
  • You're not creating content for content sake. You're building a platform that will command attention. To succeed, you need to become someone worth listening to.


    In today's episode, we dive into the importance of becoming someone worth listening to. It's the only way to command attention.

    It's not about having the perfect microphone or even launching the slickest podcast. It's about who you are and how you connect with your audience.

    Your success requires stepping into the spotlight authentically and creating a platform that will command attention. Let's explore how you can attract listeners and build impactful relationships by truly being yourself.


    It's all about presence, not just the platform. We often get caught up in the technicalities of podcasting, from RSS feeds to sound quality, but those aren't the cornerstones of success.

    The true power lies in who you are when you're on the mic. I shared my journey in radio, learning the importance of presence from legendary hosts who commanded rooms.

    Your voice and personality are what make your podcast resonate. By leaning into your unique identity, you can become someone people not only enjoy but remember. This is how you command attention.


    Finding your unique voice is key to distinguishing yourself from the sea of sameness. I spoke about how I transitioned from imitating others to discovering my own identity in radio. This critical shift allowed me to build a connection with my audience.

    When I made my shift, people began recognizing me on the street. This was not because I was famous, but because they felt they knew me through my stories and genuine engagement.

    The same principle applies to your content. To command attention, embrace your uniqueness and share your journey. This will grow your influence.


    Growing your audience isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating raving fans who would follow you anywhere. Many content creators struggle because they aim for listeners rather than influence.

    When I worked with hosts like Oscar Trimboli, a listening expert, we transformed his show to highlight his expertise and personality. This in turn, drew in an audience keen on his insights. It’s about moving beyond mere content to establish trust and authority with your listeners.


    Being worth listening to in order to command attention isn't something that happens overnight. It requires strategy and commitment to share who you authentically are.

    That's why I'm here as your coach. Whether you're just starting or looking to level up, let me guide you. Together, we can refine your approach and uncover the aspects of your personality that captivate your audience.

    Visit for a personalized coaching session. Let's turn your podcast into a platform that leaves a lasting impact so you can command attention.

  • Sharing yourself on your podcast is the way to build relationships with your audience. However, you need to be careful what you share.


    We have group calls twice a month inside the Podcast Profits Accelerator. This is where a group of podcasters are growing the audience and business. You can see details at

    On a call the other night, one of the members asked what they should share and how much.

    What you share on your podcast needs to be strategic. It should reinforce your brand. What you share should build relationships.


    When I was on the radio, it was my goal to get my listeners to see me as their friend. They would take me with them everywhere they went by listening to me on the radio.

    I was on the local Top 40 radio station and had a girl who would call me often.

    She had a severe developmental disability. It affected her speech which made her difficult to understand.

    When I couldn't understand what she was saying, it would make it ridiculous to make her laugh. She may be asking it I could play 'Nsync. I would say, "Did I lick the kitchen sink?"

    Desi would laugh and laugh that I couldn't get it right. We would break it down by word until I finally got it. Some days were better than others.

    She was in a wheelchair. Her assistant at the home where she lived would sometimes bring Desi to see me at remote broadcasts when she was up to it. I would give Desi some of the t-shirts and prizes we were giving away and have a little fun.


    I then moved to the country station in town. Desi moved with me and would continue to call. However, her call were becoming less frequent. Her health was starting to decline.

    We still talked and laughed. She had new songs to request, and I still got it wrong.

    Then one day Desi's assistant called to tell me Desi was moving to a new facility and wanted me to know. She gave me Desi's new address so I could write her which I did. Just a quick note to tell her I hoped she was doing well.

    That was the last time I heard from Desi. Her calls stopped after that. I just hope I added a little smile to her day every once in awhile.

    That's what can happen when you share yourself with your listener.


    On the other hand, it can be dangerous when you share too much.

    Don't share you address or the school of your small children.

    You don't want to share when you are going on vacation and won't be home.

    Avoid sharing anything that could make you vulnerable.

    Most people in the world are nice. They have no ill will against you.

    However, some are crazy and evil. There are people who may not like what you say or think you are better friends than you really are.

    You don't want to live in fear. But you also don't want to leave yourself exposed.


    It happened to me when we were having our first child.

    I was working at the Top 40 station at the time. My wife and I were expecting our first baby.

    She went into the hospital on a Friday morning to deliver our little girl. This wasn't something I share much about on the radio. I did mention a few times we were expecting.

    That Friday I wasn't on the air. Our little girl came into the world with little complication. She was beautiful.

    Saturday morning we woke up and were discussion our departure from the hospital. My wife was still in bed with our daughter. We were waiting for the doctor to come by the room.

    Around lunch, a visitor appeared at the door. It was a high school girl who listened to the station and called often. She had brought a gift for the baby.

    It was quite awkward. We chatted politely for a few minutes. Then I stood up to thank her for coming and politely escorted her back to the elevator.

    Trouble was averted. But it was a little crazy that she even knew where we were.


    It can happen to you if you are diligent about what you share. Sometimes that includes protecting your identity depending on your content.

    One year a Podcast Movement, Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and I were standing in the lobby of the hotel deciding which panel to attend next. That's when two twenty-something ladies approached us.

    They had recognized us and had questions about their podcast.

    The two proceeded to tell us they hosted a very popular podcast about sex. They both used different names on the podcast. Aliases.

    The podcast was becoming very popular. Their brand was growing. Now these young ladies wanted to know if they should start using their real names to build their personal brands or continue using the aliases.

    Dave and I both suggested they continue to use the aliases. The content of their show could potentially attract the wrong people to be superfans. They surely didn't want a dangerous individual showing up unexpectedly that could do them harm.

    Use good judgement.


    So, what do you share and how much?

    Begin by writing your origin story. How did you develop your superpower? When did you discover you have the ability to do what you do?

    Write all of it.

    Then, find the pieces of that origin story that support your brand and your foundational principles.

    Demonstrate what you stand for and what you stand against.

    Drip pieces of your origin story into your content episode after episode. People will get to know you over time. And more importantly, get to know your brand.

    I share many of things I've encountered over my 35 years in radio and dozen years in podcasting. We talk about the people I've met and the challenges I've encountered.

    You know I love hockey and live in the Midwest. We talk about my passion about adding more relationships to the world, because I see my kids lacking powerful relationships due to technology.

    On the other hand, I'm not telling you my address or where my wife works. I didn't tell you I was spending a week in Colorado skiing in January before I went there.

    It's not that I don't trust you. I just don't need someone showing up at my hotel room or worse yet, showing up at my house while I'm not home.

    Use common sense about what you share.

    Share your beliefs and values. Share stories that support those beliefs. Don't share personal information that could put you in danger.

    Share to build the brand and attract your ideal clients.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

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  • Storytelling is a powerful way to create relationships with your audience. Your stories allow you audience to get to know you.


    The best speakers in the world use powerful storytelling.

    Zig Ziglar always used great stories in every point he made. He was a master at storytelling.

    If you've listened to Zig, you've heard the story of the old water pump or the selling pans door to door. He made his stories come to life.

    When Simon Sinek speaks, he is always telling stories. Watch his TedTalk on starting with why and you will see a talk filled with stories.

    Brene' Brown is one of my favorites. Her stories of struggle and success make you fall in love with everything she does.

    Storytelling allows your audience to get to know you. By the stories you tell, your listeners know what you value, what you believe and how you operate.

    Friendships are formed through storytelling. Watch these three and others to learn from the best.


    One reason storytelling is so powerful is that stories transport your listener to other places. They forget about their problems and struggles for a bit.

    To take your listeners somewhere else, use visual words. Bring your story to life in the theater of the mind. Use words they can see.

    Active language helps your story come to life. It is easier to see walking than walked. "He walked into the diner" is harder to envision than "He came walking into the diner."

    Use all five senses. What did it look like? Describe the smells. What were the sounds? How did you feel?

    The more descriptive your story, the more it will come to life in your listener's mind.


    Stories will help people decide if they like you.

    Your listeners need to like you in order to listen to you. They are going to spend 30 minutes or an hour with you in their earbuds. It better be more than info.

    Pretend they are asking, "Would I enjoy taking a one-hour car ride with this person every week?" That is really the essence of your show.

    Develop friendships by telling a story to your best friend. Let your listener learn something about you.


    When I review shows for my clients, I always ask myself, "What do I know about the host that I didn't know before the show started?"

    Reveal things about yourself to let your listeners get closer to you.

    During a show review for a client recently, he referenced his Italian in-laws, mentioned the movie Talladega Nights and talked about the R&B group Boyz II Men. Little things like that let us get to know him.

    When are building your influence and authority, you need to become a powerful personality that attracts people. Storytelling defines your character. This is how people get to know, like and trust you.

    The Bible has lasted for thousands of years because of the stories around a powerful character.

    Comic book heroes have been around for decades due to the stories and characters.

    Zig Ziglar was influential because of his storytelling and powerful personality.

    To increase your influence and significance, leverage storytelling.


    In this episode, we have a fantastic interview with Dr. Michele Gunderson. She is a former university instructor and Iyengar yoga teacher who has transformed into a successful entrepreneur.

    Dr. Michele possesses a unique talent for helping business owners align their inner and outer worlds through storytelling, which can catapult their businesses to new heights.

    During my conversation with Dr. Michele, you'll learn how understanding and harnessing the power of story can lead to incredible opportunities, whether you're working to grow your podcast, inspire an audience, or achieve five- or six-figure months in your business.

    We'll dive into key elements that make stories memorable and compelling, and how they can transform not just your messaging but your entire business strategy.

    Dr. Michele also provides practical insights into recognizing empowering and disempowering narratives within ourselves and their impact on our business results.

    Get ready to be inspired as Dr. Michele Gunderson guides us through the art of storytelling and how it connects us deeply with the world around us. It's a conversation filled with fascinating insights and actionable tips on harnessing the undeniable power of story to drive your success.

    Dr. Michele's free gift is called "7 Quick Tips for Crafting an Inspiring Story That Sells". You can download it at


    Let me help you with your storytelling.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to

    You can click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    Let's get started today.

