
  • PTSD and Beyond is Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this soul-stirring episode of PTSD and Beyond, we dive deep into the pain of being doubted by the very people who should lift us up, and the incredible power of never giving up on ourselves. Dr. Deb shares their personal journey of enduring criticism from a parent, only to discover the wisdom and strength they carried all along.

    This episode goes beyond motivation—it speaks directly to the part of you that knows who you are, the part that has carried you through every challenge. We explore the importance of rediscovering yourself after pain, believing in yourself when no one else does, and how to keep moving forward when the world seems determined to tell you otherwise.

    If you’ve ever felt unheard, criticized, or doubted by the people who were supposed to believe in you, this episode is for you. We’ll remind you of the inner wisdom you’ve always had, and how it has the power to guide you forward, no matter the obstacles. Remember—you’ve never truly lost yourself. You just need to trust that quiet voice within, and never forget: remember who you are.

    Key Takeaways:

    The pain of not being believed by those closest to us and how it shapes our journey.The incredible wisdom and strength we carry as children, even when others try to silence it.How to rediscover yourself after years of pain and doubt.Why believing in yourself is the most powerful thing you can do—and how it leads to real strength.Practical steps for reconnecting with your inner wisdom and staying true to yourself, even when others don’t.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book!

    If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we delve into the power of resilience and the moments when we surprise ourselves by achieving what we once thought was impossible. Inspired by the quote by Dr. Deb Lindh, “Just when you think you cannot do something, you surprise yourself and find out that you can,” we unpack how self-efficacy, mindful self-compassion, and the psychology of breaking through personal limits can transform your outlook on life.

    Join us as we explore how to shift limiting beliefs, reflect on past successes, and cultivate a compassionate mindset to push beyond perceived boundaries.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Self-Efficacy: Learn about the psychology of self-efficacy, founded by Albert Bandura, and how believing in your ability to succeed plays a key role in overcoming obstacles. Discover how small wins and external encouragement can help build your confidence.

    Mindful Self-Compassion Exercise: Follow along with a guided practice that will teach you how to extend kindness to yourself, especially in moments of doubt, to keep moving forward.

    Breaking Personal Limits: Explore how moments of surprising yourself often come from building a foundation of resilience, persistence, and mindfulness.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book!

    If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

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  • PTSD and Beyond is Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we take a thoughtful look back at August, exploring the themes and lessons that shaped our month. As we move into September, we’ll discuss how to harness the energy of the New Moon in Virgo to set meaningful intentions. Join us as we reflect on the past, prepare for the future, and discover how to bring more clarity and purpose into our lives.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Themes and Lessons of August: Reflect on the significant experiences and patterns that emerged over the past month.

    Guided Meditation for Transition: A calming practice to help you close the door on August and step into September with intention.

    The Virgo New Moon: Explore how this upcoming New Moon can help you get organized, focus on wellness, and set achievable goals for the month ahead.

    Practical Tips for September: Actionable steps to help you align with Virgo’s energy and start the new month on a positive, productive note.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book!

    If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we dive into "The Silver Lining Perspective," a transformative mindset that turns life's challenges into "I'm Lucky" moments. When faced with difficulties, it's easy to get caught up in the negative. But by shifting our focus, we can uncover hidden blessings and opportunities for growth. Join us as we explore how to reframe adversity, share personal stories of gratitude in unexpected places, and offer practical tips for embracing this empowering perspective.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The Power of Reframing Challenges: How adopting "The Silver Lining Perspective" can transform your experience of life's tough moments.

    Personal Stories of Gratitude: From emergency root canals to unexpected home repairs, hear real-life examples of turning "that's horrible" into "I'm lucky."

    Shifting Your Mindset: Practical strategies for identifying and embracing the positives in any situation, no matter how challenging.

    The Role of Gratitude in Healing: How focusing on what you're lucky to have can support mental health and resilience.

