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In dem True Crime Podcast NASEBAND UND RIETZ: ECHTE KOMMISSARE - ECHTE VERBRECHEN dreht sich alles um wahre Kriminalfälle, die Ermittlungsarbeit der Polizei und die Menschen hinter der Uniform. In jeder Folge sprechen die ehemaligen Kommissare Michael Naseband und Alexandra Rietz, zu zweit oder mit einem Gast Kommissar, über einen Fall aus der eigenen Polizeikarriere. Von der Tatortbegehung bis zur Überführung des Täters schildern sie ihre Erfahrungen, ihre persönlichen Eindrücke und Emotionen. Die Fälle beruhen auf wahren Begebenheiten. Die Namen wurden geändert.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ab sofort kommt die bekannteste TV-Familie Deutschlands jeden zweiten Dienstag am Wohnzimmer Tisch zusammen. In bester Laune erzählen Carmen und Rooobert zusammen mit ihren beiden Töchtern Davina und Shania aus dem Leben der schrecklich glamourösen Familie und Deutschland erlebt die Welt der Geissens so nah wie nie zuvor!
Hvad sker der i kulissen på en tv-optagelse? Hvor går kronprins Christian i byen? Og hvad skal man lægge i det nye easter egg, Taylor Swift har lagt?
Kom med indenfor, når Nikita Klæstrup og hendes skarpe panel kaster sig over ugens mest opsigtsvækkende og underholdende historier fra kendisverdenen og de kongelige gemakker. Forvent store armbevægelser, ærlige meninger og kærlige opsange - for det hele bliver bare mellem os.
Nyt afsnit hver torsdag - lyt med der hvor du ellers lytter til dine podcast eller se med på og Ekstra Bladets YouTube-kanal @EkstraBladettv.
Tip værten på [email protected] eller på Instagram @nikitaklaestrup.
Første episode udkommer 15. august. -
This show hopes to bring fun, thoughtful movie discussion to a community of not only those who are already film buffs—but also to those who are on the verge of discovering the magic of old movies…and just don’t know it yet. This show will skew classic, but will also discuss newer films as the mood arises, as well as eclectic subtopics like Hag Horror, Famous Feuds, B-movies, Camp Slashers, Actor/Actress Spotlights, Star-Crossed Lovers, and many more.
Welcome to Forgotten Cinema! Each episode, Mike Field and Mike Butler highlight a film that for a variety of reasons was forgotten by audiences. Whether it be because a more popular movie was released at the same time or the movie simply didn’t catch on with an audience in the its initial run. We’ll discuss what we love about the movie or perhaps don’t love about it and decide whether the movie is worth a revisit.
Breaking into the fashion industry can seem like an endless journey of trying to make a name for yourself, finding the right connections, and landing that dream internship. Meet your host, Molly Elizabeth, a Fashion Stylist-Designer, Creative Director and Branding Expert. Each week, she will be joined by her co-host, Leelu Bailey, Costume Designer that works first hand in the Film, TV, and Digital industry. Join the duo, every Thursday, as they sit down with industry professionals to reveal the secrets to landing your dream job in the fashion world. Throughout the season, Molly and Leelu will bring you career motivation, exciting interviews, entertaining segments, and exclusive guests you won’t want to miss!
Moien an häerzlech wëllkomm beim Star Wars Podcast "Eng nei Hoffnung"🎙🇱🇺
Et gëtt Zäit fir iwwert Star Wars ze schwätzen! An wat gëtt et do besseres wéi een Podcast?
Déi alleréischt Episod wäert haaptsächlech iwwert "The Mandalorian" goen! Eng Serie, déi Star Wars nees op de richtege Wee bruecht huet. Jiddefalls wäerten mir ausféierlech iwwert déi Serie an déi nei Season schwätzen. Dir sidd also gewarnt, dass Spoiler dobäi sinn.
Mir wäerten awer och an Zukunft iwwert d'Star Wars Filmer, d'Serien "The Clone Wars" an "Rebels" schwätzen. Net ze vergiessen all déi nei Serien an Filmer déi ugekënnegt goufen.
Mir bréngen deen Podcast op Youtube fir déi wou eis wëllen gesinn an natierlech op Spotify, wou dir eis egal wou an egal wéini kennt nolauschteren.
Mir freeën eis enorm op deen neien Projet!
Ee grousse Merci geet och un De Fette Petz Um Netz
, Winmi
, MAiC Orlofski
, Joe vun den Zenpies
an den David W. vum RTL an den Eric S. vun 11F, déi sech bereet erkläert hunn dëse Projet mat duerch ze zéien. Stay tuned, we have a lot to talk...✨⚡️ -
Join co-hosts Nick Rocco Scalia and Chris Oliphant on a movie-by-movie journey through the career of filmmaker/composer John Carpenter. From the genre-defining works to the cult classics to the overlooked gems (and misfires), we're covering the entire catalog of this modern master of horror, science fiction, and beyond!
A show about movies and how they connect.
We love movies. We’ve been talking about them, one movie a week, since 2011. It’s a lot of movies, that’s true, but we’re passionate about origins and performance, directors and actors, themes and genres, and so much more. So join the community, and let’s hear about your favorite movies, too.
When the movie ends, our conversation begins.