
  • 🌸✨ Embrace the essence of empowerment! Join us for a soul-stirring journey with the incredible Evette in our latest video, "Women's Soulful Liberation." 🌺🔮

    In this empowering discussion, Evette delves into the profound realms of self-discovery, resilience, and the liberation of the feminine spirit. 🚀💖 Get ready for an enlightening conversation that celebrates the strength, wisdom, and beauty inherent in every woman.

    💪🌟 Whether you're seeking inspiration, looking to connect with like-minded souls, or simply curious about the transformative power of women's empowerment, this video is a must-watch. 🌈🎥

    👉 Join the conversation, share your experiences, and celebrate the soulful liberation that every woman deserves. 🌟👭

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  • Have you ever considered the profound impact your childhood experiences might have on your health decades later? Our latest episode unravels the mysterious connection between the emotional traumas we endure as children and the potential development of autoimmune diseases in our adult years. We explore how internal battles—where the body's immune system turns against itself—can be linked back to the emotional scars left by early adversity. From family strife to neglect, these stressors lay the foundations for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, and we discuss why some individuals are more susceptible than others.

    We often underestimate the healing power of addressing our past, but this episode takes you through a journey of reconciliation with one's inner child. The transformative experience of meditation can bring about not only emotional relief but also physical healing, sometimes surpassing the effects of dietary adjustments. Our guided meditation provides a nurturing space to confront and soothe past traumas, highlighting the potential of mind-body techniques to foster well-being. Beyond the science, it's a profound reminder that confronting our emotional turmoil can lead to a healthier, more vibrant life.

    Wrapping up, we celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the joy that comes from embracing and nurturing our inner child. The episode culminates with actionable insights on rekindling the sense of wonder we had as kids and integrating that sense of play into our adult lives. By extending kindness to ourselves, we pave the way for not just a life free from autoimmune battles but one filled with greater happiness and fulfillment. Join us as we uncover these powerful connections and offer strategies for a holistic approach to life's challenges.

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  • Have you ever sensed a whisper in the wind or a shiver down your spine and wondered if someone from the other side was reaching out? Our latest episode takes you on a profound exploration of mediumship and psychic abilities as I share my personal zeal for connecting with those who have passed. Together, we'll unravel the layers of communicating with spirits through signs and numbers, the invaluable role of belief and openness, and the special sensitivity children possess in sensing these extraordinary connections.

    Meditation can be more than a calming practice; it's a gateway to the spiritual realm. I'll recount how square breathing helps me forge a tranquil path to those waiting on the other side, as well as how cherished objects serve as conduits for messages from beyond. You'll learn to trust the subtle sensations and intuitive nudges that signal a spirit's presence, especially in places they hold dear. It's an invitation to deepen your own spiritual awareness and possibly make a connection you've been longing for.

    As we close this episode, I extend my deepest gratitude for the stories and questions you've shared, enriching our journey into the unknown. The interaction with you, the listeners, is the heart of our podcast. Carry with you a message of love and positivity, and let the curiosity that brought you here today guide you until we meet again in our next installment, where we'll continue to explore the marvels of the spirit world.

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  • As I sat with a client who was battling the weight of resentment, a revelation struck me: the anger we hold onto might just be a subconscious choice. Throughout this episode, we journey together to understand the profound impact that emotions like anger and resentment have on our lives, both physically and psychologically. I open up about my own experiences and those of my clients, discussing how deeply these emotions can affect our health, potentially leading to conditions like migraines and fibromyalgia. We challenge the idea that resentment is an unchangeable state, exploring instead how it's often a pattern we unknowingly perpetuate.

    Have you ever considered that your fiery temper might be a misguided attempt to assert your power or set personal boundaries? This episode delves into the hidden perks of anger as a form of self-protection and igniter of otherwise dormant behaviors. I share stories of vulnerability turned to armor, as defensiveness and indignation became tools of empowerment in the face of past abuse. Through a reflective writing exercise, we dissect the multifaceted role of anger, aiming to transform our relationship with it and find a balance between its constructive and destructive influences.