    Practical Tips for Everyday Gratitude: Simple practices to help you consistently find the silver lining and strengthen your "I'm lucky" mindset.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book! If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this inspiring episode of PTSD and Beyond, we explore the deep connections between community, legacy, and healing through the moving documentary Happy Campers. Filmmaker and storyteller Amy Nicholson joins us to share the heart and soul behind her latest work, which beautifully weaves together themes of isolation, connection, and the legacies we leave behind. This conversation is a powerful reminder of how even the simplest joys and a sense of belonging can light the path to healing and mental wellness.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The inspiration and heartfelt vision behind Happy Campers, emphasizing community and legacy.Uplifting personal stories from the documentary that showcase resilience, connection, and hope.The transformative power of simplicity and presence in nurturing mental wellness.The film’s vivid capture of summer’s essence and the poignant beauty of its ending.The profound impact of the documentary on both the filmmaker and the audience.The importance of acceptance, breaking down stigmas, and fostering inclusion within communities.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book! If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    To connect with Film Maker Amy Nicholson and watch the documentary Happy Campers:

    Movie: Happy Campers

    Facebook: Happy Campers Film

    Instagram: @Happy CampersDoc

    To connect with Dr. Deb Lindh:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we explore the mystical energy of the August Blue Moon and how it can illuminate our trauma healing journey. This rare Blue Moon, occurring in the sign of Aquarius and coinciding with the Sturgeon Supermoon, offers a unique opportunity to reflect, release, and embrace healing. Join us as we delve into what the full moon reveals about our inner worlds, how its energy can support mental health, and practical tips for harnessing its power for trauma recovery.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The significance of the full moon in trauma healing and mental health.Understanding the Blue Moon: What makes this one unique and why it’s special.How the Aquarius energy influences our healing process and encourages new perspectives.The impact of the Sturgeon Supermoon and its symbolism of abundance and resilience.Practical tips for using the Blue Moon’s energy in your trauma healing journey.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book! If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, I explore a topic that often goes under the radar: the stress that comes with transitioning to a healthy normal. For those of us with a trauma background, unhealthy environments can become so familiar that experiencing a healthy normal actually feels stressful. I’ll explain why this happens and how we can navigate this transition.

    I’ll be discussing:

    Understanding the Transition to Healthy Normal: Why it can be challenging and how to recognize this often-overlooked aspect of healing.

    Nervous System Adjustment: How our nervous system shifts from a state of hypervigilance to calm, and what that means for our mental and physical well-being.

    Recognizing Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: How these can sneak in and hinder our progress, and what we can do about it.

    Embracing the Healthy New Normal: Tips and strategies to help our nervous system adjust and thrive in a healthier state.

    I’ll also share some of my personal insights and experiences to provide a deeper understanding of how we can move from chronic stress to a state of calm and safety. This episode is packed with practical advice and encouragement for anyone on the healing journey.

    Join me as we explore valuable tools and perspectives on embracing a healthier, more balanced life.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged and new audio book! If you like this and previous episodes, consider a donation of support on Patreon. Every bit helps and we appreciate the kindness!

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, I'm diving into a question that really got me thinking: "What’s the recipe to get started?" This came from one of our listeners, and it's something we all face—how to begin when there's no clear step-by-step guide for reaching our personal goals. I'll be sharing some of my own experiences, the key moments that led me to fully commit to healing and growth.

    We'll walk through four essential steps to get started:

    Awareness: Recognizing what's happening around you and seeing things for what they truly are.

    Deciding: Choosing what you want and figuring out what needs to be done to get there.

    Taking Action: Putting those decisions into motion to move forward.

    Commitment: Staying true to your path every day, even when you hit bumps along the way.

    I'll also talk about the power of hope, inspiration, and how positive emotions like joy and love can spread and uplift us. It's about trusting your gut and your heart as you navigate your healing journey.

