
  • Hello again dear ones. Greetings on this beautiful day. This episode is being posted a bit later than initially planned, but hey, life plays out in unexpected ways. Here it is now for you to receive, just in time for this time of years holy day blessings. Here to touch upon the wheel that turns and brings us into this time of year of autumn. The portal. The thinning of the veil. Well, we hear this spoken often, yet do we fully sink into the truth depth of what it means. This is what we explore in this episode. The honouring of the ancestors. Coming back to the ancient ways that were innately in communion with the forces of spirits unseen. the invisible hands that guide us. We remember here the traditions of our ancestors, and the importance of coming back into the embrace of all that we belong to. Ancestor work has its roots in every since tradition all over the world. Some of those have been buried and forgotten, yet some still live on. And it is in these that we may look to, to remember our own. This time of year with it’s waning energy, the in-between space of life and death, is the portal that opens. Within this sliver we are opened into the realm of spirit. Of course this exists for us all year round. Yet it is at this time that we are called back to our altars in reverence for the lineage that we come from. The gifts and burdens that have been delivered to us through our relatives. The spirits that guide us upon our path. It is here that we may give thanks for it all, and witness that lessons they hold for us. It is work that offers and opportunity to nourish our lineage. To celebrate all that we come from. To claim again our traditions. It is an invitation to let go of what is no longer needing to be carried, and lift up the traditions that will continue to nourish all those we come after us. This is the work that we do together with the help of our ancestors. They are felt, and witnessed. This is the wholeness of life that we may open into. The unity of all. We are not alone here. This is your reminder of that. And your opportunity to feel it. We are guided upon our path. Protected. And eternally held. And so it is.

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  • Hello again lovely ones. In this episode of the red moon medicine space we dive into something that has been coming up a lot for me through different friends and women I have spoken to lately. It is the support that we need and look for as we come off of synthetic birth control and find harmony within the full expressions of our cycles. Many of us already know or have some idea of the harmful effects that birth controls has on our bodies, so today we are exploring the ways that we can actually support ourselves, our bodies, our wombs to come back into wholeness after coming off of those methods. Our bodies are deeply intelligent beings that have a powerful capacity to heal, they know how to do this. So the biggest support of that is to step back, nourish, and allow our bodies to do what they need to do. Yet still, sometimes she asks for some extra loving and support. Often the simplest methods and practices offer the deepest and most authentic nourishment to help our bodies within their process of healing. Here we dive into a few, coming back into harmony with our cycles by being in witness, getting out of our own way and facing ourselves. Truly facing everything that we have been running from. As we do, we learn, we grow, we transform, and suddenly, find our ease. Different plant allies we may work with, the potent medicine of weeds that already surround us. As well as yoni steaming medicine that nourishes the womb within its ancient simplicity. I hope that you receive something here that was needed to support you and inspire you upon your journey. Whether you are thinking about it, already off of birth control or never have been on it but curious of how you can continue to deepen your relationship with your womb, join me in this space as we discuss nourishing practices of wholeness and womb wisdom. You are held here. You are loved. You are protected. And so it is.

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    Instagram @redmoonmedicine


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  • Hello dear friends. In this episode we are touching on the final phase of our archetypical cycles. The diminishment that coming before death. The unraveling into stillness. As we move further from our ovulation, we feel a shift, a quieting that brings us into the depths of our beings. The deep dark waters of our souls. Here we are asked to face all that comes through. So that we may move into our bleed empty and open to receive its wisdom. For many women, this time brings up some challenges, it is a phase known to experience “pms”. We can reframe this into “please more space”, this feels more nourishing to our actual needs during this time. Acknowledging how we are moving differently now. We are not of the world like we once were. This is the time of shadows. Of facing the uncomfortable, the painful, the ugly. All that has been neglected. And offer it the love it asks for. The medicine of this phase is learning to love ALL the parts of ourselves. See them as worthy and valuable. And as we sink deeper still into the offerings of this time, we are opened into an opportunity to process all that has come through during this past cycle, and move into our bleed clear, soft, and open. There is medicine in each phase. Each is holy. Our relationship which each is a mirror of our relationship with our own being. The aspects of our selves. Join me as we explore now this frequency of diminishment. How do we sit with our shadows? How do we face ourselves as we soften into the dark waters of our beings? This is the descending consciousness that brings us back into the arms of our Mother Earth. May this episode remind you of your holiness, if you have forgotten, and serve as an invitation to open bravely, courageously, to face all that you are with love and compassion. Gratitude kin, we are all that we are meant to be, and continue to unfold into our full potentials. Much love

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    Instagram @redmoonmedicine


  • Welcome back my loves to the Red Moon Medicine Sanctuary. Our journey continues to unfold along the path of our cyclical embodiment. Remembering the stories of our womb, the stories of creation. The cycles that echo through all of life, that we may catch a glimpse of through gazing into the rhythm that live within us. Today we touch upon something familiar again, the frequency that lives within the time of our ovulation. Here we are ripe with cervical juice and dripping with magnetism. Here we are of the world. We are called back into the connections we hold with creation. Reminded of their importance. Why we have manifested here upon the physical place. Our ovulation is that which serves this thread, this physicality. It is the teachings of the Mother. That tends to the world. That gives life. That deepens into union. Here we may catch a glimpse of the turning of the wheel, that moves us into the realm of the unseen, and then again deepening into our creatorship upon the earth. We touch upon the transmissions offered to us by the Mother. That which is in service. The ripening of the maiden into the strength, leadership and responsibility of the Mother role. These frequency are what we explore in this episode. What is being asked of us as we continue to unfold within our cycle and our lives. What lives in these spheres of activation and how we may nurture practices that support us through these moments. We are asked to claim what is meant for us, and courageously step into the roles that unfold for us. Hearing with the heart centered in truth.