    The path to tranquility beckons as we embrace the final chapter of our exploration, guiding you through a healing meditation to alleviate the stress and physical burdens of anger. With a focus on releasing inflammatory responses and cultivating serenity, we redefine what it means to express anger in a healthy, balanced way. I recount how anger once gave me a sense of strength and energy but ultimately became a toxic influence. The episode wraps with an empowering practice to help you let go of past frustrations and reconnect with an inner peace that doesn't rely on rage, inviting you to affirm your growth and the light that shines from within. Join me in this transformative workshop as we step forward into a more harmonious state of being.

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  • Ever wondered how our thoughts shape our health? Embark on a journey through the mind-body connection in this enlightening episode, where we peel back the layers of psychosomatic medicine. Together, we decode the language of the body, uncovering how persistent emotional patterns can manifest as physical ailments, from the tension headaches that plague our workdays to the arthritic pain that echoes deep-seated stress. Drawing from the revelations in my book, we connect the dots between the emotional and the physical, challenging the misconceptions surrounding trauma and its impact on our health. It's an exploration that promises to transform your understanding of pain, stress, and the power of emotional awareness.

    As we navigate the complexities of our emotions and their physical counterparts, we delve into the profound ways our past experiences shape our present selves. Our discussion reveals how body posture and pain often scream the untold stories of our traumas and the transformative potential that lies in decoding these messages. We also introduce a serene Healing Light Visualization Meditation, a guided experience designed to wash away stress and infuse your being with peace and vitality. Whether you're seeking answers to your body's mysterious whispers or eager to empower your journey towards wellness, this episode is a trove of insights and practices waiting to be embraced.

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  • Unveil the mystery of psychic readings and learn how they diverge from your innate intuition or the profound connection with the other side through mediumship. This episode isn't just a peek behind the psychic curtain, but an invitation to unlock your own potential, with the assurance that these profound skills are within your reach. I'll guide you not only in recognizing and harnessing your abilities but also in nurturing a tranquil presence essential for high-quality readings, especially when clients bring a storm of stress to the table. Discover how to intertwine your unique strengths and passions into the tapestry of your readings, and the vital importance of setting boundaries to safeguard your well-being and preserve the sanctity of the psychic connection.

    Embark on a practical journey designed to fortify your psychic toolkit, where I'll share methods to shield yourself from negative energies and the dynamic interplay between you and your client during a reading. We'll traverse through the rituals that lay the groundwork for insightful sessions, from summoning spiritual guides to formulating the perfect questions for unambiguous responses. You'll be taken step-by-step through a Theta Brainwave meditation, a transformative practice to heighten your intuition and aid in deciphering psychic messages. Wrapping up, I'll assist you in decoding the revelations from your meditative explorations and stress the importance of documenting these moments of clarity for lasting reflection. Join me, and let's turn the key to unlock the door to your psychic evolution.

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  • Ever wondered why a surge of anxiety can send a headache straight to your temples, or how a bout of depression can leave your back in knots? We're peeling back the layers of psychosomatic stress and decoding the body's secret language of aches and pains. Our bodies are incredibly adept at signaling when something's off balance, from emotional turmoil to cognitive stressors. We dive into the body's natural harmony and how it's thrown off-kilter by negative influences, manifesting in very real, physical symptoms. Through engaging discussions, I illuminate the critical path to not just acknowledging these whispers from within but acting on them to realign with our inherent state of well-being.

    As we journey through the landscapes of our inner and outer worlds, we explore how environment directly shapes our health at the epigenetic level. I share personal stories of transformation, showcasing the power of an empowered mindset in transcending the stress that life throws our way. It's about tuning into that quiet intuition, the one that often knows the way even when we feel lost. We'll end with a grounding psychosomatic meditation, inviting listeners to connect with the deeper messages their bodies have been longing to express. Uncover the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit for healing that transcends the superficial, and let's find harmony together.