    Tune in to this insightful episode as we explore the steps to get started on your path to healing and growth.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged. To keep this podcast going, please support us on Patreon.

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this PTSD and Beyond podcast episode, we're exploring how ancient wisdom and modern well-being intersect. We’ll dive into integrative modalities like astrology and discuss how cosmic events such as the new moon and Mercury retrograde can offer us opportunities for growth and healing.

    We’ll talk about:

    The new moon’s potential for new beginnings and setting intentions.How Mercury retrograde, often feared, can actually be a chance for reflection and redoing tasks.A mindfulness exercise to align with the new moon's energy.

    Tune in to discover how embracing these cosmic events can support your healing journey and bring positive change.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged. To keep this podcast going, please support us on Patreon.

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with us:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    Hey everyone, it's Dr. Deb with PTSD and Beyond. In this episode, I guide you through a reflective and rejuvenating practice as we close out July and prepare for August. We'll emphasize the importance of reflecting on the highs and lows of the past month, acknowledging achievements, and learning from challenges.

    Join me for a mindfulness exercise to help release what no longer serves us and set positive intentions for the upcoming month. We'll focus on our breath, reflect on our experiences, and visualize a lighter, more confident self as we step into August. The episode concludes with a powerful affirmation to welcome the new month with an open heart, full of possibilities and opportunities.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged. To keep this podcast going, please support us on Patreon.

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with us:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

    Support PTSD and Beyond on Ko-Fi and Patreon!

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    Hey, everybody, it’s Dr. Deb here with PTSD and Beyond. In this insightful episode, I dive deep into the common advice of "sitting with the pain" and why it’s not entirely accurate. We often hear that we need to embrace our pain, but what does that really mean? Through personal experiences and professional insights, I'll discuss why simply sitting with pain can lead to feeling overwhelmed and re-experiencing trauma.

    I’ll introduce you to a more complete approach by asking the crucial question: "What is this pain trying to tell me?" We'll explore the work of Dr. Dan Siegel and his concept of "Name it to Tame it," which helps us better process our emotions. I'll share a recent personal experience where identifying and naming my pain led to clarity and a breakthrough, bringing a sense of freedom and peace.

    This episode also includes a special poem I wrote during an emotional moment, highlighting the duality of pain and joy and the importance of embracing both. By understanding the root of our emotions, we can achieve deeper self-awareness and healing.

    Join me as I share these techniques for navigating emotional pain, achieving breakthroughs, and ultimately finding strength and calm. Remember, we're better together, we're stronger together, and take what resonates and go beyond.

    Special thanks to our generous Patreon sponsor, Dr. Pamela Hall. Check out her work at PTSD Unplugged. To keep this podcast going, please support us on Patreon.

    Subscribe, like, share, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with us:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Website - PTSDandBeyond

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @DebraLindh

    X (formerly known as Twitter) - @PTSDandBeyond

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  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, I welcome Dr. Roger Miller, a clinical psychologist and neuropsychology team lead at Aviv Clinics. Dr. Miller has over 30 years of experience treating patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries. We delve into the groundbreaking field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), exploring how this innovative treatment is offering new hope for veterans and others suffering from treatment-resistant PTSD.

    Dr. Miller explains the science behind HBOT, which involves using a pressurized environment to increase oxygen concentration levels in the body, promoting healing and the growth of new blood vessels. This therapy has traditionally been used for wound care but is now being applied to treat brain injuries and PTSD by repairing damaged brain tissue and improving brain function.

    Our conversation covers the comprehensive approach taken at Aviv Clinics, which includes neurological, physiological, and psychological assessments and treatments. Dr. Miller shares inspiring success stories of individuals who have experienced life-transforming improvements, from reduced PTSD symptoms to enhanced relationships and overall quality of life.

    For anyone interested in innovative treatments for PTSD, this episode provides valuable insights and hope. Discover how Aviv Clinics is pioneering new methods to restore the quality of life for those affected by PTSD.

