
  • Prof. Marginson from Oxford University visited Luxembourg this week and spoke with Lisa at length on a variety of topics around education and geopolitics.

    Sasha Kehoe kicks off the show with the weekly reflection of global news stories. Prof. Marginson joins us with his own perspectives having lived in the U.K. for the last decade, but also having visited New Caledonia, French territory, which is relatively close to his homeland of Australia (closer than France anyhow).

    Simon Marginson is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Oxford, Director of the ESRC/RE Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), Joint Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education, and a Professorial Associate of the Melbourne Centre for Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. Simon’s research is focused primarily on global and international higher education, higher education in East Asia, global science, and the contributions of higher education.

    In this conversation we start with his own personal experience of potentially being drafted into the Vietnam war as a student in Australia. Simon spent his first degree deeply embedded in student politics and journalism. His route to becoming a Professor at Oxford was nonsequitous. Prof. Marginson's academic career was sparked by a highly acclaimed Ph.D. which he completed, part-time, over 8 years.

    And nowadays, Prof. Marginson is as deeply motivated to connecting global dots to observe the changing face of higher education across the world as he ever was.

    On how one gets to Oxford, the answer is sheer hard work. There are no short-cuts to brilliance. The students he looks for will be self-driven, extremely well-read and come with their own ideas.

    We discuss a range of topics including the open-source intrinsic nature of science research, and how that has been reshaped and blocked by political decisions; the rise of south-east Asian universities in global rankings. Indeed what even are global university rankings and do they matter? Where does the superpower Russia sit in today's university picture?

    For those of us based in Luxembourg, what is his view on European universities who don't seem to sit that high up on the university league tables - why is this?

    How do universities serve the common good? Is the cost worth the effort?

    As always, I would love to have your feedback on the good and bad of your university experience.

    Please do subscribe to the podcast too, via Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too — as it helps others find the podcast.

    Tune in to The Lisa Burke Show on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • The Echternach Hopping Procession, on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage list, celebrates the life of St. Willibrord. On today's show, Lisa is joined by guests from Ireland, the UK and Luxembourg — to discuss the life of St. Willibrord via his links with these three countries.

    The Echternach Hopping Procession, on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage list, celebrates the life of St. Willibrord. On today's show, Lisa is joined by guests from Ireland, the UK and Luxembourg — to discuss the life of St. Willibrord via his links with these three countries.

    Despite the 'high humidity', as Raoul Scholtes put it, there was another exceptional turnout for this year's Sprangpressessioun (or 'Hopping Procession') in Echternach, which pays homage to Saint Willibrord. This Anglo-Saxon Benedictine monk is revered as the founder of Echternach Abbey and every year is honoured for his gift of curing illness.

    Ambassador Jean McDonald, Ambassador of Ireland to Luxembourg, hosted a delegation from County Carlow, celebrating the links between Saint Willibrord and Carlow. Councillor Andrea Dalton and Dermot Mulligan, Curator of the Carlow Museum, also joined in studio to discuss the deepening re-connections between Luxembourg and Carlow through their shared history with Saint Willibrord.

    HE Fleur Thomas, British Ambassador to Luxembourg, hosted HE Ambassador Christopher Trott, Britain's Ambassador to the Holy See, for their very first Sprangpressessioun experience. Providing a bit of background into St. Willibrord's ancestry — Ambassador Trott detailed the saint's Northumbrian origins, before his travels brought him to Ireland, the Netherlands and then Luxembourg.

    Ambassador Trott also talks about his work as a diplomat in the Vatican, and the immense 'intelligence network' the Vatican has globally through priests on the ground, often in places where diplomats cannot visit or live.

    Patrick Dondelinger, Head of Studies for Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, talks about the importance of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage label for the Hopping Procession, and what this means for one who experiences the 'rite'.

    Raoul Scholtes — a member of the procession's organisational committee and Vice-president of the Willibrodusbauveräin (Willibrod building society) organisation responsible for the procession — ends with a call for more volunteers! Help is always welcome, and indeed it would also be valuable to make a couple of positions professional (i.e. paid).

    Read here for even more details on the history of Luxembourg's Echternach Hopping Procession.

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  • Join us as we jump into another discussion about books and culture, with Vanessa Phelan, Sarah Tapp and Sasha Kehoe.

    Hello and welcome to book show #2 with Vanessa Phelan and Sarah Tapp. This week Sasha Kehoe also joins us and we begin with a reflection of some of the news stories of the week.

    As we move to books, I start with a little quiz of words relating to books and book lovers. Are you a ‘librocubicularist’ for instance? (Someone who loves to read in bed).

    Now onto books with my ‘book bosomed’ friends (carrying a book at all times) and, as with our first episode, we manage to talk about a lot of books, but we also move onto art in places, and podcast recommendations.

    Here are some of the books we talk about:

    Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

    The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

    The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller

    On Earth we’re briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

    The Wife’s Tale by Aida Edemariam

    This is what is Sounds Like - What the music you love says about you by Susan Rogers

    Yellowface by R. F. Kuang

    Oh my God what a complete Aisling by Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen

    A Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne

    The Women by Kristin Hannah

    You are Here by David Nicholls

    Funny Story by Emily Henry

    One Day by David Nicholls

    Book Lovers Emily Henry

    Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman

    Close to Death by Anthony Horowitz

    Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

    Do let us know what books you enjoy and if there are any in particular from this list that stand out to you.

    Additionally, we will throw in some podcasts and other cultural references from time to time.

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    Please do subscribe to the podcast on Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too – helps others find us.

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Europe is aging, sagging in its efficiency, falling behind. How can we fix this?

    Philippe-Emmanuel Partsch comes from a long line of Law Professors, who were forced to move country due to the changing political climate of Europe through the last century. He was raised knowing the fragility of Europe, alongside its potential.

    Philippe-Emmanuel is a lawyer who has served at the European Court of Justice, private practice now at Arendt, university teaching and research. With over thirty years of working knowledge, he is well placed to consider how the European Union is functioning right now and its place in the context of global competition.

