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Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
Rai dangin goro ne; ruwa ake ba shi. Idan rayuwa ta yi nauyi xan Adam yana buqatar hutu. Idan wahala ta yi yawa ana buqatar sauqi. Wannan littafi an yi shi ne don ya zama “Abokin Fira” ga Maigida da iyalinsa a matsayin taxi da nishaxi da ake yi kafin shiga bacci. Haka kuma ana son ya taimaki matafiyi wanda yake zaune a cikin qosawa yana jiran isowar mota ko saukar jirgin sama, ko zuwan wani baqo, ko kiran likita. Ko kuma yake zaune a cikin mota direba yana
keta daji da shi, ko a cikin jirgin sama yana keta sararin samaniya, ko dai wani yanayi makamancin haka. Littafin yana dacewa a karanta shi -
The future of healthcare depends on a better-connected community. In the Future of Drug Discovery (FODD) series, we bring innovators together from academia and industry to forge new neural paths in our collective brain. Our hope is to catalyse interactions to form the next-generation treatments.
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Bladder Cancer, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
The Heal Deal Podcast is dedicated to helping you achieve more freedom in your health and your life.
Your host, Dr. Leona Allen, will share real deal, eye-opening conversations based on over 20 years of personal and clinical experience.
Podcast episodes will include a range of topics that will take you on a journey to heal your mind, body, and soul. -
Join us as we explore the frontiers of mental health and well being through in depth interviews and conversations with mental health experts from across the globe. "A Look Within" is a project by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health dedicated to exploring important issues around mental health and sharing unique perspectives and useful resources for listeners. Each episode we speak with mental health experts to share their thoughts and work with an eye towards helping all of us address life challenges, learn about ourselves, and grow as individuals and communities.
The GO TO PODCAST For Women Over 40 Who Want To Lose Weight!
Do you feel like getting older is making it harder to lose weight?
Are you struggling to find the time and discipline to see a fitness program through?
Do you know you need consistency and accountability but can’t find either?
I’m LaDawn Hickman, a Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach.
I worked in corporate for many, many years and I was a health and wellness coach and a fitness competitor.
But I struggled to have the body of a competitor while still craving Cheetos and Reese’s Cups. I put on weight, my hormones began to change and I struggled with high blood pressure after 40.
As a 50+ wife, mom and busy professional, I’m here to tell you, you CAN lose weight. AND keep it off for good WITHOUT spending hours working out or eliminating foods you love.
Stick around and I’ll tell you how!!
In this podcast, I will teach you:
→ How to lose weight and keep it off
→ Quick workouts for women over 40
→ Easy meal prep
→ How to stay committed to your fitness journey
Losing weight is possible after 40 and it can be simple. I didn’t say it was going to be easy but it doesn’t haven’t to be complicated!
So stop putting off your health journey and join me as we do a 180 and build some healthy habits together.
How to connect with me
Essential Wellness FaceBook Community -
Q’s Health and Wellness Podcast is your source for living a healthier lifestyle and developing a better mind body and soul. Through guidance tips and stories of highly successful fitness guru’s, athletes and individuals who are passionate about enhancing all aspects of life. We provide you with the tools to help you take your lifestyle to another level.
Welcome to The PhenomWell CBD Podcast, your go-to source for expert insights and information on all things hemp-derived products. Our show explores the latest research and trends surrounding CBD and THC gummies, vapes, flower, and tinctures, including how they're made, the effects and benefits of using them, and the industry as a whole. Join us as we talk with industry experts and delve into the various aspects of hemp-derived products, from growing the plant, to extraction methods and product production. You'll learn about the latest advancements in the industry and hear from experts about the most recent scientific findings. The PhenomWell Team is here to provide you with authentic and accurate information for you to make informed decisions about hemp derived products. Come join us on our journey to wellness.
Welcome to our podcast, where we celebrate the power, creativity, and diversity of different voices. This is an all-female anchored podcast that explores the experiences, stories, and perspectives of people from all walks of life. Our aim is to create a space where we can share stories, opinions, and expertise without fear of judgment or prejudice. We believe that by amplifying our voices, we can inspire and empower others. In each episode, we will feature a diverse range of guests, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, and more. Enjoy. Please like, share and comment.
The Energy Fix is a podcast dedicated to help you balance your energetic body by diving deep into the sweet world of all things health and spirituality.
Everything is energy! And in this podcast we explore how energy imbalances can show up in so many ways — body aches and pains, emotional imbalances, illnesses, allergies, fatigue, just to name a few. We cover topics like nutrition, body movement, mindset shifting, brain rewiring, spirituality, emotional release, energy balancing, personal empowerment, your lifestyle choices, and so much more! This is a blend of solo episodes and interviews.
Pushing the boundaries. Thinking outside the box. Enhancing your health is a REAL way. That's what you get here at The Energy Fix.