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I get it! Somedays it feels as if you’re riding the “Hot Mess Express” and there’s no end in sight. Then I discovered that you can elevate your life, raise kids and make what matters happen all while adding a little more elegance into your everyday lifestyle.
I’m on a mission to help busy women overcome the “Hot Mess” and create an elegant life they love by starting with the essentials. Everyday life doesn’t have to be so chaotic.
Join me in discussions about ways to help you embrace simplicity with practical solutions and easy to implement ideas, so you can design a home and life you love.
This is a source of encouragement. This is the change you’ve been looking for. This is the Always Elegant Living Podcast with Ashley Brown. -
We discuss all things home. You’ll hear from us on interior design, home buying & selling, investing, entrepreneurship, faith, and much more. We’re a top producing real estate team in Dallas, Texas and are self-proclaimed home enthusiasts. Whether or not you live in Dallas, we’re eager to go on this journey with you!
Welcome to the Florida Style Home Décor & Design podcast presented by OSN Florida. Florida home styles and decor are uniquely, Florida. And we'll talk about just what makes Florida style so special.With guests including top interior designers, architects, home builders, retail décor pros, outdoor living experts and other trendsetters, you'll know the latest in Florida home styles and décor.If laid back coastal is your thing, or maybe modern Miami, beach styles and clean lines or whatever your Florida style is, you'll feel right at home on the Florida Style Home Décor & Design podcast.
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ig pribadi : firdayanisitumorang
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sesak saja ketika selalu dipendam jadi mari coba kita ceritakan,kalo kamu juga punya cerita yang mau dibacakan, dm aja ke ig ya,karna lewat segmen #TC (tempat cerita) akan kita bacakan dan bahas di podcast ini,thank u !! 🦋 -