In this episode Matt interviews Donna Winship. She and her husband Jamie spent 25 years living and working in the Muslim world: Indonesia, Iraq & Jordan.
In those locations their greatest joy was seeing Muslims discern the voice of God, enter into the kingdom, be healed and follow Jesus. Donna shares how they learnt so much about faith and mission from their own mistakes, from fellow workers and from painful trials (team-mates in Indonesia who were stabbed, others in Iraq who were shot and killed, a court case against Jamie for breaking Sharia law etc.).
In the midst of it all, they have come to discover their God-given identity and His purpose for them and for the nations, something they now teach others how to do through their ministry called Identity Exchange.
Donna also tells how she came to follow Jesus from a Jewish family background, with fascinating insights for those who work with Muslims or Jews.
NB. This episode contains one harrowing story of sexual violence. In that regard, listener discretion is advised and it will not be suitable for younger children._________________________________________________________________________________
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And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet a couple from Northern Ireland who have been living and working in rural Mozambique amongst the Yawo people for the last 6 years.
Johnny and Kathryn tell some fascinating stories of bugs, witchdoctors, curses and the very beginnings of a church in their local area.
They also have various stories about motorbikes, including a theft and various road accidents.
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode Matt talks with an old friend from the earthquake relief work in Pakistan. Andy Kampman grew up in rural Iowa, but in the winter of 2005 he responded to a call to spend a few weeks building shelters in the Pakistani Himalayas for the thousands who had lost their homes. Those weeks were hugely significant for Andy in terms of growing to love Muslims and wanting to share the good news with them.
Andy shares various stories from times he spent in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Lebanon and how the Lord actually called him to stay in the USA - to motivate, encourage and mobilise others to go to serve amongst the least reached.
Now based in Texas, Andy is part of a church that has, quite amazingly, sent out around 300 long-term workers in the last 15 years!
He also runs an organisation called Launch Global, which prepares and equips workers to thrive on the field and partners with churches to help them send effectively._________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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This episode contains harrowing stories of domestic abuse and suicidal thoughts, so is not suitable for younger children.
This episode'sspecial guest is Joann Doyle, co-author of 2 books: Women Who Risk, Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World and Breakthrough: The Return of Hope to the Middle East. She is also the President and Founder of a ministry called Not Forgotten, which is all about bringing the good news of Jesus to Muslim women.She and her husband, Tom Doyle, whom I interviewed a few months ago, have worked in many Middle Eastern countries and have gathered numerous remarkable stories of faith, miracles and persecution.
We discuss secret church, dreams and visions and many examples of women in the Middle East prepared to suffer the ultimate cost for following Jesus._________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet 'Jacob', who has served in a very poor part of East Africa with his wife and four kids for more than a decade.
The refugees there that they live amongst have suffered terribly from a genocide that has led to the displacement of millions from their homeland. But in the midst of the pain and the trauma, many Muslims there are questioning the faith that they have been brought up in and looking for something else.
We discuss the challenges of living far away from a hospital, when dealing with typhoid, malaria, measles etc. - learning to find beauty amidst the brokenness and how life as a missionary is glorious, but not glamorous._________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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This episode contains a harrowing story of domestic abuse, so is not suitable for younger children.
In this fascinating and unusual episode Matt talks to 'David & Abigail', a couple who spent many years in the mountainous post-Soviet Caucausus region.
Ministry to Muslims in this part of world is quite different to life in the Middle East or South Asia, with an entrenched drinking culture to navigate and regular saunas for the men, as well as the opportunity to go skiing in the holidays.
Topics discussed include prayer, beaurocracy, public displays of affection, court cases, witchcraft and bible translation._________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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This week Phil Moore, church leader and author of the excellent Straight to the Heart Bible Commentary series, joins Matt to discuss his most recent book, called The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus, in which he shares stories and lessons learnt from the revival in Iran and its overflow in other nations.
Post Covid 19, Phil moved on from leading a large and thriving church in SW London to focus on taking the gospel personally into the streets, bars and council estates in his neighbourhood, where he's looking to meet those who would not be likely to come to church. He has been inspired, mentored and taught by the leaders of the underground Iranian church who have drawn him back to some of the key teachings of Jesus in the gospels about mission.
Phil challenges the church in the West to adopt a humble posture, to learn from where the church is growing and to consider radically different models of disciple-making that we have been used to.
To contact Phil, visit
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet Dr. Pat Brittenden.
Pat grew up in Algeria, served in Tunisia and has recently completed his PhD on the emerging Muslim-background church of North Africa. He works now for the Hikma Partnership, a partnership committed to encouraging BMB (Believers from a Muslim Background) research and writing.
Pat shares some of the lessons learned from his years in Tunisia, amazing stories from colleagues around the 'Muslim world' (including an embodied visitation of Jesus to some Bedouins in Libya) and much more.
For some excellent resources for helping us reach out to Muslims, to welcome BMBs/MBBs into our fellowships and to disciple those from Muslim backgrounds, check out the Word of Life website.
Another great space for churches that are wanting to integrate believers from different cultural backgrounds in the UK is the Intercultural Church network._________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode Matt chats with special guest Tom Doyle, author of several excellent books: Dreams & Visions, Standing in the Fire and Killing Christians, to name a few.
He and his wife, Joann, served in many Middle Eastern countries and have written about the stories of those they have met along the way, particularly Muslims who have had dreams and visions of Jesus or have suffered for their faith.
Tom is now the President of Uncharted Ministries, who produce the excellent video series of Muslim Background Believer testimonies, called I Found the Truth.In this episode you’ll hear stories of a martyrdom in Saudi Arabia, a miraculous deliverance from a firing squad, incredible bravery in Gaza and various dreams of Jesus.
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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This episode is the 3rd one that we have done recently with diaspora immigrants to the West (2nd or 3rd generation) who have gone overseas as church-planters. We’ve had a Nigerian Brit, a South Asian from the USA and now a Canadian of Chinese heritage.
Dr. M describes 10 benefits/blessings of being Chinese and working among Muslims. He highlights some of the challenges of working and ministering in ‘shame & honour’ cultures. And he describes how important it is to understand that Muslims come from very different political, cultural and theological contexts.
If you would like to broaden your reading base, Dr. M recommends:
1) Watchman Nee The Normal Christian Life or Sit, Walk, Stand or The Spiritual Man2) Wang Ming-Dao A Stone Made Smooth or A Call to the Church or Spiritual Food
3) works by Philip Teng, John Sung or Thomas Wang... the latter of these three will have more available in English than the others.
Also, to understand how to share the gospel in Honour-Shame contexts, check out The 3D Gospel by Jayson Georges and visit honorshame.com_________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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Dr. T grew up in the USA, but her family is from South Asia and she has several Hindu and Sikh relatives.
After becoming a medical doctor and practising in the States, she felt the Lord direct her to using her skills in the 'Muslim world'. A series of events led her to India, the land of her forefathers.
She and Matt discuss Indian culture, medical mission and some of the challenges of 'returning' to a country where lots of your relations live!_________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet Dr. Robert Sluka, once a missionary with Frontiers in the Maldive Islands, where his love for oceans, ocean people and marine biology all combined.
Bob and Matt discuss integral mission and how caring for the environment is very much part of our biblical mandate and God's heart for the poor.
Visit A Rocha, the international family of Christian Conservation organisations.
Check out All Nations Christian College's advanced short course on Creation Care & Mission here.
For further reading, check out the book that Bob recommends here: Planetwise by Dave Bookless
For further resources, especially to do with microplastics - and how we can educate ourselves, change habits and protect God's world and ocean peoples, visit the A Rocha Plastics Toolbox page.
Lausanne Creation Care Network_________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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(then select from one of our national offices).
For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we hear the story of Nik Ripken.
Nik and Ruth spent over 30 years obeying Christ’s command to share Jesus across the globe. After 7 years in Malawi & South Africa, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya to begin work among the Somali people, in the context of war and famine.
Many Somali believers there suffered for their faith. Most were martyred. Near the end of the Ripken’s tenure among the Somalis, their 16-year-old son died.
One year later, the Holy Spirit led the Ripkens to begin a global pilgrimage to learn from believers in persecution how to recapture a biblical missiology of witness and house-church planting in the midst of persecution and martyrdom. Currently the Ripkens have interviewed over 600 believers in persecution, exceeding 72 countries. Sitting at their feet, the Ripkens learned from the suffering church how to thrive amidst suffering, not merely survive.
To learn more of their incredible story, or to purchase their books: The Insanity of God, The Insanity of Obedience & The Insanity of Sacrifice, visit
To watch the documentary about the persecuted church that they made, visit
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
You can find out more about us by visiting
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(then select from one of our national offices).
For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode Matt hears from Ola, a Nigerian-Brit who grew up in the UK. Expelled from school, he got caught up in the drug scene in London, before coming to Christ as a young man. He then became a rap artist, before sensing the Lord calling him to the nations.
Ola shares honestly about the difficulties of moving to the country of his parents and grandparents to do church planting, before spending many years in the Middle East. Malaria, threats of curses, debates with Imams all were challenges he had to face.
He also has a powerful word for the diaspora black churches in the West.
(Apologies for the sound quality in this episode. We've had to alter the voice somewhat to protect the identity of 'Ola' and there were some other technical issues during this interview!)_________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode Matt talks to Andy McCullough, a church leader and author in the UK who spent many years doing evangelism and church-planting in Turkey/Turkiye.
He’ll be sharing about how a fellowship was started in Istanbul through a tattoo artist, his girlfriend and a series of remarkable dreams.
Andy now works with an international network of churches called New Frontiers – not connected to our organisation, despite the similar sounding name!
For Andy's books on Amazon, click here.
His latest book comes out in July 2024.
It's called Made Flesh: John's Gospel, Mission and the Global Church
For some excellent authors from the Global South writing about God's Mission, do check out Samuel Escobar, Rene Padilla, Yaw Perbi, Ajith Fernando, Chawkat Moucarry, Lami Bakari, Elizabeth Mburu - to name but a few!_________________________________________________________________________________
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode you'll hear the story of 'Badr' who describes himself as a fanatical Muslim in his teenage years.
Although from a Syrian family, he grew up in Yemen and came to faith when his father (hoping he'd become less fanatical) gave him a bible.
He shares the journey of how his family reacted, the difficulties of finding other believers to fellowship with and his current ministry to reach others from a Muslim background online.
For Arabic speakers, this is Badr's FB account for those interested in exploring the message of Jesus.
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet Andy Bannister, Director of Solas.
His ministry journey has included several years of engaging with Muslims at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, doing a PhD in Quranic Studies, writing several books on Islam and evangelism, teaching and speaking in many churches in the UK and North America - and currently hosting two podcasts!
We’ll be hearing his story and some key tips on reaching Muslims from his books: “Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?” and “How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot!”
To find out more about Andy and his work, do check out the following websites:
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
You can find out more about us by visiting
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For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we hear the story of Ruth Ripken.
Ruth and her husband, Nik, spent over 30 years obeying Christ’s command to share Jesus across the globe. After 7 years in Malawi & South Africa, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya to begin work among the Somali people, in the context of war and famine.
Many Somali believers there suffered for their faith. Most were martyred. Near the end of the Ripken’s tenure among the Somalis, their 16-year-old son died.
One year later, the Holy Spirit led the Ripkens to begin a global pilgrimage to learn from believers in persecution how to recapture a biblical missiology of witness and house-church planting in the midst of persecution and martyrdom. Currently the Ripkens have interviewed over 600 believers in persecution, exceeding 72 countries. Sitting at their feet, the Ripkens learned from the suffering church how to thrive amidst suffering, not merely survive.
To learn more of their incredible story, or to purchase their books: The Insanity of God, The Insanity of Obedience & The Insanity of Sacrifice, visit
To watch the documentary about the persecuted church that they made, visit
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
You can find out more about us by visiting
Or, if you're outside the UK, visit
(then select from one of our national offices).
For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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In this episode we meet Andres, a Latino doctor who spent many years living and working in Kurdistan and now serves in a senior leadership position in Frontiers.
What happens when the brother of one of the guys he’s discipling comes to ask for help to kill a personal enemy?
What impact did a dream have on one of the first Kurdish believers in their city?
And what are the pros and cons of being a Latino worker in the Middle East?
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
You can find out more about us by visiting
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(then select from one of our national offices).
For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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Taken on a trip to Jordan by her father when she was 14 years old, Becky spent time with Palestinian refugees and was deeply impacted by them and the work of the missionaries there.
But it was India which captured her heart a few years later, with its incredibly friendly and hospitable people, its amazing food and, most importantly its huge need for gospel workers.
In this episode we hear about how God's love for all people and Becky's adventurous spirit have combined to shape the life of a young lady from Liverpool.
NB. Consider this statistic that shows a significant Great Commission imbalance.
Number of Christian missionaries per million people:
Latin America receives 155
Africa receives 68
India receives only 7
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
[email protected].uk
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(then select from one of our national offices).
For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes: (USA) (UK)
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