    Brexit and increasing populism encouraged Philippe-Emmanuel to write a book due to his growing concern for the evolution of European society as it has steadily declined: ‘The Five Labours of Europe - a Europe that will make us Grow’.

    Anne Calteux, Head of the European Commission Representation in Luxembourg, talks through a sizeable piece of commissioned work culminating in the paper by Enrico Letta, 'Much more than a market,
    SPEED, SECURITY, SOLIDARITY Empowering the Single Market to deliver a sustainable future and prosperity for all EU Citizens'

    There are large swathes of overlap in the conclusions reached by Philippe-Emmanuel and Enrico Letta. Notably, that the internal market is no longer fit for purpose and Europe is in danger of regression. Europe, if taken as a whole, has a population of about 450 million people, compared to 330 million in the USA. Our landmass is about half that of the USA. This could provide opportunity if handled more dynamically.

    In his book, Philippe-Emmanuel talks about Europe's sluggish productivity and wealth per hour creation compared to other parts of the world and how we can break down barriers to trade with member states more efficiently. He reminds us that 99.2% of businesses in Europe are SMEs with 5-6 people employed. Philippe-Emmanuel sets out clear potential and reachable goals to increase income and GDP, reduce unemployment and poverty in the coming years.

    Deficiencies in research and development and innovation (R&D&I) is another clear beacon in both the book and paper. Currently, not enough money is being put into R&D&I in Europe and this needs to change now if we are to hope to keep pace with other nations. The cost of patent registration is much greater in the EU compared to the US. Philippe-Emmanuel is a fan of the Nordic approach to have lower taxation on Intellectual Property income.

    We talk about the need to change financial structures to reinvigorate seed investment and private funding. Philippe-Emmanuel believes Euorpe does set the gold standard for some regulations.

    Energy and Defence are two major areas where Europe needs to become more self-sufficient - we all learned this is recent year. And we have needed stronger trans-European transport links for decades. Did you know that the train between Luxembourg and Brussels got slower over the last 30 years?!

    And all of this conversation is capped with a round-up of the week's global news with Sasha Kehoe.

  • Europe for Europe – a wonderful opportunity for 18–23-year-olds to discover the EU together.

    Ahead of Europe Day on 9 May, and the upcoming European elections, 6-9 June, my shows this week and next will have a distinctly European flavour.

    To start with, Sasha is back with a chat about recent world news.

    Anne Calteux, Representative of the EU Commission to Luxembourg, is entering a very busy period of work, sharing her passion and knowledge for the European Union. Anne is effectively the Commission’s voice in Luxembourg.

    There were many steps, and setbacks to the European Union becoming what it is today. Luxembourg was one of the founding countries of the EU, along with Belgium, West Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands. The creation of the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) was a pivotal step however. From 1952, Luxembourg, Brussels and Strasbourg became temporary meeting-places for the ECSC. Since 1992, these three cities have become the HQ for all our European institutions. And today, more than 14,000 European civil servants and agents work for the EU institutions in Luxembourg.

    Europe for Europe

    Europe for Europe (E4E) is a programme designed for 18 to 23 year olds to tour the founding six member states of the EU. There is only one participant from each of the 27 member states, plus the UK (despite Brexit), vetted by the Rotary Club who designed the programme.

    This experience lasts for three intense weeks in July, allowing for 3 days in each country, and they all have their own themes:

    Italy - future industrial developments
    France - historical heritage
    Belgium - social responsibility
    Netherlands - inclusivity
    Germany - Ariane Space Project
    Luxembourg - EU institutions
    Roberto Mancina was a co-founder of Europe for Europe, having been involved with the Youth Exchange for many years. Whilst attending an EEMA congress in Istanbul, he had lunch with some French Rotarians from Thionville. They wanted to find a way to honour the memory of Robert Schumann, who was from Thionville and Founding Father of the EU. And so the idea of E4E was born.

    Roberto was particularly interested in developing this project as the Rotary Club is American in origin, and he felt it needed a greater European focus.

    Ellen Spencer is Coordinator of Europe for Europe (E4E) for the Rotary Clubs of Luxembourg. Ellen first became involved with the Rotary Clubs here when she moved to Luxembourg. Ellen has a son and has observed the benefits to him growing up as an EU citizen. She continues to work passionately to support young adult programmes that focus on engagement towards a common future for a better world.

    The EU Youth Strategy and Erasmus+ are other places to discover programmes for young people, to enhance European values, tolerance, enhance skills and employability. To find out more information just contact the Rotary Clubs of Luxembourg (or indeed other countries across Europe) and the European Youth Portal.

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    Please do subscribe to the podcast on Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too - helps others find us.

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • This week, 1 May, marks 20 years of the rapid expansion of the EU with the accession of many former Soviet satellite states. Dr. Laima Andrikiené reflects on her role in the history of Lithuania's transformation and its current geopolitical challenges within the EU. While a well renowned Lithuanian choir are coming to Luxembourg.

    20 years ago, the European Union grew bigger as, on 1 May 2004, the citizens of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia became citizens of the EU.

    Laima Liucija Andrikiené is an ex-politician, now working at the European Court of Auditors. She was instrumental to the independence of Lithuania, as a signatory of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania.

    In this conversation, Dr Andrikiené talks about the Lithuania of her youth, of her parents youth and how the hope for independence never dimmed. Laima poignantly describes her parents meeting in Siberia, when they were both sent to the Gulag amongst many other family members. Her Grandmother always believed that her children and grandchildren would live to see a free Europe. They were right.

    Dr. Andrikiené remembers the day the last Soviet Troops pulled out of Lithuania and the work that had to be done then: starting an economy from scratch, giving people property back, opening up and processing tenders for foreign investment.

    Given the proximity to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, we also talk in depth about what is happening in Russia / Ukraine right now. Laima has a strong message for Russian people - they also hold responsibility for what is happening and can act.

