Today we are joined by a man that I have been stalking for a little while now. The great Dr. Myron Golden.
Myron teaches Financial Literacy from a Biblical perspective. He also teaches Business Success from a Biblical perspective. He teaches these in his coaching programs and his podcast, Bible Success Secrets. He also teaches from multiple books he has authored.
The first one I've ever read was From the Trash Man to the Cash Man, which has become a staple in my house. His latest book B.O.S.S. Moves I actually had the pleasure of editing.
Back in 1985 was the time when Myron got started in sales, did it for 18 months, 18 months of presentation after presentation after presentation. No after no after no after no after, no. Before getting that first sale.
If something's not working for you, it's not working for you because it's designed to work on you until you become the kind of person for whom it can work.
Fast forward and now Myron is the kind of person is a very sought after sales trainer and people will pay him hundreds of thousands and sometimes even millions of dollars to teach them how to sell stuff, which is absolutely amazing.
Myron goes into what he called "the greatest discovery that I've ever discovered in my life. Discovered it in Genesis Chapter One."
This discovery has much to do with his Million Dollar Identity. Are you ready? Tune in and learn from the legend Dr. Myron Golden!
On this second episode of Making Money Makers, I bring on an incredible guest Anthony Blair or Ant as he is better know.
Ant is a published author, TedX Speaker, Online Advertising Agency Owner for over 25 years, and most importantly, a father.
Since this series is about making money and since Ant and I are "Start your own business" kind of people, I started with the initial question of "what would you say to your son or what have you said to your son that would help instill those money-making values in him?" Ant's answer?
"It's more modeling than telling."
You need to tune in to hear the full answer, with a few stories, of course!
What else are we talking about today?
Currency Circulates
Money Mindsets
What Will The Market Bear
Get Your Money to Work For You
And so much more...
Thank you all for listening and I have another special guest coming next week, so stay tuned!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In today's first official episode of my Making Money Makers series, I am joined by a very special guest: the incredible Nadia Todd!
We discuss every way she is currently making money from jewelry to singing and a few things in between.
We discuss where she plans to be in 10 years.
And we discuss where she learned about money (besides watching her mom).
You'll find out that among the books she's read on financial literacy, Myron Golden's From the Trash Man to the Cash Man has had the biggest impact.
We even touch on what making money means to Nadia.
Tune in to this fun conversation I was able to have with my own 11-year-old daughter!
Ever since my youngest daughter told me she wants me to write a book called MAKING MONEY MAKERS, I've paid more attention to the ways that we make money. In this episode, I share some of the creative ways that we've found to generate cash flow.
In the beginning, I would do everything under the sun to try to make a little money. I would clean houses, work for very little, and rejoice when I got tips.
When my daughter decided she wanted to pay to have the iPad screen repaired to the tune of $75, she drew up a contract with me for repayment. When she realized she would need to give me her first payment in a week, she said, I need to make some money starting now.
You see my daughter has made money making jewelry, acting, and singing. She's offering singing telegrams, personalized birthday songs, and more.
So why are we talking about this,? Because it is time to think about my future book Making Money Makers and a weekly show regarding this subject.
Thank you for listening, and until next time!
Warning: I get fed up with the f-word in this episode and get pretty weepy. No, not that f-word. The word FRICTION.
Today I am sharing a few points of friction in my life causing me to use excuses for not doing what I would like to, one example of that is recording and publishing podcast episodes consistently this summer and even little things would show up as friction. Tune in to hear the story I tell about it and why my word for this next season of my life is frictionless.
I believe that I need to take you along on this journey I'm going through in my life right now as I've been taken along on other people's journeys. And I'm cheering for my friends who are on the other side of the world, Nikki Green posted something this morning about her partner, Josh Cousins, and all of these extreme circumstances that they've walked through. It is so incredible to be part of the journeys that people are taking.
And I think I take each step in this journey and as points of friction come up I oftentimes find myself learning and referencing some incredible books.
I love books. I love them. Some people love fancy cars and shoes and trips and dogs. And I love books. I'm surrounded by books.
Every fiber of my being believes that books are the best way to change the way the world.
That's all for now! Tune in and hear me discuss today's topics and I will see you on the next episode.
Angered by Donald Miller and Fueled by the Widow
After a little hiatus of being a podcast host and focusing more on being an editor, saleswoman, CEO, and most importantly a mom, I'm back and ready to start sharing again. Ready to start giving you as much value as I possibly can each and every week.
So, in this episode, I wanted to share a memo I found that I recorded back in May of 2020. You see, this story is not about all the success that my company has had over the last 12 months; instead, it is about where I was back then. It is real and raw and I just had to share it with you.
"I was living according to American standards, right at, or below the poverty line as I learned how to build a business. And that year--2020--I built a six-figure business. Now, I didn't take home six figures. I built a business that generated six figures."
Things were not easy as I began my journey. Like the widow in scripture (2 Kings 4, NIV), I learned to "go and sell."
Here's the full story:
"The wife of the man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha your servant. My husband is dead and you know that he revered the Lord, but now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves, Elisha replied to her, how can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house? Your servant has nothing there at all."
She said, except a small jar of olive oil. Elijah said, go around and ask all of your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few, then go inside and shut the door behind you and your. Pour oil into all the jars. And as each is filled, put it to one side. She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons.
They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring when all the jars were full, she said to her son, bring me another one. But he replied, there is not a jar left. Then the oil stopped flowing. She went and told the man of God and he said, "Sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left."
There is hope in this story for all of us and I know that I can sell and I know that those of you listening have the power to sell and that we can all live the way we are meant to.
Thank you so much for listening and I will see you on the next episode!