  • Why do you want a podcast? I'm pretty sure you don't want a podcast just to have a podcast. You want influence and authority. You want significance.


    It's not about what you're saying. It is about who you're being when you're saying it. Your significance comes from who you are, not what you say.

    Your listeners come for your content, but stay for you.

    When I coach clients, they often find it difficult to step into who they really are. They don't think people want to hear about their life or story.

    But, that's the furthest from the truth. People listen to you for companionship.

    Companionship is the primary reason people listen to audio. They don't want to be alone.

    People don't want to exercise alone, so they have their earbuds in. They don't want to drive alone, so they have audio on. Your fans don't want to be alone on a run, so they are listening to your podcast. You're keeping them company.


    On a coaching call the other day, my client said his former coach told him to cut out all of the personal stuff. Nobody wants to hear it.

    That advice couldn't be further from the truth. And it's detrimental to your podcast.

    Are your downloads struggling? There isn't enough of you. Your podcast cannot survive on content alone.

    Artificial intelligence can copy your information. It can probably generate your six steps to success faster than you can. I don't need to sit through 30 minute of your podcast.

    AI can't copy you and your story. Share yourself with your fans and stand out.

    Your fans want more of you.

    That little voice in your head is telling you that people may not like what you share. They may not like the real you.

    And that's ok.


    The biggest personalities are polarizing. But they didn't start that way.

    Oprah started as a typical news anchor. She went on to host a daytime television show that was just like her competitors Phil Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael and the others.

    When Oprah finally decided to be herself, share her struggles and do it her way, her star shot to the top. However, she wasn't for everyone. But her superfans loved her. She had incredible significance that lives on today.

    Howard Stern started in radio doing the same schtick every other DJ was doing. He struggled to find success.

    One day Stern decided to do it his way and be himself. He rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Even his program director was trying to hold him back.

    But, his fan base started to grow quickly. People loved him. And people hated him. He surely isn't for everyone.

    But the people who love him really love him. He became the biggest star on the radio, because he shared himself. His became of person of significance.


    You don't need to share everything about yourself to grow your significance. It requires sharing the right things.

    The fans get to know you by the stories you share with them. Share the stories that build your brand.

    Once you've determined your ideal target listener, you know exactly what means the most to them. This is where your significance originates. Speak into their lives by sharing parts of your life with them.

    There are seven elements of powerful, magnetic personalities. This is how to start your journey to significance.

    I teach you how to elevate your significance and become a magnetic personality who attracts clients to you rather than chasing them inside of the Podcast Profits Accelerator community.

    This is powerful group that will help you build and implement your podcast monetization strategy. It all begins by becoming a magnetic personality. You can get full details at


    First, you need a character. That is you. Have the courage to step into who you are.

    You are the leader of your tribe. People want what you have. Believe in yourself.

    Ignore the people who aren't following you. They won't become your fans anyway. People who don't love you won't buy your products, consume your content.

    On the other hand, your fans will love you when you lead.


    Next, you need an origin story. How did you develop your superpower?

    You need to be able to tell this story in ten minutes and also in 90 seconds.

    Your origin story is how your significance came to be. It's a critical part of your journey. This is the first step in getting people to love who you are. Share your struggles, discoveries, and successes.

    Gary Vaynerchuk has his origin story of how his father immigrated here from Belarus and started a liquor store.

    Steve Jobs had his origin story of being adopted and starting his computer company in the garage with his buddy Steve Wozniak.


    The third element is the transformation. This is the moment you discovered your superpower. Think of it in terms of, "And then one day..."

    When was the moment you discovered this was your purpose in life?

    Jeff Walker of Product Launch Formula had his transformation when he did his first launch of his newsletter to 19 people.

    Howard Stern has his "oh wow" moment when he was frustrated and just shared his life on air one day. People started calling, and he knew he was on to something special.


    From your origin story, you next need to develop your foundational principles. These are the things that lay the foundation for what you do.

    What are the principles you won't break?

    Russel Brunson of ClickFunnels believes you're only one funnel away from breaking through.

    Dave Ramsey is against credit cards.


    Next, you need stories that wrap around and demonstrate your principles. Think of these like the parables in the Bible. People learn through story.

    There are a few stories from your journey that solidify your principles. Share these stories often. These could be small pieces of your origin story.

    Russel Brunson has his potato gun story.

    Alex Hormozi has the story of sleeping on the floor just to make it work.


    Personalities with significance have a certain lingo that superfans use. This is a little insider language.

    What phrases do you use often? Find half a dozen sayings that are common in your talks and use them often.

    Gary Vaynerchuk talk about arbitrage and hustle.

    Dave Ramsey uses “live like no one else so later you can live like no one else”.


    The final element is word of mouth. You need a handful of superfans who will spread your praises everywhere they can.

    Celebrate these people on your show. Get them to tell as many people as possible.

    Empower your superfans.

    Rush Limbaugh had dittoheads.

    Alex Hormozi has MoziNation.


    When you have accomplished all seven traits of magnetic personalities, you'll see your significance grow.

    Would you like my help implementing this into your show and business? Are you struggling to get noticed and grow your influence?

    Come join us in the Podcast Profits Accelerator.

    This is powerful group that will help you build and implement your podcast monetization strategy. It all begins by becoming a magnetic personality. You can get full details at

    I can't wait to see you there.

  • You spend so much time creating your content every week, maximize your time by repurposing your content. One powerful way to repurpose is by converting your podcast into a book.

    Each week you create great show notes. Those show notes can be organized into a book.


    There are a variety of benefits of turning your podcast into a book. Let's look at a few.

    A book can help you build your legacy. Your book will be around for years to come. Share your story and build your legacy.

    Your book can build credibility and expertise. Just having a book gives you credibility. There is an aura around published authors.

    A book can help generate leads. In today's world, you can include links to your lead magnets, landing pages and online content within the book. This is especially true in digital form.

    When you have a book, you have a reason to be on other stages and expand your network. Your book gives hosts something to interview you about.

    You can increase your influence and reach when you have a book. When you book is on Amazon, you have incredible search power. People can find you easily.

    Personally, a book can help you get clarity on your message. The writing process helps you refine your message and get clear on exactly what you want to say.

    Finally, your book will allow you to share your story and build relationships. People can get to know you better through your book.


    You don't have to do it alone. There are writing experts who can help you with a variety of steps in converting your podcast into a book.

    There are ghost writers who can take your content and write it for you.

    You can enlist editors to help you organize the content.

    There are specialists who can check your grammar and punctuation.

    Others can help you create your cover and format your book.

    You can enlist specialists to help with the marketing plan.

    Decide where you need help and get started converting your podcast into a book.


    One of the best experts to help you gain more visibility by converting your podcast into a book is my good friend Cheri Merz.

    A twenty-five-year serial entrepreneur, Cheri returned to her dream of a writing career after retirement.

    Today, with more than thirty indie-published novels, one memoir, and several non-fiction books to her credit, Cheri’s mission is to guide entrepreneurs to integrate an effective book writing and publishing strategy into their visibility plan.

    Cheri provides mentoring to craft an engaging signature story. She provides you the expertise and coaching or done-for-you services to publish, launch, and market a high-quality solo or compilation book.

    This is an interview from my Podcast Profits Summit. Enjoy my conversation with Cheri Merz.

    You can get Cheri's free gift "Podcast to Book Conversion: Essential Tools and Resources" at


    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • What is your biggest podcast struggle? On this episode, we are going to help a handful of podcasters overcome their biggest challenge.


    If you are struggling somewhere in your podcast process, shoot me an email. That might be getting started, growing your audience, maintaining consistency, generating revenue or something else. I'd love to help you.

    You can send me your struggle and I'll answer it here on the show. Visit You can send me a note there.

    Here are the important links mentioned in this episode:

    Send your question:

    Get CastMagic: (affiliate link)

    Get (affiliate link)

    Podcast editing services:

    Podcast hosting: Use coupon code PTC and get your first month free (affiliate code)

    Podcast Launch Accelerator:


    In this episode, we will tackle a variety of challenges.

    Tannen wants to know how to create a solid marketing strategy.

    Barbara is struggling to get people to subscribe.

    Ralph doubts he is even reaching anyone.

    Jeffry wants to know how to get started.

    The struggle Vanessa is facing is confidence without sounding arrogant.

    Michael's biggest struggle is finding people to help him.


    My biggest struggle is building a solid marketing strategy? How do I take my show and chop it up for a week's worth of social posts? When do I post them to create consistency?


    There are a variety of AI tools that can help you create chunks of content.

    Repurposing your content on social media does two things for you. First, it helps you connect with your current listeners keeping them coming back.

    Next, sharing on social in the right way can help you reach new listeners. This includes TikTok and reels. Most social media only reaches your followers. These two platforms put your content in front of new people who might be interested.

    To grow your show, you need to find new listeners who don't know you.

    I recommend you record your podcast on video to begin. Use the video for YouTube to get discovered. You can also repurpose parts of the video for social media content.

    Then, use the audio from the video as the podcast. Use this for social content as well.

    Create captioned social media videos, quote cards, audiograms, and social posts.

    AI can help you create a lot of this. However if you don't have time, you can always pay someone to do it for you. How much is your time worth?

    Two tools I really like. The fist is CastMagic. You can find my affiliate link at

    The other tool I love is It creates captioned social media videos for your podcast. Find my affiliate link at

    Let me help you. Visit You can get a week's worth of social content for every episode.


    My biggest struggle is getting subscriptions. How do I get people to subscribe to my podcast?


    Start with the why.

    When we try to get people to take action, such as subscribing to your podcast, we often rely too much on logic.

    People make decisions emotionally. Then, they justify those decisions with logic.

    When you spend too much time on the steps in your process, the features in your program or the content on your podcast, people don't take action.

    Nobody cares about your details … yet.

    Spend more time on the why. Stir emotion.

    Make your audience care. Then you can get into the details.


    My biggest podcast struggle right now is actually more of a struggle of faith. I’ve been doing the show daily for over a year and I sometimes doubt whether it’s actually reaching anyone. Since I do a Christian based show, I know that God is always faithful and I simply need to trust in his timing and do the work. It’s just hard some days when I look at the analytics.


