
  • How many hats do leaders wear, and how can you distinguish between them? In this episode, I discuss the five different hats in leadership.

    I will explain how to use them and how not to use them. Tune in with your pen and paper to take notes on these leadership hats.

    Also, don’t forget to go to YouTube to see the full visual effects of the episode.

    1. The Values Hat: The heart and soul of leadership is the “Values Hat.” It embodies the essence of what it means to lead with purpose and authenticity. This leadership hat represents your deepest values and beliefs, which come to life and shape how you connect with your teams. You use this hat to inspire others with integrity and stay true to yourself.

    2. The Leader Hat:This hat embraces the true essence of leadership with grace and purpose. The “Leader Hat” embodies vision, inspiration, and empowerment. This is the hat you wear when you’re leading with your heart and guiding your team toward a shared dream. You step into the role of a visionary leader who sees the future and ignites passion in others to reach goals.

    3. The Boss Hat: When making firm decisions with clarity and direction, you wear the “Boss Hat.” Wearing this hat allows you to step up with authority and guide your team with a clear, unwavering hand. It’s the hat you wear when things need to get done, and there’s no room for hesitation. Also, remember to wear this powerful hat with care. Leaning on it too much can create an atmosphere of rigidity, where creativity and collaboration might be overshadowed.

    4. The Friend Hat: It’s essential for leaders to create nurturing and warm connections with team members to have a supportive workplace atmosphere. You want to be approachable and relatable, so your team will trust you to lead them in the right direction. However, try not to linger in this hat for too long. Doing so may cause blurry lines within your authority, making it harder to uphold standards or expectations.

    5. The Navigator Hat: When wearing the “Navigator Hat,” you become a mentor who helps each team member find their own path during challenges and transitions. This hat allows you to become a steady presence in team members' lives who offer encouragement, thoughtful feedback, and unwavering support. You’re able to nurture their development and create a safe environment that allows them to grow in their personal and professional goals.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • How do you expect your employees to deliver value to customers if you’re not able to do so? In this episode, I sit down with Bob Burg, co-author of the best-selling Go-Giver series and co-founder of Sales World Live, to explore what it means to be a go-giver. Get your pen and paper ready as we dive into the world of leadership and discover the vital role of giving value to others.

    1. One touching insight Bob Burg shared is that, despite being deeply introverted, he is also friendly and outgoing. A reminder that introversion doesn't limit the ability to connect meaningfully with others. Providing a good customer experience lies in the art of building genuine relationships.

    2. You might assume that someone who loves to talk is naturally great at networking, but that’s not always the case. Bob found that people who dominate conversations are often skilled at talking but not necessarily at selling. In fact, it's usually those who listen more attentively who excel in business.

    3. Society often tells us that being introverted is a sign of weakness, but have you ever considered that it might actually be a source of strength? Introverts naturally show deeper empathy, taking the time to truly listen to others' desires and needs. This is what sales is all about—caring about and understanding your customers' pain points.

    4. As a leader, it’s crucial to invest time in truly understanding the challenges others face. What are your customers' pain points? What difficulties are your employees encountering? By listening, observing, and asking thoughtful, probing questions, you can create positive outcomes for your customers, your team, and the overall success of your business.

    5. How do leaders instill a sense of value in their team members? There are two approaches: push or pull. When you push people to do something, they often resist, feeling forced. But when you lead with genuine influence and authenticity, they naturally gravitate toward your vision, drawn to the shared goals you’ve inspired within them.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

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  • Did you know an engaged employee can be up to 21% more productive? However, many leaders overlook one of the simplest yet most crucial elements of employee engagement: transparent communication. Today, I'm taking you on a journey through ten essential things your team members should always be aware of in the workplace.

    1. Clear Roles and Responsibilities

    When we know exactly what is expected of us, it not only prevents overlap and confusion but also fosters a sense of purpose and efficiency. Well-defined roles act as our guiding light, reducing the risk of duplicated efforts and wasted resources. By regularly revisiting and refining these roles, we can ensure our team remains aligned, focused, and motivated, creating a harmonious and productive work environment.

    2. Transparency in Company Goals and Vision

    I always emphasize the importance of transparency in communicating the company’s goals and vision. When we understand the bigger picture, we feel a deeper connection to our work and a sense of purpose that drives our intrinsic motivation. This transparency reduces uncertainty and enhances our job performance.

    3. Performance Expectations and Feedback Channels

    Regular feedback helps us understand how our work is evaluated, what is expected of us, and the pathways to promotions and raises. Many leaders fall short of providing this clarity, which can lead to disengagement. Open communication channels allow us to voice our concerns, ask questions, and receive timely resolutions. This openness enhances trust and productivity, making us feel valued and heard.

    4. Growth and Development Opportunities

    We remain engaged and committed to the company when we are aware of our potential career pathways. This is crucial for retaining top talent. Actively discussing and creating a roadmap for development keeps our morale high and ensures the organization is always moving forward with a motivated and empowered team.

    5. Recognition, Rewards, and Job Security

    Effective recognition, reward systems, and transparent communication about job security are vital for maintaining high morale and loyalty. Being open about the company’s stability can alleviate unnecessary stress and build trust among team members. When we feel secure in our jobs and appreciated for our contributions, we are likelier to stay engaged and committed to the company’s success, fostering a culture of loyalty and dedication.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios."

  • What are the signs that you need to talk to your boss? In this episode of Playing In The Sandbox, I share five red flags that it’s time to have a bold conversation with the one you report to. Grab your pen and paper to learn these workplace strategies and boost your career development.

    1. Recognizing the Need for Career Advancement

    Feeling stuck: This is a clear signal that it’s time to have an open conversation with your boss.

    Lack of career progression: The absence of opportunities to grow your skills can cause you to feel as though your hard work isn’t appreciated.

    Pay the wave: Speaking up about your concerns can lead to career advancement and uncover new possibilities for growth within the organization.

    2. Addressing Overwork and Restoring Work-Life Balance

    Overwork causes stress: Working long hours without breaks, drowning in an endless sea of tasks, and struggling to find time for yourself and your loved ones will easily destroy your overall well-being.

    Make a difference: If you’re stressed, talk with your boss. Share specific examples of how overwork affects you with your boss to spark necessary changes, helping you rediscover balance and boost productivity within your work.

    3. Reconnecting with the Company's Mission

    Goal disconnection: Feeling disconnected from your company’s goals can leave you feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

    Clear the air: Talking with your boss about how your role fits into the company’s mission can bring the clarity you need. This conversation can help you align your tasks and projects with the company’s vision, giving you a clearer sense of purpose.

    Why it helps: Understanding how you contribute to the company’s goals can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your work.

    4. Bridging Team Disconnection Through Open Communication

    Team disconnection: Feeling left out from your co-workers can make you feel like you’re not a team member.

    Why it happens: These feelings might stem from unclear communication, changing responsibilities, or a lack of feedback, leading to anxiety and a fractured team spirit.

    Bring positive changes: Expressing these concerns to your boss can help create a more supportive and understanding environment.

    5. Addressing Unresolved Workplace Conflicts

    Toxicity: Unresolved conflicts in the workplace are deep red flags that can seriously affect morale and productivity. These conflicts can fester and create a toxic environment.

    Solution: Bringing these concerns to your boss in a solution-focused conversation can help highlight the impact of these conflicts and outline steps for resolution.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios."

  • One of the most common misunderstandings about leadership is the belief that it's always about being in control. But that's not the whole story. In this episode of Playing In The Sandbox, we'll explore why leadership is more than just being in charge. So, grab your pen and notebooks, and let's debunk this leadership myth together.

    1. What is a leader?

    Facebook Meme: When you think of a leader, do you envision someone barking orders?

    What leadership is: Leadership isn't about being in charge. It's about nurturing those in your charge. Taking care of your staff and team gives them the confidence to deliver exceptional customer services and goods.

    2. Workplace Title

    Your title means nothing: The title you carry within the workplace does not mean you’re in charge. In reality, you’re in service to those around you.

    Underdogs matter more: The ones reporting to you are your top priority as a leader. Putting your focus on them helps them deliver positive outcomes to clients and customers.

    3. Servant Leadership

    What is servant leadership?: It’s a leadership style that prioritizes others' needs to help them perform at their best within the organization.

    Why it works: This approach fosters trust and a sense of collaboration, making leaders and employees feel like they are part of a team, which is key to success.

    4. Transforming Employee Engagement Through Leadership Prioritization

    Low work engagement: Only 34% of employees are engaged at work. This leaves a large number of employees in the background, quietly waiting for retirement to come.

    Leaders can change it: When leaders take responsibility and prioritize their team's well-being and development, they can transform these employees into highly engaged individuals.

    The changes: Highly engaged employees outperformed their peers by 147% in earnings per share. This shift in engagement, driven by the leaders, can increase revenue and customer success, empowering the organization.

