
  • In this episode of the Recovery Matters podcast, host TJ, a young person in long-term recovery, converses with Mike, who has been in recovery since March 5, 1984. Mike shares his journey, beginning with his struggles with alcohol from the age of 12, escalating during his time in the Air Force, and eventually leading to his turning point at 21. They discuss the role of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the importance of connection in recovery, and the concept of living one day at a time. Mike also opens up about his experience of coming to terms with his sexuality and the eventual acceptance from his family. Both TJ and Mike emphasize the significance of honesty, dealing with fear, and the support from peers in their recovery journeys. Mike reflects on the realization that most fears are unfounded and talks about the evolution of his personal identity while in recovery.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction
    00:31 Mike's Early Struggles with Alcohol
    02:18 The Turning Point: Entering Recovery
    05:12 The Importance of Connection in Recovery
    05:29 TJ's Recovery Journey
    07:46 Identity and Recovery
    10:27 Living Authentically in Recovery
    15:40 Overcoming Fear and Shame
    18:34 Final Thoughts and Reflections

  • Phil discusses his diagnosis of diffuse aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and his reflections on dealing with cancer for the second time, emphasizing his attempts to put affairs in order and contemplate the significance of life and the possibility of an afterlife. Jackie shares her story of being diagnosed with leukemia at 17, undergoing a bone marrow transplant, and facing various long-term side effects and subsequent cancer diagnoses. The conversation also explores their attitudes towards treatment decisions, the importance of self-care, and the support they've received from their community. Throughout, both exhibit a strong sense of resilience, focusing on living in the present, the therapeutic value of creating art, and the idea of legacy and impact on others.

    00:00 A Heartfelt Conversation on Cancer and Resilience
    02:32 The Second Battle: Doubts and Reflections
    13:35 Navigating Treatment Choices and Embracing Uncertainty
    18:52 Exploring Faith and Spirituality Through Cancer Recovery
    22:06 Reflecting on Life's Challenges and the Journey of Recovery
    22:19 Embracing Retirement and Passing the Torch
    23:33 The Essence of Recovery and Self-Care
    27:22 Personal Growth and Future Aspirations
    34:41 The Healing Power of Community Support and Spirituality
    38:37 Navigating the Side Effects of Treatment and Embracing Change

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  • In this raw and deeply personal conversation, previously recorded on 2/6/24, Sandy and Phil Valentine openly discuss Phil's cancer diagnosis and the impact it is having on their lives. As Phil is preparing to start chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin's B Cell Lymphoma, they reflect on their experiences of Phil's previous bout with cancer in 2010. Sandy expresses her struggle with seeing her partner in pain again while Phil shares his contemplation on death, revealing spiritual questions and emotional fears. The couple discusses the importance of kindness, community and maintaining a strong support system. Through it all, they highlight the importance of recovery and their faith, reiterating their determination to stay resilient against cancer.

    00:00 Introduction and Catching Up
    00:06 Reflecting on Past Experiences with Cancer
    01:35 Dealing with Emotions and Anger
    02:27 Facing a New Diagnosis: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
    05:07 Understanding the Medical Process and Delays
    05:44 Navigating the Healthcare System
    07:54 Contemplating Mortality and the Afterlife
    08:44 Facing the Possibility of Death
    14:31 Dealing with Anger and Emotional Changes
    18:18 Understanding the Treatment Regimen
    18:46 The Four Quadrants of Health
    21:16 The Role of Art in Coping
    24:20 Facing Chemotherapy
    30:34 The Impact on Family
    33:00 The Power of Kindness
    34:55 Coming to Terms with the Unknown

  • Journey through Recovery: A Conversation with Dr. Rick Davila

    In this podcast episode, Dr. Rick Davila shares his personal journey with recovery from alcohol addiction which started in October 1966, when he was only seven years old. He shares about his transformative years, the importance of 12-step recovery programs and his strong emphasis on AA meetings for his recovery. Davila explains his experience of transitioning from a troubled adolescent, a military stint and his struggle with heavy alcoholism to becoming a recovery coach. Despite his struggles, he emphasizes his commitment to helping others battling with addiction. He reflects upon the evolution of alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment, and the emergence of multiple pathways to recovery beyond the traditional 12 step programs. Finally, he expresses his view on maintaining daily recovery wellness and his continued commitment to assisting others on their path to recovery.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
    00:05 Dr. Rick Davila's Early Life and Recovery Journey
    01:13 Military Service and Struggles with Alcohol
    02:33 Discovering Alcoholics Anonymous and Recovery Culture
    04:04 The Struggles and Challenges of Early Recovery
    07:27 Transition into the Field of Helping Others
    08:14 The Impact of Ego and Power in Recovery
    10:36 Returning to the Field and Overcoming Challenges
    16:19 Maintaining Recovery and Giving Back to the Community
    16:51 Reflections on Multiple Pathways to Recovery
    20:17 Closing Remarks and Reflections