    Share that on your podcast. Be real. Touch people emotionally.

    Spittin' Chicklets just shared a piece on their show. It is a show about hockey.

    Whit is former NHL player Ryan Whitney. Biz is former NHL player and NHL hockey analyst on TNT Paul Bissonette. When they talk about being “in the room”, they are talking about being in the locker room.

    This audio comes from episode 545. It is an example of remembering why they do it.

    So Biz was, sitting in the Delta Lounge, I believe, at the airport, and a guy came over and dropped off this letter. I'm gonna read it to you quick because Biz sent it over to the guys.

    He said, “I listened to you guys when my life was falling apart. Just having the pot on in the background made me feel like I was back in the room. At sometimes, I was as bad as it gets with mental health, family, booze, etcetera. Since then, I've quit drinking two plus years now, and me and my family, wife and two little girls have made it out the other side, and we're doing great. You guys will never know how much comfort and support I got from just having the pod on and bringing me back to a good spot. You and Whit and all the boys saved my life. Sorry to bother you on your day off. Thank you, Nick.”

    And Biz, like, made it clear to us, like, reading something like that, man, he's got it right there... This is why we do it.

    What you're doing is important, Ralph. Keep at it.


    My biggest podcast struggle is just getting started. How do I find the confidence to take the first step?


    You can do this. We eat an elephant one step at a time.

    Break it down. In my Podcast Launch Accelerator, we build your podcast step-by-step.

    First, define your why, your topic and your idea target listener.

    Next, develop your show structure. Will it be solo, interview or something else?

    Get some equipment. You'll need a mic, a laptop and some headphones.

    Download Audacity to help you record and edit. It is free software.

    Hit record and share your thoughts.

    Export your audio as an .mp3. Upload it to your audio host, like Libsyn.

    Connect your host to all the podcast players.

    Take it one step at a time.


    How do I sound more confident and less arrogant.


    This is an interesting question, Vanessa. I'm not sure how you can be arrogant without being confident.

    People want to know what you know. Share it with them.

    Share yourself and your story. Let people fall in love with you.

    As Zig Ziglar said quite often, “You can get anything you want in life as long as you help enough other people get what they want.”

    Give. Help people reach their goals.

    Then, offer to give them more help for an investment.

    On this show, I offer a ton of free advice. I would hope you don't feel like I'm arrogant or egotistical. Take my content and put it into action.

    However, I'm here when you want more help. When you need someone to walk you every step of the way, reach out. I'm more than willing to have that conversation with you.

    Believe in yourself. Some people will love you. Others may not. And that's ok.

    Attract the people who love you for who you are.


    My challenge is finding time. It's hard doing it by myself. My biggest podcast struggle right now is finding people to help me.


    Schedule it. Put it on the calendar. What gets scheduled gets done.

    You can also get a co-host. Share the work.

    Hire a virtual assistant to take the easy stuff off your plate. This could include creating show notes, posting your episode, and the other rote work that is the same week after week.

    As we discussed earlier, you can hire an editor. You can see my work at

    What is your time worth? Hiring an editor allows you to show up and share your magic. Then, you can hand it off to someone else to do the dirty work while you spend your time getting more clients and generating more revenue.


    I'd love to help you. You can send me your struggle and I'll answer it here on the show. Visit You can send me a note there.

    If you're really serious about overcoming your biggest struggle, we can also sit down for an hour of coaching.

    I can take your hand and walk you every step of the way. To get the details, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • Curiosity is one of the biggest traits of great personalities. If you want to become a magnetic personality who attracts client to you rather than chasing them, you need to discover how to be more curious.


    One of my best on-air talent had a powerful sense of curiosity. He loved to learn about people and things. He also had a unique view of every situation.

    His name is Mike, but everyone calls him Big Party. When you think of a guy named Big party, you probably envision a very large, rotund man. This wasn’t the case. Party is an average looking guy. He just makes everyone feel special when they are around him.

    His curiosity leads him to ask great question of everyone he meets. When he conducts an interview, he doesn’t have a list of questions. He just asks about the things that pique his curiosity.

    One day after I left the radio station, the bosses thought it would be better if Big Party talked less and played more music during his show. The ratings dipped.

    But more importantly, Party hated what he was doing. During his vacation, he decided he was going to quit when he returned.

    The day came for Party to go back to work, and he changed his mind. But rather than following orders and playing more music, he decided he was going to do his show his way. If they didn’t like it, they could fire him.

    He began leading with his curiosity again. The content became stronger. Listeners started to return.

    Soon the ratings were back up. And management quit tinkering.

    Because Party is interested, he becomes interesting. People want to know what he thinks about things and events, because he has an interesting take.

    Curiosity is powerful.


    Curiosity will also help you overcome writers block.

    When you’re curious about what’s going on in your surroundings, you never get stuck without things to talk about.

    Be curious about the things that happen around you. Take notes. Jot down the things that catch your attention.

    Connect those interesting things to powerful stories.

    Learn to ask questions about everything.

    Don't be so tied to the script or list of questions. Listen intently, and pivot when necessary.


    When you're curious, you'll naturally become more intelligent. You will be amazed at the things you learn when you look for more information.

    Talk less and listen more.

    When things happen during your day, ask yourself why.

    Remember when you were little and you asked why about everything? Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs bury their bones? And why do we sneeze?

    Be curious about things that happen in your life. Take note of the stories associated with those questions.

    Curiosity is where most podcasters struggle. It's also why they fail to become influential.

    Your content won't keep people coming back every episode. Artificial intelligence can copy your content in a heartbeat. They will only come back if they are attracted to you.

    Curiosity is how you develop your personality. How you become a influential authority. Your curiosity and courage will begin to attract clients to you rather than chasing them everyday.


    Once you start developing your curiosity, have the courage to share those curiosities on your show.

    Express your real thoughts and feelings. Try new things.

    When you are curious and courageous, you become more interesting. You become more likable.

    This week, start taking notes of the interesting things that happen in your day.

    Then, use some of the most interesting in your episodes.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a coaching call with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • There are times when you run out of time. When the time crunch hits, how do you consistently publish your podcast each week?


    My calendar got tight this week. Recording and publishing this episode became a challenge.

    I typically record my podcast on Saturdays. On Tuesday we have our Podcast Profits Accelerator calls. Most of my coaching calls are on Thursdays.

    This week, we suddenly had visitors coming to town. Then, I had some last minute travel come up.

    Next thing I know, I'm running out of time to get everything done.

    It takes creativity when you run out of time.

    We moved the Podcast Profits Accelerator call to Thursday. My mastermind changed to Saturday. Luckily, one of my clients moved a couple days as well.

    Those moves freed up time time to get business done. But what happens with the podcast episode? I still need to publish that.

    When you run out of time, there are a few ways to still publish an episode.


    The first thing you can do is find someone who can help you.

    I recently read The Road Less Stupid by Keith J. Cunningham. In the book, Cunningham talks about being more productive by doing only the things in your circle of genius. Delegate everything else.


    To create an episode, what content can you repurpose?

    Presentations you've given to other groups can make good content.

    Gary Vaynerchuk often uses his keynote speeches for podcast episodes. Alex Hormozi will use recordings of his q&a sessions for episodes.

    I've done "ask me anything" sessions on Facebook and used those as podcast episodes.


    When you run out of time, summit interviews make great podcast content.

    I hold two summits each year. During that summit, I interview 23 different experts. Those interviews become podcast episodes.

    People can attend the summit and get all of the content plus ask questions. Or they can wait while the content drips out over time.

    With nearly two dozen interviews, I have almost half a year of content to use as necessary.


    Planning ahead helps you avoid running out of time.

    Work a week ahead. When you run out of time, you already have the episode recorded for this week. Get ahead of the game.

    You can also record an emergency episode. This is an evergreen episode you use in case you have nothing else.


    One solution few consider when they run out of time is a guest host.

    Find another expert in your niche who complements what you do. Ask them to host your episode this week.

    You can also share an episode from other podcast to expose their show to your audience. You would simply record an intro and explain.


    Have you been interviewed on other podcasts? You can use those interviews when you run out of time.

    You've shared great content with other hosts. Surely your audience would benefit from those conversations.

    Use one of those interviews as an episode of your show.


    Those are six solutions you can use when you run out of time and can't find room in the schedule to record a new episode.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • In this episode we discuss the significance of building relationships over simply producing better content to achieve audience growth. While many podcasters believe the secret to audience growth lies in creating superior content, the true key lies in fostering better relationships with your audience.


    Content serves as the initial attraction, but it's the bond between the podcaster and listeners that keeps people coming back for more. People come to your podcast for your content. They stay for you.

    My recent trip to Walmart is a perfect example. The lack of human interaction made shopping frustrating. I share that story in this episode.

    Compare your experiences at Walmart to the magical, emotion-filled experiences at Disney World. Disney delivers exceptional customer service and relationships that make all the difference.

    Strong relationships can create memorable experiences, which is crucial for achieving audience growth in podcasting.


    We also talk about the importance of having a plan and a clear objective for achieving audience growth. In this episode, I show you how shared experiences and emotional bonds can build a community.

    Following a structured, step-by-step approach, taught by my mentor Iman Aghay, led to significant and quick growth within my own business.

    It is critical to your audience growth success that you have a plan. According to available data, studies suggest that around 70% of businesses that survive for five years have a documented business plan.

    How does that apply to your growth.

    You don't necessarily need a formal MBA business plan. It just means a significant majority of successful businesses rely on a formal plan to achieve their objectives.


    Executing a strategic plan can lead to audience growth. But, avoid premature growth, which can lead to failure if the product isn’t ready for the market.

    Marketing expert David Ogilvy famously said, "Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster." Ensure your content is engaging and ready to convert first-time listeners into loyal audience members before you aggressively pursue audience growth strategies.


    To help you achieve your audience growth objectives, join me for a one-on-one coaching session. Together we will craft and outline a customized strategy specific for your situation.

    I've seen my biggest growth in my business when I've focused on the next most important thing.

    Dream big, plan the work, and take action.

