
  • The Akashic Records are not an exclusive modality - meaning that you don't have to be special or psychic to access them.

    The Records also don't require you to abandon any of the other healing modalities or tools that have been working for you and/or your clients.

    My Certification students have powerfully combined these modalities with the Akashic Records:

    Family Constellations Reiki Biofield tuning Sound healing Life coaching Transformational coaching Business/professional coaching Ayurveda Psychosynthesis Counseling Intuitive & energy healing Hypnotherapy Tarot And more!

    Tune in to learn how the Akashic Records can help you supercharge these modalities and any other healing work you're already doing - whether for yourself or with clients.

    Explore my Akashic Records Certification Program here:

    Reach out for more info or to apply: [email protected]

    Thank you for tuning in, and please keep doing your inner work! It serves ALL of us.

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • In the process of personal transformation and healing, you'll often find yourself existing somewhere between your “old self” and your “new self.”

    The “old self” is the identity that has served you up until now, which you have likely outgrown and are now seeking to shed.

    This “old self” is made up of the collection of attachments, self-perceptions, habits, behaviors, choices, and coping mechanisms (or “life strategies”) you’ve been carrying with you from the past.

    Your “new self” is your emerging identity and new way of BEING in the world, made up of the collection of conscious choices, behaviors, beliefs, and life strategies you’re stretching yourself into. This is part of your expansion, part of your awakening.

    This brilliant Self – your true self - is revealed, layer by layer, the more you shed anything that doesn’t reflect the truth of who you are.

    As you expand, you often have to “straddle” this in-between state: that state when your new Self hasn’t fully emerged, and your old self is still sometimes running the show (when you fall back into old patterns, without really meaning to).

    This is a period when you know the “old” isn’t working for you anymore, but the “new” hasn’t been fully born. So it feels a bit like being in two realities at the same time.

    On this episode of INNER WORK, we'll talk about what it's like to be in this in-between state and how you can navigate your inner (and outer) transformation more easily.


    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

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  • This month, I've been teaching my new Soul Purpose Workshop for Akashic Record practitioners.

    A student in this workshop asked a really important question:

    "How is asking for guidance from the Akashic Records different from wanting someone outside of us to give us the answers?"

    In this episode of INNER WORK, I’m going to break this down and offer a clear explanation of the vast difference between these two things.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    the misconceptions and illusions that make us believe we're separate from the Universe (and therefore separate from the Akashic Records) how the Akashic Records give you access to your Higher Self and Higher Mind 3 key points to ensure you're seeking guidance from a place of empowerment, groundedness, and worthiness how to make sure you're not seeking guidance or answers from outside of yourself how to make sure you're not unconsciously (or consciously) giving your power away to any healer, teacher, or mentor - or to the Akashic Records!

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • Navigating the 3D, human, earthly, mostly ego-based plane can be challenging. It can demand a lot from us.

    For this reason, it's completely natural to feel a sense of tiredness, exhaustion, or just wanting to "go back home."

    BUT -- in these chaotic times of revolution and upheaval, the Lightworkers and Light-Leaders are being called to be more fully present than ever before. Not to escape reality, but to be more fully grounded in that reality, so we can create actual, meaningful change.

    Join me for this episode of INNER WORK so we can make a difference together, and meet the challenges ahead while staying connected at all times to Divine Source -- and to our inner wisdom, knowing, clarity, and purpose.

    Explore how the Akashic Records can help you do just that.

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this ongoing podcast series, I interview Akashic Records Practitioners to explore how working with the Akashic Records has transformed their lives.

    We discuss topics such as:

    what it means to "hear the call of the Records" (and answer that call) the vast healing, personal evolution, and growth that happens when we activate the energy of the Akashic Records in our lives how the Akashic Records can help us fully awaken our intuitive, multidimensional, and healing gifts - both for ourselves and to serve others how tapping into the Akashic field can help us release outdated, long-standing patterns, beliefs, and attachments that aren't serving us the Akashic Records as a potent tool for psychospiritual development and to align fully with your highest purpose as a healer or lightworker

    In this episode, I speak with Mariëlle S. Smith. Mariëlle completed my Akashic Records Certification Program in 2025. She coaches creatives on their path to fulfilling their creative calling using a combination of life coaching, Akashic Records readings, cartomancy, and Reiki.

    Mariëlle is also a writer, an editor, and co-host of The Creative Well, a podcast focused on how to best take care of our creative selves so we can show up in the world aligned, empowered, and aware of who we are and what we came here to create.