    03:27 " One of the things that I thought about was what exactly is hyperbaric oxygen therapy

    06:28 " Post traumatic stress disorder damages the brain, and hyperbaric oxygen repairs damage

    09:27 " How does somebody get involved with working with yourself and the folks at Aviv

    16:36 " Hyperverse has a profound effect on all aspects of our immune system function

    25:57 " One thing that surprised me from the beginning is regenerating nerve cells

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Dr. Roger Miller and Aviv Clinics at:

    Website: Aviv Clinics

    Phone: 352-648-0750

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

    In this episode of the PTSD and Beyond Podcast , I welcome Sally and Leo Carvajalino from Norte Cafe Roasters (PromoCode: PODCAST20). We dive into the fascinating world of coffee growing, from the lush fields of Colombia to the roasting hubs of Buffalo, Minnesota. Sally and Leo share their journey as third-generation coffee farmers, emphasizing the importance of sustainability, fair trade, and the human stories behind each cup of coffee.

    We explore the meticulous process of growing coffee, which takes up to three years before a tree produces beans. This patience and care mirror the journey of trauma recovery, where consistent effort leads to incremental improvements. Sally and Leo also highlight the global reach of Norte Cafe, shipping their high-quality, single-origin coffee to places as far as Norway, and how they engage with their community through farmers markets and educational initiatives.

    Our conversation touches on the therapeutic benefits of gardening and reconnecting with nature, which are integral to trauma recovery. Sally and Leo share their insights on building a business that not only provides a great product but also fosters a sense of community and sustainability. They emphasize the importance of knowing the story behind the products we consume and the impact of supporting fair trade practices.

    For anyone interested in mental wellness, sustainability, or simply a great cup of coffee, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration. Discover how Norte Cafe Roasters is making a difference one cup at a time.

    02:58 " Norte Cafe roaster now ships coffee globally through its website

    06:46 " Talking about what it's like to grow coffee

    11:35 " Leo says his "coffee hits just right when first sip is taken."

    13:37 " As entrepreneurs, it's important to build community around your business

    18:24 " Some of the joys when you first start a business

    23:03 " Norte Cafe is getting ready for the holidays with great coffee

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Sally and Leo Carvajalino at:

    Website: Norte Cafe Roasters (PromoCode: PODCAST20)

    Instagram: @NorteCafeRoasters

    Facebook: NorteCafeRoasters

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

    Support PTSD and Beyond with a small monthly donation to support future PTSD and Beyond Podcast episodes

    In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we welcome Terry Baranski, an expert in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Compassionate Inquiry. Terry discusses his journey from IT to becoming a practitioner of these therapies. We explore IFS, focusing on how it helps individuals understand and heal their internal parts by addressing trauma at its roots.

    Terry likens the mind's parts to orchestra members, each with its role. He highlights the importance of compassion towards these parts for healing. We share examples of how IFS has helped people overcome depression and anxiety by addressing underlying trauma.

    We also discuss the non-pathologizing nature of IFS, the mind-body connection, and self-healing mechanisms. Terry shares his upcoming events and workshops for listeners interested in IFS.

    This episode is essential for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and effective trauma healing methods. Discover how IFS can transform your approach to mental health.

    03:59 " Getting to the root cause of issues can make all the difference05:41 " The mind consists of parts rather than being a single thing09:54 " An IFS session focuses on finding your parts, getting to know them13:44 " Is there any connection between the mind, body, and the placebo effect15:55 " Parts can play roles in mental illnesses19:58 " For some, the relief of the undoing is life-changing22:21 " Branching out to some online group work coming up24:24 " Three things listeners should know about trauma healing

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Terry Baranski at:

    Website: Healing the Self

    Instagram: @TerryBaranski

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    Support our PTSD and Beyond Podcast - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    "Pain serves a really important purpose, but when pain becomes chronic, it starts to outlive its value," Dr. Afton Hassett

    In the latest PTSD and Beyond episode, I welcome Dr. Afton Hassett from the University of Michigan where we talk about the link between chronic pain and trauma. We explore the neuroscience of pain, offering new insights on brain processing and effective management strategies.