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    Instagram @redmoonmedicine


  • Here we are again. Exploring the teachings that open up to us as we move along within the journey of our unfolding. Here we are moving further from our bleed and deeper into the fertility of our ovulation. The transitory period that is our follicular phase. Preparing us for the main event of ovulation. Our energy rises up to reach the potentials that are open for us in this time. We are asked to move forth, deeper, fuller into our physicality. We are asked to reflect on where we are going. What is my medicine? What am I longing to create with the canvas of my life? Using the insights received within the rest period of our bleed, we move forward to solidify, plan and focus how we do this. The rational thinking supports us in this phase to make tangible plans, for we live in a tangible world. We are the frequency of emergence. Emanating renewal, soaked in a freshness that emerges as we rise from the foundations of our bleed and back into the world again. Rebirthed from the darkness of our inner soil and rising up to reach all that we are meant to be. How do we meet this energy? How do we rise up and claim what is meant for us? Join me as we explore the offerings of this energy and the expressions that time offers us. Moving us closer into a deeper intimacy with our cycle, cultivating an enriching relationship with the ways in which we flow. Always a pleasure my loves. Once again, may you receive all that is needed and find your place within the spiral of creation.

    Lets connect ♥

    Instagram @redmoonmedicine


  • We find ourselves back here in this space. This time looking a wee bit different than before. As goes the spirals that we flow through. Today, we embark on yet another journey. Through the veils of mystery and into the dark caverns of our bleeding womb. We engage with this frequency of death, that dwells in this space. This frequency is still, empty, symbolizing the ever infinite void that we may catch a glimpse of now. As we enter into the chambers of our bleed, we are offered an opportunity to embrace the teachings of this energy, and this time. It is healing in its emptiness. It is soothing in its unraveling. And through these initiations we emerge transformed. Do we dare, to enter into these sacred spaces? That peel away all that we are and reveal us to source energy that resides in our core. We explore this frequency in todays episode. Navigating the ethereal and mysterious lands of spirit. All that may come through as we engage with our bleeding times within ceremony. In reverence for its divinity. The significance of its presence and the gifts it may offer to us. As we open up to receive, so to all that we reach for finds its way to us. With blessings fam. We are held in these spaces by our mothers and grandmothers who roamed this terrain just the same. Now we walk the path. Leaving the footprints for those after to follow.

    Lets connect ♥

    Instagram @redmoonmedicine


  • Hello my loves, welcome back to this space again. After a little hiatus we find ourselves back here in communion with the altars of life. We are completing this spiral dance of the elements with our devotion turned towards the mystic water. Our grandmother whom has birthed all of life through her primordial womb. We dive into *pun intended* all that she offers us within her embrace. She is the fluids that flows through all of the empty spaces. Her teaching guide us into a deeper sense of surrender into all that was, is and will be. She is the time keeper that ties us to our ancestors, the memories that reach out to us through our intuition. She is our guide into the deep and dark waters of our own natures, of our emotions and all that lives in those spaces. She supports us into opening into the hard spaces and finding love there. The reminder that love sometimes is tough, rough and startling. Water is the medicine that teaches us how we may love ourselves fully and wholehearted. And so extended out in love to our community and all of our relations. She is the nourisher, the tender, the crone witch that offers up her teachings through our intuition, our sixth sense, our psychic abilities. As we sit with her, we are in communion with these spiritual aspects of ourselves, and open to receive the wisdom that guides us seamlessly on our path. Through her we learn of all that we are beyond our physicality. Join me as we explore her vast and wild energy, and the ways we may sit in communion with her. Nourishing practices that enrich our relationship with water so we may witness how she lives and moves through us. As we loosen our need to control, we are guided into the arms of our ancestors, of the spirits that move us toward all that is meant for us. And so it is. Enjoy.

    Instagram @redmoonmedicine

    Much love dear ones


  • Greetings once again lovely kin. Welcome back to the Red Moon Medicine sanctuary. We Continue our exploration of the elemental world. Discovering these aspects of nature all around us that is expressed like a mirror to our own inner world. teaching us their ways so that we may be supported in our own journey of growth and healing. They stand to show us the many expressions of ourselves. What do we find in these hallowed spaces? Shining a light -a deeper sense of knowing- of one's self. Today we dive into the spiritual alchemy of Fire. The Destroyer. The Transformer. Our ancient grandfather, whom has lived many lifetimes, shares his wisdom of creation through destruction. Burning away all that needs to die, for new life to flourish. In this episode, we explore his vast dimensions and how his wisdom lives on within us. The first light that shone on this world was the light of flames. Burning the fire of spirit and passion. Igniting our creative expression and supporting us on our journeys of fullest transformation and potential. We are protected by his light of truth. Join me in this space of honouring for his sacred grounds, so that we may feel the full depth of his medicine, guiding us into the darkness, and emerging once again into the light, reborn.

