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Besoin d'un moment à vous ? De réconfort, de douceur, d'écoute ? "Un temps pour soi" est un Podcast de méditation en français accessible au plus grand nombre, porté par la voix unique et chaleureuse de Valentine Ressaire. Découvrez un vaste choix de méditations guidées, yoga nidra, chants et textes inspirants adaptés à votre quotidien et créés avec simplicité et bienveillance.
Laissez-vous porter durant quelques minutes.
Bienvenue dans votre lieu sacré, votre tanière, notre sanctuaire.
- Toutes les méditations sont des créations originales de Valentine Ressaire, professeure de yoga reconnue pour sa douceur, son accessibilité et son engagement social.
- Possibilité de télécharger les épisodes depuis
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- Réseaux sociaux : @yogaavecvalentine + -
Breaking free from your lazy girl era and starting your self-growth journey is hard. Recognizing this, ‘Journey to Jannah’ aims to help you become your own dream girl. Whether it's guides, tips, or Q&A sessions, each episode is curated to aid your personal development - nurture self-love, self-confidence, and the discipline to achieve your goals. Topics are infused with Islamic principles, morals, & spirituality because, after all, the goal for this journey is Jannah. Naushin’s ‘Journey to Jannah’ is the ultimate guide to self and spiritual growth. Listen now to become your own dream girl!
In this podcast I explore all things metaphysical. I talk about what it was like to become a medium, what communication with spirit is really like, what does it mean to experience a past life regression and beyond. We'll explore the deeper meanings of life, relationships, fear, balance, and healing, and soul expansion. Support this podcast:
In December 2018 after receiving a cancer diagnosis I was mandated by God that a Prayer Culture for God must be established. In February of 2019 our Prayer Culture Phone line was officially launched. As of June 2019 after 6 months of Chemotherapy I was officially Cancer FREE! I accredit this testimony to our Prayer Culture line. After nearly a year of a successful Prayer Culture phone line we have now been Mandated by God to develop a Prayer Culture Podcast. We focus primarily on teaching , preaching & praying the Gospel of Jesus Christ using Sound Doctrine, with love and without compromis Support this podcast:
Thongdrol, a podcast by
Thongdrol is a Tibetan word that means liberation through seeing. On a basic level, it can be anything that turns the person to look towards the spiritual path. Thongdrol strives to be a bridge connecting interested people to the precious teachings of the Buddha, on training our mind towards the ultimate realisation of the true existence of life. Of the impermanence and empty nature of the things and moments that surround us.
The precious teachers are an inspiration and their teachings are an aspiration worth seeking. -
Lectures broadcasted at the Islamic Center of Palm Beach during Ramadan 1437 (2016) on the topic of Patience and Gratitude from a treatise written by the great scholar, Imam Ibnu Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.
Excerpt from the translation:
"The present text is an abridged translation of Ibn al-Qayyim’s famous work, ‘Uddat as-Sâbirîn wa Dhâkhirat ash-Shâkirîn (literally, The Equipment of the Patient and the Investment of the Grateful). This work deals with the closely-related topics of patience and gratitude. Although often translated as “patience”, the Arabic word sabr has a broader and deeper meaning than the English. Depending on the context, it may mean fortitude, patience, equanimity, forbearance, patient endurance, etc. Shukr may be translated as “gratitude” or "thankfulness". As is shown in the book, patience and gratitude are two sides of the same coin, closely-related attitudes which the Muslim should seek to foster in every aspect of his or her life."
Lecture broadcasted at the Islamic Center of Palm Beach, Florida USA on Ramadan 1437 (June 2016) in cooperation with Masjid Tawheed (Stone Mountain, GA, USA). -
Deze podcast is een extraatje bij Woman Up. Een boek over leven vanuit je vrouwelijke kracht. De podcast helpt je de oefeningen nog beter toe te passen, te beleven en te voelen. Eva Daeleman gaat vanuit haar positie als (jonge) vrouw op zoek naar de innerlijke, vrouwelijke kracht. Ze laat zich leiden door verwondering, veerkracht en het geloof dat het anders kan. Met een gezonde portie humor, idealisme en een snufje naïviteit is Woman up een boek vol herkenbare verhalen en tips om jezelf nog beter te leren kennen. Een eerlijk boek voor vrouwen én mannen.
God + Mental Health Podcast is a show for all things mental health and Christ. We discuss how therapy can aid in helping us healing from our past and how God can assist us in that effort. We will discuss different topics, interviews, and reflection sessions from the host, Roslyn Rene, own therapy sessions.
Cora Jakes is passionate about living a life of purpose and fertility (the ability to produce!). She is a preacher and best‑selling author, mother to her beautiful daughter, Amauri and energetic son, Jason. The eldest daughter of Bishop T.D. and Serita Jakes, Cora oversees and serves in many capacities at The Potter’s House of Dallas. She is a highly sought‑after speaker and mentor who is driven to release the sound of faith, better put a ferocious faith. In the words of her father, "Cora has redefined what it means to fight like a girl!"
Hexenrituale, Sorcieres, Strega, Brujas
Willkommen bei
Magic of Brighid und Anderswelt.
lass dich verführen in eine Zauberwelt der alten Mythen und Märchen.
Es war einmal…..
und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute.
So beginnen und enden alte Sagen und Märchen.
Die moderne Welt hat den alten Zauber der Fantasie verloren.
Wir arbeiten daran, diesen alten Zauber neu auferstehen zu lassen.
Magic of Brighid and Anderswelt (Otherworld).
let yourself be seduced into a magic world of ancient myths and fairy tales.
Once upon a time....
And they all lived happily ever after.
To begin and end old legends and fairy tales.
The modern world has lost the old magic of imagination.
We are working to resurrect this old magic again.
Magic of Brighid.
laissez-vous séduire dans un monde magique des anciens mythes et les contes de fées.
Il était une fois....
et se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d’enfants
Pour commencer et terminer les vieilles légendes et des contes de fées.
Le monde moderne a perdu la vieille magie de l’imagination.
Nous travaillons pour ressusciter à nouveau cette vieille magie.
Magic of Brighid e Anderswelt (Altro Mondo).
lasciatevi sedurre in un magico mondo di antichi miti e favole.
C’era una volta....
e vissero tutti felici e contenti.
Per iniziare e terminare le vecchie leggende e favole.
Il mondo moderno ha perso l’antica magia della fantasia.
Stiamo lavorando per risorgere di nuovo questa antica magia.
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Streghe Evocano Applicazione Magic of Brighid
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Magic of Brighid
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