
  • In this interesting edition of the "Property Investment Blueprint" podcast, host Rahim Ba introduces Joshua Thirby, a well-known tax accountant and entrepreneur.

    Discover the crucial tax methods and entrepreneurial skills that Joshua used to develop a global business empire. Joshua, who started selling sweets at school and now advises on complex international tax rules, explains how understanding the nuances of taxation may drastically enhance your investing returns.

    Whether you want to reduce your tax liabilities or broaden your company horizons, this episode contains vital ideas to help you achieve financial success and operational excellence in real estate investment and beyond. Josh Thirby will reveal the secrets to better investing and strategic growth.
    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Unlock the power of a winning mindset in property investment with Rahim Bah. This episode dives deep into the psychological strategies and mindset shifts necessary to succeed in the competitive world of real estate. Learn from Rahim's experiences and insights on how to approach property investment with the right attitude to achieve unparalleled success.📚 In this episode, you'll discover:The key components of a winning mindset for property investors.Practical tips on how to cultivate resilience and strategic thinking.Real-life examples of how mindset influences investment outcomes.So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Join us in this inspiring episode of the Property Investments Blueprint Podcast, where we delve into the remarkable journey of Mustapha Njie—a visionary leader, cancer survivor, and the founder of Taf Africa Homes.

    Despite facing the daunting challenge of cancer, Mustapha has not only persevered but has thrived, building over 8,000 homes across nine African countries.

    His ambition doesn't stop here; he dreams of constructing one million homes to empower communities throughout Africa.

    In this episode, Mustapha shares his insights on overcoming adversity, the strategies that have propelled his business to success, and his ongoing commitment to sustainable development.

    Learn how his projects have injected over $150 million into Nigeria’s economy alone and his plans to expand his impactful work even further.

    Tune in to discover how Mustapha’s resilience and entrepreneurial spirit are shaping the future of African real estate and leaving a legacy of hope and growth. You'll learn much, much more about the power of vision and perseverance in building a better world.

    Check Out Mustpha Njie's YouTube Channel:

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • In this eye-opening episode, we delve into the often overlooked financial dynamics of working for a company versus managing your own business.

    We'll explore how individual expenses stack up against those incurred by companies and the hidden costs of being an employee.

    From tax considerations to the freedom of managing your own time and investments, learn why stepping out on your own might just be the financially smarter choice.

    Whether you're contemplating entrepreneurship or just curious about the financial implications of employment, this episode offers valuable insights into making the best choice for your economic future.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favourite podcast platform.

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  • 5 Biggest Lies About Property Investment, From the misconception that property values always increase, to misunderstandings about the effort required to manage real estate, this episode cuts through the noise to present the real facts. Learn the truth behind these myths and arm yourself with the knowledge needed to navigate the property investment landscape more wisely. Tune in for a concise, myth-busting session that will change how you view real estate investing.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favourite podcast platform.

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  • In this enlightening episode, we dive into the pervasive issue of rogue electricians and the risks they pose to homeowners and businesses.

    Our experts share their insights on identifying unlicensed practitioners, understanding the potential dangers of substandard electrical work, and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

    We also discuss the legal avenues available for recourse and how to find qualified, trustworthy professionals to handle your electrical needs. Tune in to learn how to safeguard your property and ensure your electrical work is up to code!

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favourite podcast platform.

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  • In this enlightening episode of "Below Market Value Mastery: Strategies for Real Estate Success," we dive into the lucrative world of BMV property deals.

    Join us as seasoned real estate experts share their insider knowledge on identifying, negotiating, and securing properties significantly below market value.

    Learn about the tools and tactics that can give you an edge in a competitive market, from understanding seller motivations to navigating the legal intricacies of real estate transactions.

    Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this episode will equip you with the strategies you need to succeed in buying BMV properties and maximizing your investment returns. Tune in to start mastering the art of BMV deals today!

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Join us on 'More Renovations Ahead' as we discuss the expected 4% growth in the renovation industry next year.

    We'll break down what's fueling this rise and what it means for both industry professionals and homeowners.

    Expect insights from experts on how this growth could shape the landscape of home improvement and real estate investments.

    Don’t miss our analysis on the latest trends and opportunities emerging from this sector's expansion.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • In this episode, we dive into the world of credit scores and debunk the myth that achieving a perfect score requires spending a fortune. Discover practical strategies and tips on how to elevate your credit score to perfection without spending a single pound.