    You can learn more about Mariëlle's work by visiting her main website:

    And her Akashic Records work here:

    Join Josephine's email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner with Josephine:

    Visit my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It matters!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In this impromptu episode of INNER WORK, I answer a student question about whether the information we can access through the Akashic Records is limited to planet Earth, or if we can tap into higher and vaster realms of information and consciousness.

    Everything in this episode is based on my 21-year experience with the Records - both personal and professional - plus recent research into how they operate.

    Join me for this discussion of:

    understanding the Akashic Records as an all-encompassing, cosmic field of information and energy is there such a thing as the "Akashic Records of Earth"? how the ego or linear mind has attempted to define (and label) the Akashic Records quantum research into the Akashic Records from Ervin Laszlo the importance of having a clear purpose and intention (and being fully grounded in reality) when we explore questions about past lives, interplanetary lives, in-between lives, starseed origins, etc through the Records

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • For the first time ever on this podcast, we're going to open the Akashic Records and do a clearing meditation together!

    Join me for this guided meditation where you'll get to:

    tap into the Akashic Records with me to access this vast field of healing & unconditional love connect directly to Divine Source to receive guidance and wisdom for where you are right now (and to better understand your role in the world today) release anything that isn't serving you - including fear, worry, limiting beliefs, old conditioning, outdated patterns release any collective fear or unhelpful beliefs you may have picked up more fully awaken and embody your authentic, radiant, powerful Self

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect with me through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • What does it really mean to have a spiritual awakening? To wake up from the dream (or nightmare) of the 3D illusion?

    Join me for this episode of INNER WORK where we'll discuss and answer these questions:

    what does it mean to spiritually awaken? what does the spiritual awakening journey often look like? what are some of the initial shifts in belief, perspective, mindset, and attitude that come with waking up spiritually? what are the challenges and rewards of a spiritual awakening? the importance of staying grounded, committed, humble, and open-hearted as you walk your path of spiritual awakening the importance of going back to beginner's mind - regardless of how long you've been on the path

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect with me through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • Staying on the path of awakening and evolution is a CHOICE - often a choice we must make daily.

    There's a lot of noise, chaos, and collective fear in our modern world, which challenges us to stay on the path and continue making choices from a place of love, alignment, clarity, and Higher Wisdom - not from reactivity, judgment, fear, hatred, or division.

    As healers and lightworkers with a clear mission to RAISE CONSCIOUSNESS ON THIS PLANET, we're being called more than ever to stay firmly planted in Truth and to lead the way with our daily lives and our work.

    This episode of Inner Work will serve as a reminder - or, rather, 5 key reminders! - on how to stay on your path of light and evolution...

    ... and how to continue leading the way for others, especially during these turbulent times in humanity's history.

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect with me through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • Announcement for my brand new workshop, Exploring Soul Purpose through the Akashic Records.

    This 3-week workshop in February & March 2025 will teach you how to expertly guide your clients (and yourself!) to explore Soul's purpose through the Akashic Records.

    You'll walk away with a grounded, no-fluff, effective, and illuminating approach to explore the idea of Soul's purpose - and Soul curriculum - through the Akashic Records.

    To request more details, please contact me through or email [email protected]

    Thank you for tuning in!

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • We’re in a time of massive cultural (and spiritual) transition. In many ways, this is a time of collapse – as old paradigms crumble and make room for the NEW.

    We’re all being called to step into new ways of being, new ways of thinking, new ways of leading.

    We’re being called to become more discerning than EVER about what is True, so we don’t fall prey to illusion.

    As a tool of discernment and Highest Wisdom, the Akashic Records are here to support us in this challenging time of transition.

    The Akashic Records are like a bullet train to expansion.

    Once you board that train, there’s no going back. There’s no return to unconsciousness, or to the familiar comfort zones of the past.

    Working with the Akashic Records is NOT for those who’ve got one foot in, one foot out
 or who would prefer to stay in the “comfortable” status quo.

    The Akashic Records require us to show up in a FULL, authentic, responsible, grounded way for our evolution, and so we can light the path for others.

    Are you one of the few Lightworkers fully committed to this endeavor? This is the episode for you!

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect with me through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Are you currently on an ego journey, or have you shifted into your Divine journey?

    What are the differences between these two types of journeys?