Elizabeth Adams is back and today we are talking about the new book she recently launched, How to Fall in Love with a Man You Thought You Hated. We discuss what are the things that she wishes that she knew when she first got started in self-publishing. Now that she's written nine books and bootstrapped her way to becoming a successful, published author, she's full of all sorts of self-publishing secrets.
A few pieces of advice when you are out there writing your book. It is so important to get feedback and get feedback from your ideal audience. We all know that everyone has an opinion but it is important to get the correct people giving your their thoughts about your work.
Read your book out loud and make sure that the ideas in the book are clear and that they do not leave any holes and that they are stimulating.
You know the episode has a few other gold nuggets but you will need to listen in to get them! -
During a recent writers mastermind retreat, I had the honor and privilege of meeting The Great Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Jack interviewed me on his show, so I am THRILLED to be able to share that interview with you!
As we chat about the book I'm co-authoring with Timothy R. Johnson, UNEMPLOYABLE: Confessions of a Serial Killer's Kid, Jack tells me about his experience as a teacher in inner-city Chicago and what he did in the classroom to boost the confidence of the so-called "misfits, outcasts, and renegades."
We also discuss who the book is for and why it's so important for such a time as this.
You do not have to be a starving artist, you just need to talk with Craig Alexander to learn all the details that you need to sell your art for a ridiculously low price for the training. Head over to Lori Lynn Art to learn more. Remember this is as much to help you get your art sold as it is to help make people happy in the world--people like me when I buy the perfect art piece to go in a room.
For over 40 years, Steve Ames hid behind his success as a real estate investor, presenting himself as a published author, a bilingual professor, and an extensive world-traveler.
He didn’t want anyone to know what he had been through as a child. He didn’t want to remember living in a railroad car or being severely beaten by his dad or not being able to speak or hear or read until far beyond what was considered normal.
Only a few years ago did he develop the courage to start sharing these stories. As he's told each one, he's begun to realize how empowering it is for him and how helpful it is for other people.
As you listen to his stories, keep in mind two things:
If you’re struggling with disadvantages or disabilities that seem impossible to overcome, you are not alone. If you have a child or a loved one who is struggling, there is hope.Where you came from doesn’t have to determine where you end up. It doesn’t matter where you came from. What matters is what you believe.
If you need help writing, editing, or publishing your first or next bestselling book, get in touch with me and my team, and we'll point you in the right direction for YOU.
Find me at or email
If you need help writing, editing, or publishing your first or next book, get in touch with me and my team, and we'll point you in the right direction for YOU.
Find me at or email
After completing a monster, blood-filled book last year, titled Sons of Pemberley, Elizabeth is back at it and has written another 75,000 words on her next book.
Now it's time to get ready for the fast and furious promotional tour to get the word out on the book that will be released on April 26, 2021!
What started as a challenge to write a noteworthy JAFF book turned into an unexpected career as a full-time author.
Elizabeth Adams is a book-loving, tango-dancing, Austen enthusiast. She loves old houses and thinks birthdays should be celebrated with trips—as should most occasions. She can often be found by a sunny window with a cup of hot tea and a book in her hand.
She writes romantic comedy and comedic tragedy in both historic and modern settings.
She currently lives in Baltimore with her husband, children, blind cat, dog, and a growing flock of parakeets.
So many great tidbits of information in this episode! Tune in to hear all about how Elizabeth Adams bootstrapped her way to becoming a published author.
You do not want to miss this one!
The parent of an adult child with autism, Leisa Hammett has a fresh perspective on navigating the unknowns.
Below are a few statements directly from the episode.
I don't believe that we've snapped our fingers and changed, I think we're in for a lot of change, I think positive change. But it's gonna take time. We've been through a really rough period and it's gonna take time to transition.
Last year, the pandemic was about re-invention. If we didn't drug ourselves out, you know, with television or alcohol or whatever, not that I'm knocking any of that. We hadn't, I think even still, we all had an opportunity whether we wanted it, whether we embraced it or not to go within.
I think we still have that opportunity. I think we had to take a long look at many things that weren't working in our lives and that I feel like I've come out. And what I'm hearing from other people is we're coming out into creation, a year to create and what a better way to give back to the world than every person saying, you know, I've come out of this.
I'm clearer, I've cleaned my house, and I'm on purpose. I'm going to create those things that I've maybe thought I weren't good enough to do and put on the back burner. There are some other things ... radical self-care ...
Yeah, you do not want to miss this one... -
I guess when you are six years old, people do not think that they need to tell you that a penpal letter is not meant to be edited and sent back with corrections.
Jennifer didn't stay my penpal for very long, but it is sure exciting to think about when I really first got into editing.
Fast forward a few years and dozens of books later, and I am finally doing it full-time and loving every second of it. -
I paid a lot of money to learn from the great Jack Canfield, and when you listen in you will hear all about why the co-author of my upcoming book wasn't going to write it with me unless my name went first on the cover. Jack set us straight.
I also was able to get such an incredible affirmation that I am doing things the right way with my editing business and giving my own author clients the directions that they need to continuously show up on the best-selling charts.
Oh, and did I mention that this was the most money that I have ever spent in a weekend? -
Michelle Cunninghan managed to knock out the first draft of her manuscript in ONE WEEKEND.
She knew that there was no part of her life that she could take off from to write a book, so she took her kid's backpack and a bag of groceries from Trader Joe's, and she wrote her first draft in two days.
Michelle Cunningham is on a mission to empower women to live their BEST LIFE by simplifying all areas of life!
How did a shy girl from humble beginnings go from being frozen in fear for six years in her network marketing business to reaching Top 1% status in her organization?
Do It Anyway, Girl Shows You How To Get Unstuck, Shut Off Limiting Beliefs, And Get Into The Right Action That Brings Big Results.
This episode could have been titled, "How to practically guarantee future sales by giving away too much."
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