We return with our yearly look at the genre of Celtic punk. We are tackling the progenitors of the style, The Pogues. We are discussing their sophomore album, released in 1985.
Join our new $5 Patreon Producer Tier to get your name said on the show every week. You also get access to a Producer exclusive monthly bonus episode discussing a different EP, written content, outtakes, producer exclusive polls, and more
You can also join our $1 tier to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
The Pogues - The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn
The Pogues - Sally MacLennane
The Pogues - The Gentleman Soldier
This week we are joined by Brian Medlin of the band Desperate Living. We assigned him the year 2002 and he selected the split LP by pageninetynine and Majority Rule.
Pre-order Desperate Living's City Sadness on vinyl from Noise Real Records -
Desperate Living Bandcamp -
Desperate Living Instagram -
Join our new $5 Patreon Producer Tier to get your name said on the show every week. You also get access to a Producer exclusive monthly bonus episode discussing a different EP, written content, outtakes, producer exclusive polls, and more
You can also join our $1 tier to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Desperate Living - Fault
pageninetynine - Friendship
Majority Rule - My Version of Paris
pageninetynine - Richmond is a Hole
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This week Justin was assigned the year 2015, and selected the Worriers debut album, Imaginary Life.
Join our new $5 Patreon Producer Tier to get your name said on the show every week. You also get access to a Producer exclusive monthly bonus episode discussing a different EP, written content, outtakes, producer exclusive polls, and more
You can also join our $1 tier to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Worriers - Plans
Worriers - Good Luck
Worriers - They / Them / Theirs
This week Dylan was assigned the year 1989, and he selected Moving Targets' sophomore album, Brave Noise.
Join our new $5 Patreon Producer Tier to get your name said on the show every week. You also get access to a Producer exclusive monthly bonus episode discussing a different EP, written content, outtakes, producer exclusive polls, and more
You can also join our $1 tier to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Moving Targets - Falling
Moving Targets - Carcrash
Moving Targets - Separate Hearts
For this year's My Bloody Valentine's Day shoegaze celebration, we are talking about Starflyer 59's 1995 album, Gold.
Join our new $5 Patreon Producer Tier to get your name said on the show every week. You also get access to a Producer exclusive monthly bonus episode discussing a different EP, written content, outtakes, producer exclusive polls, and more
You can also join our $1 tier to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Starflyer 59 - A House Wife Love Song
Starflyer 59 - When You Feel Miserable
Starflyer 59 - You're Mean
This week Dylan was assigned the year 1978, and he selected XTC's debut album, White Music
Join our Patreon for only $1 to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $5 Producer tier where you get your name said on the show with other exclusive content, and a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
XTC - Radios in Motion
XTC - This is Pop?
XTC - Statue of Liberty
This week we are joined by Chris MacDonald, author of the book Days and Days - A Story About Sunderland's Leatherface and the Ties that Bind. We are discussing Leatherface's album, Horsebox, from the year 2000.
Order the book at:
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Chris's Instagram -
Join our Patreon for only $1 to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $5 Producer / Listening Club tier, and a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Leatherface - Sour Grapes
Leatherface - Evo Pop
Leatherface - True Colours
This week we are discussing the final studio album by San Pedro's Minutemen, released in 1985
Join our Patreon for only $1 to get access to all of our weekly bonus audio. We also have a $5 Producer / Listening Club tier, and a $10 tier where you get to choose the album we discuss on an episode -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Minutemen - The Price of Paradise
Minutemen - Lost
Minutemen - The Red and the Black
This week's episode is a Patreon sponsored one brought to us by our friend Zach. He chose The Gits debut full length, Frenching the Bully from 1992.
If you too would like to choose an album we dedicate an entire episode to, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. A one time $10 donation and you choose the album we discuss on the show.
We also have a $1 bonus audio tier, and a $5 Producer / Listening Club tier
Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
The Gits - Absynth
The Gits - Another Shot of Whiskey
The Gits - Slaughter of Bruce
We wrap up our 2024 music coverage by our yearly tradition of The Guestlist! We are joined by friends of the show and frequent guests; Dr. Good Friend Cory, Dave Brown (One Band 5 Songs, Oklahoma Lefty), and Jason W (Songs About Chocolate and Girls) to talk about their favorite albums of 2024.
