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In this episode, I chat with my friends Leyland and Malia in Kauai who introduced me to Kangen alkaline water. I met Malia at the elementary school where we were both teaching and discovered how instrumental water had been for us both in our past and present journey of self-healing.
In this conversation, Leyland and I talk through the paradigm shift currently taking place where we as individuals get to determine our own health and wellness through proactive measures and investments outside of the mainstream clinical treatments. Instead of waiting for a problem to arise and be treated, it’s possible to now take action to avoid it altogether.
Leyland recounts in this conversation how they chose to invest in alkaline water, after discovering that Malia had cancer a year and a half ago, and Malia describes how much it supported her throughout chemo and radiation treatments.
I also share my story of having discovered three years back that I had an inherited heavy metal exposure and how that has since reshaped my reality.
By sharing our stories, hopefully this conversation can provide insight and inspiration in reclaiming your health, on your own terms.
We cover everything from the highs and lows of detoxing + cleanses; the myth of cleaning with harsh chemicals unpacked; recalibrating life as non-drinkers, and the incredible resilience of the human body and spirit.
Please feel free to reach out to Leyland, or myself if you have any questions or feedback about anything we’ve covered!
Leyland Swenson
IG: @leyland_swenson
Octavia Carney
IG: @_octaviacarney
Change your water, change your life.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this conversation XyLaw and I honor and reflect upon the end of this major cycle with Saturn sitting at the last degree of Aquarius on the cliff’s edge of Piscean water. XyLaw began her work called Sacred Dialogue in response to how we've been forced to share things that we're not ready to share too quickly. In this conversation we cover a wide range of topics: from forced disclosure to the absence of consent, to surviving sexual assault, and navigating the subsequent disclosure of it.
We also discuss the parallels of ‘coming-out’ and Truth-Speaking and how it’s played out in the world we are currently building that can receive and honor such disclosures, differently than before. We also laugh, a lot and celebrate what it’s like to come through the other side of such struggles, “on the frontlines of life” as XyLaw puts it and how to be in full Trust and Acceptance of oneself at every stage- another key component of her work.
Lastly we describe the ways we can fully utilize and embrace ALL aspects of the technology we are offered as Pluto is entering into Aquarius later this month. We discuss going beyond the (Ahrimanic) shadow side of tech and AI (Aquarius) embracing it as a means to enhance how we connect to further empower, support and honor each other’s Truth and growth remembering that we are never alone.
For inquires connect with XyLaw at:
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In this episode, I’m joined by Spirit Medium and Visionary Eliza Kendall as we explore the frequencies of Joy & Innocence.
Eliza offers innumerable avenues to enter these realms. She includes actionable ways to apply them to our own personal development in our relationship to both ourselves and those around us in the process.
Eliza’s describes how she began her journey in palliative care and spent time with one foot in the spirit world and one foot in the human world. From there she developed the skills and qualities that allowed her to transcend both worlds and essentially act as a bridge between the two.
This opened the door to connect her with her own psychic gifts and has led her to re/discover these states on her own spiritual path where they've revealed themselves as the highest vibrational frequencies she can emit.
In this Episode we cover:
- How Joy is a trick / shortcut into the Higher states.
- How Identities can disconnect us from Joy, and how to reunify.
- Experimenting with different looks, observing how people respond and ultimately learning how to bypass the conscious mind through connection.
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - QHHT developed by Delores Cannon, and her extensive psychic research.
- Tips on exploring these realms in your daily life and how to utilize your own curiosity to lead you there.
- Plus So much more.
This conversation was as delightful as it was fascinating for me!
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In this episode, I merge the influences of Virgo season leading up to the Pisces Full Moon by delving into the details describing how Inflation, Monetary History, and Beliefs outlast Reality. We can't fully expand into what we want without considering how to make it work together [Mercury Opposite Jupiter].
September 9th - Mercury will Station Rx on the Full Moon in Pisces when we will have to let go of the details and widen out to reflect upon how we can form connections that will support and sustain us moving forward- Less is more even though Jupiter wants us to go all out, Mercury has us taking pause.
From now until the end of 2022 is about intentionally wrapping up any loose ends from the past.
Mars in Gemini is guiding us through the end of the year, and into the big transition we will experience in March of 2023 when Pluto moves into Aquarius and Saturn enters Pisces. Nothing will be like it was, so choose your output (and subsequent inputs wisely) to direct your sails toward the future that you feel ready to embody.
In this episode, I reference the books: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel + Skin in the Game by Nassim Talib
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In this episode, Co-Host Lauren Renee from The Visionary Vortex Podcast and I opted to geographically align with Duality to record this transmission from opposite ends of the Earth and explore how the current planetary influences initiated by this New Moon in Leo will unfold in the weeks and months ahead.
As we approach the next chapter in the Pandemic that will begin from August 8th, this episode is an offering of how you can prepare as if it were the start of 2020, and you knew exactly what was coming on a Global level, to better nourish yourself and thrive in the process.
