This is the third and final part of my show with Biblical Unitarian Andrew Griffin; this time we look at 3 Bible verses proving Jesus was divine.RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
Now it's my turn to take the reigns and probe Biblical Unitarian Carlos Xavier on his own Unitarian views and the reasons he has for it.RSM Blog =
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In Part 2, I discuss the Biblical evidence for the divinity of the Holy Spirit as the new Shekinah and thus, He is a essential and personal part of Yahweh.RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
This is Part 1 on the philosophy related to the Trinity Monotheism model. I guest star on Unitarian Andrew Griffin's Podcast.RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
David and David are back! This time they tackle the meaning of Romans 1 and in particular, Romans 1:20, are those who deny the existence of God damned to Hell without an excuse or is this just, as David J. puts it, a "factually incorrect, hateful and divisive" teaching????Tune in to find out!RSM Blog =
In the grand finale, I show the first segments of a Resurrection debate between Dr. William Lane Craig (Christian) and Gerd Ludemann (Atheist) and the class gives their assessment of their cases based on what I taught in the previous 6 weeks of our Bible Study.RSM Blog =
Immunologist and blood experts Dr. Kelly Kearse joins me and former Catholic, now skeptic, Kevin Nontradicath (aka Kevin O'Connor) to discuss what the scientific truth is regarding the evidence for Eucharistic Miracles.RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
Hugh Farey joins me to discuss the remaining image formation mechanisms we have yet to cover in the Panel Review series; i) the Artistic Boiling hypothesis, ii) the Bacteria/Fungal hypothesis, iii) Volkringer Patterns and Singlet-Oxygen/Russell Effect theories and finally, iv) Thomas Devins' Rainbow Bodies hypothesis.Plus some interesting ground-breaking research going on behind the scenes is hinted at for an upcoming Shroud Wars show :)RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
In the final lecture in my Bible Study series on the historical evidence for Jesus' Resurrection, we look at 4 objections skeptics present as Negative evidence supposedly falsifying the Resurrection hypothesis;i) Preservation Problems with errors in the Manuscript Copiesii) Eyewitness Testimony/Memory is Unreliableiii) Gospel Contradictions on Jesus' death and Resurrectioniv) Miracles are Improbable/Impossible via David HumeRSM Blog (with my Slides) =
I read Lydia McGrew's emails verifying that what I called my "Bayes-ish" approach is mathematically correct even though the way I describe what I'm calculating is inaccurate. She also responds to the foolish notion that the prior prob for any miracle like the Resurrection is 1/infinity because God can do a miracle in an infinite amount of different ways (as per Digital Gnosis and James Fodor).RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
Lydia McGrew returns to tackle David Kemball-Cooks objections to her 2009 Blackwell Companion paper on Jesus Resurrection and Bayes Theorem.
This is the final round between the two and it went extra long, so enjoy :)RSM Blog =
I was invited to guest star on Biblical Unitarian Carlos Xavier's YouTube channel ( to be grilled on my own Trinitarian understanding.
Originally, I wanted to do a debate where I had time to prepare properly, but circumstances didn't allow for the debate and thus we did a Grill-a-Christian type format instead which isn't ideal for me to present the best case since I'm not the best at "off-the-cuff defenses", but it was still edifying and fun in its own right.RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
In the 5th Lecture we finish our assessment of 4 more Skeptical hypotheses ranging from the Illusion/substitution theory, hallucination hypothesis, objective visions/ghosts and finally, the infamous Buddhist notion of Jesus and the Rainbow bodies! All of them fail meaning the Christian Resurrection hypothesis is clearly the best explanation for the 9 proven historical facts we learned about in Part 3.RSM Blog (with my slides for free) =
In this episode, the Vulture invites on noted math expert, John Elias, to speak on his research on the various Gematria or Numerical Patterns found in the Bible. We go into detail on methodology and how to distinguish between the more meaningful patterns vs. what John calls the more common and often times fallacious "free-association" patterns as is typically found and appealed to in other religious books like the Quran and/or even non-religious literature like Moby Dick or the Phone Book.Bonus- For my fellow Pro-Shroud fans, towards the end of the discussion, John claims to have found his interesting numerical patterns as divine supporting evidence on the Shroud of Turin as well!!!RSM Blog =
John’s Website portal: https://www.37×
John’s 500-page book on Amazon:
In Lecture #4, we turn to evaluating 4 skeptical hypotheses from the Resurrection skeptics to try and explain the 9 historical facts (Lecture #3 last week). We cover the following; i) The Original Conspiracy Hypothesisii) The Stolen Body and/or Wrong Tomb Hypothesesiii) The Swoon Hypothesisiv) The Legend (Jesus Mythicist) HypothesisRSM Blog =
Dr. Craig Keener, the "scholar's scholar" is back! Today, we are discussing his take on the Biblical evidence for and against Jesus Resurrection + we have a surprise at the end!RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) =
In the final part of this interview with Craig Keener, I ask him about natural theories to try and explain the Resurrection data, miracles theory in General (including modern day resuscitation miracles) and I also get Craig's official take on the Shroud of Turin!!!P.S. Next week, I will post this interview in full which shall include some bonus content at the end (not played in the smaller segment videos) :)RSM Blog =
In Part 3 of 4, we address some skeptical objections and apparent Resurrection contradictions in the Gospels.RSM Blog =
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