    Let me help you with a coaching call. Together, we will build your audience growth strategy.

    Go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • What is your biggest challenge right now? Many podcasters recently shared their answers with me. Today, I'll help you overcome your biggest challenge.


    I've often heard many podcasts fade away after 7 episodes. The industry has termed it podfading.

    I thought the number was a bit crazy. Then one day, I realized how true it is.

    A client was trying to grow her podcast. Her biggest challenge was attracting new listeners.

    We decided the strategy that would fit best was appearing on other podcasts. Let's get in front of her ideal clients.

    We opened Apple Podcasts and started searching for podcasts that matched her caregiving niche.

    As we combed through the podcasts, nearly every other one had only released a few episodes and the last was months or years ago. They had faded away.

    Podfading is real.


    I did the same exercise with another client. We opened Apple Podcasts and searched "Get Untuck". Here is what we found.

    Even many of the top recommended podcasts have faded away, though with more episodes.

    These are listed in order that Apple Podcasts recommended them.

    Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie. 23 episodes last published 7/24/23.

    Get Unstuck Today by Paul Salter. 47 episodes last published 7/14/24.

    How To Get Unstuck with Helen Thomas. 19 episodes last published 5/28/24.

    Get Unstuck & On Target by Mike O'Neill. 203 episodes last published 2 days ago.

    Get Unstuck. Move Forward With Your Life by Jason Hopcus. 12 episodes last published 4 days ago.

    Get Unstuck by Becky Branton-Griemann. 48 episodes last published 4/20/22.

    Get Unstuck by Mutita Panmook. 245 episodes last published 1 day ago.

    Get Unstuck: Elite Voices Making An Impact by Maiken Kuhl. 31 episodes last published 12/13/24.

    Get Unstuck with Michele Lefler. 53 episodes last published 10/17/23.

    You get the idea that most of them fade away. But you're saying, "Erik, these all have 40 or 50 episodes."

    The next recommended podcast is Get Unstuck & Go by Rodrigo Labra. 4 episodes published last published 2/14/23.

    Then there is Unstuck With Me by Barbara Jebet. One episode published 5/7/20.

    Get Unstuck & Find Clarity by Lysia Nathanya. 2 episodes last published 10/10/19.

    Get Yourself Unstuck by Andrew Eaton – 3 episodes last published 3/27/20.

    And it goes on and on.


    Most podcasts fade away due to three big challenges. First, the podcast becomes more work than they thought it would be. To overcome this challenge, you need a process in place to consistently produce your show.

    Next, podcasts fade away because it doesn't grow as fast as they thought it would. You need a system in place to methodically grow your audience.

    Finally, podcasts fade away because it doesn't generate money as fast as they thought it would. Most lack a strategy to generate revenue with their show.

    I imagine your biggest challenge has something to do with one of these three.

    Let's look at the biggest challenge from each of these listeners and see how we can overcome your hurdles.


    The most significant challenge I face with podcasts is turning my appearances into cash. While I deeply value the opportunity to share my story and connect with new audiences, I want to better leverage these appearances to generate tangible income, whether through promoting my books, courses, or speaking engagements. Balancing that monetization goal while maintaining authenticity and value for the audience is a priority for me.


    Thanks for the question, Sheldon.

    You can maintain your authenticity and value by serving first. Brendon Burchard once said one of the reasons you're not making money is that you don't seek to help first.

    If you are using your podcast appearance to help listeners first, it is your obligation to offer to help them go even further by working with you.

    You can only teach so much in an interview. Help them clearly see what is possible. You can even point them in the right direction. Then, offer to help them implement it.

    Begin by creating a strategy for your interviews. Start with the end in mind. Where do you want to take them?

    When I'm interviewed, my goal is to get people to a sales video that will sell my program to help people launch their podcast. The video shows people how to walk through the 21 steps to launch. Then, the video offers the course to implement the checklist.

    During the interview, I help people see how easy it is to launch the podcast. We talk about the benefits of having a podcast. I help listeners envision having their own podcast and growing their significance in their niche.

    The interview is about inspiration and clarity.

    At the end of the interview, I invite people to get my podcast launch minicourse at They opt in and get on my list. Then they get access to the 21-point checklist and a video that walks them through it.

    After going through the 5-minute video, they are invited to a call with me to answer their questions. Finally, I ask if they would like help implementing the plan.

    It's all about having a strategy and begin by serving people first.


    My biggest challenge is to decide whether to start a podcast or just groom and promote myself as a guest on existing podcasts. I am leaning toward the latter as I am uniquely prepared to bring help, hope and healing to a huge, constantly-growing, group of pain-filled people. On the other hand, I am tech averse and doubt I have inclination, time, skill, or energy to take on development of an adequate self-conducted podcast.


    These are two separate strategies.

    Appear on other podcasts to get discovered and attract new followers.

    Have your own podcast to build relationships with your followers.

    When you have your own podcast, you get to have a conversation with your listeners every week. You get to share your story and let them get to love you.

    Creating a podcast isn't that difficult.

    Editing audio is like editing a Word document. Copy, cut, paste, delete. All the same commands.

    Saving it as an .mp3 is like exporting that Word document as a .pdf.

    If you can upload a photo to Facebook, you can upload audio to your host.

    After your podcast is set up, that's about all it takes each week.

    To get help walking through the process, join my for the free podcast launch workshop. Get the details at


    My biggest challenge is reaching new audiences.


    I have found the best way to grow my audience is partnering with others.

    Find people who are speaking to your ideal clients. Then, partner with them to reach more of your ideal clients.

    I recently had a former client reach out. She saw me speak on a group call about the power of getting interviewed on other shows.

    She called to say she is ready to relaunch her podcast. On top of that, she is partnering with another expert to launch a joint venture and would like my help.

    This is the power of partnering with others. You never know who is in the audience.


    I am 73, so not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination, but dumb as a post when it comes to technology. I would very much like to have my own podcast for my business that I am trying to get off the ground, but tech stuff bites me every time. I already have people interested in what I do, and I have had offers to be an affiliate, but I don't know how to set that up on my WordPress site.


    Start slowly, Marilyn. If you already have others interested in what you offer, sell it before you build it.

    If you can get 10 or 12 people to invest in a $500 course you teach live over 6 weeks, you can make a quick $5,000.

    This is what I did.

    I found multiple people who wanted to grow their audience. During conversations with each of them, I offered to teach them how in a 6-week course. They each paid me $500 before it even started.

    I recorded the entire program. That became my course. The $5,000 funded my other projects to find more clients.

    As I mentioned with Dale, the tech isn't that difficult. Plus, you can also find people to help you produce the show once you begin generating revenue with the course you just built.

    You don't need to build a big affiliate program on your Wordpress site until you have something that sells. Just get started.


    My biggest challenge right now is getting consistent guests in my niche.


    Getting guests typically isn't very difficult. The biggest challenge is asking often.

    Not every invite will accept your invitation. Just keep asking.

    When you land a guest, ask them for referrals. If they have guest ideas for you, ask them to send an introductory email.

    The best chance of getting a guest is finding someone who has something to promote. That could be a book, program, organization or a variety of other things.

    Reach out to potential guests on a regular basis. Put it on your calendar and do it often. You'll find success.


    My biggest trouble is connecting with other podcasters to grow my podcast. As you know, many podcasts podfade and I’m finding that to be very true. Many of the podcast I’d love to connect with when I look them up have stopped producing months ago. I would like help in finding the best podcasts I can connect with.


    Don't limit your options to only experts in your niche. Find anyone who speaks to your ideal clients.

    One of my clients is an accountant. His ideal clients are entrepreneurs.

    When he looks for partners, he isn't only looking for other accountants or even experts in the financial space.

    He is finding partners by looking for experts speaking to entrepreneurs. I could be a partner for him, because my audience if full of entrepreneurs.

    This client could partner with funnel experts, mindset coaches, social media marketing pros, or a variety of other influencers.

    Don't limit your scope. Find people speaking to your ideal clients.

    When you find a great partner, ask for referrals. Get them to introduce you to others.

    Once you get the wheel turning, you'll gain momentum.

    Have fun with it.


    I would love to help you with your biggest challenge. Email your question or biggest challenge to [email protected].

    You can also get an hour of my coaching to build your podcast strategy. You can apply for that call at

  • Virtual events are a great way to promote your business. And your podcast is a great way to promote your virtual events. You just need the right strategy.


    Free Gift: Simple, Profitable Virtual Events Checklist

    Virtual Events Bootcamp

    When I first started with virtual events, I went the webinar route. I tried it over and over again.

    In October of 2021, my strategy changed.

    I had launched a webinar that month to promote my Podcast Launch Accelerator program where I help people launch their podcast in 30 days.

    I was promoting the webinar myself with no JV partners. The registration page had 72 visits. Of the 72, 41 registered. That was a conversion rate of 57%. It should have been much higher than that.

    Of the 41 that registered, 10 people attended live. That was a 25% conversion. For a new webinar, that was decent. It should be closer to 50%.

    Unfortunately, of the 10 that attended, nobody purchased. This is when I started second guessing my strategy. Webinars just weren't working for me.

    Then one day I discovered workshops. Instead of doing 90-minute webinars, I pivoted to 3-hour workshops. I was helping people implement what I was teaching.

    On my first workshop, I had nine people attend live. Of the nine people in the workshop, four purchased my program.

    I was going deeper and delivering more value. That was converting into sales.

    Creating virtual events is all about developing the right strategy.


    My goal is to help you use your podcast as a marketing vehicle for your business. And in order for it to be an effective marketing vehicle for the business, we need to understand what our year looks like in the business.

    To begin, define what you're trying to accomplish, and how you're trying to accomplish it.

    We talk so much about our podcast being a powerful marketing tool, because it can create those powerful relationships with your listeners. Your content can bring listeners into the top of your funnel.

    As you tell stories on your podcast, you walk listeners through the process of getting to know, like, and trust you. You get them started with your content through your lead magnet, and then get them to a sales call with you.

    So, how do we create content with a purpose that leads toward landing more clients?

    When people begin to create their podcasts, they just say, "Oh, I need record an episode this week... What am I gonna talk about??