  • Connolly shares his personal experiences with drug and alcohol addiction, the impact it had on his relationships and the constant cycle of recovery and relapse. He discusses his experiences with treatment centers and the struggle of finding inner peace. Despite battling his addiction, Connelli also opens up about his desire to help others, hinting at potentially becoming a recovery coach himself. The candid dialogue offers a deep and genuine insight into the struggles, fears, and hopes surrounding the road to recovery.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction

    00:31 Understanding Recovery and Its Impact

    01:16 Childhood and Early Life Experiences

    02:43 Passions and Interests Growing Up

    04:56 Transition into Teenage Years and Early Signs of Addiction

    08:20 Struggles with Addiction and Consequences

    11:57 Attempts at Recovery and Relapses

    11:59 Impact of Addiction on Personal Relationships

    17:29 Current State of Recovery and Future Aspirations

    27:34 The Importance of Helping Others in Recovery

    28:09 Understanding Impulsivity in Addiction

    30:12 The Struggle of Relapse

    32:09 The Role of Faith in Recovery

    35:44 The Consequences of Relapse

    36:45 The Power of Choice in Recovery

    45:12 The Fear of Relapse

    49:11 The Value of Continuous Recovery

    52:35 The Role of Helping Others in Personal Recovery

  • A conversation with Nico Morales about his journey through addiction, recovery, and personal development.

    00:00 Starting the Recovery Journey

    01:18 Embracing Recovery

    02:50 Overcoming Addiction

    05:05 A Typical Day in Addiction

    02:46 Finding Purpose in Recovery

    41:22 Recovering from Collapse Hips

    45:18 Conclusion

  • In this riveting episode, Jesse shares his tumultuous journey from incarceration to recovery. With multiple stints in prison and unsuccessful treatments, he found himself at the crossroads of life when his brother faced a life-threatening accident. Forced to confront the reality of his choices, Jesse took the difficult path towards self-improvement, personal growth, and healing. Now a recovery coach at Teen Challenge, he offers an unflinching look at the struggles and triumphs of fighting addiction. This episode delves into the power of community, the significance of accountability, and the profound impact of genuine transformation.

  • In this episode of the Recovery Matters Podcast, host Phil interviews Randy Anderson, a person living in long-term recovery since January 9, 2005. Randy is also a recovery coach and the founder of Bold North Recovery. The episode delves into Randy's journey from addiction to recovery, highlighting the significant role that law enforcement intervention played in his life. Randy shares a pivotal moment in his treatment when a counselor's challenging words ignited his determination to recover.

    Randy also discusses his advocacy work, particularly in the realm of drug sentencing reform. He emphasizes the racial disparities in the criminal justice system and calls for more people in recovery to get politically involved. Randy believes that the only way to bring about meaningful change is for people in recovery to have a seat at every table, or better yet, to build their own table for others to join.

    The episode serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of recovery and the importance of advocacy in effecting systemic change.

  • Nicole, a dedicated recovery coach, and advocate, shares her transformative journey through addiction, recovery, and becoming a guiding force in the lives of others. Nicole's story begins with her struggles with substance use, which led to an eventual realization of her need for change. With determination and support, she embarked on a path of recovery, facing challenges and rebuilding trust with her children along the way.

    Nicole's dedication to mental health and the holistic aspects of recovery is evident throughout her narrative. She emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health simultaneously with substance use treatment, sharing how she integrated coping skills and structure into her parenting style. Her commitment to her own recovery and helping others eventually led her to become a recovery coach, a role she wholeheartedly embraced.

    Through her coaching work, Nicole witnessed the power of mentorship and building a support system in the recovery process. She highlights the transformative impact of coaching, describing the satisfaction of seeing individuals experience relief from the grip of addiction. Nicole also discusses the significance of finding a spiritual path that resonates personally, as well as the integration of holistic modalities like reiki, meditation, and essential oils to support well-being in recovery.

    Nicole's story underscores the importance of perseverance, community, and embracing one's passions in the recovery journey. From battling addiction to becoming a recovery coach, she exemplifies the potential for personal growth and positive change when one commits to a life of sobriety and helping others.

