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Over the last three years I've interviewed over 250 people around the question of "what is a good life?". I am not trying to find or prescribe universal answers to this question, instead to prompt your own inquiry into what constitutes a good life for you. While I am also trying to share more genuine expressions of the human experience, beyond the masks that we wear.
Willkommen zu „Moin, Leben, mein durchaus astrologischer Podcast“! In diesem Podcast werfe ich zusammen mit meinen wechselnden Gesprächspartner:innen einen spannenden Blick auf ihre individuellen Lebenswege.
Als Ehemann, Familienvater, Betriebswirt, Wirtschaftsastrologe und astrologischer Coach bringe ich eine vielseitige Perspektive ein, um faszinierende Einblicke in die Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen meiner Gäste zu gewinnen.
In "Moin, Leben“ geht es darum, die Vielfalt des menschlichen Lebens zu erkunden und inspirierende Geschichten zu teilen. Jede Folge bietet mir die Möglichkeit, einen besonderen Menschen in seinem persönlichen und beruflichen Werdegang kennenzulernen. Gemeinsam beleuchten wir die Meilensteine, Wendepunkte und Lektionen, die seinen Lebensweg geprägt haben.
Was dieses Podcastformat besonders macht, ist unter anderem meine einzigartige Nominierungsstruktur. Im Anschluss an die Aufzeichnung wird jeder Gast gebeten, eine ihm bekannte Person für eine der kommenden Folgen zu nominieren und sie zur Teilnahme zu animieren. Dadurch entsteht eine faszinierende Kette von Gesprächen, die sich organisch weiterentwickeln und immer neue Facetten des menschlichen Lebens beleuchten kann.
Mein Hintergrund als langjähriger Berater ermöglicht es mir, meine Gäste auf einer tiefen Ebene zu verstehen und einfühlsame Fragen zu stellen. Durch diese Gespräche möchte ich nicht nur interessante Geschichten teilen, sondern auch einen Raum schaffen, in dem Du Inspiration, Erkenntnisse und praktische Ratschläge für Deinen eigenen Lebensweg finden kannst.
Egal, ob Du auf der Suche nach Motivation, neuen Perspektiven oder einfach nur fesselnden Geschichten bist, „Moin, Leben, mein durchaus astrologischer Podcast“ bietet Dir all das und noch mehr. Tauche mit mir ein in die Welt der persönlichen Lebenswege und lasse Dich von den einzigartigen Geschichten und Erkenntnissen inspirieren, die ich in diesem Podcast teilen werde.
Armin Ballhorn von Herzkanal© -
"Empty Inside" is a podcast where host Jennette McCurdy talks with a different guest each episode, doing a deep dive into a specific topic. General topic areas are comedy, eating disorders, filmmaking, jealousy, therapy, and the crippling sense of doom we all face as we desperately try to fill the void within.
Welcome to This Intentional Life where we help you design and live a life you love.
There are one million things vying for our attention every single day. How do we prioritize what really matters and not just let life happen to us? We all strive to create a beautiful life, yet we find ourselves distracted, exhausted, and confused as to what our best, next step should be.
Each week, join Heather Adams - a busy wife, mother, CEO, and champion for women - and guests as they navigate relationships, leadership, wellness, pop culture, empowering women and the current issues that challenge our every day.
For more info about This Intentional Life, visit: -
We discuss the biggest questions: "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?" with scientists, celebrities, activists, writers and philosophers.The Sentientism worldview is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings." It's a simple, yet radical, philosophy that's grounded in reality (naturalistic epistemology) and has compassion for all sentient beings (mostly human and non-human animals). Naturalism & sentiocentrism combined.Find out more at or join a group: Also on YouTube!