    They create the episode. Then at the end, they're say, "Hey, if you wanna have a call with me, sign up. Here's where you can find my calendar link."

    The content and the call to action really don't connect well together.

    Let me show you how to create a plan that will help you build a cohesive marketing plan using your podcast.


    With your cohesive marketing plan, the first thing we need to understand is what we're trying to market.

    If we are creating content that helps us market what we sell, when do we sell it? When are your enrollment events and sales conversations?

    Now a lot of times when you're selling your coaching program, you will do it through one-on-one calls. If you're just randomly bringing those calls in, you can't plan.

    This week, you might have 3 calls. Next week, you might not have any. And the next week, you might have 4, and then you might have 1.

    What I'd like to see you do is figure out how we can create more of those sales conversations at one time. So as you look at the year, plan out where your sales and enrollment events happen.

    That could be maybe through a webinar. You might create a workshop. Your enrollment event might be a variety of other virtual events.

    So you're inviting everybody to an event. And at the event, you invite attendees to book a call with you so you can help them explore what it is that you help them do.

    When you're booking calls with prospective clients every day throughout the year, it's tough to get in a rhythm. But if you batch those calls through virtual events, you can do your sales calls in a week and begin to get a rhythm going.


    Rather than trying to get a call here and a call there, let's see if we can get a batch of calls in at one time so that we're creating a master plan for your content throughout the entire year doing a few virtual events.

    So maybe you're doing a few big, virtual events once a quarter or 3 times a year, where you're inviting an entire group to come and have a conversation with you. You don't necessarily need to do webinars.

    I found it difficult in the 10 years that I was doing a lot of one-on-one strategy calls with podcasters. They would trickle in here and there because I would create the content on the podcast, and then I would invite people to a call.

    When I pivoted and I started to do virtual events, I would create a workshop or a a training that would happen maybe once a quarter. I would get a lot of people to that, and invite those people to have calls with me.

    Now they've kind of experienced what coaching with me is like, and they're more apt to sign up for a call to have that conversation with me and have that strategy call with me.


    I found it much more effective to get people on the phone that way, because they've already experienced what I have to offer.

    When you take people straight from your podcast to a strategy call, it gets a little scary because they're going into the deep end one-on-one with you.

    In their gut, they feel like it's gonna be a big hard sales pitch, and they're not gonna be able to figure out how to get out of it. And they're gonna get roped into a $1,000 program that they didn't really want. And so they just don't sign up for the call.

    When you offer them to come to virtual events, they come to the events with other people. there's safety in numbers.

    So they don't feel as apprehensive to come to virtual events as they would straight to a one-on-one call.

    When they get to the event and they see how you operate and they see how you flow and what you're all about, then they're more likely to sign up for that one-on-one call with you so you can see how you can help them. You both can see how the two of you get along in your coaching.


    So first, determine where your sales and enrollments events are going to happen.

    It doesn't matter to me how many you do. But what I'd like you to do is be intentional about when you're doing them and what you're trying to accomplish.

    So if we remember that most podcast episodes get the bulk of their downloads and listens in the first 30 days after they're released, we can now start to work backwards as we're creating your content calendar and marketing plan.

    Once we set the event date, and we know that the podcast gets most of its downloads in the first 30 days, we can start to figure out when to promote the event using our podcast. This will help us use our podcast in the most effective way.

    Work backward from your event date to figure out when to promote it on the podcast.

    You want to start teasing the event roughly eight weeks in advance. If my event is happening on April 1, I want to start teasing it on February 1st.

    Create some anticipation.

    And then about six weeks in advance, announce the event with full details. Have the registration page up and running. Begin enrolling people in the event.

    Six weeks gives people enough notice that the event is coming and let's them get registered for it.


    One thing that I do is always use the same URL for my event. So if you want to register for any of my events, I always put the event at the same URL. So if you go to, you'll find my Audience Explosion Blueprint workshop. I will update that page with the new dates and details for each new workshop.

    I always do is use that same URL. If I'm promoting it on February 15th for my April 1st workshop, somebody listening to the podcast on May 1st can visit that URL with the new dates on it. So even if they're listening past the date of the event, it will have the current event up there.

    Then four weeks out from the event, set the deadline and create some urgency to get people registered. Create that deadline and start creating some urgency four weeks out.

    During these last four weeks, focus on the outcome of your virtual events and create urgency. Get people registering to be part of the event. And then at the event, you can invite people to have call with you.

    So over these 8 weeks, we're teasing, we're announcing, and we're creating that urgency. Then, repurpose your your podcast content and be visible.


    So, how do you create your virtual events? That's what our guest is helping us with today.

    Janelle Anderson is known as the Virtual Events Visionary helping coaches and experts create and host simple, profitable virtual events to massively scale their business.

    She is a Certified Professional Coach, 7-time bestselling author, and renowned speaker who is on a mission to empower her clients to thrive and prosper so they can transform the lives of their clients.

    Janelle has had the honor of helping hundreds of clients transform their lives and now is on a mission to help hundreds of coaches prosper in their businesses so they can transform thousands of lives.

    Today, she is going to help us use the virtual events strategy grow our businesses.

    Free Gift: Simple, Profitable Virtual Events Checklist

    Virtual Events Bootcamp

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • You are working so hard to create great content. Unfortunately, your episode title is killing all of that hard work.


    If you don't have the correct episode title, you will struggle to get downloads and listeners. But your title is only one of four important elements of your podcast.


    There are four elements of your podcast that each serve a specific purpose.

    You develop your artwork to simply catch the attention of your ideal listener. It doesn't need to contain every detail about the show. Just catch attention.

    Next, the purpose of your podcast name is to attract your ideal listener. When they see the name, you want them to say, "This looks like it is interesting and for me." The name should get them to click.

    Once on your show page, the description of the show should tell your ideal listener why this show is perfect for them.

    Finally, they'll start looking through the episode titles. The purpose of your episode title is to get your ideal listener to push play. It is like the headline to an article.

    If you want more listens and listeners, create interesting titles.


    I never got a degree in broadcasting or journalism. But I did take a few classes as electives when I was getting my degree in architecture.

    News production was one class I took. In every story we wrote, the professor would say, "Don't bury the lead."

    What he meant was tell them what you want them to know right up front.

    Though I never did news, it played a big part in my career on the radio. When I started on the radio, I have to entertain people up the 17-second intro of a song.

    I had no time to buy the lead. It was all about being brief and entertaining.

    Too many podcasters wander into the story without a point right up front. We talk about leading with your provocative point right from the start.

    Unfortunately, listeners won't even get to the intro of your story without a great episode title. Don't bury the lead.


    Remember, people have short attention spans. Hit them quick with the hook.

    Your listeners are only giving you a few seconds to decide if they are going to stick around for the episode. They are skimming content looking for something interesting.

    Draw listeners into your episode quickly.

    Think of when you are scrolling through social media. When do you stop?

    You stop scrolling when something interesting hooks you. Something grabs your attention.

    Your headline should hook your listener right from the start.


    The best way to hook them early is creating intrigue.

    There is a reason people use click bait. It works.

    Click bait creates intrigue.

    Here are a few headlines from YAHOO!...

    He Lost A Hard Drive With $750M Of Bitcoin

    Why George W. Bush's Belly Tap of Barack Obama is Going Viral.

    The 35+ Best Walmart Deals To Show This Weekend

    These headlines create intrigue. George Bush tapped Barack Obama's belly? Is there video?

    Click bait wants you believe one thing, but the content is really something else.

    I don't want you to use click bait. It isn't click bait when you deliver on the promise.

    I want you to create intrigue. Then, deliver on the promise.

    The episode title of this show is Your Episode Title Is Killing You. This content is showing you exactly why.

    This episode title creates some intrigue. Just be sure you deliver on the promise of the episode title.

    USE AI

    One great way to create great titles is to use artificial intelligence tools. I use CastMagic. You can find CastMagic through my affiliate at If you subscribe through that link, I'll a small commission, but it won't cost you anything additional.

    When I use CastMagic, I upload my episode. The AI tools then gives me 10 episode title options.


    Using AI will also help you create good search engine optimization.

    If you want to be discovered, be friendly with Google. Make your episode title searchable with good SEO.

    This is where CastMagic can help. Use the terms your ideal clients are searching Google to find.

    And here's a tip. Nobody is searching for Episode 127.

    Stop using episode numbers as your title. Don't even put them at the front. If you want to include the number, put it at the end.

    If a platform truncates your episode title, you'd rather it be the episode number rather than the headline.


    This week, start creating powerful episode titles for your shows.

    Hook your listeners early. Create intrigue.

    Use AI to help you create a powerful episode title that is SEO-friendly. You can use my affiliate link for CastMagic at

    If you'd like my help with your content and strategy, reach out. When you're ready to become influential and significant, we need to talk.

    Apply for a call with me at


    You don't really want a podcast.

    The podcast is just the vehicle.

    You want impact, influence, and authority. You want to move a room.

    When it comes down to it, you want significance.

    We don't want a big audience. We want the ability to move that audience into action.

    I love podcasting. And I feel like podcasting is the best way to grow that significance.

    But at the end of the day, the podcast is just the tool.

    It comes down to what you do with that platform.

    Over the past 30 years, I've been coaching people to become unique personalities who have great significance.

    Each of those individuals have all built powerful relationships with their audience and lead that audience to action.

    Let's talk about how to grow your significance. Get an hour of my coaching

    I can take your hand and walk you every step of the way. Apply for a call with me at Click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • There is a saying in business that the money is in the list. Building your email list is an important piece to any business.


    Collecting names and email addresses of your clients and potential clients helps you grow your business in a big way. Your email list allows you communicate and build relationships with your potential clients.

    My podcast is a big piece of growing my email list. I regularly offer resources on this show that helps the list grow. For example, you can get 21 lead magnet ideas to help grow your email list at

    I then send an email to my list every day. It's designed to give them value on a regular basis. But it also keeps me top of mind. Even if recipients don't read every email, they at least see my name in their inbox even if it is only to delete the email.

    By staying top of mind, when they need podcast answers, they think of me.

