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The Key to Happiness is in Your Hands!
Join our Journey of Self-Discovery to Rise above the Matrix, the Triggers, the Subconscious Programming to Realize your Ultimate Happiness, a Life full of Joy, Fulfillment and Meaning.
Hosted by Arda Ozdemir, Author of The Art of Becoming Unstuck, Spiritual Mentor and Relationship Coach at -
Jesus is coming back and he will come not just to judge all unrightousness on the earth, but He will come for his bride, the glorious church. Before that, He restores the 5-fold ministry that will equipp and prepare the church to do the works of God on the earth. Without His revelation and power, we are not ready to go through the challenging times ahead. Core Scriptures: Ephesians 3:1-5 // 4:7-16 // 5:27 // 1.Samuel 17:40
Pull up a seat at the table of vulnerability and truth for deep, connective conversation as we discuss Great Mystery and spiritual exploration into our true self.
This conscious hour with Rhonda Smith, leading Lifestyle Architect and Conscious Relationship Coach, explores deep thoughts and alternative ideas about life, conscious love and sex, wholeness, healing and the power of architecting your own reality.
We dive deep into the unknown to discuss plant medicine, embodiment and the truth of life in deep quality "conscious" conversation. The conscious conversation that we all crave.
Looking forward to sharing time and space with you on Cosmicsmith Radio -
How do I stop feeling stuck, burnt out, and overwhelmed? How do I manifest my dreams to reality and live a life I love? How do I have a positive mindset and create changes that actually last? And the biggest question of all, how do I live my purpose while standing strong in my power?!
Hi Friend! Welcome to The Abundance Alchemist Podcast where all of those questions and many many more will be answered! Each episode, Caitlyn Dorsey, the host will bring you powerful tools, ideas, and inspiration to make lasting change in yourself and life! Caitlyn shares her juiciest kept secrets that allowed her to go from trauma, depression, and crippling anxiety to loving herself, standing strong in her space, and manifesting all her dreams to reality. Caitlyn also brings her knowledge through years of working in Mental Health, Addiction, and immersing herself with spiritual teachers around the world to assist you in taking action to LOVE your authentic self in the BADASS life you are actively creating!.The Abundance Alchemist podcast is THE place to shift your mindset, show up unapologetically, love yourself, and radiate confidence! You will experience growth in the conscious, subconscious, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels of your being.
Now it is your turn to show up for yourself and embrace teachings from experts around the world! Tune in for inspiration from guests, tools to skyrocket your growth, and to embrace abundance in all its MAGICAL forms! Stop feeling stuck and stand your ground in creating the life YOU deserve!
What do you say? Are you ready to ENJOY yourself and your LIFE? We believe YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!
Connect with Caitlyn: -
Welcome to Illuminate with Lizzie! Here we talk dive into spirituality, divine guidance, quantum healing, and so much more! My intention with my podcast is to have conscious conversations and share my own experiences that ignite awakening, to help bring illumination to those who seek it. From strengthening your intuition to reprogramming your subconscious mind - there's so much to discuss! This podcast is here to help you navigate your spiritual journey and create the best possible life for yourself, as the highest version of yourself. ❤️
For more content, connect with me via:
Instagram: @illuminatewithlizzie
TikTok: Lizziekeu
Threads: @illuminatewithlizzie
To book an oracle reading, healing or coaching session, click here.
Much love, my loves!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Find tranquility with "Thunderstorm Tranquility - Rain and Thunder Sounds." Ideal for sleep and relaxation, this podcast features the soothing sounds of rain and thunder to help you create a peaceful environment. Whether you need to unwind after a long day or simply enjoy the calming ambiance of a thunderstorm, these sounds will provide the perfect backdrop.
The Save Your Sanity podcast offers episodes filled with the expert insights, validation, strategies, and support you need to recognize, manage, and recover from relationships with the relentlessly difficult, toxic--and often disturbing--people that host Dr. Rhoberta Shaler calls Hijackals®.
She offers invaluable help to stop the second-guessing, undermining, and crazy-making traits, patterns, and cycles you have encountered in relationships with folks like those. Understand the ways, whys, and hows that verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse affect you over time. Whether the Hijackal is a partner, parent, ex, or colleague, what you will learn here will strengthen and empower you to step up, speak up, and stand up for yourself in healthy, assertive ways.
