
  • I was reminded of an important concept speaking to one of our team members who is a volleyball player converted to pickleball.

    The conversation went something like this (group setting):

    Me: “Hard to lob Emily as she can get up in the air.”

    Emily: “Yeah and I even like to jump when I do not have to.”

    Me: “I’ve seen it. Ball can be at Emily’s head height and she is full in the air smashing that ball.”

    Emily: “It makes me happy to jump like that.”

    Me: “Good point. Happiness is paramount (or words to this effect).”

    As coaches, CJ and I are spend a lot of time devising and sharing actionable guidance about the framework, objectives, strategies, and shots that a player can use to play a really good pickleball game.

    BUT …

    At the end of the day, we are playing a game. Or at least that is what it is supposed to be.

    As you go through your growth process, it is important not to lose sight of this. A few examples:

    1. You want to learn that “killer” serve because every time you serve like that it puts a big smile on your face. Awesome. Then you should pursue that shot. Not because it is strategically significant, but because it makes you happy.

    2. You like hitting the ball hard. That is what makes you happiest in the world. Then, by all means, keep doing it. You may not be able to advance as far as a player as you would if you added a soft game component. But as long as you understand that and are still happier hitting hard, then continue doing what makes you happy. That is paramount.

    3. If you like jumping to hit the shots (it makes you smile), then continue doing it.

    There is nothing wrong with playing pickleball in a way that makes you happy. And there is nothing inconsistent with understanding that X is better for you but choosing to do Y because you want to. It is no different than enjoying a doughnut or other sweet treat even though we know that is not what a dietitian would probably advise.

    If you like this sort of conversation, join me inside Pickleball Therapy. It is a podcast. And it is available everywhere, even on YouTube.

    I’ll see you there.

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  • Your Relationship with Pickleball

    Much of the information available about pickleball has to do with the details: How do I hit a certain shot? What is the latest paddle thing going on? What is the rule about [__________]?

    There are many fewer resources that tackle our relationship with pickleball. The term “relationship” is one we use very intentionally. If you are reading these words, then you are more than just a once in a while player of the sport called pickleball. Rather, you are someone who enjoys a multi-faceted relationship with pickleball.

    Social, exercise, personal growth, fun, challenge, activity, grounding, addiction – all words used by pickleball players to describe why they play pickleball. Our relationship usually encompasses a combination of several of these terms. Thinking of it as a “relationship” more accurately captures the importance and extent of our interaction with pickleball.

    Why is this important? Because it signals to us that there is more to it than just finding the key to that perfect third shot drop. There is a bigger picture to our interaction with pickleball. Understanding this will allow us to enjoy the fullest experience and get the most out of our sport.

    This is the sort of thing we dive into each week on Pickleball Therapy. We aim to be an oasis in an otherwise sparse landscape where you can come in and get some shade and a sip of water. You can find the podcast on all podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify, etc.) and also on YouTube. Just type in Pickleball Therapy and see what it is all about.

    Come in out of the sun and take a respite. We’ll be there.

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  • Is losing 3-11 not fun for you? It might be - depending on how you look at it PLUS Too old or unskilled to play pickleball?

    You just got done playing 6 games, never scoring more than 3 points in a game.

    I try to share come encouragement by saying to you “It’s not the end of the world.” You agree but then add “But it’s less fun.”

    Is it less fun? Let’s talk about it.

    Oftentimes when we are thinking through arguably negative situations, like not scoring more than 3 points in a game for 6 games in a row, the negativity stems not from the situation itself. Rather, the negativity stems from our framing of the situation. The situation itself is neutral. It is we who imbue it with the negative.

    Generally speaking, losing 3-11 is not as much fun as losing 5-11, is not as much fun as losing 9-11, is not as much fun as losing 13-15. And we haven’t yet even gotten to the winning side.

    If we stopped here, then perhaps “But it’s less fun” would be correct.

    There is, however, more road to explore. What about losing 1-11? Or the pickle 0-11?

    Even worse, what about comparing 3-11 to not playing at all? Or being injured? Or [fill in the countless things that are nowhere near as fun as playing a pickleball game]?

    With this framing, then the correct statement after a day of 3-11 games is “It was certainly more fun than the alternatives.”

    This is the power of framing. You get to decide the relevant context that you place your day’s events in. Use your framing power to maintain a better perspective and enjoy a stronger relationship with pickleball (and everything else too).

