
  • Providing mantra and mentorship, Krishna Das explores how we can heal our heavy hearts and manage both personal and global suffering.

    In this episode of Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das explores:

    Mantras to use during wartimes or other painful experiencesHanuman, the remover of all difficulties and negative energyTibetan philosophies of the transition between life and deathBest wishes for all who are suffering across the globeKeeping our hearts open and available to all beings, all the timeA story of how KC Tewari saw Maharaj-ji as ShivaThe extraordinary beauty of the devotee and the belovedEscaping from the habit loop through regular practiceManaging a heavy-heart and freeing ourselves from sufferingCommitting to being a good human and caring for others


    “These practices free us from all negative emotions, ultimately. They free us from the very things within us that cause us suffering, whether it’s the way we react to the outside world or the inside world. One has to commit to wanting to be a good human being and to care about others.” – Krishna Das

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  • Explaining the fruits of dedicated practice, Krishna Das urges listeners to move past instant gratification and artificial forms of awakening.

    This episode is brought to you by Dharma Moon. Join Buddhist teachers David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman for a free online event on Tuesday, March 4th at 6pm ET. Together, they'll explore the power of lineage, tradition, and the evolution of mindfulness practices. They’ll also discuss Dharma Moon’s renowned mindfulness meditation teacher training program. Visit for more info and to reserve your spot for the free online event with David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman!

    This time on Pilgrim Heart we hear Krishna Das explain:

    Following our hearts and praying for guidanceFully giving ourselves to practiceLetting go of the need for immediate gratificationHow Krishna Das started chanting with othersKrishna Das’ experience almost being drafted into VietnamPsychedelics and getting out of our self-imposed jailsThe transient and artificial nature of substancesDeveloping our consciousness overtime through practiceOpening our hearts to all beingsSpiritual practice as the path to love within us all


    “We’re so scattered and fragmented and distracted. It’s so hard to focus on something other than immediate pleasure. If it’s a movie or a good meal we seem to be able to focus, but when it comes down to doing something that doesn’t get immediate gratification, it’s very hard.” – Krishna Das

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  • Sharing insight from Maharaj-ji, Krishna Das discusses reaching higher states of consciousness through service, repetition, and purification.

    This episode includes wisdom from Krishna Das on:

    Shedding our belief system of ego and separate selfThe importance of regular practice and finding time everydayLearning from Maharaj-ji through dreams and meditationFinding Maharaj-ji in our worldReaching higher states of consciousness through service, mantra, and purificationDoing spiritual work in our daily lives and seeing it all as GodLooking at humanity with honest eyes and letting go of how we think things should beThe book Love Everyone by Parvati Markus

    “Higher states of consciousness can’t be created by your own personal will. But, through service to others, repetition of the name, and purification of the heart, those states will arrive and arise when you’re ready.” – Krishna Das


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  • Through devotional chanting and conversation, Krishna Das offers guidance on living out our practice both on and off the mat.

    Today’s podcast is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    In this episode, Krishna Das answers questions on:

    The deep intuition that develops over timeMaking our practice a way of lifeRebirth and ensuring we create positive karmaDealing with conflict in parental relationshipsAccepting others fully as an act of pure loveWidening our hearts and noticing when we are being judgmentalStruggling with thoughts that haunt usContinuously letting go of our experiencesShowing up in our practice to work with our emotionsWhat happens when the body passes onA mantra to Maharaj-ji

    “Love means letting someone be who they are. We can’t change people. Our parents, we don’t know what made them the way they are. We know them only as our parents. We don’t see what life was like when they grew up, what they went through, their hearts being broken. We don’t understand what brought them to this moment. All we know is that they’re our parents and most of the time they just piss us off. We have to develop a little compassion. If you really love someone, you don’t need to change them in order to love them.” – Krishna Das


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  • Closing the year, Krishna Das explores the transformative power of deepening our awareness and how practice helps us navigate life’s challenges.

    This time, on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das speaks on:

    Going within and deepening our awarenessSubjective versus objective experiencesAdvice that Krishna received from Maharaj-jiHow repeating the name gives us strengthPracticing awareness and breaking bad habitsHow to work through heartbreakComing back into an object of concentrationLearning to trust your own heart

    “There’s really no within and without except in the sense of physicality. Consciousness is not within or without. It permeates everything. Everything exists inside of awareness, of pure being.” – Krishna Das


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  • Krishna Das teaches listeners all that is possible through total sincerity of the heart and self-awareness.