  • In this podcast episode, Sandy and Phil interview Kathie, who shares her journey of recovery and how she helps others on their recovery paths. Kathy's story is a unique blend of personal experiences, challenges, and triumphs.
    Kathie's life took a significant turn when she became involved with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 2010, which she credits with saving her life and changing her lifestyle. She emphasizes the transformative impact of AA's 12-step program on her life. However, Kathie also introduces her approach as a "Renegade AA person," recognizing that people in recovery need more than just the traditional 12-step approach.

    Kathie's work extends beyond AA meetings. She discusses her involvement with an IOP (Intensive Outpatient) treatment program at a hospital, where she provides support to individuals dealing with a variety of challenges, including alcohol and drug issues, PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Kathie adapts the 12-step approach to cater to these diverse needs, integrating additional elements like yoga, meditation, and nature excursions into her methods.

    Kathie's past is marked by personal struggles, including dealing with her parents' divorce at a young age, which significantly impacted her sense of self and desire to please others. She describes her journey through marriages, losses, and various coping mechanisms, including alcohol and drug use.

    Through her own experiences, Kathie offers wisdom and advice to those seeking recovery. She encourages individuals to reach out for help before they succumb to desperate situations, emphasizing the importance of seeking support and finding healthy outlets. Kathie's dedication to helping others find their unique paths to recovery and well-being is evident in her commitment to hosting meetings, offering guidance, and fostering a sense of community.

    Overall, Kathie's story is one of resilience, growth, and compassion. Her approach to recovery serves as a reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and individuals should explore different pathways to find what works best for them.

  • Corri, a harm reduction advocate, shares her journey of personal recovery from substance use and self-destructive behaviors. They discuss their role as the manager of drug user health at Nastad, a nonprofit organization focusing on harm reduction. Corri explains that Nastad operates a Technical Assistance Center for Harm Reduction, providing resources and training to support harm reduction practices for various organizations and individuals.

    They introduce harm reduction strategies like syringe exchange programs and safe consumption sites. Syringe exchange programs allow individuals to safely dispose of used syringes and obtain sterile ones, reducing the spread of infectious diseases and encouraging treatment. Safe consumption sites provide supervised spaces for substance use, with medical professionals present to prevent overdoses and offer resources.

    Phil inquires about the arguments against safe consumption sites, to which Corri emphasizes the importance of compassion and support over shame and stigma. They believe that meeting individuals where they are and providing a nonjudgmental environment can make a significant positive impact.

    Corri opens up about her personal recovery journey, their struggles with opioid use, and other self-destructive behaviors. They found recovery through therapy, community support, and engaging in creative activities such as yoga, aerial arts, and art journaling. Corri is open about occasional recreational substance use like marijuana and wine, which they view within a harm reduction context.

    They discuss their upcoming presentation at the Multiple Pathways to Recovery conference in August, where they plans to delve into harm reduction principles and how they can be incorporated into different practices.

    Throughout the conversation, Corri emphasizes the importance of harm reduction as a way to provide support, compassion, and resources to individuals struggling with substance use and promote their overall well-being.

  • Ted Perkins is a former Universal Pictures and Warner Bros. Studio executive, university lecturer, public speaker, Hollywood producer, virtual reality entrepreneur, and successful working film and TV series screenwriter. He volunteers his time as an addiction and recovery YouTube personality, sobriety mentor, and has helped thousands of people on their recovery journey through his essays, videos and weekly SMART Recovery meetings. He is the author of ADDICTED in FILM: Movies We Love About the Habits We Hate and Founder/CEO of the new mutual support meeting format Recovery Movie Meet-Ups. Perkins has lived and worked in over 50 countries, and now resides in Los Angeles.

  • In this podcast episode, Dr. Cassandra Dorius and hosts Phil & Sandy discuss the importance of community and evidence-based practices in recovery from addiction. Dr. Dorius, who lost her brother to alcoholism, shares her personal experiences with addiction and recovery, and her work in establishing Recovery Community Centers (RCCs) in Iowa. She emphasizes the importance of creating welcoming spaces for people in recovery, and the need for flexibility and adaptability in providing support.

    They also discuss the impact of substance use disorders and recovery on individuals, families, and communities. They talk about the importance of considering the entire community around a person with a substance use disorder, and the ripple effects it can have on others. They also touch on the idea of recovery being contagious and how it strengthens communities.

    The conversation then moves on to the topic of evidence-based practices. Dr. Dorius raises the question of whether the term "evidence-based practice" has become somewhat of a throwaway phrase, and people use it without fully understanding or having actual evidence to back it up. She emphasizes the importance of being skeptical and critical of research and data, while also acknowledging the need for good governance and making decisions based on both data and common sense.