    Join me for this episode of Inner Work where we'll discuss:

    how is a Divine journey different from an ego journey? the ups and downs & challenges of an ego journey key indicators that you're shifting out of an ego journey and into your Divine journey waking up from the ego dream how a spiritual awakening can spark a dark night of the Soul, as you evolve beyond your ego-based identity what's required to remain on your Divine journey and not veer off the path back into unconsciousness

    You're lovingly invited to join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Connect with me through my website:

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • As you continue developing your connection to the Akashic Records, I'd love to invite you to join me for the Akashic Records Unlocked Summit.

    This completely free online event will support you in embodying your Soul's truth to live an extraordinary life... all by tapping into the Akashic Records.

    I'll be speaking among other 6 internationally-recognized leaders in spirituality and the Records.

    My presentation goes live on January 27th, with the topic From Fear to Freedom: Releasing Limiting Contracts to Embrace Your Soul's Truth.

    Summit host Suara Lee and I will be chatting about what exactly are the Akashic Records, how they work, how they can help us heal... and I'll be guiding you through a powerful exercise to connect with your Highest Self and begin creating an extraordinary, Soul-aligned life NOW.

    TO REGISTER for this free online summit, click here:

    Any questions? Go to or send them to [email protected]

    Can't wait to see you there!

    Inner Work 2025 All Rights Reserved.

  • Is Akashic Records work always focused on past lives? Do we have to focus on the past when working with the Records?

    Or can we access other timelines - including the present and the future - by tapping into the infinite Akashic field?

    These are very common questions I get, so let's clear up some misconceptions and explore the vast range of things we can actually do with the Akashic Records!

    Join me for a discussion of:

    does Akashic Records work always have to be focused on past lives? how the Akashic Records can give you access to infinite timelines and dimensions across time and space the importance of CURRENT LIFETIME RELEVANCE when working with the Akashic Records why we never want to dwell on the past just for its own sake how resolving and coming to terms with the past (fully!) can help us access our power, wisdom, and abundance in the present the value of exploring relevant past lives - or unprocessed trauma, experiences, or emotions from those past lifetimes - that could be influencing you today why RESISTANCE to the idea of past lives, or to actually exploring past lives, sometimes comes up

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Visit my website:

    Please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Self-attack is something many of us have often done to ourselves.

    We live in a world that programs and conditions us to attack ourselves in many different ways; to live in a perpetual mode of self-judgment, self-betrayal, self-criticism... diminishing who we are and our inherent value.

    Living in this kind of state is draining, exhausting, and it keeps you separate from your Higher, Divine Self.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    common ways in which self-attack can manifest in everyday life how self-attack can show up in your spiritual practices and spiritual path the damaging and Soul-draining effects of self-attack how can you begin letting go of self-attack and shift into self-empathy? what is self-empathy and how can you apply it in daily life? how self-empathy requires you to show up for yourself in deeper, more authentic ways the healing effects of self-empathy on your self-worth, self-confidence, and self-love

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Visit my website:

    Please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • This episode of INNER WORK will support you in upleveling and refining your Akashic Record readings, as a practitioner.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    key differences between "information dump" readings and genuinely transformative, co-creative Akashic Record readings why "information dump" readings can overwhelm or paralyze clients (in addition to making our work as healers/readers unnecessarily draining!) raising the standards for how we do spiritual work and show up for our clients how to support your clients (and yourself) in creating lasting breakthroughs, insights, and healing through the Akashic Records the importance of evolving your readings from a purely cognitive level of insight into other levels of healing and transformation the multiple layers of listening we must harness to be highly effective Akashic Record practitioners

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore the next round of my Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Visit my website:

    Please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Although there's some overlap between spirituality and psychology, Akashic Records work is distinct from traditional therapy in a few different ways.

    This episode of INNER WORK is an exploration of how we can understand some of the differences between spiritual healing work and talk therapy.

    Join me for a discussion of:

    how the main goals of spiritual healing work and talk therapy are often different what ARE the main goals of Akashic Records work, in particular? what's required to embark on meaningful and transformative Akashic Records work (including emotional stability, capacity for self-regulation, and a firm grounding in reality) the value of adding a transpersonal or spiritual component to therapeutic approaches expanding our healing work beyond the cognitive level of insight putting spiritual awakening and a "dark night of the Soul" into proper context, both for ourselves and for our clients ensuring we do our work responsibly, effectively, and safely as Akashic Records readers and healing practitioners - always keeping in mind our scope of service and referring clients out when we need to

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore my comprehensive Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Visit my website:

    Send questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • In April 2025, I’m bringing together a select group of conscious healers, coaches, and lightworkers
 and teaching them how to:

