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In deze podcast bespreken we Zen vanuit verschillende perspectieven. Wat zijn de ervaringen van mensen die kortgeleden zijn begonnen met het beoefenen van meditatie?
Daarnaast gaan we in gesprek met mensen die de nodige ervaring hebben op het gebied van Meditatie en Zenboeddhisme.
Onze bedoeling is zoveel mogelijk mensen te helpen bij het bereiken van duurzaam geluk door hen via deze podcast tips, tools en inspiratie te bieden die hun (latente)meditatiebehoefte en ervaringen kracht bijzetten. -
Koji Acquaviva began practicing Zen at the age of twenty at the San Francisco Zen Center where he was a resident and staff member for ten years. He co-founded the Mid City Zen Center in New Orleans and served regularly as visiting teacher at the Austin Zen Center. In addition to Soto Zen, he's studied Vedanta, Hatha Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism in residential practice centers. As a queer and neurodivergent person who trained rather traditionally, Koji makes his best effort to identify and confront the ways Buddhism is taught which re-inscribe harm for members of marginalized communities.
Jogi Horst R. Brumms Terminvorschau z.Z. nur auf + + + NEUE NEW IBAN + BIC: Karma Tengyal Ling e.V., Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, IBAN: DE32 3702 0500 0003 0698 00, BIC: BFS WDE 33 XXX + + + Thank you kindly for your donation! + + + Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Spende! + + + Auf Wunsch stellen wir Ihnen gern eine Spendenquittung aus + + + Buddhismus auf Deutsch - Studienkurs mit Jogi Horst R. Brumm für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene + + + "Manjushris Weisheit" erläutert den Vajrayana-Stufenweg von Longchen Rabjam, genannt Longchenpa (1308-1364), nach dessen Buch "The Excellent Path To Enlightenment (Sutrayana Section)", das erst kürzlich aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt wurde + + + Der Studienkurs soll mehrere Jahre dauern, geplant sind monatliche Veröffentlichungen von je 5 Episoden + + + Auch als VIDEO in der Playlist + + + Unsere Präsentation (12MB pdf) können Sie hier ansehen und herunterladen: + + + Karma Tengyal Ling Buddhistische Gemeinschaft gem. e.V. + + + Neuruppiner Str. 6, 16775 Stechlin-Menz, Deutschland + + + Telefon 033082-50289 + + + + + + Email: [email protected] + + + -
If you would like to support the work I do, Please consider making a donation.
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For nearly 30 years, Dave Smith has held a practice rooted in the Insight Meditation (Vipassana) tradition. He was empowered to teach through the Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, is a certified teacher for Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) which is combines contemporary emotion based scientific research with contemplative practices and psychology drawn from Buddhism and has studied Buddhist psychology at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies (BCBS).
Dave teaches residential meditation retreats, weekly live dharma classes, online courses, and workshops. He has developed educational tools and resources, including mindfulness and emotional skills trainings, in both secular and Buddhist contexts. Dave also works with students 1:1 through his dharma mentoring program.
In 2016 he founded the Secular Dharma Foundation to foster the advancement of emotional and psychological well-being through the education and integration of mindfulness, psychology, and various therapeutic modalities. Dave has brought dharma and meditative interventions into a variety of settings including jails, prisons, youth detention centers and addiction treatment facilities. Dave lives in rural Colorado with his wife and two sons. -
Have you ever wondered why a particular Mantra has to be chanted at a specific time of the day? Or why do we pray to a God or Goddess on a particular day of the week? Through Chants of India by Sriram, your host Sriram will help you in understanding the significance of selected chants from the Vedas. Discover how positive energies can be channeled in our every day life, through chanting of these Mantras.Subscribe to our Telegram Channel by visiting to learn more about our other podcasts including Baalgatha, Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India, and MyKitaab.
In questa sezione, lo staff di ArtInMovimento caricherà periodicamente delle meditazioni guidate da Annunziato Gentiluomo o da altri professionisti del settore per innalzare la tua vibrazione, per nutrire il tuo spirito, per rilassarti e per rafforzare il sistema immunitario.
Ricordati di seguirci così da perdere nessun appuntamento! -
Author Alisa Valdes on life, love, spirit, creativity, health and hope. Support this podcast:
Healing your soul takes many forms, let's dive into the real talk about what healing may look like to different people. This podcast is for spiritually curious humans who are finding their own path during the mass awakening. Ani shares her experiences and research about things that help us go inward and heal. She also interviews people from all walks of life about their path, healing and meditation techniques that worked that worked for them.
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