    Dr. Hassett explains that pain is a multifaceted experience involving both body and brain. Acute pain serves a protective role, but chronic pain becomes a source of suffering due to changes in brain processing, amplifying pain signals without injury.

    Our conversation highlights the overlap between physical and emotional pain, explaining why those with PTSD often experience heightened physical pain. Therapeutic approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and acceptance and commitment therapy are discussed as effective methods for managing chronic pain.

    Dr. Hassett shares inspiring stories of individuals who have found relief and resilience through these methods. She offers a message of hope, encouraging listeners to try different strategies and build supportive relationships. The episode emphasizes a holistic approach to pain management, addressing both physical and emotional aspects.

    For more insights and practical strategies, listen to this enlightening episode of PTSD and discover hope, resilience, and the importance of supportive relationships. Don't miss this inspiring and informative discussion. Remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Dr. Afton Hassett at:

    Web: Dr. Afton Hassett

    Insta: @AftonHassett

    X formerly known as Twitter @AftonHassett

    Book: Chronic Pain Reset

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    Support our PTSD and Beyond Podcast - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this episode of the PTSD and Beyond Podcast, I welcome clinical psychologist Dr. Carlos Garcia. Dr. Garcia shares his transformative journey from serving as a Marine and working as a firefighter to becoming a psychotherapist specializing in trauma and mental health. He delves into his personal battles with depression and anxiety, highlighting the cultural stigmas he faced, especially within the Hispanic community, which often discourages open discussions about mental health. Through mindfulness, meditation, and embracing Buddhist principles, Dr. Garcia discovered effective ways to manage his emotions and improve his mental well-being. His insights emphasize the importance of self-compassion, community education, and the need for safe spaces where individuals can express their vulnerabilities without judgment.

    Our conversation also focuses on providing hope and encouragement to listeners, especially those struggling with their mental health. Dr. Garcia underscores the value of starting small, such as engaging in physical activities or reading about mental health, and the significance of accepting all emotions as part of the human experience. He shares success stories from his practice, illustrating the positive changes that can occur when individuals seek help and embrace a holistic approach to healing. We explore the power of community and spiritual practices in promoting mental well-being, ultimately reminding listeners that they are not alone in their struggles and that support and growth are always within reach.

    Give a listen to this powerful episode, and take the first step towards your own healing journey. You won't want to miss the invaluable insights and heartfelt stories that can inspire hope and transformation in your life. Remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Dr. Carlos Garcia at:

    Web: Dr. Carlos Garcia

    Insta: @Dr.Carlos.A.Garcia

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    Support our PTSD and Beyond Podcast - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this powerful episode of the PTSD and Beyond, we welcome Janet Sherlund, author of "Abandoned at Birth: Searching for the Arms that Once Held Me." Janet shares her deeply moving personal journey of being abandoned at birth and her lifelong quest for healing and identity.

    The discussion delves into the profound impact of abandonment on mental health, particularly how it contributes to PTSD. Janet opens up about the emotional challenges she faced, the search for her biological parents, and the therapeutic processes that helped her cope with her trauma.

    Listeners will gain insight into the complexities of abandonment trauma and the resilience required to overcome such adversity. Janet’s story is not only a testament to human endurance but also a beacon of hope for others grappling with similar experiences. Her candid reflections offer valuable lessons on finding peace and self-acceptance.

    Tune in for an episode filled with empathy, strength, and inspiration, as Janet Sherlund discusses her journey towards healing and the ongoing search for belonging and love.