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  • Discover the transformative power of emotional intelligence with our insightful guest, Evette Rose, as we transcend traditional conceptions of IQ to embrace the nuanced world of EQ. Join us for a profound journey into recognizing and managing both our own and others' emotions, where Yvette's expertise shines a light on the impact of past traumas and the biological instincts that shape our responses. Our discussion peels back the layers on how these factors influence our daily interactions, decision-making, and overall well-being, offering a roadmap to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    As we traverse the complexities of human emotion, Yvette Rose guides us through the subtle art of understanding the emotional drivers behind others' actions. She uncovers the connections between aggression and the quest for safety, procrastination and self-sabotage, and the indispensable role of emotional intelligence in nurturing personal and professional relationships. We learn together how emotional intelligence can bridge communication gaps, foster empathy, and ultimately transform our interactions with compassion and understanding, regardless of gender or background.

    In our final chapter, Yvette takes us on an exploratory mission into the body's intuitive wisdom, highlighting how emotional well-being is deeply intertwined with our physical state. We uncover healing practices for trauma stored within our bodies, learn about the incredible adaptability of the human brain through neuroplasticity, and discuss the importance of confronting ancestral wounds. As we close this session, we hope you've found valuable strategies to overcome emotional blocks and are inspired to integrate the principles of emotional intelligence into every facet of your life.

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  • Imagine unlocking the mysteries of your own consciousness and navigating life's challenges with a newfound clarity. That's exactly what we're bringing to the table as I, Yvette Rose, author and founder of Metaphysical Anatomy, join you on a journey into the depths of awareness. Through our enlightening conversation, we dissect how trauma and stress can shrink our consciousness, confining us to a narrow slice of the present. Yet, there's more beyond the veil of immediate experiences. We ponder whether spiritual quests are a means to escape reality or a path to enriching it, and how our biological heritage is intricately wired to respond to our environment, shaping our personal realities.

    Strap in as we explore the symbiotic dance between our physical form and our broader consciousness. It's a realm where emotions serve as compass points, steering us through life's ebbs and flows, and our focus—be it on joy or sorrow—casts ripples into the biofield and quantum field around us. We discuss how anchoring in our physicality can actually amplify the richness of life, while still honoring the boundless expanse of our conscious awareness. Throughout this episode, I share potent exercises to enhance your presence in the moment and extend an invitation to our upcoming master classes, where you can dive deeper into the art of truly inhabiting your awareness. Join us for a transformative experience that promises to reshape how you engage with the world within and around you.

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  • Discover the intricate tapestry of trust woven through the fibers of our being and its profound impact on every facet of our lives. As we sift through the layers of our upbringing and ancestral history alongside insights from "Metaphysical Anatomy," we uncover how the echoes of our past experiences reverberate into our present trust dynamics. Every relationship and every interaction is profoundly influenced by the trust we cultivate within us, and this episode is your guide to understanding and nurturing this essential aspect of your life.

    Join us as we connect the dots between ancestral survival instincts, our own impatience, and the quest for immediate gratification that challenges modern relationships and ambitions. Explore the pathways to strengthening trust through the vagus nerve's role in emotional regulation and the power of emotional intelligence. With a guided exercise to release emotional stress, we aim to illuminate a path to deeper self-awareness and a more trusting engagement with the world. This transformative journey is not just about building trust with others; it's about creating a sanctuary of trust within yourself.

    Watch here the full video:

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  • Have you ever felt trapped in the relentless pursuit of more, chasing a version of success that leaves you feeling empty? Evette's story is a wake-up call to redefine abundance and find true fulfillment. Join us as the esteemed author of "Metaphysical Anatomy" shares how a life-threatening burnout at 19 led her to shatter the illusion of success dictated by societal norms and parental expectations.

    Evette's insights on manifesting abundance go beyond material wealth, delving into the power of love as the foundation for all forms of prosperity. Discover how to craft a personal definition of abundance that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations.

    We've all hit roadblocks on our path to success, but it's the deep-seated ones that often keep us from realizing our full potential. Evette takes us through a profound process of healing and self-examination, where we're encouraged to look past surface level goals and unearth the underlying motivations driving our quest for abundance. Through her transformative healing meditation, she guides listeners to identify and dissolve the insidious barriers that keep us from prosperity. This segment is an invitation to shed the weight of limiting beliefs and embrace a state of healthy abundance that aligns with who we truly are.