One Band 5 Songs -
Songs About Chocolate and Girls -
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Clams Casino by Cassandra Jenkins
Cry Your Eyes Out by The Chisel
Crashing Through by Friko
Alibi by Hurray for the Riff Raff
Car Alarm, Turn Signal by Lia Kohl
Sleeps with Dice by Old Saw
A Hole in the Ground by Porridge Radio
0 Views by Silly
Evil Spawn by Waxahatchee
Hummingbird by Yasmin Williams
Drop Me Out by High Vis
Myopic by Drug Church
Ode to Jimbo by Couch Slut
Futureability by No Plan
Comet by The Forecast
Walk into the Fire by Sweet Teeth
Nahmericana by Todd Farrell Jr
Roots by New Junk City
Ain't Much I Can Do About It by John Moreland
Hooks by The Blackburns
Quitter by Katelyn Tarver
We are back for our biggest best of list yet. We are talking about our top 25 albums of 2024. We worked to collaborate on a list this year instead of each of us selecting 10 albums and taking turn discussing themJoin our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
Major Awards EP -
Merch Shop -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Dystopian Dracula by Sonny Falls
Sins at My Back by Totally Slow
Sleep in the Sunroom by Downhaul
Keeper by Dry Socket
Brakes by Onsloow
Glitter and Spit by No Man
Three Diamond Blues by The Big Easy
Ruby Church by X
K2 by Liquid Mike
Better Days by Hedge
Deception Island by J Robbins
Your First Rodeo by Jon Snodgrass + Buddies
Keep This to Yourself by What Gives
Birthday by Late Bloomer
Strawberry Moon by Arab Strap
Film Maudit by Restorations
909 by Starflyer 59
Privacy by Swami and the Bed of Nails
Everything Disappears by Extra Arms
Happy New Year by Oceanator
Leap Year by Ahem
Action Painting by Perennial
Nice Girl by Cowboy Boy
Give Me Action by Sweat
Next Time by Bacchae
This year for Christmas we are discussing third wave ska band, MU330's Christmas album, Winter Wonderland
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Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
MU330 - Everyday Christmas
MU330 - December
MU330 - Angels We Have Heard on High
This week we are talking about the 2013 debut album from Toronto punk band, PUP.
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
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Song clips featured on this episode:
PUP - Guilt Trip
PUP - Reservoir
PUP - Mabu
This week's episode is sponsored by our Patron, Steve Long (Rebel Rock Radio). He was assigned the year 2000 and he chose Green Day's "acoustic" record, Warning
Rebel Rock Radio -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Green Day - Warning
Green Day - Waiting
Green Day - Minority
Justin was assigned the year 1977 and selected The Dead Boys debut album, Young, Loud and Snotty.
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
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Song clips featured on this episode:
The Dead Boys - Sonic Reducer
The Dead Boys - All This and More
The Dead Boys - What Love Is
This week Dylan was assigned the year 2003 and he selected The Weakerthans third album, Reconstruction Site. Come cry with us over a song about a cat.
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
New Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
The Weakerthans - (Manifest)
The Weakerthans - Plea from a Cat Named Virtute
The Weakerthans - One Great City!
This week we are talking about political hardcore band, Born Against and their 1991 album, Nine Patriotic Hymns for Children. We recorded this episode the day after the election, and we couldn't imagine a more fitting band to be discussing.
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
New Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Born Against - Mount the Pavement
Born Against - By the Throat
Born Against - Nine Years Later
This week's episode is sponsored by our Patron, Dave Brown (One Band 5 Songs). We are talking about Minor Threat's 1983 record, Out of Step.
One Band 5 Songs -
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
New Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Minor Threat - Betray
Minor Threat - Out of Step
Minor Threat - Cashing In
We wrap up our yearly Halloween Spooktacular this week with a little gothic rock. We are talking about Floodland, the second album by The Sisters of Mercy
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
New Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
The Deadly Ones - There's a Creature in the Surfer's Lagoon
The Sisters of Mercy - Dominion / Mother Russia
The Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection
The Sisters of Mercy - This Corrosion
This week we are continuing our Halloween Spooktacular, this time looking at horror punk and the final Danzig fronted Misfits album, Earth AD / Wolfs Blood
Join our Patreon to get bonus audio, videos, blog posts, and access to our Discord for only $1 at
Join our brand new $5 Producer / Listening Club tier where you can get your name said every single week on the podcast as a producer. You also get access to our monthly Listening Club where we get together on Zoom to discuss an album, just like a book club!
If you would like to sponsor an episode, head over to and sign up for our $10 tier. Make a one time donation and you get and entire episode centered around an album of your choice.
New Major Awards EP -
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Song clips featured on this episode:
Tarantula Goul - Graveyard Rock
Misfits - Earth AD
Misfits - Death Comes Ripping
Misfits - Green Hell
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