Welcome to The Science of Philosophy where we evaluate philosophic ideas scientifically. Nearly every philosopher throughout history makes claims about the world which trespass overtly into the realm of science. But we know that if we want to arrive at the truth, just thinking about it or scraping together a few biased anecdotes is utterly inadequate in getting there. Therefore, if philosophy is ever going to be more than the mere asking of questions, which art often does better anyway, it has to integrate science into itself. That is the spirit with which this podcast will embark. Each episode we'll go through the philosophy of an idea or a particular thinker and see what the relevant scientific research has to say about it. Some ideas will be proven correct, some will remain ambiguous, and some will be flat out wrong. If this sounds like something that could be valuable to you, feel free to listen and subscribe. Tarek Zaher is a PhD student studying political philosophy. You can find him on twitter @Zaher_Tarek.
Our world is filled with stories and ideas that can help us learn and grow.
Basically, life is full of fascinating stuff.
Join The Motley Experience founder, Aristidis Marousas, as he explores various topics, uncovers interesting facts, and discusses big ideas on Stuff Explained.
Experience Your World.
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Free Range Humans is a podcast that explores "how we can make schools fit for human consumption." Hosted by Jal Mehta, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Rod Allen, former district superintendent and Assistant Deputy Minister with the BC Ministry of Education.
Join distinguished professor and psychoanalyst Dr Don Carveth for engaging lectures centring around psychoanalysis, diving into its roots, bringing us up to the modern-day. Known for his clear communication style, Don’s grasp of the literature comes through in the thought-provoking opinions he provides. This podcast will facilitate a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Donald L Carveth, PhD, RP, FIPA is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Social & Political Thought at York University in Toronto. He is a training and supervising analyst in the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis, past Director of the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis, and past Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis/Revue Canadienne de Psychanalyse.
Dr Don Carveth works with Aodhán Moran to produce this podcast. Contact Aodhán at [email protected]. -
Зэ (the) Жизнь – подкаст, в котором люди с уникальными жизненными историями обсуждают проблемы, понятные каждому.
Ваши отметки подкаста в сторис помогают его продвижению. Я буду очень благодарна вам за помощь в распространении моих выпусков.
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Imago Gei is a play on the term Imago Dei, which means made in the Image of God. Imago Gay is a gay podcast production affirming that we are all deserving of dignity. Gay church anyone? Spectrum Magazine, SDA Kinship along with Kendra Arsenault M.Div. have come together to bring you the latest on queer theology and a minority perspective on faith.
Imago Gay is the affirmation of our humanity and shared value in the eyes of God. This dignity and affirmation of human value, which is the birthright of every living and breathing human being is one that is often forgotten when affirming the dignity of LGBTQ lives. LGBTQ youth are four times as likely to commit suicide. LGBTQ youth also make up 40% of the homeless youth in America. Unfortunately, much of their suicidality and housing insecurity is caused by bad theology. Whether it’s parents who kick their children out of the home for coming out, or the depression that comes with believing that being queer means there is no future possibility of love, family and happiness and you’ve once dreamed. Bad theology is one that does not treat the other as Imago Dei, made in the image of God. So as a statement both to ourselves and to others, Imago Gei is a podcast that affirms that we are all made in the image of God, even the gays…. -
TELOS ir intelektuālas ievirzes polemiski izglītojošs tīmekļa žurnāls, kurš apvieno Latvijas konservatīvos domātājus. Šajā “Sarunu” aplādē mēs pētīsim dažādus jautājumus, izšķirsim un definēsim svarīgus jēdzienus, mēģināsim atdalīt patiesus spriedumus no maldiem un atgādināsim par Rietumu intelektuālo mantojumu.
Saziņai: [email protected] -
The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future.
Participants include United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, European Environment Agency, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, European Commission, EARTHDAY·ORG, Greenpeace, IPCC Lead Authors, WWF, PETA, Climate Analytics, NASA, UN Development Program, Solar Impulse Foundation, 15-Minute City Movement, Energy Watch Group, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Global Witness, Global Institute for Water Security, EarthLife Africa, Planetary Health Alliance, Ocean Protection Council, among others.
Interviews are conducted by artist, activist, and educator Mia Funk with the participation of students and universities around the world. One Planet Podcast Is part of The Creative Process’ environmental initiative.
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