Engaging all ages in ministry is core to the work of the church, but the reality of rural life can make that complicated. In this episode, we’ll hear about creative ways to incorporate children and adults into the life of rural congregations, even in the face of declining populations and limited resources.
Listen in to learn about how the “Messy Church” approach to multigenerational ministry plays out in rural churches from Trish Johnsen, Senior Pastor at Salem Chapel United Methodist Church in LaPorte, Indiana. You will also hear from Brad and Joanie Perry from Alabaster Grace Ministries, who provided the music for season two, about how their music came to be. -
What can churches do in a culture known for its skepticism? Nestled between Seattle and the Olympic National Forest, Belfair Community Church focuses on consistent, small acts that reflect God’s love and goodness. In this inspiring interview, you’ll hear from A Culture of Scarcity And a God of Abundance: Leading a Church into a Bigger, Better, More Beautiful Story
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
What do you do when you know there are people in your small town who need a community and a place to learn about Jesus, but they aren’t coming to your church? Sharon White led her church through a process of listening for needs and opportunities in their small town of Waco, Ga. When they discovered a shared passion for Bluegrass music they prayed for God’s help to start something new.
Today, in their town of barely 500, 100 people show up for the West Georgia Opry every weekend. Listen to hear the full story.
Rev. Sharon White serves as Pastor of Waco UMC and Fresh Expressions Cultivator for the North Georgia Conference within the United Methodist Church. She feels called to minister to those on the fringe through acts of mercy and social justice andis passionate about finding creative ways to connect non-churchgoers to God.
The stories of news media and Hollywood often focus on major coastal cities. But God is at work everywhere and the small towns and rural communities of North America are a testimony to God’s goodness.
In this interview, Brad Roth, Mennonite pastor and award-winning author, shares about the importance of place, people watching and recognizing people for who God believes they can
Of the challenges facing rural North America, health care remains one of the most pressing. What can local churches do to help? In this episode, Allen Stanton, author or Reclaiming Rural returns alongside Sidney Everhart to discuss how they've seen churches help their members and their communities stay healthy.
Robert Frazier might not be the first person you think of when you consider the needs of rural churches. Robert planted Redemption Hill, a network of microchurches in Boise, Idaho, and founded The City Network. However, Boise is the only major city in the region, and their ministry has expanded to the suburbs, exurbs, and rural areas in the two-hour vicinity.
In this episode, Robert discusses the difference between being a "small" church and a "micro" church. He provides new insight into how churches of all sizes can approach discipleship and the unique strengths small and rural churches have. He also discusses how the ministry of rural churches makes a significant impact on cities.
You'll also hear a bonus section where hosts Chris and Kathleen Blackey discuss their approach to building relationships.
Times change, but the same can’t always be said of churches. Why is it that some take risks and try new things, while others can’t seem to get unstuck?
In this overwhelmingly encouraging conversation, Ron Johnston, Executive Director of Small Church Connections in Canada, shares practical steps pastors can take to build trust and cast vision with their congregations. You’ll also hear a refreshing and very personal approach to life-on-life discipleship. Listen in and gain new hope for your rural church.
Many rural church leaders are part-time or bi-vocational. With such high demands on their time, what does "excellent" preaching look like?
Patricia Batten, Assistant Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, provides encouragement and direction for rural church leaders doing their best with limited resources. She also shares her story of ministry among those with disabilities and explores what a more inclusive church experience could be.
With many rural areas declining in population, "growth" is an impossible goal. What should churches do instead?
David Blackwell returns to the podcast to explore a more "relational" model of ministry. With a keen awareness of the average rural and small church, Blackwell outlines a realistic approach to leading a highly engaged and mission-driven church.
David Blackwell has pastored Florence Carlton Church in Montana for nearly 20 years. His rural church reaches people from across their county with a variety of gatherings, expressions and outreach.
Should small, rural churches aim for excellence, authenticity, or both? Many well-known, usually large churches, are known to strive for "excellence" in their production of weekend worship. This can leave small churches, with fewer means, feeling like they have to keep up.
Brandon O'Brien offers an alternative for small churches to aim instead to represent themselves and their faith authentically. This episode is perfect for rural church leaders seeking to create meaningful worship gatherings within their means and manpower.Brandon J. O'Brien is the senior director for content development and distribution at Redeemer City to City. He is the author or co-author of several books, including The Strategically Small Church and Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes. He lives with his wife and two kids in Chicago.
What do you think a rural church looks like? Listen to new ideas from real-life leaders who are reaching new people in places already accustomed to church. Featuring David Blackwell of Florence, Montana, Chris and Jaidy Smith from Ramseur, North Carolina and Allen Jessee from Abingdon, Virginia.
Allen Jessee, is the Lead Pastor of Highlands Fellowship and has served in ministry since 1983. Allen has lived in Southwest Virginia his entire life. After graduating from Lebanon High School, he attended Emory and Henry College and received a degree in Chemistry. He continued his education at Liberty University, receiving his Master’s degree in Biblical Studies, graduated from Luther Rice Seminary with a Masters of Divinity degree and returned to Liberty University for his Doctorate of Ministry. Allen and his wife, Brenda, have five children; two are "homemade”, Martha and Joseph, and three are “heart-made”, Bella and Timmy from Ethiopia, and Chris.
David came to Florence Carlton Church in Montana in 2005. He preaches, teaches, works with leaders, and enjoys getting to know people. “My greatest joy in ministry is watching the light of Christ come on in somebody’s eyes…when they say ’I can do this.’" David and his wife Beth married in 1985 and have been partners in ministry for 38 years.They are blessed with four children (and spouses) and five grandchildren. He loves music, 19th century American history, and any sport with a scoreboard. David earned his M.Div./R.E. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and was ordained in 1986.