    If you enjoy this approach to the mental game, check out the Pickleball Therapy Podcast on all platforms (YouTube too).

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    Stay well


  • In this triple episode we address three different areas; things in the PPA that merits some conversation, hardwiring concept and, in the RIFF, we talk about putting your finger on the paddle.

    1. On the PPA experience, I was watching two matches and I observed how flaws in the mental game spill over into your physical performance, shot making, execution, your thinking and ultimately decision making. There are good examples from those matches that I share with you in this episode.

    It's very important not to lose sight of the mental side of the game to feel better and play better.

    2. The second area we discuss is that we're subject to an exchange of inputs and outputs through our processing systems; our minds and our bodies. That's hardwiring and we can't change that, but there are few steps I'll share with you that you can take to help your conscious mind overcome subconscious feeling while you're playing, especially when it comes to survival circuit.

    3. In the RIFF, I'm going to talk about putting your finger on the paddle, this is in response to a question that was asked recently by one of our system members.

    Special episode reviewing Dayne Gingrich and Jill Martin's book, The Pickleball Mindset:

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    Get on the court with us for a Tournament Game Plan:

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

  • I had a chance to read this new book on the market, The Pickleball Mindset, that's written by my fellow senior professional, pickleball player, Dayne Gingrich, and his co-author, Jill Martin.

    One really powerful concept that Dayne and Jill address is to stop "chasing the win" and find your purpose.

    If you listen to this podcast you know we are big fans of defining our relationship with this sport and why we play pickleball. Thus my biggest takeaway was the idea of pre-accepting that anything can happen in a pickleball game, just like in life.

    The book has some nice nuggets that I'm going to share with you and also give you my thoughts about the book. At the end of the podcast I give you my verdict on whether I think it's worthwhile to dive into, if you haven't done so already.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    Pickleball Mindset: The Blueprint for Peak Performance by Dayne Gingrich and Jill Martin:

    Join us at our Pickleball Camps here:

    The Pickleball System:

    Pickable Summit:

  • The journey to be a more well-rounded player can be filled with distractions that pull you in different directions, that are not as productive as others, the Erne being a good example.

    When you watch the Erne in action in pro matches, you'll find that it's of very limited strategic value.

    What's an Erne? In this episode I explain to you what that is, why it's not an effective shot, and unless you're super excited about it, I would suggest putting it on pause and really think about it, again.

    Because winning in pickleball comes from the basic, non-sexy stuff, as well as doing it better and better than you have before.

    In the RIFF, we thank you, as a listener to the podcast, for trusting us with your pickleball journey and your relationship with the sport.

    The Soft Game is DEAD ... or is it? - Let's stop guessing and find out on the In2Pickle Channel:

    Check out our courses:

    Join our Live Game Studies:

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

  • Is everything fast and hard? This week we turn towards a strategy concept. It's something I've been working on recently based on a question that's frequently asked - is the soft game dead?

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    The soft game is alive and is being used by those who know how to use it well, to win a lot of times against teams that don't apply a soft game approach.

    When you study the best teams, you'll notice that they rely on a soft game, Chapter One, disciplined approach to pickleball.

    Listen to this episode as we discuss Chapter One Pickleball, what you need to add to the soft game or make sure you have that approach to your game and more!

    In the RIFF I share with you a quick story I read from a post that was in the Pickleball System Facebook group.

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    Beat the Bangers course:

  • This week we wrap up the series on setting the right baseline for yourself. The key here is basically grounding ourselves in reality to evaluate our performance in a good and healthy way.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    I share with you a quick side story I was reminded of that has nothing to do with pickleball, but you'll see how it ties together.

    Now one of the benefits of setting the baseline is that it gives you accurate information about how you perfom today. Listen to the full episode as I talk to you about this and more benefits of setting the baseline and using this approach to evaluate performance.

    In the RIFF I'm going to talk about the concept of seeing the game that maybe foreign to some, but when you're able to see the game, it really changes how you engage with the sport.

    Subscribe to The Pickleball Therapy Podcast on YouTube:

    Join us for the Live May 2024 Game Studies:

    Previous Episodes on this series:

    Part 1 : Doing the Best You Can Do PLUS Incremental Growth- Episode 187
    Part 2: Setting the Right Baseline for You PLUS an update from the US Open- Episode 188
    Part 3: Avoid these 2 Baseline Traps PLUS Hybrid Pickleball is Amazing- Episode 189

  • What is this Pickleball Therapy podcast all about? In one word: you. In 3 words: your pickleball improvement. In 16 words: You enjoying the fullest, healthiest, and best relationship with this awesome sport that we all love.

