Hi, we are Nick & Kat :) We have been thrown our fair share of curveballs during our 5 years together. All of these experiences forced us to deconstruct and rebuild our beliefs over and over, and what we've learned through these experiences is that we don't know much at all. We live in a state of constant Pond.ering. We are always questioning and wondering "why?" We are trying to find new perspectives and experiences to help us understand this life of ours, but we don't think we'll ever find the answers and that's okay. We are good with the Pond.ering. Come hang out with us every week while we Pond.er into the mic about the big and small life questions, discuss interesting topics & hear stories of others who are in a state of Pond.ering as well. Let's all try to figure this life out together, or at least build a community of people who are good with being in the Pond.ering state of life.