    Finally, the speakers touch on the impact of technology and the pandemic on young people and their need for self-medicating at younger ages. They emphasize the need to adapt interventions and practices to suit the current generation's unique challenges.

    This podcast episode provides a valuable overview of the complex and multifaceted nature of recovery work. It highlights the importance of community, evidence-based practices, and being mindful and adaptable in helping individuals on their recovery journey.

    For everything Recovery Matters Podcast, visit

  • Taylor's story begins with her early exposure to alcohol and its social allure, leading her into a tumultuous world of partying and experimentation with drugs. As she delves into her twenties, she finds herself spiraling into codependent and abusive relationships. Despite attempts to pursue education, her life seems fragmented and lacking stability.

    However, amidst the chaos, Taylor's determination shines through as she takes the brave step of seeking therapy. Her therapist becomes a guiding light, helping her to unravel the complexities of her past and navigate her emotions. Taylor's journey into self-awareness and healing unfolds, setting the foundation for her recovery path.

    Taylor's path to recovery takes her through AA meetings and intensive outpatient programs. She shares her experiences of leveling up her drinking habits, experimenting with substances, and finally acknowledging her powerlessness over alcohol. Her dedication to therapy and AA meetings empowers her to confront her past, heal from traumas, and find a renewed sense of self-worth.

    As her life takes a positive turn, Taylor realizes the importance of staying connected to people in recovery, her sponsor, and supportive friends. Her spiritual condition evolves, finding solace in prayers and embracing a unique and personal relationship with a higher power. Taylor's recovery journey is further enriched by her newfound role as a mother, where she discovers the significance of faith and letting go of fears.

  • As a recovery coach with over six years of sobriety, Sonia Kahlon shares her personal struggles with addiction and how she found her path to healing.
    Originally from Toronto, Canada, Sonia has been living in the States for 25 years. She reflects on her early experiences attending non-12-step meetings, where she initially felt disconnected from the recovery community.
    Growing up as the only Indian kid in a predominantly white school, Sonia always felt like she didn't fit in, a common experience for many individuals who turn to addiction. Alcohol was introduced to her at a young age, and she vividly recalls the void it filled in her life, temporarily alleviating anxiety and discomfort. Over time, alcohol became both a social lubricant and a coping mechanism, leading to a decade-long battle with binge drinking.
    Sonia's drinking escalated when she started a business after college, using alcohol to escape the pressures of work. This took a toll on her mental and physical well-being, resulting in sleepless nights and constant hangovers. Although she acknowledged the problem a few years before quitting, Sonia struggled to imagine a life without alcohol and feared missing out on experiences.
    However, Sonia's perspective began to shift when she explored new interests and hobbies that she had neglected during her drinking years. By selling her business and working with incarcerated individuals and victims of sex trafficking, she discovered fulfillment in serving others. Embracing her curiosity, she reignited her passion for art and writing, using these creative outlets to express her journey of sobriety. Despite her ex-husband's lack of support, Sonia found strength and the encouragement to seek recovery on her own.
    Throughout the episode, Sonia addresses the challenges she faced when her ex-husband questioned her sobriety and blamed it for their relationship issues. She recognized that his criticisms stemmed from his discomfort with her new identity as a sober person. Despite the pain caused by their breakup, Sonia firmly believes that her recovery and sobriety were not the problem. She acknowledges the transformative power of recovery in her personal growth and finding her true purpose—helping other high-functioning addicts who may struggle to identify with traditional notions of addiction.

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  • In this episode of the Recovery Matters Podcast, our guest Katrina opens up about her journey, starting from a young age. Growing up in a chaotic and dysfunctional household, Katrina felt invisible, yearning to be seen and heard. She found solace in substances, which initially numbed her inner demons and provided a sense of belonging. As she delves into her story, Katrina reflects on her early experiences with alcohol at the age of 11, a pivotal moment that awakened something within her. Seeking comfort and an escape from her pain, she turned to alcohol, weed, pills, and eventually more potent substances.

    Katrina's childhood was marked by the absence of parental guidance, as her parents divorced when she was in the third grade. Her mother struggled with alcohol addiction, while her father drank heavily. With little supervision, Katrina and her siblings navigated their upbringing independently, forming a tight-knit bond amidst the challenges they faced. Financial struggles were a constant, and the lack of parental presence left Katrina feeling unprotected and yearning for stability.