    In the book They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan, he shares research about consumer habits. The study shows that consumers have typically finished up to 70% of their research before ever contacting a company.

    Therefore, if you are waiting until your potential client reaches out before you start building the rapport and relationship, you are waiting too long. They are already close to making the decision.

    Legendary marketer Dan Kennedy says, "Build the list – sell to the list". I most always include an offer of some sort in my email.


    Sometimes my offer is to work with me. Other times I promote partners. There are times when I simply offer more content and other resources. Most every email asks the reader to take action.

    And it works over time.

    In my email, I often invite readers to contact me for a podcast strategy session. This is an hour of coaching with me to develop your strategy. You can see those details at

    During the call, we talk about your goals. We figure out where you are now. Then, we build a bridge to reach your goals.

    On every call, I ask the person how they discovered me. And I get a variety of answers. Rapport takes time.


    One day, Mary Elaine signed up for a call. When we got on the Zoom call, I started by asking her how she discovered me.

    Mary Elaine told me she had been on my list for years. She didn't know how she got on the list and couldn't even remember how long it had been.

    After reading my email for years, she decided now was the time to take action.

    I helped Mary Elaine launch her podcast. She was also a coaching and production client for years.

    Katina was another entrepreneur who reached out for a podcast strategy call. The call started by asking her how she discovered me.

    She told me she had been listening to this podcast for 18 months. It was finally time to get on a call.

    There have also been clients who signed up after listening to two episodes. Dr. Paul and I got on a strategy call. He told me after listening to a couple episodes he knew he needed to get on a call with me.

    You never know how long it will take to get a lead to take action. People make decisions at different paces. Some act quickly. Some are slow and methodical.

    That's the importance of the list. Communicate often. Provide lots of value. Then, make the offer to work with you to go deeper.

    Build the list. Sell to the list.


    So, how do you build your email list? There are many ways.

    Today, we talk with Sheila Davis, a Marketing Strategy, Communication, and Content Development Coach.

    Sheila helps identify your ideal customer and message so you can build a relationship with them and serve them. She has over 30 years of experience in marketing, including serving as the marketing manager of 48 Days To the Work and Life You Love.

    Sheila loves working with authors, podcasters, course creators, bloggers and entrepreneurs to developing marketing and content strategies. The goal is to maximize their time and their customer reach, including Email Marketing, Digital Marketing and Content Development.

    During this conversation, we talk about the importance of a list, things to remember when building your list, and solutions to the common challenges most entrepreneurs face when building that list.

    Enjoy my conversation with Sheila Davis.


    Make sure you grab Sheila's list building guide. This 4-step guide is perfect for entrepreneurs, authors, and podcasters looking to create meaningful connections with their audience and turn them into loyal customers.

    You can download it at

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • On this episode, I want to give you the Podcast Talent Coach best of 2024. These are the most downloaded episodes of the past year.


    2024 was quite the year for me and Podcast Talent Coach. We've seen many ups and downs.

    At the end of 2023, I received and email from my mentor that he was fighting cancer. He would lose that battle in February. That started the year with a kick to the gut.

    Over the past twelve months, I've been able to help dozens of entrepreneurs launch their podcast. We have grown quite a few with the Audience Explosion Blueprint.

    In September, we had another fantastic Podcast Profits Summit. And I've worked with my coach to refine my business and make my content and focus even stronger.

    I can't thank you enough for being here on this journey. It was been an amazing year full of realizations, learning and love.

    This road we are on can get a little crazy. Keep reminding yourself that it's all about the journey and not the destination.

    Let's take a look back over the biggest and most popular episodes of the past year.

    Maybe you missed them. Perhaps you want to revisit the nuggets in each.

    Whatever the case, here are the most popular episodes of 2024.

    BEST OF #7

    Starting the list at number seven is Connecting With Your Personality – PTC 488.

    On this episode, I want to share with you a session I did recently during my Audience Explosion Blueprint Workshop. This was a powerful 3-day workshop where I helped a group of podcasters build their strategy to grow their audience.

    This particular session will help you develop your personality and begin building powerful relationships with your audience.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "If all you're doing is speaking to the 3% that are in the market to buy today to fix the solution today, you're missing 97% of your market."

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #6

    The episode hitting the list at number six is What is Your Biggest Challenge? – PTC 483

    I recently asked that recently of podcasters on my email list, "What is your biggest challenge?" On this episode, I'll help you through a few of them.

    Here are a few of the questions I received...

    I’m trying all the things to increase downloads.

    My biggest challenge is getting the guests to share the episode.

    My biggest barrier is lack of courage to put myself out there.

    Learning to build an interactive community around the podcast is my biggest challenge.

    I'd love to have a strategy in place before I launch, then I know what I'm aiming for!

    How do you choose a podcast name?

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "Remember, community comes from relationships, which is why I'm such a huge proponent of building relationships with your podcast."

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #5

    Number five on the list of the Best of 2024 is Podcast Promotion Questions – PTC 480

    When it comes to growing our podcast, I get many questions about podcast promotion. How do we get in front of new listeners and invite them into our show?

    On this episode, we'll answer a variety of questions about podcast promotion.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "Studies show that the average podcast listener consumes about 7 episodes, 7 podcasts, different podcasts every week. And about 30% consume 11 or more different shows a week."

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #4

    Number four on the list is Dave Jackson – Profit From Your Podcast – PTC 485

    Many podcasters want to create a profit from their podcast. However, most lack a strategy to generate revenue and grow their business.

    Dave Jackson is the host of the School of Podcasting podcast. He is also author of the best seller Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies To Turn Listeners Into a Livelihood.

    He launched the School of Podcasting in 2005 and was inducted into the Podcasting Hall of Fame in 2018.

    Dave joined me on the Podcast Profits Summit to talk about overcoming your challenges without spending thousands of dollars. I want to share that session with you today.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "When I moved into this house had no carpet, and it was just this giant echo chamber. So the first thing I did was, like, okay. We need we need a carpet. We need some rug, something like that."

    "There's a really popular microphone called the Blue Yeti. And technically, it's not a bad microphone, but what most people overlook is that thing can pick up, if you want, in every single direction. Well, that's just screaming, pick up the neighbor's lawnmower and everything else."

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #3

    Making the list of the Best of 2024 from Podcast Talent Coach is Cindy J. and Making Money – PTC 479

    When coaches come to me for assistance, one of the most common challenges is making money with their podcast. Most are using their show incorrectly and spending time in the wrong places with the wrong activities.

    There is a misconception about podcasting. You make money WITH your podcast, not FROM your podcast.

    I want to help you spend more of your time on money making activities.

    Cindy J. Holbrook the Visibility Wiz joins me on the show today.

    She guides entrepreneurs and small business owners to thrive as you go up the ladder from being the best-kept secret to Trusted and In-Demand Authority.

    Cindy J. has been coaching since 2009. She has been my coach and she's one of the best in the business.

    On this episode, Cindy shows us how to spend our time on the right money making activities, so we can generate revenue with our podcast.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "If you start doing something every day, you make sure you do at least one money making activity Monday through Friday or whatever your work days are. You're going to start seeing an increase in everything, in visibility, influence, and profits."

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #2

    One spot from the top in at #2 on the list is Turn Your Podcast Into A Book – PTC 477

    Are you ready to turn your podcast into a book?

    Each week you work hard to spread your message and share your vision.

    If you produce an episode a week, you'll have 50 episodes in just under a year. With four pages of show notes (or 1,200 words), you could turn your podcast into a book.

    But, why would you want to go through all the work to write a book? There are six big reasons. We dive into those reasons on this episode.

    There is great news. You don't need to write the entire book yourself.

    Steven Leapley is an executive ghostwriter from Southern California. He helps creative people like you write their book.

    Steven joins us today to help us discover how to turn our podcast into a book.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "But I think the the biggest challenge is... it comes down to to honestly fear. There's you know, to to pull the trigger and actually write your book. You know, it's like, there there's a there's a fear of of is it gonna get finished? There's a fear of am I gonna get taken for, you know, taken? You know, there's a fear of am I good enough?"

    You can hear that episode at

    BEST OF #1

    That brings us to the most popular Podcast Talent Coach episode of 2024. Number one on the list is Why You Can't Grow Your Podcast – PTC 481

    If you're like most podcasters, one of your biggest challenges you want to overcome is how to grow your podcast. I hear it often.

    On this episode, I help you dive deep into audience growth.

    In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges faced by many podcasters when it comes to growing their listenership.

    You receive invaluable insights into why some podcasts stagnate and what you can do to overcome these hurdles.

    We start with the critical importance of making your audience care. Provide unique value in your episodes.

    Infuse each episode with authenticity and stay true to yourself. We discuss strategies to build a relationship with your listeners, such as cleverly weaving your episodes together and harnessing specific tactics designed to not only attract but also retain a dedicated audience.

    Here is a sample of that episode.

    "Everybody tells me I want a bigger audience, and I go, what are you doing? Well, nothing really. Well, the audience isn't just gonna show up. They're not just gonna come knock on your door and say, hey, we're here. Where's the show? You have to do the work."

    You can hear that episode at


    And that's the top seven episodes of Podcast Talent Coach from 2024. Pick your favorite and give it a listen.

    Whether you missed it the first time, or you'd like to go back and revisit it, here is your chance the check out the best.

    You can also find the links in the show notes. I've listed a link to each of the episodes at

    Thanks again for being here. I hope you have a tremendous 2025.

    I'd love to help you make that happen. I can be your mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way with some powerful coaching. Get a sample of it.

    Go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • Being a guest on other podcasts is a powerful way to grow your audience. However to achieve success, you need to refine your speaking skills.


    Just being on other podcasts isn't enough. You need a strategy.

    Being a guest on other podcasts benefits you in two ways.

    First, it puts you in front of people who do not know you. You're finding new listeners.

    Second, you benefit with search engine currency. As you appear on more shows, you appear on more platforms and websites. The more you show up online, the more search engines will find you.

    This second reason is how you can benefit even if the podcast doesn't have a huge audience.

    Sure, you want to be in front of as many people as possible. But don't forget about the SEO benefit.