    This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das holds a talk on:

    How Krishna Das’ bar mitzvah transformed his outlook on organized religionWhat initially struck Krishna Das about Zen Buddhism and Indian philosophySensing an ongoing connection to Ram DassSitting down and chanting without over-intellectualizing everythingHaving sincerity of heart and being kind to ourselvesThe inner and outer blanket of Maharaj-jiThe difficult process of forgiving those who have hurt usLetting others be who they are and learn their own lessonsRecognizing that the problems we have with others are often about ourselves

    “Try to be kind to yourself. That’s all. You don’t need a mantra to be kind to yourself. You just need to recognize what that means and try to figure out why you’re not kind to yourself. You don’t need magic for that, you just need to pay attention. You need sincerity of heart. That’s what we need.” – Krishna Das


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  • Contrasting the physical, impermanent world with the ever-present spiritual world, Krishna Das shares insights from the heart space.

    This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das shares insights on:

    How each situation has its own parametersPracticing the principle of non-harmGiving yourself 100% to whatever you are doingConceptualizing our approach to religionThe love that exists in the non-physical reality within usReal love versus conditional loveAllowing people to be who they areRemembering the impermanent nature of pleasureThe pressure from the times we live in

    “Everything in your life can serve the spiritual side if you are ripe enough to pay attention. But most of us, including myself, we just want what we want when we want it and if we don’t get it, we don’t like it. We’re not going to learn a lot in that state of mind.” – Krishna Das

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  • Krishna Das guides listeners to develop the strength to overcome painful situations through regular practice and surrendering to what is.

    Today’s podcast is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das dives into:

    Chanting for a balance between light and darkThe inner strength to not identify with negative emotionsWorking through fear surrounding death of a loved oneKrishna Das’ hot spring storyBeing kind to ourselves and allowing situations to normalize in due timeFinding out ‘what is’ instead of just ‘want we want to be’Coming back to the chant to be in the present momentThe continuous process of letting go

    For more on Krishna Das events, music, and other offerings visit:

    “When somebody that we know and love is very ill and soon to leave the body, it brings up a lot of stuff in us. If you’re not doing regular practice, those moments are going to knock you out. They’re going to roll over you like a steam roller. You’ve got to be doing regular practice over time. That’s the only way to develop the strength to deal with these situations.” – Krishna Das

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  • Exploring the many fruits of making time for spiritual practice, Krishna Das shares the beauty of forgiving those who have hurt us.

    This week, Krishna Das responds to questions on:

    The ways we nurture our wounds and carry our painForgiving those who have hurt usHow hurt people hurt others out of their own painThe power of loving-kindness mediation for forgivenessMaturing and realizing that pain is just a part of lifeForgiveness and kindness as the fruit of spiritual practiceHow the poison of attachment ruins loveThe Hanuman Chalisa as an offering to Maharaj-jiChanting as a meditation practiceFinding the time for practice in our busy livesListening to our hearts and discovering what we really want in lifeSuspending disbelief and connecting to powers beyond ourselvesDifficult familial relationships and doing the best we can

    “As the fruit of our hearts is ripened and gets sweeter, those pains are left behind. But, there’s no button you can push; it’s the fruit of practice, that forgiveness, kindness, and compassion open us up.” – Krishna Das

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  • Krishna Das explains how we can serve our parents and release their karmas along with our own as a labor of love.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This week, Krishna Das responds to questions on:

    What Maharaj-ji said about service to our parentsPraying for people from afar and working through traumasFreeing our parents from their karmasDoing healing work on our own heartsDetaching from the ego and loving the soul instead of the roleSeeing the boundless love and purity in everyoneHow negative mind-states can block us from sensing the guruHow trying to hold onto pleasant feelings causes more sufferingMaintaining equanimity no matter what we are receiving from the outside world

    “While your parents are alive, if possible, one should try to release the negative energy in that relationship somehow. It’s something that we’ll carry with us for our whole lives and we will be hurt by those emotional knots within us.” – Krishna Das

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  • Amidst global and individual suffering, Krishna Das teaches listeners how to move forward even when our spirit is heavy.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das offers advice about:

