your strategy skills sharpened in one insightful session.


    00:00:00 - Kickoff: Meet the Hosts & Telegram Tactics00:01:15 - Strategy Session: Unpacking CBO & ABO00:02:25 - Target Practice: Audience Selection and the Algorithm Advantage00:06:00 - Automation Insights: Delving into Campaign Adjustments and Algorithm Updates00:10:54 - Creativity in Campaigns: Engaging Your Audience Effectively00:13:00 - Engagement Essentials: Discussing the Impact of Creative Content00:15:08 - Top Funnel Tactics: Using Non-Sales Content Strategically00:18:30 - Content Strategies: Driving Traffic with Top-of-Funnel Tactics00:20:15 - Algorithm Mastery: Adapting to Evolving Ad Platforms00:22:32 - Future of Ads: The Rise of Google TV and Integrated Advertising00:28:48 - Closing Thoughts: Summing Up with Sneak Peeks and Special Invites


    SUPERCHARGE YOUR MARKETING ROIEpisode 486: How An ECommerce Brand Scaled From $1K To $15K/Day With Molly PittmanEpisode 440: Biggest Black Friday/Cyber Monday Mistakes With Kobi TopazEpisode 422: What’s Working Now In Facebook Advertising (Part 2) With Kobi And RalphAbout Advantage campaign budgetThese are the Google searches Brian Walshe made before and after killing his wife Ana Walshe, according to prosecutorsTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with
  • Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam, alongside guest Nick Miller, are discussing what’s working now in the nuanced world of media buying, specifically focusing on the latest strategies and pitfalls in digital marketing. They’re exploring the effectiveness of Facebook's Advantage Plus and Google's Performance Max campaigns, offering you a blend of expert insights mixed with a dash of humorous banter about life’s random musings—from marathon running to sushi critiques. The trio is giving a peek into the high-stakes realm of advertising algorithms and audience targeting, making it a must-listen if you’re eager to navigate the twists and turns of online marketing with a winning edge.


    00:00:00 Intro Sparks: Meet the Hosts & The Buzzing Telegram Community00:01:23 Event Horizon: Sneak Peek into Upcoming Attractions & Personal Revelations00:03:10 The Nick Miller Chronicle: A Journey from Avid Listener to Visionary Leader00:06:50 Unveiling Media Magic: Mastering Advantage Plus for Market Domination00:07:30 Strategy Session: Analyzing New Customer Acquisition Tactics00:08:45 Tech Talk: Unpacking Algorithm Changes in Advantage Plus00:10:10 Behind the Scenes: Exclusive Client Success Stories00:14:05 Audience Architects: How to Sculpt Your Perfect Audience00:15:20 Data Deep Dive: Exploring the Intricacies of Audience Data Integration00:18:10 Future Forward: Leveraging Trends for Tomorrow's Campaigns00:22:45 Strategy Sync: Deciphering the ACC Model in Digital Marketing00:24:31 Metrics Made Easy: From Basic Shopify Insights to Advanced Analytical Strategies00:26:16 Omni-Channel Overhaul: Why ROAS Falls Short in a Multi-Platform World00:28:21 Balanced Marketing: Seeking Equilibrium in Media Spend and Strategy00:33:02 Ethical Edges: The Contentious Debate Over Digital Advertising Practices00:37:10 Parting Thoughts: Looking Ahead to New Adventures in Marketing Mastery


    SUPERCHARGE YOUR MARKETING ROIEpisode 486: How An ECommerce Brand Scaled From $1K To $15K/Day With Molly PittmanEpisode 440: Biggest Black Friday/Cyber Monday Mistakes With Kobi TopazEpisode 422: What’s Working Now In Facebook Advertising (Part 2) With Kobi And RalphAbout Advantage campaign budgetThese are the Google searches Brian Walshe made before and after killing his wife Ana Walshe, according to prosecutorsTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 
  • Ralph Burns and John Moran are going over past episodes where John was a guest on the show. What was working then vs. what works now. Join them as they peel back the layers of the digital marketing onion, exploring the seismic shifts in strategy since those older episodes. This isn’t just another tech talk—it’s a spirited dive into the future of marketing, challenging preconceptions and offering advice you can use right now. Tune in to sharpen your digital prowess and perhaps, change the way you think about your next move in this fast-evolving landscape.


    00:00:00 The John Moran Timeline: Tracing His Ascension in Digital Marketing00:04:02 Inside the Toolbox: Unpacking Performance Max’s Utility00:07:51 How Google’s Performance Max Scales the Unscalable00:09:12 The Inner Workings of Performance Max: Tactics for Today's Marketers00:11:34 Advanced Strategies: Optimizing Performance Max for Maximum Impact00:13:58 Case Study Insights: Real Results from Implementing Performance Max00:17:01 Performance Max Case Study Breakdown00:21:33 Why Talking Across Platforms is Key to Marketing Success00:24:53 Charting the Maze: Today’s Marketing Strategy Complexities00:26:17 The Wild West of Paid Traffic: Unraveling the Chaos00:29:13 Ground Zero: Marketing Insights from the Field00:32:42 Data-Driven Strategies: Making Metrics Work for You00:37:46 Why Historical Data is the Marketer’s Crystal Ball00:40:22 Sign-Off: Reflections and What’s Next on Perpetual Traffic


    PT on TelegramSearch for John MoranTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    New Ecommerce Strategies Webinar

  • Ralph and Kasim sidestep the usual business banter to explore the hidden corners of entrepreneurship, where insights come wrapped in personal stories and therapy sessions rather than spreadsheets. Ditch the conventional roadmap; our journey dives into how unexpected moments shape the essence of business and personal growth. Whether you're navigating the early chaos of startup life or looking for the sweet spot between professional achievement and personal fulfillment, this conversation is your guide to the less traveled paths of success. Join us as we uncover why the real magic of entrepreneurship lies in embracing the unpredictable, finding depth in the dialogue, and laughing all the way to your goals. Get ready for a mix of wisdom, wit, and a fresh perspective on what it means to build something truly impactful. Welcome to a world where business meets life, minus the script.