    For Lithuania, being a part of the European Union has meant 20 years of peace, security and financial aid- almost 30 billion euros of financial aid to build infrastructure, schools and hospitals. Life in Lithuania is now incomparable to the past under Soviet rule. Lithuanian youth recently ranked number one for happiness across the EU. It is a dynamic and competitive country .

    Vilnius Choir

    To mark 20 years of being part of the EU, a cultural delegation from Lithuania has come to Luxembourg, including Maestro Artūras Dambrauskas, the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of Vilnius Choir, along with Gitana Krikščiūnaitė, Concert Activity Manager. Vilnius Choir was founded in 1970 and is recognised as a curator and ambassador of Lithuanian choral music.

    Professor Artūras Dambrauskas, Head of the Department of Music Theory and Pedagogy at the Kaunas Vytautas Magnum University, also conducts the Lithuanian Song Festivals, is a member of the Jury of the Lithuanian and International choral competitions, and is the Artistic Director of the International St James Festival.

    The Lithuanian Song Festival (also known as The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations) celebrates 100-years this summer. The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations is included in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008.

    You can hear their music at the end of the show and find out more here.

  • From soft diplomacy to block voting, Luxembourg's last entrant in 1993 to Tali, this show is full of Eurovision fun & folklore before the big day in May!


    We’re almost there!

    Eurovision 2024 will take place in Malmö, Sweden, on 11 May with semi-finals on 7 and 9 May. It is the third time that Malmö has hosted the Eurovision Song Contest following 1992 and 2013 editions, and the seventh for Sweden. It’s happening in Sweden of course because of Loreen’s win in Liverpool in 2023.

    Tali Golergant, the artist representing Luxembourg, will be performing in the first of the two semi-finals. The ‘big five’ (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) are pre-qualified for the Grand Final.

    The Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is the single biggest event to bring Europeans (and a global audience) together. It was even sponsored by the European Commission for some time. More people vote in this competition than the European elections. It is a strong tool of cultural diplomacy.

    Dr. Dean Vuletic has given the Eurovision Song Contest deep academic analysis. He designed the world’s first university course on Eurovision, which he taught at New York University. Whilst a researcher at the University of Vienna, he researched and wrote the first-ever scholarly book on the history of Eurovision, Postwar Europe and the Eurovision Song Contest. He currently teaches at the University of Luxembourg, amongst other roles. You can find Dean’s commentaries, interviews and op-eds across global media. Dr. Vuletic can also be seen featured in films such as ‘When Franco Stole Eurovision’ and ‘Eurovision: Secrets and Scandals’, amongst others.

    The competition has been in existence since 1956, and Luxembourg will be taking part for the first time since 1993 when Jimmy Martin performed. Jimmy talks about performing in Millstreet, County Cork, and the changes to Eurovision since that time. Jimmy was already an established rock musician before Eurovision and has continued to make that his career.

    The BBC used the phrase ‘United by Music’ and that’s now been taken as an official slogan for the contest going forward. The Eurovision Lights serve as the theme art which is meant to conceptualise the northern lights and sound equalizers.
    And 37 public broadcasters will be present.

    Eric Lehmann is Head of the Luxembourgish Delegation and has attended the ESC since 1998. Eric talks about building the necessary team to support Luxembourg’s re-entry to the Eurovision Song Contest, and the pre-selection process through the Luxembourg Song Contest. Part of the team Eric had to build around Tali includes hair & make-up. And in that position is the very talented Luca de Michèle who has worked on many fashion shows around the world.

    Roger Saurfeld has attended Eurovision since 2000 and is one of the organisers for the Eurovision Previews such as that in Bissen on 19 April where all the Luxembourg Song Contest candidates will perform their entries with money donated to the LUkraine asbl.

    Rafaela Teixeira, or Rafa Ela, one of the eight finalists of the Luxembourg Song Contest, talks about the family built through the competition process and her own music writing as a form of connection with others and to her own life experiences.

    Let us know your thoughts on all things Eurovision! Will you be watching? Who’s your first choice? Do you believe Eurovision can be a cultural force for political good?

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    Please do subscribe to the podcast on Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too - helps others find us.

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Exciting launch! Our very first Book Club show with Today Radio's Vanessa Phelan and Sarah Tapp. Every month we'll share recommendations and take on a new book, as voted by our readers.

    It all started with Sarah chatting about the wonderful interview she did with Dr. Susan Rogers on her tome about music cognition and cyberaustics: "This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You"

    And then the conversation took a book curve into what we're reading, what we've enjoyed over the past few months, and we thought it would be great to build a community around our love of books and reading.

    So here we are! We would love you to help build this community with ideas and recommendations.

    Each month we will try to bring recommendations and also include YOUR recommendations.

    You will have no doubt heard both of my colleagues on Today Radio as Sarah Tapp hosts The Hangover and Vanessa Phelan is a newsreader and contributing journalist for RTL Today.

    Here's a bit more about us...

    Well me you know about I guess as you're listening to the show. What's relevant and something I don't normally talk about is that I write and consult on children's science books for DK in the UK. You can find my books here. I love giving back to the science I once studied and with books, this is one avenue. I wrote the Mini Scientist series when my girls were tiny as I realised experimenting is our first language. Before words.

    Vanessa grew up in the States and moved to Luxembourg in 2017 after 12 years in Dublin. Aside from her work at RTL, Vanessa also works for a publisher of Irish language children’s books. She is a lover of all kinds of fiction, whether mystery, romance, historical or just stories about people with messages and themes we can all relate to. She also loves to travel and so enjoys reading about far-flung and exotic places.

    Originally from Hawaii, Sarah studied Zen poetry in college and spent almost 15 years in Japan before relocating to Luxembourg in 2016. When she’s not hosting The Hangover on Today Radio, Sarah is an avid reader who loves literary fiction, poetry, classics and memoir. Her unchecked obsession with One Direction fanfiction and inability to pronounce words correctly when reading aloud keep her from being an insufferable snob.

