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How do you live your life more deliberately? What can you do to bring more meaning and purpose into your life? What are some tools and tips that you can use to upgrade your your health, happiness, and well-being? If you're asking those questions, you're in the right place! Life on Purpose presents in-depth conversations with entrepreneurs, creatives, seekers, and thought leaders from around the world. We discuss how each of them are being purposeful with various aspects as their lives- whether in their daily habits, work and running a business, relationships, health, travel, money, or just how they move through their day. Each episode offers inspiration and concrete examples that listeners can apply to their own lives. Life on Purpose is the latest creation from Gregory Berg, producer/host of the acclaimed Radio Enso, which aired nearly 150 in-depth conversations from 2011-2014 and has a five-star rating on iTunes. Through the years, Greg has been fortunate enough to interview an amazing array of inspirational people whose life work revolves around helping others answer those very questions — creatives, academics, and visionaries like Brene Brown, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Jennifer Louden, Jonathan Fields, Danielle LaPorte, Chris Guillebeau, Susan Piver, Chris Brogan and MANY more. For more information, visit:
Синдзи, полезай в Еву! - философский проект, в котором я пишу собственные статьи на различные темы, пытаясь разобраться во всём.
Разбираем интеллектуальные и псевдоинтеллектуальные тексты. Делаем контент по философии и прочей интеллектуальной прозе. Тёмный вайб, постмодерн и все, что вы (не) любите.Готовимся к демократии объектов и пытаемся оседлать тигра.
The world needs a revolutionary radical change in consciousness - one that would help us understand what compassion really is.
Is it possible to break completely free of conditioning to discover life as you will never be able to imagine?
“The end of war and suffering and prejudice that everyone seeks is not to be sought, bought, nor fought!” - Gab Ciminelli
Most people talk about happiness, but this show talks about a radical change to act from an intelligent energy that is in total freedom, total alignment with the universe.
If you are “serious” about being as happy as hell, you’re in the right place!
Enjoy two seasons of deep diving into issues no-one really wants to question. Not because you don’t want to, but because you’re condition to be afraid to. But that is where the secret to happiness lies.
Change your conscious, change your life.
Hosted by Sashka Regina, Forbes-featured Leading Business & Brand Strategist, CEO & Founder of BrandSashka and Future Forward Hub. This podcast is centred around 6x of the World Health Organisation's Global Goals, where conversations take place with regular people, implementing extraordinary change. Because through conversation and education, positive change can take place to achieve the Global Goals.
Guest applications:
BrandSashka is a Brand Communications Agency that helps Innovative Game Changers live and market beyond the obvious. Future Forward is the HUB for conversations that matter, that discuss forward-thinking topics that go beyond the obvious.
Subscribe to Future Forward here >>
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Welcome to “It All Starts With A Soul Search” podcast, where we delve deep into the thought-provoking blog posts and video content from Join us as we explore themes of human connection, creativity, and the search for meaning in the modern world. Each episode offers a deep dive into the ideas and inspirations behind the posts, bringing the digital words to life with nuanced discussions and personal reflections. Whether you’re a longtime reader or a curious newcomer, this podcast invites you to slow down, listen, and connect with the stories that shape our shared journey.
Так вышло, что мы — Екатерина Кронгауз и Андрей Бабицкий — некоторое время вели подкаст «Дело случая», обсуждая сложные моральные коллизии современного человека. Это оказалось очень увлекательным делом, потому что и ситуации случаются — нарочно не придумаешь, и отношение к ним в обществе меняется довольно быстро. Тот подкаст не вернуть (хотя можно послушать!), но мы вдвоем собираемся делать новый, собственный и независимый. Он и будет называться «Так вышло».
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Это подкаст студии «Либо/Либо».
