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Jegerpodden - en podcast av og for jegere, hør en ny episode hver fredag! Bli med i Patreon-jaktlaget du også!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Randulf Valle prater om friluftsliv i ordets videste forstand. Ofte sammen med en gjest eller to. Noen ganger helt alene.
Nye episoder kommer normalt på fredager, men kanskje ikke hver eneste fredag...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast om tur og friluftsliv produsert av med Sindre Holm som programleder. Her får du høre skikkelig nerding om klær og utstyr, møte spennende gjester og litt humor innimellom. Kommentarer? Send til [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Gravel Ride is a cycling podcast where we discuss the people, places and products that define modern gravel cycling. We will be interviewing athletes, course designers and product designers who are influencing the sport. We will be providing information on where to ride, what to ride and how to stay stoked on gravel riding.
Veteran surf journalist Bryan Dickerson turns the mic to those at the center of the wave pool universe as WavePoolMag shines a light on the engineers, entrepreneurs, pros and the hand-picked few who have a wave pool story to tell. The questions are pointed and the answers range from the sublime to the illuminating, hitting all flashpoints in between. Dig in to hear from the minds designing, building and surfing the world’s wave pools.
En podkast om jakt fra to ivrige jegere med god moral og dårlig humor. Vi håper på å inspirere og inkludere hele jegernorge når vi setter oss ned for å snakke om jaktrelaterte ting, med kun oss selv, eller flotte gjester!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Host Dave Brinker's life was saved by his passion for the outdoors/hunting, making music, and through his entrepreneurial spirit. Dave brings his diverse background and unique perspective to the Altitude Show via interview style deep dives into the background stories of inspiring people, and provocative discussions about life's greatest challenges. This podcast is for those who crave more adventure, want to innovate their future, simply grow as a human, and push the Altitude of what they are capable of.
"HVA HAR DU I SEKKEN?" - Er det utstyr, sjokolade og kart? Eller er det konkurranseinstinkt, diagnoser, store mål, eller en tynnslitt mental helse?
Sekken kan inneholde så mangt, og det samme gjelder denne podcasten.
Jeg får besøk av masse kule gjester som alle har minst to ting til felles:
De liker å være ute i naturen, samt utfordre seg selv.
Om det så er å gi ut bok, gå Mount Everest uten oksygen, få pallplass i Finnmarksløpet, fiske den største fisken, gå nærtur eller Norge på langs.
..og du, fortvil ikke.. Dette blir selvsagt ikke en podcast der friluftslivet skal rosemales fullstendig. Vi skal i aller høyeste grad snakke om turene der ting går rett i dass også. For det er kjent gjerning at det skjer oftere enn man skulle tro, men kanskje ikke synes så godt på sosiale medier.
Det gledes til å kunne ta dere med på moroa og forhåpentligvis kunne inspirere til mer friluftsliv.
Vi høres.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hunting. Angling. Public Lands. That's the meat of what BHA's Podcast & Blast with Hal Herring is about, and we cover the gamut. With guests that range from outdoor writers to backcountry hunters to legendary anglers, we seek to uncover the stories, the truths, the controversies, and the epic conversations that our public land heritage provides.
Everyone’s searching for skiing’s soul. I’m trying to find its brains. -
The DU Supply Podcast was created for all Houndsmen regardless of how often you get to the woods. From weekend warriors to professional guides/outfitters, our commitment to our dogs, lifestyle and passion is common ground for all. Join the DU Team and fellow Houndsmen across the nation as we come together to talk dogs, life, triumphs and train wrecks. We have an open passenger seat and would love to have you along! For those of you out there with a story to tell or content to share, your always welcome in our camp. Contact us at [email protected] and let’s talk.
Hey Gang and welcome to Foot Stuff Podcast - THE Outdoor Recreation Comedy! Hosted just outside of New York state's largest Wilderness Area, Foot Stuff Podcast brings you stories of Adventure, Antics, and Activism from around the country. Tune in for all things hiking, backpacking, thru-hiking, climbing, paddling, camping, skiing, and more. Keep it Wild!
SWAROVSKI OPTIK Director of Communications, Dean Capuano, along with well-known outdoor personalities, Ron Spomer and Kevin Wilson, will discuss all things hunting, shooting and outdoor lifestyle related. Listeners can expect insight from the biggest names in the industry and numerous members of the SWAROVSKI OPTIK staff.