    Remember that as you are in front of new audiences, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Make it good.

    To connect with others and bring them into your world, improve your speaking skills.

    Your speaking skills strategy includes your confidence, your content, and your context.

    Start by believing in what you know and what you have to offer. Lean into your superpower.

    Next, shape your speaking skills by crafting your content that relates to the audience of that specific show.

    Finally, add context. Wrap your content in stories so the audience gets to know who you are, what you value, and what you believe.

    Great speaking skills are something you can learn and master. The fear of public speaking comes from not being prepared and confident in your content.

    Nobody knows your story better than you do. Embrace it. Great speaking skills are about sharing one thing in many ways through your story.


    In this episode, I bring you an engaging conversation with Santou Carter.

    Rev. Santou Carter is an international best-selling author, a multi-award-winning performing artist and systemic psychotherapist working with fear and anxiety.

    Santou integrates her skills as a performer, preacher and psychotherapist to provide her unique S.T.E.E.R. framework using a holistic ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’ approach to ensure her clients can captivate an audience with an engaging, anxiety-free presence to increase their sales and wealth.

    She has also been nominated for a Women in Podcasting Award, in the category of Best Guest Expert.


    In this episode, Santou shares invaluable insights on the journey of podcasting, emphasizing the importance of tapping into your holistic self and leveraging all your experiences and skills.

    Together, we explore why it's unnecessary to wait until you feel completely knowledgeable to start a podcast, because growth and learning happen along the way.

    We delve into Santou’s unique approaches, including her S.T.E.E.R. framework, which integrates Spirituality, Techniques, Education, Emotional space, and Relationships, to guide personal and professional development.

    She offers powerful strategies for using podcasts to grow your business, repurpose content, and effectively engage audiences. Plus, Santou shares her candid experiences performing with her husband and the cultural significance of those moments.

    Join us as we uncover why podcasting is a potent tool for creating lasting connections and vibrant energy. Whether you’re an aspiring podcaster or looking to amplify your existing efforts, this episode is packed with actionable advice and inspiring stories. Let's dive in!


    As a seasoned public speaker and group facilitator, Santou shares invaluable insights into how podcasters can blend their professional and personal experiences to create engaging content.

    She emphasizes the importance of bringing your holistic self into the podcasting realm, leveraging all your skills and expertise to build confidence and foster genuine connections with your audience.

    Santou discusses the flexibility of podcasting, comparing it to rediscovering an old favorite song; just as forgotten notes come alive, latent skills can emerge during the podcasting journey.

    Aspiring podcasters need not wait until they feel completely knowledgeable. Starting with the confidence that 'you know enough' is crucial. The podcasting process itself will help illuminate additional skills and knowledge as you go along, making it a journey of continuous growth and learning.


    Touching on the longevity and ownership benefits of podcasting, Santou explains how podcast content remains accessible and valuable long after its release, unlike the fleeting nature of social media platforms.

    She introduces her unique STEER framework. It is a holistic approach that enables podcasters to create content that resonates deeply and offers lasting value to their audience.

    Santou shares practical strategies to maximize podcast reach and impact. She discusses how repurposing podcast transcripts into blogs or books, and using platforms like YouTube, can broaden your content's consumption.

    She highlights the effectiveness of social media for promotional purposes, advising the use of quote cards and leveraging Pinterest for its evergreen content ability.

    Santou also reveals a free resource on using podcasting to increase sales and underscores the importance of nurturing audiences through email marketing.

    During our conversation, Santou shares personal anecdotes from her ow speaking skills and performing career, including her memorable concert singing orthodox music with her husband and his recent opera performance in her native language.

    Bringing it all back to podcasting, she highlights how personal stories and relationships play a crucial role in developing speaking skills and creating relatable content.

    Be sure to get Santou's free gift "How to Use Podcasting To Increase Sales". You can download it at

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • I tend to be very analytical. When I first heard about our relationship with money and the mindset needed to succeed, I thought it was a lot of woo and not for me.


    The more I heard about mindset, and the more I researched it, the more I realized that success absolutely requires the right mindset and relationship with money.

    Growing up, we had very little money. My mom raised us on her own on the wages of a waitress.

    She always had a side hustle to make ends meet. I never knew we didn't have money. I just thought we were frugal.

    One year when I was about 12, I told my mom that my best friend Russ would receive gifts on Easter. I found that odd.

    My brother and I always received Easter baskets full of candy. But that was about it.

    Russ' family was Catholic. We were Methodist. Maybe that was just part of their tradition.

    That year, my mom bought us gifts for Easter. That's when I realized gifts had nothing to do with our spiritual denomination. It had everything to do with where and how we spent our money.


    Looking back on my childhood, mom always had a bit of disdain for the wealthy. She waited on many of those wealthy people at work, and many weren't respectful. I think that influenced her relationship with money.

    Mom always expected me to go to college. But I don't think she ever thought we would be a wealthy family. It was part of our relationship with money.

    I once dated a girl after college whose dad was the president of a bank. I think her dad even had part ownership.

    One year, I joined them at the country club for Easter brunch. It was just like any other meal at a nice restaurant. There were just golf fairways out the window.

    When we broke up, my mom said, "That's ok, you're not the country club type anyway."

    She didn't mean anything by it. It was just the way our family was raised. It was her relationship with money. She never had a great deal of money.

    My mom eventually died broke. I had to send her creditors the death certificate along with a letter notifying them there was no money in her estate to pay them.

    That's when I realized I didn't want that to be my story. I didn't want that to be my relationship with money.


    I like money. Money allows me to have nice things. But it also allows me to help others who need it.

    I began donating a portion of my salary to various organizations. The money wasn't mine. It was just flowing through me.

    When my relationship with money changed, the amount of money God would send my way changed.

    You deserve money. But to get it to flow your way, you need a good relationship with money. You need to believe you deserve it.


    In this episode, we dive into the insightful discussions and powerful lessons shared at the Podcast Profits Summit with Tonya White.

    Tonya is the founder of Heart & Soul Wealth. She is a financial educator and coach who empowers women to transform their relationship with money and make informed financial decisions.

    With a background in corporate Human Resources and over a decade in financial services helping couples, individuals and families, Tonya uses a holistic approach to help women navigate their financial goals, especially those nearing or in retirement.


    In this episode, Tonya emphasizes the importance of learning from past financial decisions and using new skills to make better future choices. She tackles tough questions about dealing with trauma from investment failures and overcoming self-judgment and shame.

    We explore the profound impact of disempowering money messages, often rooted in childhood and societal beliefs, and how they shape our relationship with money.

    Through real-life examples and personal anecdotes, Tonya illustrates how transforming these mindsets can lead to significant personal and professional growth. She also shares valuable techniques such as using affirmations effectively, meditation, and connecting money to a larger mission to overcome worthiness issues and imposter syndrome.

    This episode is packed with essential insights and actionable advice to help you shift your money mindset and pave the way for financial success. Let's get started!


    Tonya emphasizes the importance of learning from past financial decisions by acknowledging that they were made with the best information and resources available at that time.

    She advocates for using newly acquired financial skills and insights to make better decisions moving forward, while underlining the significance of self-forgiveness and grace in the journey of personal and financial growth.

    Tonya addresses handling trauma from past investment failures, acknowledging the self-judgment and shame that often accompany financial losses. She advises listeners to accept what was known at the time and to glean valuable lessons from these experiences to improve future financial decisions.

    Furthermore, she offers actionable advice on moving past these negative experiences, highlighting the necessity of self-forgiveness and grace to foster personal, financial progress, and a healthier relationship with money.

    The conversation also explores the impact of disempowering money messages ingrained in us from childhood and societal norms. These messages shape our relationship with money.

    Tonya explains the difference between "money is the root of all evil" and the actual biblical phrase "the love of money is the root of all evil," emphasizing how such misconceptions can affect one's ability to cultivate wealth and achieve goals.

    We share our personal experiences with disempowering financial messages, discussing how these beliefs shaped our decisions and self-perception over time.


    Diving deeper, Tonya discusses practical techniques to transform disempowered mindsets into empowered ones. Using affirmations effectively, especially in the form of engaging questions, can rewire the subconscious to foster a healthier relationship with money.

    Tonya shares the story of an entrepreneur who successfully changed her financial outlook through such mindset work, resulting in more confident business dealings and improved sales conversations, demonstrating the profound impact of overcoming negative self-talk and disempowerment.

    Tonya’s holistic approach, combined with her personal journey from corporate HR to financial coaching, brings a warm, nurturing perspective to money management, particularly empowering women to make informed financial decisions and attain lasting financial health.

    You can download Tonya's free gift "The 5 Keys To Financial Health" at

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • If you're like many podcasters I talk with, your little voice in your head can sometimes throw you off course. Influence begins with confidence.


    Impostor Syndrome is just someone pretending to be someone else. It is self doubt.

    To overcome Impostor Syndrome, just be yourself. Stop pretending.

    It starts as a vision of who you truly are. That vision can build your confidence and help build your influence.

    When you be yourself, you're not faking it. You are working to be who you really are.

    It is so much easier to be you rather than pretending to be someone else. Your confidence will grow.

    Have the courage to step into your true self. Start by sharing one small story about yourself on your podcast.

    Your tribe will love you for it. This is the beginning of growing your influence.


    On this episode, we're diving into the transformative power of voice, flow, and authentic connection with our special guest, Melinda Lee.

    Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach, and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, Certified Professional in Talent Development, as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution.

    For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of "flow" and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

    Melinda brings a wealth of experience as a presentation skills expert and speaking coach for TEDx Berkeley. She shares her journey from overcoming impostor syndrome to landing major clients like Google, and how aligning her words with her intentions has attracted more opportunities her way.

    She has worked with thousands of executives and teams from Facebook, to the Army Corp of Engineers, and more. She is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.

    During our conversation, Melinda unpacks the misconceptions about public speaking and highlights the importance of inspiring change rather than mere teaching. Sparking inspiration is an important step to developing influence.

    She explains how achieving a flow state can elevate our public speaking, influence, and overall communication skills. Through personal stories and practical advice, Melinda reveals how to access this flow and maintain it, even under high pressure.