    If that sounds interesting to you, join us inside the podcast. You can watch it here or listen to it on Apple, Spotify, and all podcast platforms.

    See you on the inside.

  • We had an opportunity to sit down with Mark Lashley, the CEO of UTR Sports. They have been in the ratings game for a long time & in this episode he explains why ratings and rankings matter.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    A rating and a ranking creates level-based play so no matter what level you're at, it's fun to be on a court and you get to enjoy the experience with people at your level. Mark explains how the rating system works to determine the level of a player.

    It's a really good episode that you'll also get to understand why a good rating system is always going to be more accurate than a ranking system.

    If you're either a tournament player,playing league, you play at a facility that uses levels, or you're just curious about ratings, listen to this episode and check out UTR Sports for yourself on how they impact the group and the environment in which you play.

    UTR Sports:

    Join us for the Live May 2024 Game Studies:

  • There's a baseline appropriate for us based on where we are right now. Why? Because the baseline is supposed to keep us in reality. It's meant to ground us in the modality of our situation.

    A baseline is like a snapshot of your performance. You can, ofcourse, improve in the future and move your baseline with some work, a focus on your game and growth.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    In this episode I'll share with you a conversation I had with a friend of mine and why we need to compare ourselves to a baseline that's appropriate for us as well as how to avoid the trap of being theoretical.

    In the Riff I share with you a particular story about the US Open Tournament Play that has to do with hybrid pickleball that was both eye-opening and exciting plus the lessons that I took away from that experience.

    Episode 188:

    Join us for the Live May 2024 Game Studies:

  • Are you asking the right questions when setting the baseline for yourselves? In this episode we dive deep into setting the baseline for ourselves and understanding the realities of the game.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    It's important that you resist the temptation to compare yourself to the other player or trying to look for the perfect sequence when you're out there playing .

    Because we're all in different places. Some of us are younger, some older, some of us are left-hand, and some are right-hand and so many other differences, including our backgrounds.

    Simply ask yourself, 'Did I do what I could do? Did I do the best that I can?'

    I am recording this podcast on location, down at the US Open in Naples and in the RIFF I talk about the US Open and the camaraderie that you see at an event like this.

    I have two requests;

    i) Please rate and review us, even if you have left a review in the past of the podcast
    ii) If you like YouTube and you're on there, go to Pickleball Therapy on YouTube, like a video or write a comment here and there to help us reach more players.

    Purchase from our friends at Total Pickleball.

  • I had the pleasure of interviewing Eric Brynes, a very passionate player & former Major League baseball player. Eric talks to us about his journey as a pickleball player, his book and more!

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    The beauties of our pickleball is seeing many folks with different backgrounds, all playing this awesome sport.

    During this episode, Eric talks about various concepts I think you're going to find super interesting. One of them is that we sometimes fight with our students or with players in terms of understanding that they are, in fact, athletes.

    Listen to the full episode as Eric also talks about how he takes care of his body, why positioning matters and lot's of other awesome stuff, including how he puts himself in a position to succeed.

    You can get KT Tape at this link.

  • This week we go deep in defining our metrics to analyze games we've played. How do we ask questions or frame ourselves in a correct and more constructive way of thinking about performance?

    Start working on asking yourself, did I do the best that I could in that situation from my performance standpoint?

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    In this episode I'll also read to you a story that's a really nice perspective, that all you need to know is your name and we can play some pickleball.

    It's a good reminder of the general sport of pickleball, why we play it and the camaraderie that gets developed.

    In the RIFF, we talk about the three-minute plank which is about incremental progress and not big, chunky progress. That's the progress that you're going to see in your game and eventually it'll come together.

    Join us here for our awesome tournament class:

    Check out Tyrol shoes Use code BP10 at checkout

    The Pickleball System Class:

  • There are serious losses that we encounter that's part of being alive. If your favorite team did not win a contest, it's not an upset and does not mean that anybody suffered a loss.

    It just means that the contest ended with one team having more points, or other defining measurement of that sport, than the other team.

    That's why in this week's episode we're talking about how we reference losing sporting events.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    There's an old Japanese Samurai proverb that says, Do not speak bad of yourself, for the warrior within hears your words and is lessened by them.