    Subscribe to the Podcast and get in touch!

    Please do subscribe to the podcast on Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too - helps others find us.

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

    Vote on our next book

    We would really love you to vote on our next book!

    Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

    Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Milkman by Anna Burns

    Books mentioned on today’s show

    We spoke about so many books on this show. Let us know what you think of them!

    This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas

    My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry and other books by Fredrik Backman

    The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

    Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Olive Kitteridge and other books by Elizabeth Strout

    A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

    Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason

    Fanfiction (we recommend Archive of Our Own (AO3))

    Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

    The Wife's Tale: A Personal History by Aida Edemariam

    Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling by Emer McLysaght & Sarah Breen

    The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

    Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

    No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison by Behrouz Boochani

    Chocolat and Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris

    Beach Read by Emily Henry (Sarah said “Book Lovers” but this is the one she meant!)

    The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

    Hamnet and other books by Maggie O’Farrell

    Prophet Song by Paul Lynch

    My Policeman by Bethan Roberts

    Windswept & Interesting by Billy Connolly

    Memoirs and biographies of Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Diana, Princess of Wales

    Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann

    Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

    How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo

    Milkman by Anna Burns

    Books mentioned on today’s show

    We spoke about so many books on this show. Let us know what you think of them!

    This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas

    My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry and other books by Fredrik Backman

    The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

    Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Olive Kitteridge and other books by Elizabeth Strout

    A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

    Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason

    Fanfiction (we recommend Archive of Our Own (AO3))

    Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

    The Wife's Tale: A Personal History by Aida Edemariam

    Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling by Emer McLysaght & Sarah Breen

    The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

    Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

    No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison by Behrouz Boochani

    Chocolat and Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris

    Beach Read by Emily Henry (Sarah said “Book Lovers” but this is the one she meant!)

    The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

    Hamnet and other books by Maggie O’Farrell

    Prophet Song by Paul Lynch

    My Policeman by Bethan Roberts

    Windswept & Interesting by Billy Connolly

    Memoirs and biographies of Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Diana, Princess of Wales

    Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann

    Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

    How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo

    Milkman by Anna Burns

  • Melody Funck, Zenia Dutta Roy and Elena Gromova brighten Lisa's studio with their artistic fashion stories.

    Melody Funck rose to fame in Luxembourg as 'la fille aux robes' with her social media sites, Instagram, TicTok and YouTube, during covid times. Since then, she has garnered more attention as one of the hosts of the Eurovision Luxembourg Final earlier this year.

    Melody's passion for stunning dresses is borne out each day as she frequently turns up to work in such attire. One might question how she can manage another job with the machine that is social media, and indeed Melody confesses it is hard. Social media requires hours of non-stop work daily. That has an effect on health and relationships, but Melody is blessed with continual support from family and friends.

    Zenia Dutta Roy clearly has an eye for an impressive lady as she worked with Melody 'before' her fame rose. Zenia is the founder of Les Sûtras, a brand which embodies art, home-made fabrics of India, textures and weaves in clothing and homeware.

    Zenia has talked openly about her own dark time in life, when trying to conceive a child, on this show, and she credits the work with the Indian artisans in helping her to refind herself.

    Les Sûtras is a place where models of all ages, sizes and ethnicities come together to let the fabrics shine. Zenia has created a community in Luxembourg with these beautiful garments, whilst always giving back to the Indian ladies who create them.

    Elena Gromova credits doing a stage of the Tour de France with her inspiration to know she could do hard things. Over the course of a couple of years, Elena gave up her finance work to create a couple of fashion brands, and Fashion Business Lab.

    Elena's work first came to my attention with No. Rainer during Luxembourg Fashion Week. These colourful patterns of rainwear with the double impact of having mini-matching versions of children made everyone smile as they sashayed down the runway. Through her work at Fashion Business Lab, Elena helps anyone achieve their fashion goals globally.

    Of all the days for there to be a studio malfunction this was the day and so there is no video this week - I'll just have to have them back!

  • Bias in LLMs, why the US is still great for start-ups, supercomputers, brain signals to combat cyber attacks, digital twins of ourselves, and the philosophy behind all of it.

    My guests this week range from a research institution, a super-computer provider, two start-ups and a philosopher. This lateral discussion echoes the need for interconnected conversation to develop AI and its end-use.

    Francesco Ferrero, Director of the IT for Innovative Services department at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), discusses the newly launched LIST AI Sandbox. This looks at 16 LLMs (large language models) and ranks them on their social or ethical biases including ageism, LGBTIQ+phobia, political bias, racism, religious bias, sexism and xenophobia. You can use this open source sandbox here:

    Arnaud Lambert is the CEO of LuxProvide which works on digital intelligence using Luxembourg’s supercomputer MeluXina. LuxProvide is part of a broader European Supercomputing initiative.

    LuxProvide, the University of Luxembourg and LuxInnovation jointly managing the Luxembourg National Competence Centre in High-Performance Computing (HPC). Their customer base is broad, as they encourage the use of HPC in data analytics and AI across industry, academia and public administrations.

    Emil Jimenez is Founder and CEO of MindBank AI. The idea was sparked by his daughter having a conversation with Siri. Emil decided to build a digital twin of himself so that he can live forever. Since then, it has grown to become a generative AI Personal Digital Twin, learning algorithms to duplicate your mind, optimise your mental health, personal development, and ultimately achieve immortality.

    Emil promotes the use of ‘Augmented’ rather than ‘Artificial’ Intelligence, to enhance our life from birth to death, and beyond.

    Nathaniel Rose is a neuro-technology researcher and the Co-Founder of Lymbic AI. This uses biometric brain signals to build authentication, to combat cyber attacks. We are likely to see more of these brain-computer interfaces as authentication exploits keep pace with technology. Nathaniel talks about the state of neurotech, and its potential in combating synthetic fraud and deep fakes.