    From understanding credit utilization to leveraging free credit monitoring tools, we unveil the secrets to boosting your creditworthiness while keeping your wallet happy. Tune in to learn how you can take control of your financial future and achieve a perfect credit score without breaking the bank.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Meet Michelle, an accomplished Account Executive with three decades of experience across diverse industries including credit card processing, logistics, media, and consulting. From managing consultative alliances to leading sales teams, Michelle's career has taken her across Canada and beyond, providing a wealth of experience in multiple markets. Raised by a strong single mother, Michelle's early vision and values fueled her entrepreneurial journey, starting in event planning and speaking in the 90s.

    Her passion for health, fitness, music, dance, and community has shaped her experiences, providing countless opportunities to give back. With Wardell International, Michelle empowers entrepreneurs in their communities. A graduate of Sheridan College's Advertising Program with a Master's in Project Management and CAPM certification, Michelle's commitment to growth is evident in her pursuit of coursework in negotiation, sales, and leadership, including at the University of British Columbia. Join us as we delve into Michelle's inspiring journey of entrepreneurial empowerment.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • "Unlock Your Potential: 5 Hacks to Overcome Limiting Beliefs" is a dynamic episode that dives into essential strategies for shattering the mental barriers holding you back.

    In just a few minutes, we cover the essentials: identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, the transformative power of visualization, the impact of positive affirmations, fostering a growth mindset, and the importance of surrounding yourself with support.

    This episode is your quick guide to turning self-doubt into unstoppable motivation, designed for anyone looking to make a real change. Tune in to start achieving your goals today.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Dive into this transformative episode of "From Blueprint to Build: The Renovation Guide," where we demystify the journey of turning your renovation dreams into tangible reality.

    In this comprehensive session, we'll walk you through the entire renovation process, starting with the initial blueprint plans all the way to the final build and everything in between.

    Learn the secrets to effective planning, budgeting, and executing your project with precision, directly from industry experts, seasoned renovators, and design professionals.

    Whether you're about to tackle a minor room refresh or a full-scale home makeover, this episode is packed with essential insights, practical advice, and motivational stories to guide you through the complexities of renovating.

    Equip yourself with the knowledge to avoid common pitfalls, maximize your budget, and achieve the breathtaking results you've always wanted.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

    Be sure to hit the subscribe button and Book a Free Strategy Call With Rahim today:

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  • Join us for an epic chat with Mosses Nalocca, a true wizard in the world of making big dreams a reality and turning people into their superhero selves.

    Picture this: you face a giant hurdle, something that feels like it could stop you in your tracks. But instead, you find a way to leap over it and spread positivity like Mosses did, learning from his mom’s incredible act of kindness during a really tough time.

    At the age of 23, Mosses embarked on an adventurous quest by starting his own business. Imagine setting out to build a fortress with nothing but your ideas and then turning it into a kingdom!

    Since that first step, he's become a guru at coaching, which is like being a personal trainer for your life and dreams, helping folks bust through invisible walls that hold them back.

    Mosses’ journey took a thrilling twist when he jetted off to Bulgaria to spread the wisdom of Tony Robbins, a legendary figure in personal development, kind of like a modern-day wizard of well-being.

    There, Mosses didn’t just participate; he soared, setting records and inspiring masses with his magic formula for success.

    But Mosses isn’t stopping there. He’s on a noble quest to spread gratitude (think of it as the ultimate power-up in the game of life) and to mentor 1,000 new coaches by 2025, sharing his spellbook of success strategies.

    He’s also penned a couple of tomes filled with secrets to unlocking your full potential.

    In this episode, Mosses unfolds his magical map to success, guiding us through valleys of challenges and over mountains of goals. It’s like being handed the key to a treasure chest filled with life’s riches. Ready for an adventure? Mosses Nalocca is here to show you how to level up in the grand game of life!

    Mosess Nalocca Free Course:

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

    Be sure to hit the subscribe button and Book a Free Strategy Call With Rahim today:

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  • In this illuminating episode of the Property Investments Blueprint Podcast, we dive deep into the age-old debate of Stocks vs. Real Estate to uncover which investment avenue offers a better return on investment (ROI). Join us as we dissect the intricacies of both markets, featuring insights from leading financial experts and seasoned investors.

    Whether you're a novice investor pondering your first investment or a seasoned player looking to diversify your portfolio, this episode sheds light on critical aspects such as market volatility, liquidity, tax advantages, and long-term growth potential of both stocks and real estate.


    Expert analyses on stock market trends and real estate growth patterns. Real-life success stories and cautionary tales from the investment world. Practical tips on how to evaluate ROI for stocks and real estate investments. The impact of economic cycles on both types of investments. How to align your investment choices with your financial goals.

    Whether you're leaning towards the dynamic world of stocks or the tangible assets of real estate, this episode is packed with invaluable insights to help you make informed decisions and maximize your investment returns.

    Tune in to the Property Investments Blueprint Podcast for an engaging and informative journey through the landscape of investment opportunities. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review!

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Embark on a financial literacy journey with "How Easy Is It To Buy And Sell Property Vs Shares," the podcast that dives deep into the world of investment, breaking down the complexities of real estate and stock markets for beginners and seasoned investors alike.

    Explore the nuances of buying and selling properties, understand the stock market's volatility, and uncover which investment path aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.

    Each episode is crafted to guide you through the intricacies of both markets, featuring insights from industry experts, real-life case studies, and actionable tips to empower you to make informed decisions.

    Learn about the initial costs, liquidity, risk factors, potential returns, and tax implications of investing in properties and shares.

    Discover strategies for building a diverse investment portfolio, the importance of market timing, and how to leverage these assets for long-term wealth creation.

    Whether you're contemplating your first investment, looking to diversify your portfolio, or simply seeking to enhance your financial acumen, this podcast provides the clarity you need to navigate the investment landscape confidently.

    Tune in to "How Easy Is It To Buy And Sell Property Vs Shares" to demystify the investment process and take control of your financial future today.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • Unlock the potential of rent-to-rent real estate investment with our comprehensive beginner's guide. "Why Rent-to-Rent Could Be Your Fastest Route to Real Estate Success" demystifies the strategies that can help you gain financial freedom through property management, even if you're starting with minimal experience.

    Dive into episodes packed with expert advice, real-life success stories, and step-by-step guidance on navigating the rent-to-rent landscape. Whether you're looking to supplement your income, transition to a new career, or build a lucrative property portfolio, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need.

    Learn how to:

    Identify the right properties and negotiate beneficial agreements Manage your properties effectively to maximize income Navigate legal and financial considerations with confidence Scale your rent-to-rent business for long-term success

    With "Why Rent-to-Rent Could Be Your Fastest Route to Real Estate Success," you'll discover how accessible and rewarding rent-to-rent investing can be. Join us as we break down the barriers to entry in the real estate market and guide you toward achieving your investment goals.

    So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

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  • In "Investing Smart: How to Decide Between Banking and Real Estate for Maximum Profit," Rahim Bah delves into the nuanced world of investment, offering viewers an in-depth analysis on making informed decisions between banking and real estate investments. This video is a treasure trove for anyone looking to enhance their financial planning and wealth-building strategies. Rahim, with his expertise in smart investing, breaks down complex financial concepts into understandable insights, guiding viewers on the path to maximizing profits. Through a careful examination of investment strategies, Rahim highlights the pros and cons of each sector, providing a comparative analysis that is crucial for anyone standing at the crossroads of banking and real estate investment. His approach not only educates but also empowers viewers to make choices that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance, making this episode an essential guide for both seasoned investors and those new to the game of investment.So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

    Be sure to hit the subscribe button and Book a Free Strategy Call With Rahim today:

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  • In "How to Achieve £10,000 Monthly Income: Proven Strategies for Financial Success," Rahim Bah explores the dynamic world of income generation, revealing practical strategies that can help you reach the coveted £10K a month milestone. This episode goes beyond the basics, diving deep into both passive and active income streams, from high-income skills to innovative wealth building techniques. Rahim shares his personal journey and the lessons learned along the way, providing viewers with actionable financial success tips that are both achievable and sustainable. Whether you're looking to enhance your earnings through entrepreneurship, investments, or optimizing your professional skill set, Rahim's insights offer a comprehensive guide to elevating your financial status. His approach demystifies complex concepts, making them accessible to anyone aspiring to improve their monthly income. So tune in at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and listen to a brand new episode of the Property Investing Blueprint podcast from your favorite podcast platform.

    Be sure to hit the subscribe button and Book a Free Strategy Call With Rahim today:

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