  • In the midst of the madness circulating around the world these days, where it feels like we are drowning in an endless sea of violence and oppression, with no land in sight, I wish to come into this space again to remind all of you that the light of compassion and peace is still out there. Perhaps it seems like it is far out of our reach, beyond what we can grasp. Yet it remains closer than you think. It is the job of mainstream media to project an image of catastrophe in hopes of cloaking the world in darkness. Yet it is up to us to lift the veils from our eyes and see the truth for what it is. There is war out there. There is violence. Yet we must remember that beyond the smoke of parasitic interventions remains people spreading compassion and love and protection. We are sovereign individuals, yet intimately tied together, and now more than ever we see the power we hold as a collective. To help and uplift each other out of the sludge of oppression. The powers that may be won’t. Politicians won’t. The armies won’t. International governmental “relief efforts” won’t. It is us.

    In no means does this deny the fact that there are genuine reason for people to be scared. There are scary things happening out there. I suppose this piece is for me to remind us all to look beyond the mainstream narratives. And sink deeper into a perspective far beyond anything we know or have control of. Exploring the idea of us all being mere actors in a grand play that is being played out in the biggest of screens. And as individuals we hold the power to spread or change these narratives. Do we live in a way that feeds these cycles of fear? Or do we break free into a world of gratitude and love for all? We may have more power than we think.

    May this serve as a contemplation. An invitation to step out of the news outlet and sink into our own hearts. May this be an offering, a prayer to uplift you out of the veils so we may see, and help others to find their peace.

  • Hello again loves. So glad to have you here again. We continue on this exploration of the elements, diving into the vast reaches of our psyches and how communing with the elemental realm may offer their medicine in our lives. We are finding ourselves today in a space honouring the multifaceted dimensions of Air. Our Heavenly Father. We enter his complex being as he offers us his purifying energy, supporting us in clearing away what no longer serves, and creating space for wholehearted trust. We explore the depths of his energy and how it may live within. Asking questions to prompt inner reflections about our relationship with air, and how this is shown in the way that we live and express ourselves. We begin to see the boundless potential of the elements and our very own natures. How they layer together, weaving the very fabric of our existence. Many blessing to our joyous father, who’s gifts pour forth endlessly. May we be blessed in this space and open our hearts to receive the medicine that is needed.

    Ps. I’m working on improving the audio and nurturing this space so that it can be more enjoyable for y’all. It’s in progress. For now though I would recommend to listen with headphones if you can. Much love


  • Hello lovely Kin, so so grateful for your presence in this cocoon once again. Another episode has been released, wehooo, after a short break. What can I say, I take time. Thank you for showing up again here and offering your energy. Today we dive into episode one of a mini series about the magick and transformative power of communing, building relationships with the elements and the ways in which we may find healing through our interactions with them. I go into details on why one would want to work with the elements, the kind of healing potential one can find here and the deeper reservoirs of understanding and reflecting one can tap into. Today in specific we hold space for Mother Earth. Her many dimensions of existence and the ways in which we can connect with her. We get into the energy that is embodied by this element and how it can offer deep healing in the forms of elevated sense of self worth and self love, abundance, prosperity and structure to name a few. Working with the elements has been a potent form of intimacy within this experience for myself and the ways I view the world around me. It is an invitation for you to look deeper within yourself and see what lies in the unseen. As well as an offering to the natural world our devotion and endless love. Come with me on this journey of alchemical exploration. May we be divinely guided.

  • Welcome beautiful beings. I feel so grateful for you finding your way to this space. May we build this space together to uplift each other into our fullest potential. Red moon medicine exists within the inbetween. Where magick is most potent and we may create anything we desire. It is a fluid entity which is free to be whatever it may be. like us. Really, this space is a reflection of my being, as well as all of you that interact with it. It is alive and wild. Never expect the same things here. For anything can happen. Bare with me as i figure out exactly how this podcast matrix works, it will be always evolving. In this episode i do a quick little introduction into who i am, Mala, and the alignment that brought me to birth this creation. We also dive into the magick of a woman's womb space. Exploring different ritual practices for reconnecting with our Yoni, deepening our intimacy with her as well as holding space for healing and releasing trauma. Learning about natural forms of contraception that allows us to take our power from external figures back towards ourselves and the power we hold within us. We discuss the potency of our menstrual blood and the different ways of harnessing the energy of our blood to heighten meditations and magickal practices. How using and honoring this sacred potion can nourish us towards connecting back into the rhythms that exist within us, as well as our tie to the cosmos around us. we as woman are intimately tied to the cycles around us, as we tune into this connection we may gain a deeper admiration for our own wild natures and the beauty that lives within us. May we all recieve what we need here, and nourish our souls. So it is.