    Our hosts, Sandy and Phil, draw parallels from their own experiences, relating to how substances became their armor against social anxiety and allowed them to navigate the world. Despite their different backgrounds, they share the common thread of seeking solace through substance use. Sandy and Phil explore Katrina's feelings of invisibility and her ability to live in the shadows, unraveling her need for recognition and acceptance.

    Katrina's anger in middle school was an expression of her pent-up emotions, a manifestation of her feeling invisible and unheard. She adopted a tough persona, pushing people away and embracing a "don't care" attitude. This led to confrontations and bouts of bullying, although Katrina herself admits that she was not a skilled fighter.

    As the conversation progresses, Katrina's vulnerability shines through, and she reflects on her past with a mix of remorse and understanding. Through sharing her story, she aims to shed light on the complexities of addiction and the underlying pain that often drives it.

    Join us for this heartfelt conversation as Katrina courageously shares her journey, highlighting the power of resilience and the hope of recovery.

  • In this gripping podcast episode, we meet Tiffany, a 33-year-old hospital patient with a harrowing journey of addiction and resilience. Tiffany shares her story, beginning with her troubled childhood, marked by strict parenting and sexual abuse. Seeking solace outside her home, she turned to drugs and joined a gang at the age of 16.

    As Tiffany's drug use escalated, she experimented with various substances, including cocaine and opioids. Unaware of the risks and dangers, she became dependent on prescription medication, leading her down a destructive path. Eventually, she turned to heroin, engaging in prostitution and engaging in risky behaviors to sustain her addiction.

    Tiffany's life took a tragic turn when she witnessed her friend being murdered while trying to protect her. Despite this traumatic event, Tiffany couldn't break free from her addiction. Her desperation led her into a dangerous encounter where she narrowly escaped being killed herself.

    After countless encounters with law enforcement, hospital visits, and failed attempts at getting clean, Tiffany finally reached a turning point. On June 12th, 2022, she found herself in the hospital with a heart infection caused by drug use. This incident, coupled with her immense suffering, motivated her to seek a way out.

    Although Tiffany's journey is filled with darkness and despair, her story ultimately carries a message of hope and transformation. Join us as we explore Tiffany's path to recovery, her battles with mental health issues, and her quest for redemption amidst the grips of addiction.

    Through her raw and honest account, Tiffany sheds light on the complex nature of addiction, the depths of despair it can lead to, and the resilience and strength required to reclaim one's life. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, understanding, and support in helping individuals break free from the cycle of addiction.

  • Prepare to be inspired as Shaun Weiss, renowned for his role as Greg Goldberg in The Mighty Ducks, joins Phil and Sandy on an episode of the captivating Recovery Matters podcast. Shaun's story is one of resilience, as he not only triumphed over addiction but also overcame homelessness and the challenges of life on the streets. Throughout this engaging conversation, he shares his path to recovery and how he continues to nurture his well-being today.

    Initially perplexed by the inspiration others drew from his story, he persevered in sharing it, only truly understanding its significance after encountering Matthew Perry's transformative narrative. Fueled by this newfound understanding, Shaun aspires to be the beacon of hope that Perry was to him, guiding others toward recovery.

    Shaun's story is one of triumph over adversity. Today, he cherishes his recovery and diligently cares for it.

    Prepare to be moved by Shaun's captivating tale of redemption and resilience. Join the Recovery Matters podcast to witness firsthand the indomitable spirit of someone who has reclaimed their life.

  • Chelsea grew up in a religious part of the South United States. After graduating from high school, she moved out of her parents' house and began partying, smoking weed and eventually trying drugs like ecstasy and crystal meth. She thought she was just having a good time with everyone else, but quickly realized that her substance use had become an addiction.

    Chelsea began to experience sleep deprivation as a result of her drug use. She would stay up for days at a time, and when she finally did sleep, she would only get a few hours. This sleep deprivation had a profound impact on her mental health. She began to experience delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. She also became increasingly irritable and aggressive.

    Chelsea's family eventually intervened and took her to treatment. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and addiction, and she began a long and difficult journey to recovery. She has been sober for over 10 years, and she is now a vocal advocate for mental health awareness.

  • Ryan Sims, a Department of Corrections Recovery Coach, discusses his difficult childhood experience, including his mother's drug addiction and molestation, and his early experiences with drinking and smoking, which eventually led to his first time in prison. He also reflects on finding acceptance and identity while incarcerated, his journey of recovery and self-acceptance, and how his life changed after finding recovery through a recovery coach. As a former member of a well known biker gang, he reflects on his violent past experiences and how he found redemption through recovery.