    Ever wondered how to align yourself with the kind of success that feels effortless? Evette concludes with a powerful visualization exercise designed to connect us with financially abundant individuals who share our core values. It's about more than just networking; it's about cultivating a community that magnifies your own potential for abundance. Tune in to learn how to transition from a mindset of survival to one of flow, making every action feel more natural and in sync with your personal vision for abundance. Ready to transform your approach to prosperity? Evette's wisdom is your guide to an abundance that's both enriching and sustainable.

    Watch here the full video:

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  • 🌟✨ Ready to reclaim joy in just 60 seconds? Join us for our latest video, "STOP Depression in 1 Minute," featuring the compassionate insights of Evette.

    🕐💙 In this transformative discussion, Evette shares powerful techniques to break through the clouds of depression and rediscover a moment of light and hope. 🌈🌤️

    Whether you're on a personal journey or supporting a loved one, this video offers a quick and accessible guide to lift the spirits. 🚀🎥

    👉 Join the conversation, share your experiences, and embrace the possibility of finding solace in just one minute. 💬💖

    Let's create a community of understanding and resilience as we navigate the path to mental well-being together. 💪🔗

  • Fever is a common and often necessary physical response to infection or illness. While the primary cause of fever is typically a physical issue, such as a bacterial or viral infection, some experts believe that psychological factors can also play a role in its development and worsening.

    Studies have shown that stress can impact the body's immune system, making it more susceptible to illness and infection. When the body is under stress, it produces hormones that can affect the immune system and make it more difficult for the body to fight off infections. This can lead to an increase in the likelihood of developing fever.

    Furthermore, some experts believe that psychological stress can affect the body's normal temperature regulation, leading to an increase in body temperature and the development of fever. This is because stress can lead to changes in the body's normal functioning, including changes in hormone levels and immune system functioning, that can make it more difficult for the body to regulate its temperature.

    To address the psychosomatic aspect of fever, it is important to focus on managing stress and promoting emotional well-being. This can involve practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and exercise, as well as seeking treatment for any underlying psychological conditions like anxiety or depression.

  • ✨The Power of Self-Awareness

    Self-awareness is the ability to understand and recognize our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By developing this skill, we can gain insight into why we act the way we do & ultimately take control of our lives. Here’s a closer look at the power of self-awareness:

    ✨Recognize Patterns

    By paying attention to our thoughts & emotions, we can begin to identify patterns that have been holding us back or influencing our decisions. This could involve people pleasing or jumping from one project to another – whatever it is, understanding these patterns can help us break free & make changes in order to lead a healthier life.

    ✨Understand Your Limits

    When it comes down to it, self-awareness gives us an idea of what situations are beneficial for us & which ones might cause harm; by understanding our limits, we can learn how to push ourselves without overdoing it. This could involve setting realistic goals or putting boundaries in place; either way, knowing when enough is enough is key!

    ✨Embrace Mistakes

    We all make mistakes – the real challenge lies in learning from them. Through self-awareness, you’ll be able to reflect on past experiences & figure out ways to move forward without getting discouraged; use these moments as opportunities for growth!

    ✨Develop Compassion

    Finally, self-awareness allows us to develop compassion for ourselves & others; when we become more attuned with our emotions & behavior, we naturally begin to empathize with other people’s struggles as well. This can lead to meaningful conversations & relationships that are built on trust & mutual understanding.

  • 👧🦷 Cracking the Code: Children's Psychosomatics & Gum Disease 🌟😬

    Did you know that your child's emotions and mental well-being can influence their oral health, even when it comes to gum disease? 🧠🪥

    In the latest video discussion led by Evette, she dives into the intriguing world of Children's Psychosomatics and its impact on gum health. 😮🤔

    Explore how stress, anxiety, and unresolved emotions can play a role in gum disease development. 😢🦷

    Ready to empower your child with the knowledge and tools for a healthier smile? Watch the full video now and learn how to nurture their emotional well-being and dental health. 🎥👩‍⚕️❤️

  • Fatigue is a common issue that affects people of all ages and can have a significant impact on daily life. While physical factors like lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and over-exertion are often the primary cause of fatigue, some experts believe that psychological factors can also play a role in its development and worsening.

    Stress is one of the most commonly cited psychological factors that can lead to fatigue. Stress can cause physical and emotional exhaustion, making it difficult to perform daily activities and leading to feelings of fatigue. In addition, stress can also affect sleep quality, making it more difficult to get a good night's sleep, which can contribute to fatigue.

    Depression and anxiety are other psychological conditions that can also contribute to fatigue. People with depression may experience a lack of energy, fatigue, and difficulty with motivation, while those with anxiety may experience constant worry, restlessness, and fatigue.

    To address the psychosomatic aspect of fatigue problems, it is important to focus on managing stress and promoting emotional well-being. This can involve practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and exercise, as well as seeking treatment for any underlying psychological conditions like depression and anxiety.

  • 🌟 Unlock Your Child's Potential! 🌟

    Is your child highly sensitive? 🧒💖

    Discover the secrets to nurturing their unique gifts and helping them thrive. "Bringing Out the Best in Your Highly Sensitive Child," is here to empower both you and your little one.

    🌈 In this heartwarming video, you'll learn:

    ✨ Proven strategies to build their confidence.
    ✨ Ways to embrace their sensitivity as a strength.
    ✨ Tips for fostering a loving and supportive environment.
    ✨ Real-life success stories from parents just like you.

    Join us on this journey to unlock their full potential and create a brighter, more harmonious future for your family. 🚀

  • 👧🤕 The Hidden Impact: Children's Psychosomatics & Injuries 🌟😢

    Did you know that a child's emotions and mental state can influence how they handle injuries? 🧠⚕️

    In this latest video discussion, Evette uncovers the fascinating connection between Children's Psychosomatics and injuries. 😮🩹

    Explore how a child's emotional well-being, stress, and unresolved feelings can affect their recovery and resilience. 🤔💪

    Ready to gain insights into fostering emotional strength and healing in your child? Watch the full video now and learn how to support them through life's bumps and bruises. 🎥👩‍⚕️❤️

  • Fallopian tube problems are a common cause of infertility in women and can lead to issues with conception and pregnancy. While the primary cause of fallopian tube problems is typically a physical issue, such as damage or blockage, some experts believe that stress and other psychological factors can play a role in its development and worsening.

    Studies have shown that stress can impact the body in a variety of ways, including causing changes in hormone levels, impacting the immune system, and affecting the reproductive system. In addition, stress can also lead to other physical issues, such as chronic inflammation, which can impact the fallopian tubes and lead to problems with conception.

    Furthermore, some experts believe that psychological stress can contribute to infertility by affecting the normal functioning of the fallopian tubes and making it more difficult for conception to occur. This is because stress can lead to changes in the body's normal functioning, making it more difficult for the fallopian tubes to function properly.

    To address the psychosomatic aspect of fallopian tube problems, it is important to focus on managing stress and promoting emotional well-being. This can involve practicing stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and exercise, as well as seeking treatment for any underlying psychological conditions like anxiety or depressio

  • 🎇How Can You Help Someone Else Raise their Vibration?

    Vibrational energy has the power to influence our life experiences in a major way – so what can we do if we want to help someone else raise their vibration? Here are a few tips & tricks on how to spread positivity & optimism:

    🎇Practice Gratitude

    In order to make sure that your own vibrations are high, it’s important to take time each day to practice gratitude. This means focusing on the things that you have rather than what you don’t; this will help remind the person you’re trying to help of all of the good things they have in their life.

    🎇Listen Intently

    It’s easy for us to get lost in our own thoughts, but when we take time to really listen, it shows the other person that we care about them. Actively listening without judgment or criticism is one of the most effective ways of lending an ear & helping someone out!

    🎇Spread Positivity

    A positive attitude can go a long way towards lifting another person’s spirits; even if it’s something as simple as smiling or using encouraging words, these little gestures can be enough to give someone else a boost. Our actions can speak louder than words, so use yours wisely!

    🎇Offer Support

    Sometimes all someone needs is for us to be there for them & provide emotional support; offer advice & guidance when needed and know when it’s appropriate to take steps back. We all need a shoulder to lean on every now and then – being that shoulder is one of the greatest gifts you can give anyone!