    5. Impactful Leadership Example

    Pepsi’s former CEO: Indra Nooyi's leadership at Pepsi resulted in impressive 80% revenue growth.

    How she did it: Her focus on performance with purpose and employee wellness not only connected the employees more deeply to the company but also significantly contributed to its success.

    Motivation works: Leaders who inspire and motivate their teams, like Nooyi did, can increase employees' loyalty and bring success to organizations.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios."

  • Imagine setting a visionary goal that transforms your leadership and ignites a fire within your team. Join me in this episode of the "Playing in the Sandbox" podcast as we venture into "Leadership Moonshots"! Discover what a moonshot really is, why it's vital for your leadership, and how it can set you and your team on a path to unprecedented success.

    1. Understanding the Leadership Moonshot

    What is a Leadership Moonshot?: If you're unfamiliar with the term, a leadership moonshot is an ambitious, seemingly impossible goal that pushes boundaries and inspires greatness.

    Historical Example: Consider when JFK challenged the US to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. This bold vision ignited the nation's imagination and efforts, demonstrating the power of setting audacious goals.

    Inspiration for Greatness: A leadership moonshot motivates and drives collective effort towards remarkable achievements.

    2. The Danger of Imitating Others' Moonshots

    Avoid Emulating Others: Resist the temptation to replicate others' moonshot ideas. This lack of originality and enthusiasm can lead to failure because it doesn't align with your values and vision.

    Learn from Past Failures: Consider the downfall of companies like Kodak and Blockbuster, which failed to innovate and keep up with trends.

    Create Your Own Vision: Your moonshot should reflect your distinct vision and values, empowering you to stand out and thrive.

    3. Defining Your Leadership Moonshot

    Create Your Unique Goal: Define your leadership moonshot by setting a bold, ambitious goal that aligns with your strengths and values.

    Take the Reins: Take charge and craft a vision that reflects your unique perspective.

    Align with Your Team: Share these goals with your team to ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same vision.

    4. Embracing Setbacks as Feedback

    Setbacks are Part of the Journey: Every great journey will encounter setbacks.

    Mindset Shift: View these setbacks as feedback, not roadblocks.

    Accelerate Learning: This perspective accelerates learning, helps you correct mistakes swiftly, and keeps you on the path to progress.

    5. The Power of Belief in Achieving Moonshots

    Believe in Your Goal: Your belief in your goal is crucial. If you don't believe in it, how can anyone else?

    Unwavering Optimism: Maintain a strong, positive outlook to inspire your team. This optimism helps to shape and sustain the collective vision of achieving ambitious, "moonshot" goals.

    Leadership and Motivation: When leaders genuinely believe in their team's ability to achieve these goals, it fosters motivation and drives the team to accomplish remarkable results.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you don’t become a quitter! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Are you ready to elevate your leadership game and transform your communication with your team, colleagues, and loved ones? In this powerful episode of Play in The Sandbox, I share the untapped potential of a simple yet profound concept: "Clarity is Kindness."

    Discover how clarity fosters trust, enhances productivity, and creates a harmonious environment where everyone thrives. My practical tips and strategies will revolutionize how you lead and connect with others.

    1. Why is clarity in leadership communication important? Clarity is essential in leadership communication to ensure everyone understands your message. To truly harness the power of clarity, it's crucial to involve yourself and your team in the process. Try self-assessments and team feedback. This will not only allow you to make adjustments but also empower you and your team to improve alignment and understanding within the organization.

    2. To help others understand the urgency of your message, start setting boundaries and managing expectations when delivering directives or urgent messages. Integrating proactive communication strategies and follow-up mechanisms ensures that urgent matters are addressed promptly without compromising clarity or causing confusion.

    3. Leaders who encourage open dialogue and feedback loops among team members can empower individuals to address challenges collaboratively and constructively. You can also provide skill development and coaching to help team members enhance their conflict resolution abilities, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement and trust within the organization.

    4. Consider using self-awareness tools to drive continuous improvement and progress tracking in team management. Establishing clear expectations and regular check-ins enables leaders to monitor progress effectively and promptly address challenges.

    5. Leaders can promote team cohesion and productivity by setting clear expectations and providing consistent feedback. Through continuous engagement, feedback, and skill development, leaders can empower teams to navigate challenges, achieve goals, and foster a culture of collaboration and success.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Transitions in a company are always challenging for those in leadership positions. However, hearing from someone else's experiences can give you an idea of what to expect.

    In this episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I continue my conversation with Mike Nassar, an incredible leader known for his relational approach and strategic vision. Listen to Mike's insights on leadership, curiosity, and empathy in today's complex business environment.

    A deep sense of fulfillment drives Mike's leadership journey. He finds joy in guiding individuals and teams to unlock their full potential and seeing their careers flourish. This personal growth and fulfillment are the true rewards of leadership. Try helping your team cast a vision for success to motivate and guide them through challenges. Leaders who remind their team members that winning is possible directs them toward goals despite current setbacks. Mike's commitment to continuous learning and curiosity is a testament to his belief in personal and professional growth. He shares his practice of constantly exploring the company's internal workings, competitors' strategies, and the best practices from other industries. With this commitment, each day at work is a new learning opportunity, ensuring continuous growth and excellence. It’s exciting when mid-level managers and employees suggest feedback, isn’t it? Mike shares why it’s essential for leaders to welcome feedback and ideas from workers at all levels of the company. This practice enhances the customer experience and operational efficiency. When a company puts value into diverse perspectives, it drives the organization toward success. If you ever feel as though there’s a misalignment between your values and the company’s, consider a career change. Mike shares that those who stay in a working environment where values clash often experience dissatisfaction and conflicts. No matter how much you love your position, if it doesn’t align with your personal values, it can impact job satisfaction.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you can elevate your communication and leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • I'm delighted to have Mike Nassar, a distinguished leader, join us. His journey, from various managerial positions to the presidency and then the COO role of a major international company, is a shining example of strategic leadership and value-driven management.

    In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of aligning personal values with organizational goals. Don't miss this conversation, as Mike's wisdom will provide invaluable insights for aspiring leaders and seasoned professionals.

    It’s essential for businesses to align their personal values with those of the organization during transitions. In addition, middle managers should stay true to their core values and choose employment that aligns well with their personal beliefs. This will allow you to make the right decisions for the company and yourself.

    During the transition phase, provide updates to every employee under your guidance. A leader who ensures good communication represents the company effectively to the staff.

    Amidst the changes, it's crucial to remember the value of employee feedback. While it may seem challenging with the many tasks at hand, taking the time to listen and respond to your team's input not only upholds company standards but also makes them feel valued and heard.

    Connecting with as many employees as possible is essential for those leading large organizations. Mike shares insights on the importance of connecting with people face-to-face across various locations and the challenges and rewards it brings.

    Promote an employee only if he or she meets specific criteria. Mutual success only happens when employees' and managers' goals align.

    Go to to learn how to build up your management skills. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • It’s time to get curious! In today’s episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I’m bringing you a topic from the vault that digs deep into how we ask questions. Instead of seeking to be understood, first, it’s important that we seek to understand. If you find yourself asking questions that lead to defensiveness, confusion, or other unexpected responses, this episode is for you.

    More often than not, people hear questions as accusations. Framing questions from a curious perspective can move our team members out of a defensive mindset.

    2. If your work environment is breaking down, examine how others answer the questions you are asking – they will expose their perspective (and their baggage if it exists).

    3. Asking powerful questions gets you to the core of who someone is and moves past the facade.

    4. If you give “point-and-shoot” instructions to your team, the team may feel demoralized. Try taking a “point-and-ask” approach.

    5. Pay attention to cultural differences. For example, if you’re an East Coast leader working with a West Coast team, think about how your team members communicate and create space for clarity.

    6. It’s important to address the pink elephant in the room! If there’s something no one wants to discuss, expose the issue and seek to rectify it without blame.

    Go to to learn more about asking powerful questions! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • As leaders, it’s our responsibility to create safe, stable environments for our team members. In this episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I discuss trauma and how we can show up for team members who are experiencing trauma. In the workplace, anxiety and depression caused by trauma can lead to absenteeism, distraction, and lowered productivity. We have the opportunity to discover root causes by asking good questions. It’s time to unpack some trauma, tap into our empathy, and explore ways to support our teams in the workplace.

    Even though we can’t fix all of the world’s problems, it’s important for leaders to prioritize creating a safe space for our teams to process the upheaval we see happening around us.

    2. Leaders are not necessarily equipped to help teams work through trauma – that’s what therapy is for. But they can help provide resources to their teams. Show team members you prioritize them and how they are coping with large-scale trauma.

    3. Trauma is a response to distressing one-time or ongoing events. Being exposed to a high degree of stress can lead to a variety of negative impacts, like anxiety, fear, shock, and difficulty sleeping.