    Both Emil and Nathaniel explain honestly why the US market is still great for start-ups.

    Rick Serrano is, amongst other things, a philosopher. He co-authored "Artificial Intelligence: the need for a human-centric approach". Rick talks about the framework we need to keep ethics at the centre of the AI momentum: consciousness, transparency, traceability, responsibility, training, IP and regulation.

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    Please do subscribe to the podcast on Apple and / or Spotify. It would be great if you could rate and review too - helps others find us.

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Prof. Subi Rangan from INSEAD business school talks about the evolution of capitalism from an output to outcome economy.

    Prof Subi Rangan was invited to Luxembourg to make the keynote address to celebrate INSEAD Luxembourg Alumni’s 50th anniversary on Thursday 21 March, entitled “Expansion - Evolution - Engagement”.

    Philippe Osch, President of INSEAD Alumni Association in Luxembourg, hosted Subi ahead of their anniversary evening celebrations.

    Subi Rangan is Professor of Strategy and Management at INSEAD Business School in Fontainebleau Paris, and the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court Endowed Chair in Societal Progress. His educational background includes an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management and a PhD in political economy from Harvard.

    Subi’s research focusses on the evolution of capitalism; how all economic actors and enterprises can integrate for better performance and progress; and he is developing a curriculum to deepen competence and character of business students and executives.

    In 2013 Prof. Rangan initiated the Society for Progress, a fellowship of eminent philosophers, social scientists and business leaders ( He also directs INSEAD’s top executive seminar AVIRA: Awareness, Vision, Imagination, Role and Action.

    In this conversation, we begin with a short history of capitalism. Below are some of the thoughts of Prof. Rangan discussed in this conversation.

    Subi speaks about the ‘iterations of capitalism’: to maximise wealth for oneself, for a company and for all. From subsistence economy to bartering; how the Protestant reformation allowed the pursuit of wealth; to the work of philosopher Adam Smith to enhance welfare for all, resulting in a better standard of living for all. This paradigm required a division of labour to increase productivity and drive specialisation. We were no longer self-sufficient. Institutional theory then grew with the notion of private property rights to incentivise people to create value and the patent industry. Communism did not have this incentive alignment - and therefore failed.

    This burgeoning innovation and the dedication of people meant that money was made through the sale of the surplus - profits. At the end of the 19th century we have, for the first time, formal economics with people like Pareto. Who should allocate resources? Then we move to Kenneth Arrow, the mind behind modern economics, on a spontaneous, decentralised system, which can work to produce more welfare more than command and control methods. This was so far an Anglo-Saxon idea. But in the 70s and 80s we had the Asian tigers - government having a less marked hand allowing the market to flourish. This gave rise, in the 1980s, to deregulation and liberalisation.

    The modern economy is self regulating, self-correcting and decentralised. If this doesn’t work by the invisible hand of markets, then the visible hard of regulation or government comes in. It has worked on a global scale, if the goal of the economy was to produce wealth. Absolute poverty has been reduced. However, what are the goals of the economy today?

    What is there beyond wealth?

    “More than income we are now looking at impact; more than performance we look for progress. There are new dreams for humanity. This is goal innovation.”

    Prof Rangan talks about the ‘Chronic dilemma of interdependence’ in our interconnected world.

    Jürgen Habermas, a 20th century German Philosopher talks about communicative rationality. In deciding what is good, we need to talk with one another. If we are born equal then we must practice communicative rationality. Subi calls it ‘consultative morality’. Language is the way in which we can regulate interdependence, and we certainly need it to be non-violent. Adam Smith had the same idea in the theory of moral dependence.

    Output to outcome economy

    We are moving from an output centred economy to an outcome centred economy. And here, who has the power? Prof. Rangan suggests the greater the power the greater you need to be engaged with your scope of expertise.

    We’ve had regulation of power now we need to educate power. Subi believes that education should be literacy, numeracy and decency; moral and social philosophy. Consumers, investors and employees now also assess companies.

    He believes we need a changing definition of success - to be rich and respected. Prof. Rangan also mentions a conversation he had with a Nigerian recently who spoke about redefining what a millionaire is - not someone who has a millionaire dollars but someone who has transformed the lives of a million people.

    MBA - Master of Better Alternatives

    Subi is wonderful at breaking down ideas into bullet points and alliterative headings in order to remember things. His talk for the INSEAD Alumni of Luxembourg Anniversary was entitled ‘Expansion - Evolution - Engagement - Education’.

    Through this, his main themes were:

    (1) Wealth and wellbeing
    (2) Evolution in the way we allocate resources and interact with one another
    (3) People and planet
    (4) we all need to Engage at the individual level in our choices based on information and our moral identity; interest beyond self-interest
    (5) Educate

    I hope you enjoy the wisdom of Subi and the mix of economics and social philosophy in this conversation. Please do get in touch with your own views and experiences.

  • President of CNAP, Alain Reuter, talks to us about how to obtain a pension in Luxembourg. Sasha discusses the week's news, and I wish you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Pensions are one of those parts of life-long planning which, due to the nature of our busy days, we don't always have time to think about or organise. Now if you happen to spend your entire working life in Luxembourg, and you're an employee (rather than an independent worker), again you have to think a little less about such issues.

    However, a lot of my audience is international with some time spent in Luxembourg, some coming, going and even returning. Again, a lot of these people will come with a partner who may not be working. And so the questions begin. What does one need to do to contribute to a 'pot' where, one day, they may be entitled to a Luxembourg pension? How do you add educational years (yes, that's a thing here)? How do you add child-rearing years?

    Alain Reuter and his team get such questions every day. Alain is President of the National Pension Insurance Office (Caisse nationale d'assurance pension - CNAP) and the Compensation Fund of the General Pension Scheme (Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension - FDC) since December 2020.