    One of the key topics Melinda addresses is overcoming Impostor Syndrome, a common issue even among successful professionals. She candidly shares her personal strategies for confronting and processing fears rather than ignoring them, detailing how this mindset shift has empowered her in her career.

    Overcoming Impostor Syndrome is the first step to becoming a person of influence.

    Melinda's journey from facing skepticism to winning over tough audiences highlights the importance of embodying feelings and connecting deeply with both oneself as well as the audience.

    We get into common misconceptions about public speaking, emphasizing that it goes far beyond just teaching. Effective speakers are those who can inspire change and transform lives by conveying not just the "how" but the "why."

    Focusing on "why" over "how" is a key component of influence.

    Through transformational speaking and podcasting, podcasters can build deeper connections with their listeners by exuding authenticity and engaging from the heart.


    You will find great value in our conversation when Melinda introduces an exercise designed to help speakers move from being in their heads to speaking from the heart.

    One such exercise involves shifting self-affirmations from "I am a confident speaker" to "I am grateful to be a confident speaker," a simple yet powerful change that fosters greater connection and openness.

    Additionally, Melinda discusses the significance of self-awareness and self-reflection in overcoming barriers to communication and achieving peak performance. This step will help your influence blossom.

    Whether you're a podcaster looking to connect more deeply with your audience or a speaker aiming to transform lives, this episode is packed with insights to help you elevate your voice and impact. So, get ready to feel inspired and get in flow with our conversation featuring the incredible Melinda Lee.

    Melinda has a free gift for you called "Unlock Your Flow: A Free Self-Assessment To Enhance Speaking Skills And Identify Growth Areas". You can download it at

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

  • Becoming an influential authority in your niche is possible through the power of podcasting when you have the right strategy.


    In this episode, I want to help you become that "go to", sought after and influential authority in your industry.

    This is a presentation I did during the Podcast Profits Summit.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss how authenticity, storytelling, and building relationships can transform your podcast into a powerful tool for influence and success.

    I share examples from influential experts like Gary Vaynerchuk and Barbara Corcoran. You'll also get advice on attracting ideal clients, nurturing trust, and expanding your reach beyond your existing networks.

    You'll get insights on how to grow both your audience and your business by focusing on authenticity and relationship-building. While many podcasters concentrate on the technical aspects of podcasting, it’s the personal stories and values — the "why" behind what you do — that truly build trust and rapport with your audience.


    The sales process has nuances that can turn listeners into loyal clients. 40% of the process is about building rapport, 30% involves qualifying leads, 20% is dedicated to educating on solutions, and the final 10% is about closing the deal.

    This breakdown highlights the importance of establishing a solid relationship foundation before moving on to sales pitches. Your podcast can do exactly that.

    Lead with your own experiences and personality, like other influencers. Great examples include Gary Vaynerchuk, Russell Brunson, and Brendon Burchard. Build a genuine connection with your audience.

    Many of my clients have effectively transformed their podcasts into powerful business tools. TaVona Denise is a nurse turned coach. She launched a successful podcast that helped promote her summit.

    Scott and Holly Stoner worked with me with their Wellness Compass podcast. We crafted content and a process that brought people to their foundation.

    These examples illustrate how effective podcasting can lead to substantial business growth, not just through attracting listeners but by fostering a community built on trust and authenticity.


    Finally, we get into the importance of storytelling and focusing on the 'why' rather than the 'how' in podcasting.

    By consistently sharing your origin story and values, you transform your podcast into a platform that people bond with and return to for your unique personality and perspective.

    This episode is a treasure trove of actionable insights for anyone looking to not just start a podcast but to become an influential authority in their niche.

    Get ready to unlock the secrets to becoming a trusted voice in your industry.

    Let me help you develop your level of influence and become the "go to" authority in your niche. Get a taste of what my coaching is all about with an hour-long podcast strategy call. You can find the details and apply for your call at

  • When you grow your audience to build your business, you need to manage your leads. It isn't enough to get people to subscribe to your podcast. You need to get them to your email list.


    When I was first starting out, I hired Cindy as my coach. She was helping me build the infrastructure that would help me grow my business.

    Cindy is a visibility coach. She helps people get noticed. Just what I needed to grow my audience and business.

    One day on a call, Cindy suggested I participate in a giveaway to grow my email list.

    A giveaway is a marketing tactic where a group of experts join together to help each other grow.

    One expert is the host of the giveaway. This person builds the back end and manages the giveaway.

    A number of other experts each contribute a free gift. They all then promote the giveaway to their lists.

    The email recipients opt in for the giveaway, which grows the list of the giveaway host. Then the email recipients decide which gifts they would like, and they opt in for those gifts. This grows the list of the contributor.

    The better the gift, the better chance an expert has to grow their list.


    But I wanted to grow my podcast audience, not my list.

    On the call that day, I told Cindy the same thing. She told me growing the list would grow the audience.

    Each time you release a new episode, you can email your list and remind them to listen. That was the day I understood the power of the process.

    If you invite people to your podcast when you are on stage, they may come listen to your show. If they don't come back or subscribe, you have no way to contact them again.

    But if you invite them to your email list with your lead magnet when you are on stage, you have their name and email address until they unsubscribe. Now you can reach them each time you release a new episode.

    When I started building my email list, my podcast audience started to grow.

    Soon, I started to realize I needed to organize the contacts on my email list.

    That's where a powerful CRM tool comes into play.


    There are a variety of CRM tools, or customer relation management tools, available to manage your list. These tools help you manage your interactions with customers, build customer relationships, and grow your business.

    Many people are surprised when I suggest people on stage don't send people to the podcast. Instead, send them to your email list.

    When you get people on your email list, you need to keep them organized and manage your leads. This allows you to send relevant information to each segment of your audience while reminding the entire list to listen to the podcast.

    So, how do you choose a CRM to manage your leads?


    I've invited Ramesh Dewangan to join us and help us develop a plan.

    Ramesh is the Founder and CEO of Quantum Vision Consulting. He brings over 30 years of global experience in software development, product management, and marketing to help entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve rapid growth by implementing innovative business practices and systems.

    Ramesh specializes in business growth through automated marketing and sales using CRM and mobile applications.

    Download Ramesh's free eBook "Driving Business Growth: Discover how CRM accelerates business success" at

  • We are into the last six weeks of the year. As you look back over the past 10 months, how are you doing on your goals you set back in January?

    If you're like most, your goals are struggling. In this episode, I have a great interview with Ken Williams to uncover why most goals fail and what to do about it.


    I am big fan of beginning with the end in mind.

    When we talk about growing your audience, building your business, or simply refining your call to action, we often talk about starting with the end in mind.

    The end is the definition of your goals. Where do you want to end up?

    Unless you can get perfectly clear on where you want to land, your goals have no hope of succeeding.


    The end in mind is exactly why you need to clearly define your ideal target listener.

    How will you know if you've attracted the perfect client if you haven't defined what that looks like?

    Many coaches I speak with will describe their ideal client to me as an age range. They might say their ideal client is between 35- and 55-years-old. Worse yet, they might tell me they help everybody.

    Let's just take 35 to 55. Consider a 35-year-old. Where are they in their career? They've been working full-time in their career for ten or fifteen years.

    How about their family? They might have a couple kids that are 8 and 10. They spend a lot of time running their kids here and there.

    Now consider a 55-year-old. It's the other end of the range. Where are they in their career? Maybe ten or fifteen years from retirement.

    How about their family? They might have a couple kids that are 28 and 30. This person could very well be a grand parent.

    Now when you are trying to attract your ideal client you will describe their pains and challenges so clearly they think you are reading their mail.

    Do these two people sound like they have the same challenges and pain in their lives? Is the timeline to overcome those challenges similar in any way?

    This is the power of clarity. Start with the end in mind.


    Now when you set goals, everyone will tell you to be specific and measurable. Start with the end in mind.

    So, why aren't your goals working? Why aren't you succeeding at achieving them?

    The problem is your goals are too smart. Smart goals aren't working, and there is a reason why.

    This is the reason I have Ken Williams on the show today. He will show you how to set goals you can actually accomplish.


    Ken Williams is a life coach, a chocolate cake baker, and the father of five kids.

    While he has authored several books, including "21 Days to Success through Networking," his career took a meandering route through call centers, sales organizations, and industrial environments, until he discovered how his past goal-setting efforts had been setting him up to fail.

    Now, he hosts the Bad Boss Podcast, where he helps listeners overcome conflicts with difficult bosses, and he teaches his clients how to get the results they want by setting S.T.U.P.I.D. Goals.

    In this conversation, Ken Williams and I get deep into the world of goal setting. We explore why traditional goals often fail and how a shift in perspective can make all the difference.

    Ken shares his transformative experience with obtaining a ham radio license, which changed his approach to setting and achieving goals.


    This episode challenges the effectiveness of SMART goals and introduces a novel concept called "STUPID goals," designed to fill gaps left by traditional methods.

    Ken recounts his initial reluctance to get a ham radio license and how passing the test opened his eyes to the importance of relationships and experiences over conventional goal metrics. His story underlines the significance of tying goals to personal experiences, making them more inspiring and easier to achieve.

    He further contrasts "stupid goals" with "smart goals," clarifying that the former emphasizes stretch, tangibility, unshakable commitment, and the possibility of achieving them realistically yet challengingly.

    During our conversation, Ken critiques SMART goals, pointing out their limitations in providing a clear path when goals are unmet. He emphasizes the emotional toll of perceived failures and describes how "stupid goals" can offer a more compassionate and practical framework.

    Using analogies and personal stories, Ken makes a compelling case for goals that inspire and energize, challenging listeners to rethink their approach to personal and professional achievement.

    The episode also highlights the importance of incremental, small steps in goal-setting. We discuss various techniques, including leveraging resources like print-on-demand publishing and using tools such as the app My Streaks to build habits gradually.

    Be sure to grab Ken's free gift. You can download his Stupid Goals Anti-Planner at

    We have six weeks left in the year. Let's set some goals for the next year that you can actually accomplish.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.