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由《美麗佳人》雜誌編輯群打造《萬事問瑪麗》,以好奇的視野、時髦的品味與思辨的勇氣,關注生活週遭各種議題。五位個性迥異的瑪麗組成,從時尚、美容、生活、娛樂到情慾,那些讓你疑惑、苦惱、關心、臉紅的疑問,凡你所問,皆能回答。每週三更新,做你的人生明燈!擺脫邊緣人生,萬事問瑪麗!我們要把生活中常見的錯誤邏輯、觀念和疑問通通說清楚、講明白!再邀業界大神聊聊時尚穿搭趨勢、美容健康養護、質感生活提案、多元包容關係與名人明星動向,從在地到國際,不譁眾取寵,一起說真話、找真實,戳破夢幻泡泡!想問瑪麗更多生活大小事請來信:[email protected]關於《萬事問瑪麗》官網 provided by SoundOn
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What makes a good conversation? It’s a sharing of the minds, and an opening to the soul. It’s educational, substantial and sustained and often leaves those involved craving for more. A good conversation is an art form and it has the power to heal and motivate us all. Daybreak Limited presents this innovative series in English and traditional Chinese with personalities from all walks of life, from artists to philosophers, architects, activists, designers and entrepreneurs who create real meaning with their craft. Unscripted and straight from the heart, their stories will make you think, make you laugh and inspire your next conversation.
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| 廣東話練功房 | 等你嚟練功 |用一首歌的時間來學廣東話日常用語與文法。是融合台灣、香港、澳門三地語言及文化的Podcast小節目~~~|| 提供重點文字稿,隨時邊聽邊看邊學 ||《Instagram》練功房文字卡 | 把練功房的内容轉換成文字版,方便跟讀 ~ 廣東話練功房:《Instagram》從零開始學會廣東話 | 必學常用口語 x 基本用語 x 日常對話 ~ 嘆文化 @tan90_cantoculture《Medium》詳細分享廣東話的大小事 | 粵拼大解析 x 粵語學習攻略 x 臺港澳文化分享 ~ 嘆文化 Tan Canto-Culture: provided by SoundOn
The Faster, Easier, Better Show is short, fun and jam packed with good ides that you can use to make your life faster, easier and better right away. It's the kind of show we were looking for and couldn't find. Each episode features fast, actionable ideas that can make your life better.
If you want to know how bestselling authors find the time to write their books, the methods they use to be productive and how they find their ideas you will love this podcast. Writing coach Azul Terronez shares interviews with clients such as Pat Flynn, of the Smart Passive Income, Jon Vroman, of the Front Row Factor, and Dana Malstaff of Boss-Mom, Jadah Sellner of Simple Green Smoothies. Learn from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling authors. Want to get behind-the-scenes insights about how first-time authors overcame their fears and found the courage to write? Are you curious about how successful bestselling authors write or learn how to publish and market a book? Have you thought, "I'd like to write a book," but I don't know where to start? I explore authors' journeys, how they craft their stories, become published, and share their art of writing books with the world. You are meant to write the book now and be inspired by those who have done it.
This podcast is for all types of wine lovers. It features informal conversations with wine makers, wine bar owners, importers, sommeliers; you name it. Hosted by a former radio journalist turned wine nerd, who has been blogging at State of the Vine for the last few years. Lauren has her WSET Level 2 certification, but the most important thing is she's curious and loves to make wine fun for people to learn about, while learning herself! Grab a glass of your favorite wine and join her to learn about wine and interesting stories surrounding wine. Cheers!
I asked my female and non-binary guests the same four questions, and together, we followed the intriguing threads of story and curiosity as they unspooled.
1 - Where are you and whose traditional (Indigenous) territory are you on?
2 - What’s your favourite fairytale/ancient tale?
3 - What’s your relationship with your body like?
4 - And what’s your connection to your creativity?
These potent conversations are created by mixing creativity + the body + fairy tales + conversation with wild abandon. -
What to eat and when to cheat! Let's decipher between all the “diets” out there. You know what to do but it itsn't working. In fact, your diet could be making you fatter.
Ever wondered if cryo-freezing your fat cells would really work? Should you try acupuncture? A hypnotist? If you do, how do you know if someone’s good?
Salad with a Side of Fries is the podcast that will answer all these questions and more! Talking wellness and weight loss for real life, because most of us are going to drink, eat out, skip the grocery store and who wants a life without fries or dessert?! Host Jenn Trepeck’s expertise as an optimal health coach, in practice for over a decade, along with experts in various modalities will clear up the myths, mis-information, bad science and marketing to reveal the truth of HOW TO EAT and HOW TO CHEAT!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This podcast, its content and guests are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.