    At the moment, about 215,000 are retired (and receiving a pension) in Luxembourg, out of a population of about 650,000. This number has risen by 15% in the last five years. The total amount paid out is about 5.7 billion euros. Of this amount, about 4 billion euros is to people in Luxembourg and 1.7 billion to those now living abroad (in 111 different countries to be precise). The average age of retirement, currently, is 60.1.

    Pensions have been in the news for various reasons over the last few months. The most pertinent and, in my opinion, important reason is that there is not going to be enough money in the system to pay for future pensions. In fact, by 2042, the pension fund's reserves will be insufficient to cover expenditure.

    Ivaylo Markov, Managing Partner of Thales Capital puts it like this:

    "From 2027 we will be spending more than we earn, which will reduce the reserves, which will be depleted in barely 15 years... The current decade will see the number of beneficiaries grow by around 4% each year. This increase is explained by the IGSS as being due to a 'wave of new pensioners, mainly made up of immigrant and cross-border workers recruited from the 1990s onwards"

    This is a topic that needs further investigation and I will try to do a follow-up show with your questions. Please send any thoughts to [email protected] with the title 'Pensions - questions for Lisa Burke'

    Enjoy the show and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day celebratory weekend!

  • Celebrating ladies of all ages, Lisa's guests explore experiences in their lives from the female perspective.

    Dear Ladies (and everyone else),

    Thank you so much for all of your emails when I made a call out for women of all generations to write in and share your stories with our audience at RTL Today.

    I am so grateful for your honesty and opening up of sensitive stories that touch a woman's life through the ages.

    In this show, my guests are:

    Ginevra Ortiz
    Laura Fagan
    Emily Amor
    Federica Maestri
    Shivani Sondhi
    Lilani Abeywickrama
    Elisabete (Lisy) Antunes
    Iryna Sagaidak
    Wei Hu Chai
    Bessie Fischer-Bohn
    Sasha Kehoe
    Viviane Harnois
    We cover so many topics from body image, and how very young girls are made to feel on this subject, to the tough transition through teenage years.

    Laura mentions the effects of an early abusive relationship and Emily talks about her experience with long covid.

    Shivani and Wei explain the importance of the work within a company to create space to develop company policy which ultimately helps everyone.

    Federica Maestri is a studying computer science at the University of Luxembourg and talks about the derth of females in this subject area. She is also the President of the Golden Z Club at the university which is part of Zonta Luxembourg - an organisation that advocates for women's rights.

    Lisy bravely opens up about the experience of abortion and the fight within us: the 'good-girl' versus the 'independent woman'.

    Iryna suffers from intense period pain to the point of hospitalisation in her earlier years. Through time, Iryna has now developed her own independent work and personal life to flow around the energy changes in her monthly hormonal cycle.

    Lilani has moved from the medical world into that of business and tells us some of the comments she received from potential male mentors.

    Bessie kindly joins us from Berlin once more and reflects on the conversations which have changed and those that need more work. She also echoes the worlds of Lilani.

    Sasha, as always helps to bring the thoughts of the guests together and also adds her own experiences as a young journalist.

    Viviane, now retired, reflects on a lifetime of working and living in different countries and how we also need to consider conversations with men, and points out that things will be sorted when we don't need an International Women's Day anymore.

    Subscribe to the Podcast and get in touch!

    You can subscribe to my podcast on Apple and Spotify. Please do rate and review too!

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Cesar Gonzalez Fernandez tells us all about his mission to 'Clean Something for Nothing'. Bella DePaulo talks about the growing voice for those who choose to live a life on their own and flourish doing so.

    Social scientist Dr. Bella DePaulo is a leading expert on the Single Life, perhaps the leading expert. Her latest book, Single at Heart, has drawn attention from all corners of the world as people feel more able to talk about living a single life, by choice, and feeling utterly fulfilled.

    Currently an academic affiliate in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California Santa Barbara, Bella’s work on the Single Life gained traction from her TEDx Talk which has now been viewed more than 1.7 million times. Dr. DePaulo’s written work includes the books ‘Singled Out’ and ‘How we live now’.

    ‘One is a whole number’ was the trigger which started this cascade of research. This line was written by an agony aunt to a letter from a lady who had lost her partner. The idea of course is that you are whole alone.

    Since then, Bella has also written about the discrimination that can be a part of a single person’s experience such as tax laws, but much more besides. When it comes to social events, it is now more acceptable to eat alone at restaurants but still, being single, can attach a negative stereotype.

    Bella is an advocate of building a great solo life, deep with fulfilling friendships, work and activities of one’s own choice without compromise.

    Dr. DePaulo is a clear example of how to flourish psychologically, career-wise and, most importantly, by being single as a choice, not in spite of being single.

    Clean Something for Nothing

    Cesar Gonzalez Fernandez and his partner Lester founded Clean Something For Nothing (CSFN) - a mobile app that connects people to clean the world, one bag of trash at a time.

    Since their launch in February 2022 their users have completed over 3700 cleanups in 64 countries resulting in over 750 tons of trash picked up to date.

    Cesar is also an EU Climate Pact ambassador and the Country leader in Luxembourg for the World Cleanup Day organization (WCD) The WCD is the biggest environmental mobilization worldwide and has officially received a recognition by the UN to include the date (20/09) in their official calendar from 2024 onwards.

    However, before WCD we can work closer to home. Cesar encourages us all to be part of the "lëtz clean your commune" campaign. Luxembourg Spring Cleanup, also known as the Grouss Botz, Naturbotz or Grouss Beschbotz will take place on 23 March and will be the perfect occassion to join a local cleanup and take action.

    Subscribe to the Podcast and get in touch!

    You can subscribe to my podcast on Apple and Spotify. Please do rate and review too!

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Roland, Bessie and Urve have travelled from Berlin and Estonia to talk about their passion to develop the perfect working environments to allow people to thrive.

    Berlin Adlershof is Germany’s leading science & technology park. How do you plan such a layout, from historic buildings to new developments, and design their interior, to maximise personal happiness when working and high impact results?

    This is one of the questions at the heart of Roland Sillmann’s management. As CEO of WISTA Management, which looks after Berlin Adlershof, his quest is to attract and retain the best talent to tackle the great challenges of today.

    In this endeavour he is aided by Dr. Bessie Fischer-Bohn, Head of Human Resources. Bessie’s own career path is rather unusual. Having started with medical studies in her hometown of Berlin, she developed a deep interest in the psychological background to symptoms and illnesses, and then trained as a psychotherapist. Bessie went on to build a company, and was also a management consultant for a decade.

    Urve Liivak, from Tallinn, Estonia, is a former world-ranking gymnast (winning two silver medals in World Championships in Aesthetic Group Gymnastics). After suffering with her own depression and burn-out, Urve now designs interiors to maximise personal and team success.

    Roland believes that to ‘solve big challenges’ the working environment is key. At Adlershof they want to attract impact driven people and the best talent.

    Bessie, Roland and Urve have worked together to design an ambience where employees succeed: perform, cooperate and stay healthy. All of this work is also part of a research project with Humboldt University’s psychology department to see how working environments can continuously be improved.

    The designs include different zones such to inspire:

    concentrated work (calm offices for desk work)
    Discussions, meeting new people (the lounges)
    XR studio, 3D-Printer areas like a maker-space
    Relaxing ‘mind spa’
    Movement with swings

    “In an anxiety-free organisation, interpersonal anxiety is minimised so that team performance is maximised.”

    Bessie talks about the need for psychological safety to allow for the best ideas to flourish, and the constant health of a team. This is a mix of great leadership plus the physical environment to fit the demand of talent.

    Bessie is also passionate about being a role model in all domains of her life. She does so as a female scientist and as a bisexual. Bessie instigated WISTA’s academy and also their diversity day.

    Please let us know about your own work environments - what’s done well and what could be improved. It’s always great to hear from you!

  • Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan became ‘brothers’ due to the most painful loss of their daughters at different times due to the intractable Israel and Palestine conflict.

    Bassam Aramin, Palestinian, and Rami Elhanan, Israeli, are members of The Parents Circle – Families Forum (PCFF), families whose lives have been upended due to tragedy. However, instead of giving into hate, each member has worked to understand and listen to the other side. They have become friends and advocate constantly for solidarity and peace in their land.

    Luxembourg hosts the Festival des Migrations this weekend, and will showcase the documentary film, ‘The Narrow Bridge’, written, directed and produced by Esther Takac in 2022. This film features the stories of Rami and Bassam, Meytal and Bushra who have all lost loved ones. Their hope, as a group of bereaved families, is to catalyse communities to stop the senseless killing on both sides.

    Bassam and Rami have been invited to Luxembourg once more by Martine Kleinberg, the President of Jewish Call for Peace. They were here previously in 2018. JCP a small association founded in 2021, to give Luxembourg a different Jewish voice on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to fight against anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices, especially when linked to the conflict in Israel-Palestine.

    The Parents Circle – Families Forum PCFF aims to lay a path towards a reconciliation process on how to live together in peace with equal respect for one another.

    My guests:

    Bassam Aramin lost his 10 years old daughter Abir on the 16th January 2007. She was killed by an Israeli border policemen in front of her school in Anata, East Jerusalem.

    Rami Elhanan is a 7th generation Jerusalemite. He lost his daughter Smadar on her first day of the school year in September 1997, aged just 14. Two Palestinian suicide bombers murdered 5 people that day, of which three were girls aged 14.

    Previous interviews

    You can listen to my poignant interivew with Dr. Izzeldine Abuelaish here from November 2020.

    Links event of 24th of February 2024

  • In the lead up to Rare Disease Day on 29th February, we talk about the mental health impact on the whole family and care-giving unit.

    Rare disease affects 350 million people worldwide, which is about 1 in 12 families. There are about 10,000 named rare diseases, but together they affect more people than cancer and AIDS combined.

    Diagnosis varies hugely but on average takes 5-7 years, during which time families live with chronic uncertainty. Children are disproportionately affected accounting for 75% of cases. Many of these won't live past their fifth birthday. And so, the load on a family with such a diagnosis, plus the long period of uncertainty waiting for a diagnosis, causes tremendous strain psychologically and financially too as often one parent has to become a full-time carer.

    This strain circles out from the patient to the caregiver to the medical professionals, and so there is a systemic ecosystem to address. On top of this, as many living in Luxembourg will already know, such care will require cross-border help, and with this the necessary connectedness of care can easily extinguish.

    Cristol Barrett O'Loughlin, given her own family's experience of rare disease, went on to found RareGivers, providing relief to the caregivers. Paige Rivard is now Co-CEO of RareGivers and is former CEO of Prader-Willi Syndrome Association USA. Paige's son Jake is living with two rare genetic disorders plus autism. Together, Cristol and Paige are working to develop the conversation around the chronic stress (CTSD, not PTSD) that caregivers face and offer them a community of relief. Simply being heard and understanding that this is really hard can help; knowing that there is a community who understands what you are going through and support you.

    Lara Bloom is President and CEO of The Ehlers-Danlos Society. She is also an Academic Affiliate Professor of Practice in Patient Engagement and Global Collaboration at Penn State College of Medicine, USA. Lara explains the mental shift necessary in life expectations with the news of a diagnosis. And still there is great hope in the community of rare disease. Even if the cures don't come as fast as families want, trying to find the greatest quality of life for the whole family is the most important.

    Matt Bolz-Johnson is the Mental Health Lead and Healthcare Advisor at Eurodis, Rare Disease Europe based in Cologne, Germany. This group is helping to try to cross boundaries in every way. Matt advocates for enhancing medical services to be more psychologically informed, to look at treatment from a person-centered way.

    You can listen to my interview with the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public at the University of Cambridge on gene editing here.

  • Ambassador Bärtl talks about the upcoming visit of his President. Plus actor Catherine Elsen & director Sandy Artuso tell us about the power of Sarah Kane's work.

    Vladimír Bärtl, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has lived in Luxembourg for four years. He and his family arrived at the start of Covid, but rather than allow this to hinder developing diplomatic relationships, Ambassador Bärtl linked the song nano-textile production industry of his homeland with LuxInnovation.

    As a pilot, Ambassador Bärtl and AMCHAM co-organised and flew a group of NATO Ambassadors to Spangdahlem, a nearby American airbase in Germany.

    It’s been a busy four years for Ambassador Bärtl. 2022 was the centenary of diplomatic relations with Luxembourg and the second half of the year saw the Czech Presidency of the EU. To celebrate these parallel programmes, Luxembourg inaugurated Václav Havel Street with both Prime Ministers present.

    At the end of February the President of the Czech Republic, Mr Petr Pavel, and his wife will visit Luxembourg, marking the first state visit with the new Luxembourg government.

    This visit will be accompanied by a business delegation with a focus on ICT, cybersecurity, space and defence, reflecting the geopolitical atmosphere in Europe right now.

    '4.48 Psychosis' by Sarah Kane

    “Remember the light and believe the light”

    4.48 Psychosis is a one-woman play written by Sarah Kane (1971 - 1999). Despite her short life, ending in suicide, she is remembered as a powerful voice in contemporary British drama.

    Sarah suffered from severe depression and this work depicts some of her mental state in ‘virtuosic and precise use of language’. Some say that this piece was in effect her final goodbye.

    Sandy Artuso is the director and Catherine Elsen the actress in this show which you can see the show in Op Der Schmelz in Dudelange on 21 February.

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    You can subscribe to my podcast on Apple and Spotify. Please do rate and review too!

    Tune in on Today Radio Saturdays at 11am, Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10am.

  • Ambassador Lambert & Anne Calteux explain some complexities of the European Commission / EU, and Artnit Day, Pedro Castilho & Tiara Ernzen represent the upcoming TEDx Youth event.

    From the start of this year, it is Belgium’s turn to hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the 13th time. Ambassador Thomas Lambert, Belgian Ambassador to Luxembourg, tells us more about this role, which switches between the 27 member states of the EU every six months. They work in a group of three, and this trio, working across an 18 month period includes Spain and Hungary. So it ran from Spain, now the baton has passed to Belgium, and it will end with Hungary before the next trio is formed.

    It’s not so easy to understand the complex machine that comprises the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council, not even for those who are part of the system. Anne Calteux, Head of the European Commission Representation in Luxembourg, gives us a brief explainer and emphasises why it’s so important to use our democratic right to vote in this year’s European Elections.

    Protect, Strengthen, Prepare

    The aims of Belgium’s common programme with Spain and Hungary are trifold: Protect, Strengthen, Prepare. Ambassador Lambert elaborates on the timely nature of each. We’ve just had the Val Duchesse Social Partners summit and he also explains the historic importance of this dialogue.

    Each Presidency is an opportunity for the spotlight to dance around the 27 member states. Consequently, there are more cultural events available to those in or visiting Belgium at the moment - a good place to travel for Carnival or Easter for instance.

    Anne Calteux’s work helps give a local Luxembourg link to the voice of the Europe. She helps amplify the messages of President Ursula von der Leyen, to develop a green, digital and geopolitical union.

    TEDx Kolléisch Youth

    Arnit Dey is the co-organiser of TEDx Kolléisch Youth. With him as guests are Pedro Castilho from Verbalius, a coaching expert on public speaking, and student speaker Tiara Ernzen.

    Tiara poignantly describes the way in which she uses slam poetry to develop the idea of ‘The Power Within’ - the theme of the event. Pedro explains that a resonant message is found when it is authentic to that person.

    You can book your tickets on Eventbrite

  • Education in an age of AI with the Director of ISL, Dr. D.J. Condon and Head of Technology Sherriden Masters

    Sasha Kehoe gives us a round-up of the week’s news, and we start close to home with this weekend’s Luxembourg Song Contest for Eurovision. Who will represent Luxembourg in Malmö in May? The eight finalists will go head-to-head at Rockhal this Saturday. You can watch the live-stream here on RTL Today with English commentary and live ticker.

    Melissa Dalton and Sarah Tapp will be commenting on the English live-stream and this is how you can vote on the night.

    So make sure to tune in, watch, listen and text in!

    More entertainment news with the Oscar nominations, as Barbie is ‘snubbed’; it surprised many that neither Margot Robbie nor director Greta Gerwig were nominated.
    In Luxembourg news we talk about the enormous difficulties faced by the construction industry here, plus the Begging Ban.
    Internationally, we continue to follow the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza with increasing levels of hunger leading to famine. Immigration bills are making headlines in the UK, France and Italy. And finally, Former President Donald Trump will has won the New Hampshire Republican primary.

    Education in the age of AI

    Dr. D.J. Condon joined the International School of Luxembourg as Director in August 2021. From graduating high school early in order to travel to Alaska where he lived in the bush homesteading, D.J. has taught right across the world. Deeply experienced as an English teacher, he started in Florida, then began his international teaching in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, then went east - Taipei, Taiwan; Yangon, Myanmar; Hong Kong; Kobe, Japan and Hawaii.

    Sherriden Masters is the Head of Technology at ISL and a biology teacher at heart. He is passionate about the capacity of technology to facilitate learner agency and impact, with a consistent focus on outcomes for students. He and his family have lived in Brunei, India, Germany and the UK.

    We discuss what progressive education means and the need to educate the whole child. Both D.J. and Sherriden talk about the benefits of experiences and how this develops the mind beyond ‘standard’ classroom education. All emphasis is placed on promoting student agency - allowing the student to think about new subjects or activities that would benefit the school or indeed the world more generally. As Sherriden puts it, he believes teachers are the ‘pit crew’ to develop the best students for life.