    4. If you notice a sign that a team member might be experiencing distress, try offering them a quick 20-minute check-in. Ask them how they’re doing at home or how world events are affecting them. Help them feel seen.

    5. Check out the Exquisite Self-Care booklet by Tammy Bond to learn how to implement your own self-care and encourage others. You can not pour from an empty cup.

    6. Build resilience by fostering community. A community gives its members a sense of belonging and purpose.

    Go to for more about trauma and how we can show up in support of others. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Leadership success isn’t just about our actions; it’s about the assumptions we challenge. In this episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I take you through 5 assumptions that hold leaders back and keep teams from reaching their potential. To those leaders out there looking to self-reflect and break down the thought patterns that limit creativity and hinder growth, this episode is for you!

    Assumption #1: “I know best.” This mindset builds resistance to feedback and alternative perspectives, which shuts down your personal growth, your team’s creativity, and innovation overall. Try asking yourself, “Do I always know best? Every time?”

    Assumption #2: “This is how it’s always been done.” Resistance to change like this breeds stagnation, a lack of progress, and inefficiency. Try opening up a short 7-minute conversation about what can be done differently on a given project (even if you end up sticking with the old way).

    Assumption #3: “I don’t need feedback.” Leaders who reject feedback discourage open communication, which can lower the team's morale. This assumption often stems from fear, so try digging deep to understand the source of it.

    Assumption #4: “Success happens overnight." Unrealistic expectations can create pressure, anxiety, and fear of failure. If a leader expects too much too quickly, this can discourage persistence.

    Assumption #5: “I can do it all alone.” This will lead to burnout and drive the team away. When you rely only on your own expertise, you lose the perspective of others who can help you and provide valuable insights and you rob them of the chance to help you!

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you don’t become a quitter! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Great leaders always look for ways to improve themselves and unlock their potential. In this episode of Playing In the Sandbox, I take you through the three key ingredients that might be missing from your leadership style. Whether you’re a new leader or you think you have it all figured out, listen in! I know you’re going to learn something new.

    The best leaders are vulnerable and authentic in how they approach and communicate with their teams.

    2. Our culture is obsessed with flawlessness, but projecting flawlessness can come across as inauthentic. Embracing vulnerability as your superpower can help you build trust within your team!

    3. Another ingredient in leadership is visionary curiosity. Asking questions and exploring trends can help us with being proactive and “future-proofing.”

    4. After asking great questions, great leaders experiment without fear of failure. Taking sensible chances can help you build your creativity and resilience.

    5. Hold the eye-roll - as leaders, it’s important that we build empathy and emotional intelligence. If you’re not sure where to start, try journaling to develop your self-awareness!

    6. If we don’t understand our own triggers, it’s hard to see when emotions come up in other people. When we know how to manage our emotions, we can model that for others.

    Go to to learn more about the three missing key ingredients in leadership. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios

  • Today’s guest has worked at many levels of different organizations and brings a wealth of knowledge to the topic of leadership and management! In today’s episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I’m so excited to bring you into my most recent conversation with Tia Boatman Patterson, the President and CEO of the California Community Reinvestment Corporation. We talk about the importance of communication, expectation-setting, and building management skills at all levels of an organization!

    A good manager is aware of their organization's operations, processes, and procedures and understands how to create and implement them to get things done.

    2. A good leader can motivate, drive, and inspire - and may not be in a “leadership” position!

    3. Having a vision on a leadership level is important, but having strong management is critical to bringing that vision into reality.

    4. “Fake it till you make it” does not make a good leader or manager. Hold off on leading others until you know how to lead yourself well.

    5. Management isn’t easy. From having bold conversations to maintaining open communication between different levels of an organization, there is a lot to balance! Our managers need access to education so they can build those skill sets.

    6. One management skill leaders must embrace is communicating to all levels of their organizations. If they don’t, they risk their big messages getting watered down.

    Go to to learn how to build up your management skills. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • I’m not afraid to have bold conversations, and this may be my boldest episode yet! Today on Playing in the Sandbox, I take you with me as I draw a line in the sand - if we want to improve company culture, we can’t just focus on leadership
 It is so important that we also empower and educate our amazing managers! Positive change happens at all levels, so listen in to hear how leadership and management can work together to help an organization thrive!

    1. We, as a culture, have overemphasized the role of leadership in building healthy business cultures, while undervaluing and underutilizing management.

