1 Corinthians 13, "The Love Chapter," is one of the most popular chapters in the Bible. But what is the context of this chapter? It's right in the middle of a teaching on spiritual gifts! It is our guide for how to use the spiritual gifts. The goal of the gifts is to love people. Tune in to learn more!
Some of the spiritual gifts are revelatory in nature, meaning God communicates something to us. How do we know if it's God? How does God speak to us? Let's find out together! Tune in to learn more.
We will finish defining + describing each spiritual gift listed in Scripture, as well as provide a discretion for using each gift. Tune in to learn more!
Let's talk about tongues! What is this spiritual gift? How should it be used? Can everyone speak in tongues? Why did God give us this gift? As always, let's look at the Bible to bring clarity to this beautiful gift from God. Tune in to learn more!
What are the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible? Is that all that there is? Let's explore the key Biblical texts that list out some spiritual gifts. Tune in to learn more!
Are all the spiritual gifts still in operation, or did some of them go away when the apostles died? Does the Bible speak to this? What if I haven't experienced some of these gifts in my own life? Tune in to learn more!
New series on spiritual gifts! We'll look at Scripture to find out about spiritual gifts, what are they, how do they work, and what do we do with them. Tune in to learn more!
Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice...what does that mean? What role does our body play in our worship? How do we honor the Lord with our bodies? And how does fasting relate to all this? Tune in to learn more!
What is biblical fasting? Did people fast in the Bible? Are we commanded to fast today? Tune in to learn more!
Why do we give gifts at Christmas? We give gifts because God gave the greatest gift. We give because we love. This is a reflection of how God has loved us: "For God so loved that world that He gave..." Tune in to learn more on how we can love people in this season like God has loved us.
How do we make sense of the conquests in the Old Testament? This is a common objection, but it is not without explanation. We must always approach every scenario with a foundational understanding of who God is + how He operates. Tune in to learn more!
How should Christians think about war? Jesus told us to love our enemies. Paul wrote that the authorities don't bear the sword for no reason. God is love + God is just. War will always be a reality until Jesus fully restores His Kingdom, but in the meantime, how should followers of Jesus think about war + violence? Tune in to learn more!
Not all sources are equal + trustworthy. Just like when writing a research paper, we must cite our sources + they must be good sources. When we stray from the standard, we stray from the truth. Tune in to learn more! (NOTE: the first portion of the recording is missing, so you'll miss a little context).
Men's Gathering, 10.26.23. In Daniel 1, we see how the enemy will try to reclaim us for his purposes, retrain us to think incorrectly, and rename us with false identities. But we can resolve to not defile ourselves, like Daniel, and be steadfast in who the LORD has called us + created us to be. Tune in to learn more!
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Sounds pretty important! How do we do that? Why do we do that? Does it really matter? Let's take a look at Proverbs 4. Tune in to learn more!
Will I always be anxious? Or is there another way? Tune in to learn how you can respond in every situation so that you can live in a place of perfect peace.
Our thinking determines our living. The enemy is a liar + strategizes to plant lies in our lives. We can, however, choose another way: a renewed mind. Tune in to learn more!
We can make excuses, or we can make an impact, but we can't do both. When it comes to fully following Jesus, we can immediately + automatically give Him our 'Yes,' or we can choose another way, which isn't full surrender. Tune in to learn more!
You were created on purpose + with a purpose. What is the LORD doing in your life right now? How can you embrace this season for all that it's worth? Tune in to learn more!
Saying 'I love you' is important, but showing I love you is better! How can we love people the way that God loves us? Tune in to learn more!
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