This transmission felt unlike any episode or co-creation I've engaged with thus far, in that the intentions we both set have woven through its co-creation at every turn, as we have both allowed ourselves to be guided by how its wanted us to release it into the world at this time.
By honoring our own bodies and internal capacities and taking care to attune to each others' time zones, new possibilities continued to unfold at each point when we honored the call to Simplify + Trust the Pace of Co-Creation.
In this episode, we reflect upon the breadth of our personal experiences as I'm re-visiting my home country in the US for the first time in three years, while Lauren has just emerged from journeying remote Australia deepening her connection to Love, the Land and her Community.
Highlights of The Common Ground we cover include:
-The Willful Sacrifice of Authenticity
-Inherent Ancient Adaptability
-Sublimating Polarity into Possibility
-Innovating How We Connect + Relate
-Stripping Back to Re-Create
-Locating Joy as Life-Force
-Transmuting Scarcity into Abundance
-Curating Curiosity
-Plus Much More Magic...
You can follow The Visionary Vortex Podcast on all streaming platforms for more of Lauren's legendary drop-ins with Change Makers offering their timeless wisdom in this pivotal time here on New Earth.
Follow Lauren on Instagram at @laurenreneeintimacy
Find me on IG at @_octaviacarney
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In this episode, I delve into The Rebel Archetype and explore the nuances between Rebellion & Liberation in its many manifestations and subtleties: through its cultural signature in the US, the wisdom of distinguished disruptors amongst us and the intersection of my own lived experience.
Rebellion and Liberation are fluid evolutionary states that needn't stay fixed, but do require consciousness around their cause and implications.
Mars entering Taurus on July 5th initiates the build-up for rest of the month toward the turbulent conjunction it will make with Uranus and the North Node on August 1st.
Mercury also entered Cancer on July 5th, meaning both personal planets entered the signs where they descend into discomfort, inviting us to do the same where that we can co-create a new reality within the current one that's right in front of us. Enjoy.
[In this episode, I also refer to a recent offering by Ari Felix called: Love Exalted - A Planetary Teaching on Creating A Culture of Reparative Conduct.]
Youtube Episode Link:
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In this PSA, I describe how to utilise the Plutonian influence during the month of July, leading up to the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th.
Youtube Episode Link:
[The themes I describe are also inspired by the book, Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins]
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IG: @_octaviacarney
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In this episode, I delve into how what appears on the surface can both reflect and distract from the deeper substance beneath it.
As I find myself back Stateside I reflect upon the humbling lessons encountered in transit both superficially and structurally that can apply to how we’re all simplifying how we live.
Leaning into the edges of discomfort and growth will pay off handsomely as Mars squares Pluto directly after this New Moon when we will get checked on what we’ve put in place.
Leading up to this New Moon with Venus entering Gemini the connections we re/establish are providing invaluable updates we can apply to what will better support and nourish us now.
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In this episode, I describe my experience as an American 'immigrant' in my home country after living overseas for the past six years and how being on the outside looking in has changed me, especially recently.
This New Moon will give us a glimpse into what we can expect later this year after Mars enters Gemini in August, where it will station retrograde and remain until March 2023.
In this episode (video) I describe the relationship between this New Moon and the US Natal Chart and the invitation to break free from past patterns in history, with incredible examples from San Francisco Giants manager, Gabe Kapler and Golden State Warriors head coach, Steve Kerr who are redefining how the home of the brave actually show up.
I also highlight the good, the bad and the ugly side of Mars / Chiron in Aries and outline how we can maintain responsibility for our feelings and humanness on an individual level to align ourselves with the higher octave of the Warrior Archetype. Finally, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus just before this New Moon, reminding us to embody and even slow down enough to savour our experience in the process.
Episode Video Link:
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Sunday May 16th : Total Lunar Eclipse, 25° Scorpio {Sun + Moon Square Saturn}
May 10th - June 3rd : Mercury Rx in Gemini / Taurus
YouTube Episode Link:
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In this episode I’m in Hobart, Tasmania describing how I’ve been accessing the higher realms for support and intuitive guidance thanks to the Jupiter / Neptune conjunction in Pisces. This weekend’s Full Moon in Libra is the last lunation before Eclipse season that is sure to yield valuable insights that will serve us well down the road, so long as we can remain open to receiving, and trusting them- and ourselves.
Youtube Episode:
The Stories of Convict Women & Orphan Children in Tasmania
IG: @_octaviacarney
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In this episode, I dive into ways to flip the script around notions of Conflict, Healthy Anger + Consent as an empowered reflection of Aries Season and the upcoming Venus, then Mars Conjunction with Saturn next month.
Innovation and progress historically result in division and unrest between the Old Order and the New Freedoms being established. I refer to the book titled: When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate, and describe how the moments of tension and unrest are actually guiding us through growth, change and evolution as individuals, and as a civilisation.