Наш Instagram: @libolibostudio
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Esa Saarisen suositun Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu -luentosarjan tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujan kykyä omaehtoiseen, laaja-alaiseen, luovaan ja eteenpäinvirittyneeseen elämänfilosofiseen ajatteluun. Tavoitteena on synnyttää voimakkaasti rikastava oivallusympäristö, jossa osanottaja voi jäsentää toimintatapojaan, ajattelumallejaan ja arvokysymyksiä henkilökohtaisesti relevantilla tavalla. Luentosarja antaa työvälineitä rakentaa ja terävöittää oman henkisen kasvun ja elämänasenteen perusteita ja suuntaviivoja. Painopiste on kunkin osallistujan omassa toiminnassa ja elämässä. Tavoitteena on vahvistaa kunkin kykyä elää muutostilanteissa luovasti ja arvo-ohjautuvasti. Luennot hyödyntävät länsimaisen ja itämaisen filosofian voimavirtoja sekä nykyaikaisen ihmistutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia ja ilmentävät prof. Saarisen elämyksellisestä, kokonaisvaltaista ja tunnelmaintensiivistä luentotapaa, jossa avainroolissa on luentotilanteen osallistujissa synnyttämä ajattelun liike.
Hyvinvointialan yrittäjä, työhyvinvointivalmentaja ja luennoitsija Joni Jaakkolan sohvafilosofisia ajatuksia terveydestä, hyvinvoinnista, suorituskyvystä ja väkevästä elämästä. [email protected],,
The American English Podcast teaches the language and culture of the United States. Through common expressions, pronunciation tips and interesting cultural snippets or stories, I hope to keep this fun, useful and interesting! All bonus material can be accessed at
"Tämä ei oo teemapodcast vaan sellanen normaalipodcast. Vähän niinku ystävienkin kanssa juttelee luontevasti kevyistä jutuista, mut tarpeen tullen niistä kaikista vakavimmistakin. Konstailematonta menoa."
Podcast on vanhempainvapaalla ja uusia jaksoja on tulossa luultavasti syksyllä 2025. Ennen taukoa puhuttiin mm. rakkaudesta ja raskautumisesta sekundäärisen lapsettomuuden jälkeen.
Seuraa Henriikkaa Instagramissa @aamukahvilla (
Tuotanto: Asennestudio
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Un progetto di Giulia Cuter e Giulia Perona
In occasione del 70esimo anniversario dal primo voto politico delle donne italiane, il 2 giugno 1946, è nato Senza rossetto, un podcast radiofonico che vuole raccontare la figura femminile ieri e oggi. Ogni puntata affronta un tema legato alle convenzioni che la società attribuisce all’universo femminile, attraverso la penna e la voce di una scrittrice contemporanea. -
Death is Hilarious is a podcast that talks about grief in a humorous, realistic, and death positive way with comedians and professionals in the grief space.
Tawny Platis, founder of Death is Hilarious Grief Relief Foundation and comedy content creator, started the podcast after her husband, George, passed away in November of 2019. They had a comedy podcast together called The Dirty Bits, which can still be found on this feed.
Watch the show live on Instagram @thatdeathpod -
The Magnificent Life course on life philosophy, hosted by popular philosopher Esa Saarinen, provides an inspiring, uplifting, respectful and humanly warm platform in which to develop oneself reflectively in one’s orientation to life. The course does not provide ready-made answers, skill-sets or instructions for leading a better life, but seeks to help the participant personally as she develops her thinking in order to live more meaningfully and contributively.
Der Weg zum Glück wird immer wieder als Sinn des Lebens bezeichnet. Was wäre, wenn ich dir sage, dass du lernen kannst glücklich zu sein? In einer Welt der Negativität hat es sich dieser Podcast zur Aufgabe gemacht Widerstand zu leisten. Hier lernst du durch inspirierende Geschichten,dass Lebensglück und Erfolg vereinbar sind. Inspirierende Gäste, du und ich sprechen über emotionale Intelligenz. Glück und positive Psychologie, wie du es schaffst glücklicher zu leben und DEIN Leben auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Durch Geschichten werde ich dir tiefe Einblicke in die unfassbare Welt der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung geben. Deswegen der Titel : Erzähl mir mehr! Vielen Dank, dass du zuhörst!