    Tap into the Akashic Field of unconditional wisdom and healing on command Connect to a source of Divine Wisdom that can clear away limiting patterns and beliefs at the speed of light (without YEARS of talk therapy or endless “working on yourself” that doesn't create lasting change) Use the Akashic Records as a tool of QUANTUM HEALING to clear away your own “stuff” (fear, resistance, self-doubt, second-guessing, overthinking, overgiving) so you can confidently show up for your clients – and powerfully help them clear *their* stuff as well Turn on your deepest inner guidance and experience deeper states of flow, connection, and purpose – consistently Become a grounded, confident, effective Akashic Records Practitioner and help your clients get life-changing results, so they keep coming back and referring you to everyone they know

    If you’re feeling the call of the Records – this is never by accident.

    It’s because you have Soul-level work to do with the Akashic Records in this lifetime.

    The more drawn you feel to the Records, the more likely it is you’re meant to use them to (1) heal yourself and (2) assist others in their process of healing and evolution.

    The Records have been my steadfast companion, Divine Guide, and powerful compass through life for the past 20 years (I first opened my Records when I was 17).

    Over these 2 decades, they’ve helped me transform MAJOR stuff and supported me in aligning fully with my spiritual mission and sacred work in this lifetime.

    This mission, for me, includes making the Akashic Records an accessible and potent Divine tool – actually, a way of life – for healers, lightworkers, and spiritual seekers.

    This is why I created a one-of-a-kind, immersive Certification Program where we go deeply into the Akasha together.

    I’ll teach you everything you must know to effectively connect to the Records and use them as a tool of insight and healing not just for yourself, but for the people you’re here to serve.

    The length and depth of this Certification – plus my commitment to offering you an unparalleled level of personal mentorship – enable each student to have a transformative experience and go on a journey of discovery about how you’re meant to use the Akashic Records in this lifetime, to heal yourself and others.

    In our live meetings, there will be time to ask questions, do healing work together, and share your experiences in the Records.

    You’ll also have ample time between meetings to practice the techniques and tools I’ll be teaching you – and to connect with fellow students to exchange readings.

    I offer personalized feedback on all assignments, so you feel supported every step of the way.

    Interested in joining us?

    Send a note to [email protected] and I'll send you all the details.

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • Before the beginning of your current lifetime, your Soul made some conscious decisions about what you would experience in this life, what would occur, which lessons and challenges you'd face, and who would be involved in those lessons.

    All of these decisions and orchestrations are part of your Soul's curriculum - your conscious plan of evolution and expansion for this lifetime.

    In this episode of INNER WORK, we'll talk about:

    how can we define the concept of Soul's curriculum? what are the different levels of your Soul's curriculum? how can you gain a better understanding of your own Soul's curriculum... so you can fulfill it? the fears that get in the way of shining your light brightly and living out your Soul's curriculum the collective curriculum we share as lightworkers to raise consciousness on this planet and assist other humans in their evolution (PLUS bonus numerology discussion and how the number 222 is related to your Soul's curriculum at the beginning of this episode!)

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore my comprehensive Akashic Records Certification Program:

    Visit my website:

    Send questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.

  • I don’t have to tell you that the world we're living in is pretty crazy and chaotic. There's a lot of confusion, division, projection, anger, and fear out there.

    So, what do we do with that collective consciousness of fear, separation, and illusion that's so prevalent in the world today? What do we do with that, as lightworkers, as healers, as people who have a strong mission to be of service or to DO something to raise the level of consciousness on this planet?

    I know for many of us there's a deep sense of purpose and taking action, in one way or another, to change things, to dismantle the old paradigms, to contribute to the evolution, liberation, and enlightenment of humanity.

    This isn't an easy or quick task. As lightworkers, we hold sacred responsibilities to awaken the light in ourselves and others (and SEE the light in ourselves and others) during crazy times of upheaval and social or political unrest -- when we see so many egoic agendas running the show on many levels of society, government, corporations, and so on.

    This episode is primarily about: HOW do we continue holding the light, not losing faith, and putting forth a strong momentum and energy to uplift ourselves, on a daily basis, and also to uplift others?

    In this discussion, you'll find some ideas for how we can do this.

    Join my email community and get access to my free Akashic Records Mini Course + weekly newsletter:

    Explore becoming a certified Akashic Records Practitioner:

    Visit my website:

    Send questions or comments to [email protected]

    Thank you for being here, doing your inner work, and leading the way for others with your light. It makes a difference!

    Music & editing by G. Demers

    Inner Work 2024 All Rights Reserved.