    2. Middle managers have one of the toughest jobs - they communicate both up to leadership and down to team members.

    3. Problems with company culture often come from communication breakdowns between leadership and the front line staff.

    4. “Title envy” can be a big problem for managers. They may envy the prestige of leadership titles - but when we focus on titles, we lose sight of the importance of the work itself.

    5. Comparing titles often creates unnecessary friction and undermines collaboration, whether one person is belittling themselves or others.

    6. Studies show that organizations with a balance of leadership and management qualities thrive.

    7. Sweeping positive cultural changes can only happen in an organization when leaders check their egos at the door and work in collaboration with all levels of the team. They have to roll up their sleeves and get out there!

    Go to to draw a line in the sand - we need to emphasize management, not just leadership! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Who are you as a manager? In today’s episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I will take you through the 3 M’s of management. And, spoiler alert, one of these things is not like the others! So grab your pen and paper, write down some takeaways, and figure out which one of the 3 M’s just doesn’t belong in your management style!

    Mentoring is an amazing tool that can elevate the success of your team. Spreading your wealth of knowledge strengthens your organization at all levels. Effective mentoring empowers people through building supportive relationships. Mentors build trust with their mentees, encouraging them to be curious, ask for help, and reach their potential. Mindset influences everything you do, for better or worse! Through your actions and behavior, your mindset is transferable to your team. If you want to develop your team culture, evaluate and define your mindset. Embracing a growth mindset will encourage continuous learning and resiliency on your team. Micromanaging is something that many managers do. In short-term situations, micromanagement can be okay. In the long term, however, it leads to burnout, loss of trust, and team turnover! Part of the manager’s job is to keep their eyes on the big picture. When you focus on the day-to-day, you can’t focus on outcomes, leading to big-scale problems!

    Go to to learn more about the 3 M’s of management. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • This year, we’re not just celebrating the New Year, we’re celebrating NOT quitting on Quitter’s Day! In this episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I’m digging into Quitter’s Day and how we can shift our perspective toward behavior changes that stick. On that note, we’re going to talk about framing our yearly reviews to help our team members get excited about changing their mindsets so they can accomplish great things.

    Coming up with a “New Year's Resolution” isn’t enough. We have to create a clear vision of the outcome we want to achieve over a longer timeline. Don’t fall victim to the “new year” hype! Get excited about changing behaviors and mindset - that’s an excitement that lasts. It’s time for our yearly reviews. When we set clear expectations and KPIs, we can help our team members grow, strengthening our team. Most people think that meeting all their needs will help them feel “free,” but there is a lot of freedom in embracing your “wants.” Don’t forget to look inward! When you’re being held back, look into your past to help open up your future.

    Go to to change your mindset and behaviors so you don’t become a quitter! We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Welcome to the final episode of Playing in the Sandbox for this year! I'm thrilled to bring you a special Q&A episode crafted entirely from the questions you, our amazing listeners, have sent in. We will break down the problems so many of us face as leaders while we celebrate curiosity and our amazing community!

    When you want to see behavior changes in your team, set expectations, model the changes, and hold check-ins for support and accountability.

    When you approach teammates about sensitive topics, approach with kindness and share your good intentions. Don’t forget to hold HR accountable!

    Don’t be afraid to stand up to teammates who spew negativity.

    If your team is underperforming, take accountability! Bring awareness to the issue with your team members and be direct!

    Go to to learn how to meet your fear of failure head-on. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.

  • Leaders, we have had so many learning moments on this podcast throughout 2023. For this episode, we’re looking back over the year to celebrate our wins and leave behind the things that no longer serve us.

    The best leaders use the “Power of Regret” to move forward and make big changes. Instead of wallowing in it or pushing it away, confronting regrets can help leaders take action. (Thanks, Dan Pink!)

    If you’re ready to see change but don’t feel like it’s happening, look at what you’re tolerating in your life. Ask yourself - why aren’t you willing to address these things head-on?

    As leaders, we often have high expectations of ourselves and others. But perfection can never be the goal because it’s unattainable - instead, learn how to measure your improvement and celebrate your successes!

    Setting expectations is important, but we must prioritize our people over process. Involving team members in the process will help them buy-in and be more accountable, too!

    “Active Listening” is so much more than just smiling and nodding while team members talk. As a leader, you must stay focused and engaged - DON’T get distracted by your thoughts and reactions.

    Go to to dive deeper into all of these incredible learning moments. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify and subscribe to our Youtube channel. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios.