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The establishment media is doing everything possible to make sure you do not hear some of the most important voices out there on medicine, science, politics, business, media, and so much more. But at Conversations That Matter, host Alex Newman interviews key people with important information to share that they don’t want you to hear–information that might save your life and family, literally, as well as your liberty.
Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College and is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering cultural, economic, political, and educational issues. The content of Imprimis is drawn from speeches delivered at Hillsdale College events. First published in 1972, Imprimis is one of the most widely circulated opinion publications in the nation with over six million subscribers.
The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most complex and intractable conflicts in the world. It has been ongoing for over 70 years, and there is no easy solution. This podcast will provide listeners with the latest news and updates on the conflict, as well as analysis and insights from experts. We will also explore the different perspectives on the conflict, and we will try to understand the complex forces that are driving it. Whether you are a newcomer to the conflict or a long-time observer, this podcast is for you. We will help you to understand the latest developments and to make sense of this complex and challenging situation.
On Democracy in Question, published by The Brookings Institution, host Katie Dunn Tenpas interviews guests about contemporary American politics and the future of democracy. Each episode poses a different question to better understand the broad contours of our democratic system.
We Dissent is a monthly law podcast hosted by two secular women, who are also attorneys at the Freedom From Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Join us as we discuss developments affecting the separation of church and state in the US Supreme Court and lower federal courts. We’ll also explore other advocacy work we do to help atheists and other nonreligious people outside the courtroom. We know there are so many atheist podcasts and legal podcasts and you have a lot to choose from, but we hope you’ll join us, the only legal podcast for atheists and agnostics hosted completely by women lawyers. We can’t wait to start these conversations.
Bienvenue sur votre chaîne, CJDSE (Juridique- Diplomatique- sécuritaire et Économique) où nous parlerons de Droit- d'Économie - de Diplomatie et de Sécurité.Sur ce portail de cours nous traiterons les fondements des cours de CEJM des classes de BTS et des cours de droit, de sciences politiques, de diplomatie et de sécurité des licences et Masters. Nous inviterons également en entretiens, nos étudiants et spécialistes de divers domaines. Le Docteur Ousmane Sané est juriste consultant,Enseignant chercheur en Sciences Juridiques et de Gestion. Analyste consultant en Diplomatie, Renseignement et Sécurité. Diplômes et publications · Titulaire d’un Doctorat, H.U PARIS.· Titulaire d’un Master 2 en relations internationales et diplomatie, CEDS Paris, · Titulaire d’un Master 2 en Droit des étrangers ISD Paris, · Titulaire d’un Diplôme Universitaire en Administration d’Élections de l’université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne. · Expert- Électoral certifié OSCE/ODIHR. · Diplômé de l’école de guerre de Paris (ex. coalition 2018) et de L’IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale). · Titulaire d'un Diplôme Universitaire SIR (Sûreté information et renseignement) de l’université Paris 2 ASSAS. · Président de l’Institut Thales Afrique (Institut d’études politiques, diplomatiques & stratégiques), SÉNÉGAL- GUINÉE- BURKINA FASO, · Président du Centre International de Recherche Juridique et Sociale (CIRJUS Paris). Publications scientifiques : · Théorie des relations internationales : conflits et migrations ouvrage publié en 2020 aux éditions Publishroom PARIS · Dynamiques des relations internationales et Covid-19 ; ENTRE DIPLOMATIE MASQUÉE ET GUERRE DES LABOS. Ouvrage paru en mai 2022 aux éditions L’Harmattan · Diplomatie économique sénégalaise : Thèse de doctorat soutenue publiquement en novembre 2021 · Cybercriminalité au Sénégal : quelles protections juridique et institutionnelle pour les utilisateurs ; article publié en 2022 dans les ‘DOSSIERS DU CHEDS’ Sénégal · Intelligence économique et marchés mondiaux : la survie des entreprises multinationales face à l’innovation ; article scientifique, Paris, 2023 · La gestion sûreté́ et sécurité́ des organisations internationales : le cas de l’ONU, MÉMOIRE D.U soutenu en novembre 2023Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
The official podcast for Judicial Watch--a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through our educational endeavors, we advocate high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach--because NO ONE is above the law!
podcast for PLS 363 at Akita International University
image credit: "Busan, South Korea" by GilloD is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
music credit: Cycling Through Ikebukuro by Koen Park is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Prepper News and Survival Tips. A podcast about survival skills, prepping, preparedness and politics. This is not your typical basic prepping podcast. We dive onto a wide range of topics like current events, politics, technology and anything else that helps us stay prepared for whatever challenges life might throw at us.
BU Today, Boston University’s award-winning daily news site, brings you Question of the Week, a new podcast that provides insights from leading experts on timely questions covering politics, business, culture, education, science, medicine, sports, health, and more. Each episode features a conversation between a BU Today journalist and a different University faculty or staff member.
"Left” and “right” are each descriptive of authoritarian positions. Liberty has no horizontal relationship to authoritarianism. Libertarianism’s relationship to authoritarianism is vertical; it is up from the muck of men enslaving man." - Leonard E. Read, 1956
Libertarian podcasts are usually focused on the philosophy of libertarianism. Our podcast, Upward - Libertarian Activism, provides tips and strategies to help move more people towards the top of the diamond of the World's Smallest Political Quiz. We Are Libertarians presents training sessions and special podcasts to teach the basics of running for office, county party organization, and other forms of libertarian activism. Early episodes include training workshops put together by Chris Spangle and the Libertarian Party of Indiana. Newer episodes are from the archives of Marshall Fritz and the Advocates for Self-Government.
Get training manuals at our website:
Part of the We Are Libertarians Podcast Network. -
Be Less Reactive to the NEWS HEADLINES!
Proactive is an in-depth analysis of the law, governance, politics and everything related to the human rights. The analysis is to ensure Kenyans are informed and be able to make sound decisions especially regulations that affect the growth of a country.
The goal of Proactive is to ensure the public takes action:
To voteTo hold politicians (leaders) accountableTo take part during budget and policy making processand much more! -
In Search of Black Power challenges conventional narratives around Black policy, Black movements, and Black Life. We focus on creating a new language to discuss the issues presenting Black America, with a focus on independent institutional building and seeing Black folks as the solutions to our own problems.
Post Carbone est un podcast animé par Alex Bigouret et Pierre Duchaigne qui explore les voies vers un avenir durable. À chaque épisode, les auditeurs sont invités à plonger dans les enjeux cruciaux liés à l'énergie et au climat en compagnie de spécialistes passionnés, basés au Québec et plus largement au Canada. De la transformation numérique à la mobilité durable, chaque discussion offre un état des lieux de la situation, parfois critique, mais aussi une exploration approfondie et inspirante des solutions à notre disposition pour faire advenir un monde post-carbone.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Big Brother, the New World Order, and the One World Religion have prepared to track you NOW ... and your every important move, personal and business. RFID chips will contain a unique number, known as the EPC (Electronic Product Code) and will soon replace the present bar code UPC numbering system. A great seaport city will be destroyed that will be a center of Muslim economy and Islamic ideology! Exact details by Prince Handley. What to look for and how to prepare for the end.
For more than 15 years, the Fordham Institute has been hosting a weekly podcast, The Education Gadfly Show. Each week, you’ll get lively, entertaining discussions of recent education news, usually featuring Fordham’s Mike Petrilli and David Griffith. Then the wise Amber Northern will recap a recent research study. For questions or comments on the podcast, contact its producer, Stephanie Distler, at [email protected].