YouTube Episode:
Upcoming Transits:
Wednesday March 23rd Mars square Uranus
Thursday 24th Mercury conjoins Neptune
Sunday 27th Mercury enters Aries
Tuesday 29th Venus conjoins Saturn
Friday April 1st New Moon Aries
Sunday 3rd Sun conjoins Mercury
Tuesday 5th Mars conjoins Saturn
Wednesday 6th Venus enters Pisces
Wednesday 13th Jupiter conjoins Neptune
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IG @_octaviacarney
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In this episode, I describe the Full Moon on Friday the 18th (in all timezones!) as an anchor in the wake of global events that have pulled us out to sea and overflowed into our daily life describing the Virgo / Pisces axis as a mainstay that can bring us back to ourselves. I also provide a guided tour of the four quadrants of the zodiac and put into context how where we are now will determine where we will find ourselves after the upcoming Equinox on Monday, March 21st AEDT when Aries season will set our new found awareness ablaze toward whats next. Enjoy.
Link to YouTube Episode:
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I created this episode with the intention of raising awareness of the ongoing flood crisis (Day 9) here in Northern New South Wales where I’m based, drawing parallels to how what’s happening here locally as a microcosm of what is happening globally, i.e. Ukraine.
In our incredible communities here, thousands have had their homes and businesses completely destroyed, and much of the relief efforts have come from crowd funding and locals who are stepping up each day to assist in any way they can.
If you feel called, any contribution to these fundraisers would be greatly appreciated as many folks here have lost everything and have no where to go.
After last week’s New Moon, with Mars and Venus entering Aquarius, we’ve undoubtedly entered a new chapter which is calling upon us to create a new reality that can meet the glaring deficiencies in the Old Paradigm infrastructure and innovate in ways that allow us to live in a more sustainable, cooperative, and responsible world which is what Aquarius is all about.
In this episode, I delve into why crypto is an ingenious way to provide natural disaster relief, as it has already proven to be, and how social media is now serving a very different role in this New Paradigm allowing us to rely on each other for the information that we need most. Finally, Mercury will be in Pisces March 10th-27th allowing us to start coming to terms with what is unknowable as we begin to rebuild together. Enjoy.
I’ve included links below where you can also find footage of the flood’s gofundme pages on the youtube link below.
#13 Youtube Episode:
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IG @_octaviacarney
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Next week, Venus (leaving shadow) and Mars will both conjoin Pluto at 27° Capricorn, the exact degree of the US natal Pluto Return.
In this episode, I describe how the US Pluto Return has landed globally: the downfall of Facebook shares, the difference between Web2 + Web3, and the exciting frontier of re-claiming ownership of our data. I also relate why entering the realms of crypto and NFT’s feels like buying furniture at IKEA, and how my first encounter with crypto back in 2016 swept me off my feet. Enjoy.
Link to Episode Video
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IG: @_octaviacarney
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Next week, Mars and Venus (leaving shadow) will both conjoin Pluto at 27° Capricorn, the exact degree of the US natal Pluto Return. Because of this I’ve divided this episode in to two parts: the first part focuses on the lead-up to the New Moon in Pisces (March 2nd AEDT) and how it can show up in our personal realm and ways to work with it.
The second part will expand on that, addressing the global implications of the US Pluto return with examples of how its already in motion (NFT’s, Inflation, Ukraine), all within the context of whats unfolding for the New Moon in Pisces- where we will find ourselves on the cusp of Life 3.0, a reality completely re-imagined.
In this episode, I describe the abrupt shift into overdrive Mercury takes as it leaves shadow and squares Uranus on Friday, February 25th AEDT and how the re-route will lead us toward the Super-Jupiter-Sized New Moon in Pisces next week on Wednesday, March 2nd. Enjoy.
YouTube Episode Link
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IG: @_octaviacarney
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I've recorded and released this episode on the edge of the Full Moon in Leo, punctuating how much this truly is a turning point moment, leading up to a new chapter that begins in March.
In this episode, I describe the new policy that was implemented back on January 19th, 2022 and that will come into full effect as of March 17th, according to the Instagram Terms and Conditions.
I also explain why this move should give us hope and inspiration, because Tarot + Astrology were the original internet, accessible to all. I also delve into how this relates to the history of hysteria treatment, and the invention of the vibrator.
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In this episode, I embark upon the new frontier of creating video content, so these episodes will now also be available to watch on YouTube, or to stream here on the Podcast. Dates + times all in AEDT.
In this transmission, I describe the final Mercury + Pluto meeting this weekend on Saturday Feb. 12, and how that will set the tone for the Full Moon in Leo next week on Wednesday Feb. 16th, when Venus + Mars will conjoin. I also delve into how the rest of February's astrology is preparing us for the the upcoming two year anniversary of the pandemic in March, and setting us up for a new chapter of change. We finally have the ability to move forward- and so long as we are willing- we can potentially set ourselves free. Enjoy.
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