Many Hijackals have behaviors that are considered the same as those who are diagnosed as narcissists, borderlines, psychopaths, sociopaths, and histrionic personality disorder. These insights will help you to make the changes--and good decisions--to move from pain to power, and that's exactly what you want to do! Listen now.
Finding value in this content? Support us on Patreon.Support this show
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
💚Wykup miesięczną subskrypcję podcastu „Chodź na słówko” i uzyskaj dostęp do nowych, regularnie publikowanych medytacji, a także do ogromnej bazy ponad 150 nagrań. Skuteczne metody na stres i lepszy sen. Medytacje prowadzone pomagające radzić sobie ze stresem i negatywnymi myślami, techniki relaksacyjne, mindfulness. Więcej medytacji na
Co to właściwie znaczy „lepsze życie” i jakie podejście mają do tego różni ludzie. Odpowiedź na pytanie czy każdy może żyć lepiej albo jeszcze lepiej? Dlaczego nie tylko warto ale należy żyć coraz lepiej. Co nam to ułatwia i co nam w tym przeszkadza?
Twórcami podcastu "Żyjmy coraz lepiej" są" Iwona Majewska-Opiełka i Tomek Kniat
To codzienny podcast wspierający Twój rozwój osobisty:
🎙️ pozytywną energią
🎙️ rzetelną wiedzą
🎙️ olbrzymim doświadczeniem -
How do I increase my productivity and decrease distractions? Is it possible to reclaim my time? How can I get more organized? And can I do it all with ADHD?
Welcome to the I’m Busy Being Awesome Podcast, where we dive into each of these questions and so much more.
Every week, life coach and ADHDer Paula Engebretson brings you her best strategies to boost your productivity, manage your time, get organized, and follow through on your goals.
Whether you're a fellow ADHDer, you identify with ADHD tendencies, or you simply want to take your productivity to the next level, this podcast is for you.
Are you busy being awesome? -
The Soul Tribe Podcast was created to help you navigate through the world of spirituality, wellness, and self-development in an easy, grounded and relatable way. We break down everything from the Akashic Records, manifesting, spirituality and so much more! We want to help expand your boundaries and bring the spiritual world to you in a fun and easy way! Get ready to be inspired with tips, tools and easy to digest information.
Our mission with this podcast is to work towards the evolution of the subconscious unity. -
Join us as we talk about all things related to mindfulness, Reiki, metaphysics, tarot, astrology, the law of attraction, magic, and more. Support this podcast:
What would your life look like if you felt confident in your body and health habits? We believe that confidence is possible for all people! Join us each week on the FREE Method Podcast, as Registered Dietitian Dylan Murphy shares insightful tips and hosts meaningful conversations on topics such as intuitive eating, realistic motherhood, body image, wellness and so much more. Subscribe for a new episode each week and head to to learn more.
Maria Gentlewhispering ALL PLAYLISTS ➡️
Doctor Exams
Sounds and Visuals
Color Analysis -
Learn the profound, ancient and revolutionary science of numerology. Discover how your full name and date of birth reveal the story, purpose, direction and potential of your life. Expand your horizons, refine your intelligence, get to know yourself on the most subtle and intimate levels. -
„Tak właśnie mam” to podcast o życiu.
Życiu świadomym i wyciągniętym na światło dzienne. Takim, które robi miejsce na prawdę. Bez oceny. Bez porównań. Bez tworzenia scenariuszy o tym „jak by mogło być”.
My w tym gdybaniu utykamy często.
Te teoretyczne scenariusze zatrzymują nas na poziomie krzywdy i niesprawiedliwości.
Rozwiązaniem jest rozpoznanie, przeżycie i przyjęcie.
Prawdy, z której jesteś.
Prawdy, która niesiesz.
Wtedy pojawia się szacunek, do tego jak mieli - Ci, w rodzinie.
I do tego jak mam ja, dziś.
Ja… tak właśnie mam. -
Псіхалагічны падкаст «Маску на сябе» слухай ды практыкуй!
Падкаст пра ўстойлівасць ад фонду BYSOL для тых, хто хоча навучыцца дапамагаць сабе і іншым. Простыя і эфектыўныя практыкаванні ад экспертак.
10 размоваў у якіх закранаюцца тэмы: пачуцце віны, забарона на жыцце, крызіс, рэлакацыя. Слухай і не забывайся, што ў першую чаргу трэба дапамагчы сабе, каб потым мець магчымасць дапамагчы блізкім.
♥️ Не забудзься падпісацца на падкаст і сачыць за выхадам новых эпізодаў!