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Janet Sherlund at:

    Book - Abandoned at Birth: Searching for the Arms that Once Held Me

    Insta: @JanetSherlundOfficial

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    LinkedIn - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Support our PTSD and Beyond Podcast - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    Ready to break the cycle and embrace healing? In our latest PTSD and Beyond Podcast episode, we sit down with Jason VanRuler, author of "Get Past Your Past." Jason shares his journey through trauma, offering insights on the transformative power of vulnerability and self-love. Discover practical steps to overcome trauma and build meaningful connections.

    Jason's story is one of resilience and hope, providing a beacon of light for those feeling trapped by their past. His approach combines professional expertise and personal experience, making his advice both relatable and actionable. He emphasizes facing traumas head-on and nurturing ourselves with compassion.

    Make sure to catch this inspiring conversation episode where Jason shares valuable lessons on healing and helping others. Listen to hear his heartfelt story and take away strategies for your own healing journey. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking hope and self-discovery.

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with Jason VanRuler at:

    Web - JasonVR

    Insta: @Jason.VanRuler

    Book: Get Past Your Past

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    LinkedIn - Dr. Deb Lindh

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  • 363 Military Name Tapes. A Trail. A Veteran on a Mission. A True Story.

    "No one walks the trail alone."

    This PTSD and Beyond Episode is sponsored by: Norte Cafe Roasters - a farmer-owned company bringing you single-origin, fair trade 100% Colombian coffee roasted to perfection in Minnesota! Use promo code: PODCAST20 for 20% off your first order @

    In this week’s PTSD and Beyond Podcast, we're honored to welcome the directors of the powerful film The Keeper, Angus Benfield and Kendall Bryant. Written by Todd Tavolazzi, The Keeper tells the true story of George Eshleman, an Army veteran who embarks on a 2,000 mile monumental hike along the Appalachian trail, carrying 363 military name tapes attached to his backpack honoring his fallen brothers and sisters and to raise awareness about veteran suicide.

    Join us as we discuss the making of The Keeper, the significance of George’s journey, and the much needed conversation around veteran mental health. Angus and Kendall share their insights on translating this moving story to the screen and the impact they hope the film will have on viewers and our veterans.

    The Keeper is in theaters nationwide on Memorial Day, May 27, 2024. Listen to this heartfelt conversation about healing, resilience, and the real-life inspiration behind it; and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    If you or a veteran you know is in crisis, immediate help is available by calling the Veterans Crisis Line by dialing 988 and pressing 1, or by texting 838255. This free, confidential support is available 24/7 to provide assistance and connect veterans to valuable resources. For additional help, visit the Veterans Affairs website for comprehensive mental health services and support options.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    More about The Keeper:

    Watch The Keeper Trailer

    IMDb - The Keeper

    More about Sponsor, Norte Cafe Roasters:

    Web: Norte Cafe Roasters Insta:

    Facebook: NorteCafe.Shop

    X formerly known as Twitter: NorteCafe1

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    LinkedIn - Dr. Deb Lindh

  • PTSD and Beyond is #1 of

    Feedspots' 20 Best PTSD Podcasts in 2024!

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    In this week's PTSD and Beyond Podcast episode, we dive deep into stories that inspire and motivate. Our guest is someone whose Instagram messages resonated with me instantly—I knew I had to bring him on the show. He's a voice of integrity, sharing invaluable insights on life, business, and community. Get ready to be inspired as we welcome David Vena to the podcast!

    Give a listen and remember to share with someone who may find this podcast episode valuable.

    Subscribe, like, comment and take what resonates and go beyond!

    In Love and Healing,

    Dr. Deb

    Connect with David Vena at:

    Web - Circa Masonry

    Insta: @CircaMasonry

    Connect with Dr. Deb Lindh and PTSD and Beyond at:

    Website - Dr. Deb Lindh

    X formerly known as Twitter - @DebraLindh

    X formerly known as Twitter- @PTSDandBeyond

    LinkedIn - Dr. Deb Lindh

    Support our PTSD and Beyond Podcast - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa