Hakuna Matata and a blessed new week to you. I am very grateful to share a brand new inspirational interview in today’s episode with you guys. I enjoyed this interview a lot because I talked to Nicole and she took the time to reflect in detail about her own volunteer experience in South Africa and shares a lot of funny stories from 10 years ago with us. Also through listening you will learn from Nicole: 🌎 why expectations can be a problem to your volunteer experience and often cause frustration, 🌎 why time abroad helps to reflect your own standards and 🌎 why volunteering gives you more in return than you could ever give.
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Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Namaste for this new week starting today. The topic we are talking about this week is a little bit different than normally and it might not be obvious what it has to do with conservation and co. A couple of weeks ago I recorded this interview with Sofia for you. Sofia is a yoga and meditation teacher born in Costa Rica. She also has training in Psychotherapy, Systemic Coaching and Hypnosis and went to Germany by herself when she was only 17 years old. Today Sofia shares with us: 🌎 why this event changed her life, 🌎 how and why she started to practice mindfulness, 🌎 why we need to be brave in order to grow and 🌎 how also you can start to profit from the benefits of meditation.
Also visit: (website), @findwithinyourheart & (Instagram).
If you enjoyed this episode, I would be delighted if you subscribe to the podcast and leave us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you so much!
Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It’s again Monday and today the last episode of July’s miniseries is waiting for you. I hope that today’s episode and the ones from the last three weeks encourage you to overthink your own consuming behavior and help you to understand why it is so important to avoid as much waste as possible while consciously choosing which materials or items we allow to take part in our lives.
Today we are focussing on RECYCLE and talk about: 🌎 why you should really recycle LESS instead of more, 🌎 the problems of recycling that only very few people know, 🌎 the truth of what happens to „our“ waste and 🌎 how you can excape the overconsumption insanity.
If you enjoyed this episode, I would be delighted if you subscribe to the podcast and leave us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you so much!
Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Here’s to the third episode of this July's miniseries about how to live a more sustainable life in 4 simple steps. This week we are taking a closer look to what the idea of REUSE is. In this second episode of Plastic Free July you will learn: 🌎 how you can easily save resources and your wallet, 🌎 how you will turn the relationship with your belongings upside down and immediately start to value them more, 🌎 why you should use reusable alternatives and 🌎 how to finally end the disposable mentality.
If you enjoyed this episode, I would be delighted if you subscribe to the podcast and leave us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you so much!
Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Happy...wednesday haha. Eventhough I'm late I hope you'll enjoy the second episode of this July's miniseries about how to live a more sustainable life in 4 simple steps. This week we are taking a closer look to how and what all of us can REDUCE in our households. In this second episode of Plastic Free July you will learn: 🌎 how you manage to escape the consumption mania, 🌎 simple hacks to save money and resources, 🌎 the most important question you can ask yourself to get rid of things and 🌎 the ONE crucial tip after you have successfully reduced your belongings.
If you enjoyed this episode, I would be delighted if you subscribe to the podcast and leave us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you so much!
Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Is a life without plastic waste even possible? Yes absolutely! And it's even easier than you might think. In this mini-series, I will share with you the 4 most important steps to a waste-free, more environmentally friendly everyday life. Take these steps to become less cluttered up and gradually incorporate them into your everyday life.
In this first episode of Plastic Free July you will learn: 🌎 the most important strategies to eliminate plastic garbage in your everyday life right from the start, 🌎 how you suddenly automatically start to live sustainably and more healthy and 🌎 what you can do from today on to prevent plastic waste.
If you enjoyed this episode, I would be delighted if you subscribe to the podcast and leave us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you so much!
Which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Hola, hello and hallo! Thank you for tuning in once again for a new episode. Today's soloepisode adresses really practical steps that you can do RIGHT NOW to change your life into a more sustainable one. You will get to know: 🌎 what microplastic is, where it comes from and why it harms not only the environment but also your body, 🌎 eco friendly alternatives I started to implement in bathroom, laundry, cleaning, nutrition etc and 🌎 why it urges for you to become conscious about your shopping behavior.
Was there anything that you learned new from this episode? Is there any of the tips that you already implement in your daily life? And which will be the one thing you start changing from now on for a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Exchange ideas, get more inspiration and insights of our life in Costa Rica. Visit us on Instagram and comment below the post of this weeks episode. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
We’re back with a new powerful and inspirational podcast episode today! For me it was a great honor to record this episode and I am super exited to share it with you today. I talked to Andres who is the co-founder and vice president of Greenwolf Costa Rica. Andrés let’s us know: 🌎 about the one moment that changed his life forever, 🌎 why it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to become active and demand change, 🌎 why it is important to address different areas in order to bring about worldwide change and 🌎 what keeps him motivated in his daily work for Greenwolf’s vision. Also visit: ,,
Did you have an AHA - moment on this episode? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Then please let us know and exchange ideas with us on Instagram. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Happy, rainy monday from Nosara, Costa Rica. I hope you had a great start into the new week. Rainy season finally arrived and so did a new episode. To make your week even more special today’s topic is something that all of us strive for: happiness. I was thinking about a lot about this lately and today I share with you: 🌎 why happiness and success is connected, 🌎 what the magical formular for a happy life is and 🌎 what personal happiness has to do with the wellbeing of our planet.
Did you have an AHA - moment on this episode? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Then please let us know and exchange ideas with us on Instagram. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Finally a new PGI episode! And it’s not just any episode but I am very proud to share this amazing interview with you. Today I am talking to Jenny who is a marine biologist and followed her heart to make her dream of working with marine mammals come true by moving to Colombia! In the interview Jenny: 🌎 takes us back in time to share with you when her passion for the ocean and marine life started, 🌎 reflects on how she was able to realize her big goal by taking little steps along the way and 🌎 gives us an insight into her work as a marine biologist. Also visit: , (dolphin project) and on Instagram @reoceancom. Wanna get to know more about her personally? Check out: , (MuM facebook group) and Instagram:
Did you have an AHA - moment on this episode? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? Then please let us know and exchange ideas with us on Instagram. You can find us there @positive_globalimpact or write us an email to
Once again hello to a new week with a new episode. I hope you know how much it means to me that you take time every week to listen to the PGI Podcast. I am sharing a new interview with you today because a couple of weeks ago I talked to Michi who shares with us today: 🌎 how his desire to help others motivated him to step into a plane for the first time, 🌎 how he became the cofounder of Teamwork Africa Germany – an organization realizing community projects in Liberia and 🌎 what he learned about happiness and his own life due to his time in Africa. Also visit Instagram: What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Hellooo there, I wish you a powerful start into the new week. The podcast is back, I am back. In the soloepisode today I am sharing with you our experience of lasts week adventure in the tropical rainforest in the south of Costa Rica: 🌎 Do you know which color the eye reflection of a puma is if you’d shine right inside his eyes?, 🌎 Do you know why the leaves of monstera plants have holes? or 🌎 Are you curious to get a deeper understanding of why it is so important to stop cutting down more and more trees? Answers to all this and much more are waiting for you in today’s episode. I hope you enjoy listening to it and learn as much as we did during our stay in this very special place. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
It's finally monday again and I am happy to share a new interview episode with you today. I talked to Malena and she is taking us with her on a journey back to her time in Ghana. Today you will get to know: 🌎 why Malena's time in Africa is a great example that your dreams will come true if you keep believing in them, 🌎 the advantages of choosing a small organization when thinking about going abroad for an exchange and/or volunteer program and 🌎 how she found a second home in a country that challenged her because of it's differences. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
It’s not clickbaiting but I really do believe that your beliefs and convictions will change while listening to today’s new episode. Did you know that the ocean is home to more than 80% of all life on Earth? Or that 93% of our world’s CO2 is stored in the ocean? But did you also know that humans kill 5 million marine animals per MINUTE? Or that the vast majority of plastic in the ocean comes from fishing gear? Among other topics today we: 🌎 discuss how much harm we are really causing on this planet, 🌎 which role our oceans play in the wellbeing of the earth and 🌎 point out how you can be a superhero for the planet starting today. RECOMMENDATIONS: watch Seaspiracy (Netflix) & Sharkwater Extinction (Amazon Prime). What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
I know you have been patiently waiting for today and here is a new episode! This week with a topic that I have been thinking about often trying to figure out what would be the best way to address it to you. Even though I postponed it a couple of times I feel like there is no time to loose anymore and thus today I am: 🌎 talking with you about THE most important topic when it comes to a more sustainable life, 🌎 telling you how my consciousness regarding myself and the world has changed after one decision I made four years ago and 🌎 sharing probably the most thought provoking questions that anyone has ever asked you. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Monday Funday – no matter where you are I hope the weather is as sunny as it is here. My interview partner from this week’s episode did something most people dream of. He took a year of and travelled around the globe to participate in FOUR different volunteer projects! Samuel lets us be part of his experience and shares with us: 🌎 How a day working in a Safari park looks like, 🌎 How volunteering helped him to find out what he wants to do with life and 🌎 His best advices to everyone thinking about doing volunteering. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Happy Easter monday, chicos! I am especially proud of today's episode. I had the pleasure to talk to Elena Echandi, a biologist who has dedicated to study the behavior and thus save the howler monkeys in the coastal regions of Costa Rica. "Save the monkeys?" you might ask. Yes! There is a huge problem that causes hundreds of deaths and injuries each year; the main reason are electric shocks. Elena took the time to share with us: 🌎 insights of her work as a biologist for the organization "SalveMonos", 🌎 the tragic effects that growing tourism and the lack of seriousness of Costa Rica's laws has on wildlife and most important 🌎 what you can do to become active and fight with Elena and her colleagues to prevent more deaths. Links: Facebook page SalveMonos & , for recovery stories visit & What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Another week, another monday. That means there is a new PGI episode waiting for you! This solo episode is special because it's a very personal one. I am explaining and talking about: 🌎 Why a fulfilling life starts inside of yourself , 🌎 Why inner peace and being centered brings happiness into your life, 🌎 The importance why it is so important to choose the right energy and state of mind, 🌎 How I made all of my dreams come true and 🌎 Which tool will help you too to create the life you have ever dreamed of. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Wohooo today we’ll already share the sixth episode of your favorite podcast with you. It’s Monday again and we are back with an interview special – today with our friend Oli. Oliver is sharing his experience working in an animal rescue center in Costa Rica with us. Apart from that you’ll get to know the highlights of today, for example: 🌎 Why going abroad will boost your selfconfidence and personal development, 🌎 Why volunteering is an unique experience to built lifelong friendships and 🌎 What empathy has to do with the volunteer experience. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
Happy monday changemaker! Today I’ll share a solo episode with you and it is about the most important topic in the world: YOU. You will get to know: 🌎 Why who you are and everything you do matters, 🌎 Why your life is not only about you, 🌎 Why it is your responsibility to live a conscious life, 🌎 The difference between fault and responsibility and 🌎 3 steps with which you’ll have a positive impact right now. What was the most important insight that you could take away today? And what can you do today to create a more sustainable and fulfilling life? On Instagram @positive_globalimpact you will get to know more sustainability hacks and get a better impression of our life in Costa Rica. Also I'd love for you to share your insights and thoughts with us either on Instagram or write us an email to
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