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Podcast by @muhamadyafi_
Channel podcast ini menjadi tempat untuk bercerita tentang apa saja, berbagi untuk siapa saja
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Tentang lalu, hari ini dan esok yang tak pernah tau apa yang harus di lakukan selain bersyukur dan percaya dengan apa yang memang seharusnya dipercayai.... /ada baiknya pula dengarkanlah ketika sudah siap untuk tidak berekspetasi tinggi ... /nikmati saja, pintaku".Mungkin kelak, kita dapat mendengarkan ini di depan teras sembari meminum kopi buatanmu !!!! Support this podcast:
It's been called The X-Files meets Beavis and Butt-head. And that's hugely insulting because this show is incredibly serious and perhaps may be the most important podcast ever recorded.
Every Monday noted Critical Thinker Thomas Luge and his apprentice Lil Dickie Rickets sit down with heroes to cut through the misinformation presented by the corporate owned media.
This is most certainly NOT an improvised parody of conspiracy theory culture turned homoerotic soap opera created by comedians Alex Bozinovic and Mike Bobbitt showcasing their funny friends playing eccentric characters.
This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:
Chartable -
Podcorn - -
Berisikan celotehan rerumpian dari Aya, Baihaqi, dan Faiz, Podcast Ngarumpi mau ajak kalian semua, teman-teman rumpi, untuk yuk! Sama-sama kita membudayakan ghibah dan rumpi bareng, cause more u know, more ingredients u have to be shared on the next video of Ngarumpi, Ngobrolin Seputar Masyarakat Planet Ini!!!