It's that time of year again. December has come and with it the joy of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it only about gifts under the tree, the beautiful lights in the window, the cards we receive in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas? For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow.
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 30 minute strategy session with Naomi to help you unlock your goals and step into the life you desire today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! Tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Even if you are on your way to becoming an entrepreneur with the next great idea or simply happy in your current career and looking to land that big promotion within the company you are employed, I share a few sure fire ways to getting the boss attention to help you land that big promotion. Getting noticed by the boss isn't always easy, but I can help you stand out among the crowd.
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 30 minute strategy session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's said that people with this blood type is really special. Well, it's time to discuss what's the big deal with these people. This is the blood type of our ancestors who were really aggressive predators it is said. Leadership, proactivity, energy, and ability to stay extremely focused are your strong sides. People with this blood type are vulnerable to destructive behavior when they are tired, bored and depressed.
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 30 minute strategy session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Motivation- The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving a certain way. Now you can either be motivated to do good or motivated to do bad. Motivation is a two way door that swings both ways. So get pumped up, be fierce, be bold, be brave and get out there and slay S**t!!
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something or someone is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger-if we didn't feel it, we couldn't protect ourselves from legitimate threats. But often times we fear situations that are far from life-or-death, and thus hang back for no good reason.
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Do you find yourself struggling to stay alert? How about maybe it's a constant challenge for you to complete your daily work tasks on time? Are you battling to stay awake in the afternoon? Well in this episode I will be sharing 8 expert proven tips that I use in my practice that can help you to improving your daily focus. As with any new task that you try remember that consistency and accountability are two major key factors to help you maintain staying on track with accomplishing your goals.
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Certified life & relationship coach and image consultant Naomi Prince, shares in depth advice about projecting the right image and what your personal image may be costing you. Very informative and transparent perspective, rather in your career, your dating life or your child's parent teacher conferences. Loaded with tips and tons of helpful examples to assist you with displaying the right image everyday before stepping foot outside your door. Knowledge is power but how you use that knowledge is even more powerful!
Winner Best of 2015 Consumer Services!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Today's show is about the true essence of Thanksgiving, taking this opportunity amongst your loved one's to say...I love you because some of them may not be with us during this time next year and to be charitable if you are in a position to brighten up someone else's day. Please remember that some missed moments you can never recreate again. This will be the last R.W.B. Show for this week. I will resume my regular shows schedule on Monday, November 30th & Thursday, December 3rd.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_DITR
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Next week is Thanksgiving, the turkey will be bountiful and so will all of the amazing Black Friday deals. Listen in to hear about some of the insane deals I discovered at Best buy, Samsung-60" Class- LED-2160P-Smart-4K Ultra HD TV $799.99. More crazy deals from target and JCPenny inside.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
In this episode of R.W.B. Show, Naomi discusses Excuses and how your excuses can prevent you from living the life you feel you deserve and desire. Excuses can rob you of your dreams, the life you were destined to live and even your relationship. Excuses are nothing more than fear and rejection. If you want to know and live life with no regrets you have to clean your head of excuses.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
In the wake of the events at Mizzou, thousands of black professors and students shared their experiences of being marginalized. #BlackOnCampus is the number one trending topic on twitter right now! From the latest social media death threats and the decrying of racism from locals and student protesters, University of Missouri black students and faculty share their perspectives about how they feel being black on campus.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are just around the corner, the death of friends, pets and love ones can be very difficult to manage during the season of jolly happy goodtimes. Naomi Prince Certified Life and Relationship Coach, shares some amazing tips to help cope with grief during the holidays for the entire family including the kids. Experiencing lost can be overwhelming for anyone to deal with but especially difficult when others around may be in a celebratory mood. No need to skip the family gatherings or company dinner parties. Nothing will fill the void of your lost but these tips will help with your transition towards healing and becoming sociable once again.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Special thanks to my Real Diamond Empire for listening week after week and showing continued support for the R.W.B. Show. November is national stress awareness month. Sharing great tips from The Huffington post, Mind for better mental health and Life Coach Naomi Prince to help keep daily stress at bay. Work place stress accounts for 125 billion to 190 billion in U.S. healthcare cost each year. A little stress is inevitable and luckily there are ways to reduce it.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Naomi Prince shares her tumultuous violent personal story and gives her professional advice on dealing with and accepting divorce. Divorce can potentially destroy a family at the core and can be extremely difficult for those experiencing a dissolution of marriage.
Divorce almost destroyed Naomi and her children! We discover how Naomi did and You too can pick up the pieces after divorce or violence if you may be experiencing this. So sit back and get comfortable because it's about to get real!
If you or someone you know may be experiencing domestic violence please call The National Domestic Violence hotline
1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Ladies it's bound to happen...your man wonders off and finds himself magically partaking in the twerk fest inside the walls of strip clubs. So let's go ahead and just put it out in the open now! Should your man be allowed to go to the strip clubs and should you be adventurous enough to go with him? Well I am going to give my personal & professional opinion on this subject, so sit back and get comfortable because it's about to get real!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, or call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Social Media hysteria! Social media content and the extreme shit that people are doing these days just for likes, favs, views and retweets! The thirst is real and Instafame hoes are taking over the web by posting pics of their vajayjay, boobs, ass, pecks, abs and dead people every where! Sit back and get comfortable because it's about to get real!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women and couples who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, or call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Change your mindset and it will change your life. All things first begin in the mind. Tips on how to discover your purpose in life and the importance of implementing a blue print for success. We all were born to do so much more and share our gifts with the world. Understand to obtain your goals is a process. You have to work towards this process in stages and marry the steps of growth and development with a new mindset.
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
I help women who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, or call 734-772-9023.
Tweet me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
New research findings conducted by LeanIn.Org and Mckinsey & Co surveyed 118 companies and nearly 30,000 men and women which is among the largest efforts to capture attitudes and data about working women. The study involved major North American companies and North American units of global ventures headquartered elsewhere. A Startling 25% Of Women Feel Their Gender Has Hindered Their Progress, A Perceptions That Grows Acute Once Women Reach Senior Levels!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
She helps women who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi, or call 734-772-9023.
Follow me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Let's discuss from a female perspective is the 30's the new 20's or Nah!? Prepare yourselves as always ladies for a Real, Honest and Fucking hilarious account as only Naomi can give about how we Really feel about this topic. How your sex life changes, how hormones start changing yo' ass physically and on and on! Naomi Speaks the truth keeping it 100 with you each and every time she opens her big ass mouth!! So sit back and get comfortable because it's about to get real!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
She helps women who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minute discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your greatness today!
Connect with Naomi at or call 734-772-9023.
Follow me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @NaomiP_DITR
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
Naomi Prince is a Certified Life & Relationship Coach and Image Consultant, mother to 5 children & has been featured in the Media & Blogs for her raw and honest approach towards Life Coaching. Discussing a few of the challenges parents face with their children daily and offering parenting tips. Including child support, confidence & self- esteem issues, homosexuality, being friendly with your children verses friends, setting and sticking to boundaries, teaching hatred to your kids & creating memories and more. So sit back and get comfortable because it's about to get real!
Naomi Prince is The Life Oracle™
She helps women who have experienced adversities regain their self-esteem and confidence through spiritual guidance and coaching so they can step into their God given greatness.
Head to and receive your free confidential 25 minutes discovery session with Naomi to help you unlock and step into your God given greatness today!
Connect with Naomi at or call 734-772-9023.
Follow me @NaomiP_ditr
Instagram @diamonds_in_the_ruff_boutique
Got questions? Well I have answers! tweet #AskNaomiPrince or email me above.
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