    Language and the words you use is so important, it affects us and it's how we interact with our mind.

    Listen to this episode as we talk about how we can guard ourselves from the resistance inside our mind to events are nothing more than normal expected events

    Episode 182- Remove Your Mental Plaque and You'll Play Better;

  • We've had great conversations with our therapists that we will share here. One of our therapist talks about the importance of the mental game as we age & the mental and physical challenges.

    How do we deal with those as we get older?

    Here's my take;

    - As we get older, we have to be cognizant of life, the change in our bodies and our mind because it can change our ability to, for instance, stay focused for longer.

    - Use the FOSS approach of understanding the game to understand what you can do in different situations that's going to be more effective. Then repeat what works.

    And as always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    Listen to the full episode as I answer more questions and suggestions on;

    The game getting faster and harder with a lot of players out there just banging the ball I'm I cut out for tournaments or anything related to tournament prep? What do you do when you feel like you've outgrown your original pickleball group? The common tendencies that we see that we can look for in our opponents and how to capitalize on them

    Send us an email: [email protected]

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  • Playing a tournament but are not sure what to choose? We've got your covered in this special episode. You can confidently make your selection, knowing that there is a cogent reason you are doing so. Your opponents will likely be baffled. But you will know - and that's what matters.

    Join us here for our awesome tournament class:

  • You become a fierce competitor by applying something specific to your mind. When we are playing out there, there are times when we're going to be in trouble. What do we do in that situation?

    Thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

    Now I was reminded of the never say die mindset thought process in watching a PPA finals match between Andrei Daescu and Anna Bright against the strongest mixed doubles team in the history of pickleball, Ben Johns & Anna Leigh Waters.

    Check out Tyrol Pickleball for the best shoes designed specifically for pickleball. Use BP10 at checkout.

    The never say die mindset is where the three pillars of pickleball overlap. Understanding that all three, strategic, mechanical pillar and the athletic, is necessary and working on all of them is how you're going to really maximize your potential as a pickleball player.

    In that match I recommend really focusing on Andre in terms of how you're going to get the most out of this process, how he moves, how he uses his paddle, and everything he does.

    In the RIFF, I'm going to be chatting about paddles, and basically our mindset when it comes to paddles

    Send me an email- [email protected]

    Pickleball Therapy Channel:

    Video on finals between Andrei Daescu and Anna Bright:

    Pickleball is Messy - and that is Awesome PLUS Why Players Share "Advice"- Episode 164:

    How to apply lead tape to your pickleball paddle: Add Lead Tape to make your paddle for you - I'll show you how
    This video will be live next week. Subscribe to In2Pickle on YouTube to get notified of when the video goes live and for other awesome content.

  • There's a wall that players can sometimes run into when trying to improve. But there's a wall that some players spend a lot of time standing in front of that they're not able to scale it.

    This week I'm going to talk about the mindset that you want to bring to your improvement. This is an improvement episode where we talk about big picture improvement.

    The term fundamentals is a turn off to some players but the irony of it is it's what exactly the players need in order to scale that wall or break through that wall.

    It takes some dedication, work and patience to be able to get where we want to go.

    Join us for the Win-More Series here:

    THE Pickleball System:

    Video in In2Pickle: Breaking Through: Secrets to Surpass the 3.0-3.5 Wall

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    Thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.

  • Players often struggle to recognize what occurred in the rallies they played. It’s through recognition that we can make adjustments as we move forward in our play.

    A lot of times players have difficulty recognising or relating to what just occurred in the rally they just played. For instance, who hit what shot, where was the ball hit and things like that. It even includes sometimes players having difficulty remembering that they hit a particular shot.

    Start working on recognizing what's going on on the pickleball court as you play and what you need to improve to help you fix flaws. That will do the most lifting to help you elevate your game, advance your play and play better.

    We need to recognize we hit the shot, where we hit the shot and then recognize how the shot compares to the shot that made the most sense.

    Recognition as a skill is something that you can work on, improve and build on. And you know what's the key? To start with one shot.

    Join us for the Win-More Series here:

    THE Pickleball System:

    As always, thanks for joining us on Pickleball Therapy - the podcast dedicated to your pickleball improvement. If you have not yet subscribed to the podcast ... wait what?? you haven't subscribed? ... you know what to do.