    00:00:00 - Kickoff: Unconventional Wisdom Ahead00:02:23 - Therapy's Role: Navigating Personal and Professional Growth00:05:21 - Legacy & Laughter: The True Marks of Success00:07:25 - The Real Entrepreneurial Adventure: Beyond the Balance Sheets00:11:47 - Embracing the Chaos: How Unpredictability Fuels Innovation00:16:25 - Rethinking Morning Rituals: A Blueprint for the Day Ahead00:18:57 - Discovering Purpose in the Puzzle of Entrepreneurship00:22:23 - Why We Create: Tapping Into Our Innate Drive00:24:33 - Creativity: Not Just a Luxury, But a Necessity00:27:15 - Mastering the Art of Delegation for More Creative Freedom00:29:42 - The Secret to Turning Downtime Into Growth Time00:32:08 - Building a Support System for Entrepreneurial Success00:34:34 - The Power of Priorities: Work, Life, and Everything in Between00:37:50 - The Significance of Self-Care in Sustaining Success00:42:19 - Wrapping Up: Your Turn to Dive In


    My $100,000,000 Morning RoutineThe 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New RichEpisode 506: How To Sell Your Business With Investment Banker Greg SmithThe Covey Time Management Matrix ExplainedTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

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  • Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam are discussing the intricacies of integrating sales and marketing strategies within businesses. The duo focus on real-world applications and challenges, and unravel the often complicated relationship between these two critical departments. Today’s conversation goes beyond traditional tactics, touching on the essential role of customer retention and the dynamic between operations and client success. By leveraging their expertise and personal experiences, Ralph and Kasim offer great advice about structuring sales and marketing to drive business growth and ensure long-term success. This episode is a must-listen for business owners and marketers alike, offering strategies to not only attract but also retain customers, thereby fostering sustainable business development.


    00:00:00 - Kickoff: Welcoming Listeners to the World of Perpetual Traffic00:01:40 - Synergy or Silo? Debating Sales and Marketing's Best Fit00:03:55 - Digital Marketing Maze: Navigating Complexity for Success00:05:01 - Align for Impact: Why Sales & Marketing Need to Be In Sync00:09:29 - Evolving Roles: Adapting Sales and Marketing for Growth00:12:37 - Seamless Handoffs: Bridging Sales to Operations for Efficiency00:18:35 - Unified Incentives: Crafting Harmony Across Departments00:21:27 - Retention Mastery: Keeping Customers in the Long Run00:22:08 - Meet the Retention Specialist: Your Business's Best Friend00:24:11 - The Personal Touch: Revolutionizing Customer Retention00:26:15 - Client Success Revolution: A Department Dedicated to Keeping Customers00:30:27 - Retention Systems: Building Effective Strategies for Loyalty00:36:57 - Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways on Retention and Achieving Business Excellence


    Episode 576: (Part 1) Why ROAS Sucks: The New Attribution Metric Everyone Should Use…But Aren’tEpisode 577: (Part 2) Why ROAS Sucks: The New Attribution Metric Everyone Should Use…But Aren’tPT TelegramTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on

  • Tune into this episode where numbers do more than just add up; they tell tales, reveal truths, and sometimes, lead us on merry chases around the digital marketing maypole. Join Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam, your guides through the numerical wilderness, along with Scott Desgrosseilliers, the mastermind wizard behind Wicked Reports. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the enigmatic realm of New Customer Acquisition Costs (NCAC), throwing the gauntlet down at the feet of the age-old marketing monarch, Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).

    With wit sharper than a spreadsheet's edge, they explore the alchemy of accurate attribution, transforming raw data into golden insights for scaling and nurturing your business garden. This episode is a pilgrimage to the holy grail of marketing metrics, offering a fresh map to navigate the digital age's growth landscapes. Tune in to elevate your marketing metrics wisdom, decode the mysteries of customer acquisition, and perhaps, find the secret passage to sustainable growth. This is a must-listen for anyone looking to conjure up business success without falling for the illusion of misleading metrics. Welcome to the grand tour of the future of marketing, where data dazzles and insights inspire!


    00:00:00 - Setting the Stage: Meet the Voices Behind the Mics00:02:07 - Metrics Unmasked: Diving Deep Without the Deep End00:03:28 - NCAC Revealed: More Than Just Alphabet Soup00:05:18 - View-Through Conversions: Seeing Through the Marketing Mirage00:08:11 - The Balancing Act: Juggling NCAC and CAC Without Dropping the Ball00:11:19 - Tool Time with Wicked Reports: The Sherlock Holmes of Marketing Data00:15:05 - Wicked Reports Unwrapped: Peeking Behind the Curtain of Data00:17:20 - Journey Mapping: Where Data Tells a Story00:19:45 - The Duel: NCAC vs. CAC in the Ultimate Showdown00:22:30 - Ad Platforms on Trial: Judging the Numbers00:25:15 - Tales of Triumph: When Data Leads to Victory00:28:37 - Peering Into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Attribution Analytics00:30:40 - The Final Bow: Leaving You Smarter and Ready for Action


    Wicked ReportsWhat are Facebook View-Through Conversions?Scott Desgrosseilliers on LinkedInTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on