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Welcome to On the Path, a podcast filled to the brim with encouragement, inspiration, interviews & life lessons to ignite you in your faith, push you to your purpose and challenge you to be exactly who You are called by God to be...a world changer! Get into the classroom of life, as we talk about the things that matter most. Join host Cheryl Nembhard along with incredible guests as they share their raw thoughts, feelings & life stories of triumph, tragedy and the big lessons they've learned along the way!
Are you ready to shake thing up a little? Olivia Corin and Lisa Brasseur come to you every week with a little bit of salt and a little bit of spice. The ladies sit down and talk about mental health, beauty standards, following your dreams, entrepreneurial mindsets, their Faith, Christianity and life lessons to learn from. This lifestyle podcast is intended to inspire all of you to live your life to the fullest. You can expect Olivia and Lisa to make you laugh, cry, and ponder, as they talk about anything and everything. Every week they share about how they are finding the Silver Lining in every challenging circumstance. The ladies truly believe that there is a glimmer of hope in every hard situation. They offer unlimited sassy comments, inspiring guests, and advice for everyone going through their crazy life journey. Olivia and Lisa firmly believe that life isn't for existing, but it's for LIVING. Living to the fullest. So c'mon! Let's Shake it Up a Little. They will be the best friends, you didn't even know you wanted!
Rivka "Rivkush" Campbell, a Jew of Jamaican descent, has been one of Canada's most vocal Jews of colour. In this podcast, she interviews fascinating Jews of colour from all over the world, opening dialogue with the mainstream Jewish community about their views, perspectives and experiences.
Soul Guide gives you an up-close and personal look at Past Life and Life Between Lives® stories. Join Vondie Lozano, Michael Newton Institute Life Between Lives facilitator, and her special guests as they share their personal experiences with the afterlife. Vondie found comfort in connecting with the afterlife after losing her dog and then her disabled mother. Today Vondie has dedicated her career to guiding people on their soul journey to the Other Side, our true home, and sharing the message of inspiration, connection, and hope we find there.
TOPICS COVERED: past life regression, life between lives, reincarnation, spirit guide, soulmates, Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, mediums, metaphysical, and much more!
A husband and wife team of a psychic medium trance channel Riz the Wiz & Empathic Intuitive Lady Oriah discussing their decade of work with the supernatural, paranormal, mystical, and anything 80’s.
Official site:
Tik Tok
Lady O Hera
The Mystic Podcast -
From bestselling author and speaker Jessye Wilden comes the ultimate podcast for anyone looking for more grit, faith, and courage in their lives.
Featuring candid interviews with family members (and friends) discussing questions readers have asked since her memoir, We Wrote Your Name in Color, was released. Deep dive into topics like grief, faith, friendship, adoption, forgiveness, and dancing in the kitchen.
The Molden Cast invites you into their tiny little office and past all the small talk so you too can find goodness in the hard seasons, bravery when it hurts, and genuine joy in the middle.
The Misadventures of A Plant Based Hijabi Hoodrat is a podcast about nothing. Seriously it's about nothing, this podcast isn't boxed into a particular realm or category because it can fit into multiple categories. I talk about faith, family, food, travel, and everything in between.
Business Inquiries get at me : [email protected]
The Together We Rise podcast is a place where every Woman has a seat at the table.
This is a space where we learn from front-line leaders, communicators, and changemakers as well as up-and-coming leaders from the next generation as we exchange ideas, tell our stories, and champion one another forward.
Join us as we talk to women in various fields who share their journeys with us, the obstacles they've faced, how they've overcome, and what they're learning.
Pull up a chair and join us on the Together We Rise Podcast. You are sure to be deeply inspired!
This platform is an extension of the Women Speakers Collective (, an organization dedicated to the affirming, equipping, and amplifying of Women's voices globally. -
Welcome to Predestined: A Deconstruction of the Netherlands Reformed Congregation. As former members of the NRC, hosts Taylor and Lena will examine the worldviews and beliefs that shape this unique church community, and the ways those beliefs impact people.
Instagram: @predestinedpod
Email: [email protected] -
привет, я Настя, и я веду свой подкаст из самого сердца Нью-Йорка :)
этот подкаст - мой способ поделиться с вами своим опытом и мыслями, а также отличная возможность для саморефлексии.
вас ждут обсуждения актуальных тем и социальных повесток, подробности моего творческого пути как блогера, инсайты от психотерапии, трудностей с биполярным расстройством и РПП, секреты долгих ЛГБТ отношений и главное - ответ на вопрос - нет проблем или все таки они есть?
слушая эти эпизоды, вы точно узнаете обо мне чуть больше, а еще (надеюсь) отлично проведете время за утренней прогулкой с собакой, рутинной уборкой или просто поездкой в метро.
никакой пропаганды и экспертности, только желание более осознанно и открыто взглянуть на себя и мир вокруг !
найти меня в социальных сетях -
Instagram - @larkicheva
YouTube - @seventeenine
почта для ваших вопросов и коммерческих предложений -
[email protected] -
Point of Inquiry is the Center for Inquiry's flagship podcast, where the brightest minds of our time sound off on all the things you're not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: science, religion, and politics.
Guests have included Brian Greene, Susan Jacoby, Richard Dawkins, Ann Druyan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugenie Scott, Adam Savage, Bill Nye, and Francis Collins.
Point of Inquiry is produced at the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, N.Y. -
Join Andie and Ben as they go on adventures, try out fun outdoor gear, and have guests over to chat about every single Apocalypse survival scenario they (and you the listener) can think of! They're not just preppers, they're comedians and tech nerds so it’s a lil’ silly. Hunker in their bunker and let's survive this thing together!
Join VeggieTales and What's in the Bible? creator Phil Vischer and co-host Skye Jethani (author, speaker, pastor) for a fast-paced and often funny conversation about pop culture, media, theology, and the fun, fun, fun of living a thoughtful Christian life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.
Join us Between the Worlds as we discuss tarot, psychology, mythology, pop culture, witchcraft, magic, art, and history with host Amanda Yates Garcia and a series of special guests. Music and production by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. (Looking for the podcast Strange Magic? You can find those episodes here as well. Just scroll down, Strange Magic episodes begin with the acronym SM. If you'd like to read our statement on the end of that podcast, please see the show notes of episode BTW 28: Ace of Swords. Thanks for listening! xo)
Bienvenue sur Dharma Activation, le podcast des âmes qui s’éveillent, se questionnent et s’engagent sur la voie de leur dharma. Je m’appelle Clotilde, je suis fondatrice de l’approche SoulEquilibrium, une méthode holistique d’activation du dharma qui se fonde sur la magie de l’âme et de l’akash, la puissance de la reprogrammation de l’inconscient et de l’alchimie du souffle.
Ici, on va se parler de spiritualité avec sens et conscience, en revenant simplement à ce qu’est cette démarche, revenir à Soi ! -
Mennonite Girls in a Modern World takes you on a journey through faith and culture.
What does it mean to be a Mennonite?
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
How do we successfully navigate when our culture, our faith, and our world collide?
Join Maria Dyck, Melanie Salte, and Deanna Friesen as we explore these questions and look at what it takes to be a Mennonite girl in a world that's constantly changing and in a culture that often doesn't.