    Coping when we are worn out from global and individual painHonoring all of our feelingsUsing the handshaking practice for difficult emotionsRecognizing that we are separate from our feelingsHaving a chanting practice to work on releasing feelingsWhy we cannot neglect our inner worldCreating peace in the world through our own serenityAllowing ourselves to say no sometimes and building healthy boundariesFinding a balance between helping others and taking care of ourselvesDeveloping a heart as wide as the world

    “It’s possible to honor all of our feelings, even the heavy, negative feelings, and not allow them to destroy us.” – Krishna Das

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  • Dissolving our erroneous beliefs of separateness, Krishna Das shares the importance of continuous service and devotional practice.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    In this episode of Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das speaks about:

    Service anytime and anywherePlanting seeds for the fruits of our practiceClearing out blockages in the body with asana practiceKrishna Das' deep friendship with Maharaj-jiSamadhi and emerging into deeper states of consciousnessHow mantra can uncover the presence of spiritual beingsRealizing that we are not our egosThe principal of Sub Ek, or, All OneKC Tewari and the film Brilliant Disguise

    “Service can be done anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t have to be your job, it doesn’t have to be a big deal, it doesn’t have to make you money. Real service is learning how to treat other people with the same love and respect that we would like to be treated. You can do that now.” – Krishna Das

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  • Gracefully describing the truth of love that unites all people, Krishna Das shares how self-compassion can extend into the world.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This week, Krishna Das responds to questions on:

    The concept of Sub Ek, or, all oneMaking peace with the many paths to GodHow relationships help us see where we need to work on ourselvesHaving compassion for ourselves so we can extend kindness to othersRecognizing the impact of our actions on the worldFreewill versus the karmic seeds that we are born withDealing with discomfort instead of seeking out pleasureChoosing whichever practice feels right to usBeing open to whatever arises during our practiceThe subtle transformations that occur throughout our spiritual journey

    “If we’re hard on ourselves, if we don’t have kindness and compassion for our own selves and our own stuff, we really can’t be kind for other people. We can pretend to be kind, which is what most of us do, but real kindness comes from recognizing that we’re all in this together. We’re all here together in this world and all of our actions are very powerful.” – Krishna Das

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  • Discover new approaches to overcoming life’s challenges! In this episode of the Pilgrim Heart Podcast, Krishna Das offers powerful teachings that empower you to take control of your own liberation from suffering.

    In today's episode, KD reflects on:

    Developing the quality of bodhicittaStaying present through tragedy and sufferingChanging how the present moment feels rather than being lost in the pastThe impossibility of avoiding painCoping with the loss of a loved oneDealing with reality rather than seeking constant blissCreating positive habits and releasing destructive emotionsPracticing coming back to our breathPutting ourselves in others shoe’s when they hurt us

    “It is our own minds that create the suffering and it is our minds that liberate us from suffering.” – Krishna Das

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  • Diving into principles of karma, Krishna Das describes how we can serve all beings and follow our own path, shares stories about his guru, Maharaj-ji, and much more.

    Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on September 8th 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

     In this episode, Krishna Das chants and answers questions on:

    Why and how he started singing kirtanMaharaj-ji’s guidance for Krishna Das to return to AmericaThe many ways that we can help peopleFinding our path and following itThe many causes of disconnection from other people and ourselvesPaying attention instead of being lost in our feelingsDoing concentration practice and breath-awarenessThe many forms of one God and how this life shapes our future

    “If you find your path and your practice and your heart’s love, then you’re in a different place. By following that, you’re actually serving all beings because you find your way of living in the world in a good way, and that includes everybody.” – Krishna Das

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  • This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das explores the experience and manifestation of enlightened beings and answers questions on Maharaj-ji, devotion, and more.

    Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on August 18th 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

    This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das holds a talk on:

    The experience and manifestation of enlightened beingsMaharaj-ji’s guidance on chanting and repeating the name of GodCleaning our hearts so that there is room for Maharaj-jiRecognizing everything as grace but still continuing to do our practiceUnderstanding what a real guru is versus what a disciple isDefining the soul as the way we can experience consciousnessBecoming a pure servant to the guru through seeing them in everyoneTraining our minds to think of others instead of only ourselvesBeing aware of what we are singing when chanting so that our practice is truly devotionalFinding light in the darkest moments

    About Krishna Das:

    Layering traditional Hindu kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation, Grammy nominee, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.” With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das – known to friends, family, and fans as simply KD – has taken the call-and-response chanting out of yoga centers and into concert halls, becoming a worldwide icon and the best-selling chant artist of all time. His album ‘Live Ananda’ (released January 2012) was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Age album category.

    KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass, and in August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to most as Maharaj-ji.

    Krishna Das now travels the world sharing his kirtan practice and wonderful stories of his life, of Maharaji-ji, of his life on the Path and discusses bringing chanting into our lives through retreats and workshops. To date, KD has released 15 well-received albums, most recently Trust in the Heart released in October 2017.

    For more on Krishna Das events, music, and other offerings visit:

    “The experience of all enlightened beings is all the same but the manifestation can be very different. Some sit up in a cave and nobody ever sees them and they do all their work silently, invisibly, from wherever they are. Others are more visible.” – Krishna Das

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  • In between devotional chants, Krishna Das guides listeners on the path of radical self-honesty and self-examination.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das teaches us about:

    Facing our own egoistic desiresMaharaj-ji’s guidance on chanting and repeating the name of GodSurrendering by grace and being kind to ourselvesFinding out what we really want to doBeing honest with ourselves and examining ourselves closelyThe usefulness of therapy and spiritual practice in exploring our feelingsHow the state of the world feeds depression and anxietyEngaging with life fully and with an open heartThe love that we have within ourselves as our true natureHelping ourselves so that we can help others

    Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on June 9th 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

    “Don’t be afraid, be honest with yourself, examine yourself as closely and as openly as you can, and see what comes up.” – Krishna Das

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  • Describing how God is beyond what the mind can conceptualize, Krishna Das reflects on ways to let go and experience oneness.

    In this episode, Krishna Das describes:

    Looking for love and beauty inside of ourselvesGod as beyond the conceptualHow Maharaj-ji represents the entire universeWhy we cannot simply run from sufferingBeing of service to others without our ego getting involvedRecognizing the ways we engage in hurtful relationshipsTaking care of ourselves and lightening the load of sufferingMaharaj-ji’s physical body and abilitiesAccomplishing anything through love and devotionThe practice of letting go through dance, chanting, or other forms of releaseWhy Krishna Das has not used psychedelic medicine since the sixtiesLiving in oneness with God all the timeAccepting others as they are

    “Anything you can think of or conceptualize with your mind can’t be God, because God is beyond that. I don’t know what I believe; I believe in love. I believe that Maharaj-ji is the whole universe and Maharaj-ji is that love. The love is where I want to be. I don’t need to know anything more than that.” – Krishna Das

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  • This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das discusses freeing ourselves from abuse, finding support, embracing unconditional love, understanding our parents, and using psychedelics for positive karma.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

    This week on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das holds a talk on:

    Freeing ourselves from abusive situationsFinding love and support from people in similar circumstancesLoving from our soul and being unconditionalLetting other people be themselvesUnderstanding our parents as their own people with their own issuesHaving an appreciation for being aliveCreating boundaries when necessaryAll the negativity that can come from hatred and angerWorking on our own reactivityPsychedelics as a pathway to unconditional loveMaking positive karmas for ourselves and doing our practices

    Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on May 12th, 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

    “When you love one person unconditionally, you love all beings unconditionally. There is no middle ground. Unconditional love is the state of oneness — the non-dual state of all one, as Maharaj-ji used to say, all one, sub-ek.” – Krishna Das

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  • Offering wisdom on the challenging yet necessary work of spiritual practice, Krishna Das explains working through difficulty and finding answers in ourselves.

    This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das offers wisdom on:

    Dealing with family issuesUntying emotional knots through practiceDoing spiritual work and cleaning our heartsReleasing the programming from our pastTreating others well and making positive karmaChanting, mantra repetition, and serving others for deeper consciousnessContinual growth in spiritual practiceBeing present, being with the sound of the nameExperiencing the space around our thoughtsFinding answers within ourselvesThe roots of depression and anger

    Today’s episode originally aired on Krisha Das’ “Hanging Out In the Heart Space” online satsang on May 5th, 2022. Be sure to subscribe to Krishna Das on Youtube to get new episodes of “Hanging Out In the Heart Space”, fresh music from KD and more: Krishna Das Music

    “Removing the energy out of the traumatic experiences and experiences that formed us is a big job. It’s a really big thing. Don’t think of it as a waste of time. It’s our spiritual work. We’re cleaning our hearts of anger, betrayal, hurt, damage, grief, and shame, all the stuff that we’ve learned and absorbed as children in our families and in life.” – Krishna Das

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