Chris and Jaidy Smith are a pastoral team serving in central North Carolina at Jordan Memorial UMC and La Luz De Cristo IMU. Jaidy was born and raised in Puerto Rico while Chris is a native North Carolinian, they met in Puerto Rico and began a life together nearly 14 years ago. Their marriage reflects two cultures coming together which is reflected in their ministry. Through their Fresh Expressions they seek ways to bridge cultural and language barriers in order to create spaces for authentic love based communities.
Related Resources:Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
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What is a Fresh Expression?
David Blackwell
Jaidymar Smith
Chris Smith
Allen Jessee
Rural church pastors preach and organize church programs. But sometimes they manage contractors, water pigs, and other things you might not expect. Join Lindsay Callaway from the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada in a discussion of how to prepare church for the unexpected opportunities in rural ministry.
Lindsay Callaway has been with the EFC since 2019 and works as a researcher for the Centre for Research on Church and Faith. Lindsay has graduate degrees in systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and bioethics from Trinity International University. She lives in Ottawa with her husband, who is a pastor, and their three children.
Related Resources:
Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
The podcast episode we referred to about our Family Faith Formation study is here if you want to link to it directly too:
She has contributed to
the Parenting Faith study, learning how parents disciple their children in the home (final report releases March 15, 2023)the Canadian Evangelical Small Church Study, researching the life and experiences of small churches in Canadathe Faith Trends Podcast, where she is co-host.The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada:
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Ministry in rural areas can have challenges, when it comes to resources. Listen to Marta share how she has addressed the needs of Latino community (especially with language barriers) in her town and advocate for them and how she has partnered with schools, libraries, and other organizations to connect with people in her community.
Marta Sobrino Bolen, the pastor of Glenfield United Methodist Church, has started a ministry for Latinos called La Misión that helps Latino families in three areas: family, community, and spiritual growth. La Misión currently includes a tutoring program, a food pantry, a clothes pantry, reading and writing skills, spiritual growth, and support to families who have just arrived to the US.
Related Resources:Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
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What does it mean to be the church in a place where people come to vacation? Some small towns and less about Friday Night Lights and more about AirBnB. But what if it was possible not only to reach weekend warriors looking for recreation and the local population who live in small towns all year long. In this episode listen to discover different ways local churches seeking to revitalize their presence and they do it through play and outdoor adventure.
Pamela Morse and her husband, Earle, have served as pastors of Sugarloaf Christian Ministry in Carrabassett Valley, Maine, since 1990. In that rural, but also resort setting, they raised two amazing boys who are now fully launched! Ordained through the ABC/USA she also serves as chair of the American Baptist Churches of Maine Committee on Ministry, overseeing and implementing standards of recognition for ministerial leadership in the region. The Ministry is also a partner with Skiers and Snowboarders for Christ, an organization devoted to reaching the ski and snowboard culture. A graduate of Bates College and Andover Newton Theological School, Pam also completed her Doctorate of Ministry at Portland Seminary under the mentorship of Leonard Sweet, focusing on Semiotics and Future Studies.
Related Resources:Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
Pam Morse’s Dissertation: Roots, Routes, And Religion: Calling Playful Pilgrims To Follow The Way Of Jesus
Here’s the link to our amphitheater you might find interesting: are some links you might find interesting for outdoor worship experiences:
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Doing ministry in rural areas is different from doing ministry in urban or suburban areas, but many books and conferences tend to be more helpful for larger population areas. In this episode listen to two denominational leaders provide their perspective on strengths and challenges for doing discipleship in rural churches.
Dr. Leah Hidde-Gregory is an elder in the Global Methodist Church. During her ministry, she served in lay leadership, as a pastor and as a District Superintendent. Leah has a heart and passion for the mission of the church spending much of her ministry in church revitalization, revival and church growth. She holds a Doctorate in Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence; a Masters of Divinity; a Bachelors in Psychology / Sociology from Texas A&M.
Dale Edwards is the Region Minister for American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire. Before taking that role, he served 25 years as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lebanon, NH. He is a graduate of Berkshire Christian College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. For hobbies Dale raises chickens and rabbits and collects old Moxie bottles (recent count of 68).
Related Resources:Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
Newsletter from Leah Hidde-Gregory
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The word "rural" can bring to mind both bucolic and dilapidated images. But the truth is much more complicated! Discover how churches serve as anchors for small-towns, and new metrics for measuring success in this unique environment.
In the first episode of the Rural Renewal Podcast, you'll hear from Allen Stanton, an ordained pastor who currently manages a large initiative to expand access to dental care in rural areas and is author of Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations.
Allen Stanton is an ordained pastor in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He currently serves in extension ministry, managing a large initiative to expand access to dental care in rural areas for the College of Dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Allen is the author of Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021). Allen holds degrees from Wake Forest University and Duke University, and lives with his wife and two daughters in Tennessee.
Rural Renewal Podcast is a part of the Rural Renewal Summit, an initiative of Fresh Expressions happening April 21-22. The summit is a two-day digital event exploring new possibilities for small-town Churches. Learn more at Rural Renewal Summit - Fresh Expressions
Related Resources:Rural Renewal Summit: A Two-Day Digital Event Exploring New Possibilities for Small-Town Churches - April 21 & 22, 2023
Dividing Paradise: Rural Inequality and the Diminishing American Dream by Jennifer Sherman
Reclaiming Rural: Building Thriving Rural Congregations by Allen Stanton
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Revival is happening in small-town churches. Many of Jesus' followers across ruralregions are uncovering exciting possibilities as they explore creative and practical approaches to loving their neighbors.
Hosted by rural church co-pastors, Chris and Kathleen Blackey, this new podcast from Fresh Expressions will introduce you to ministry leaders serving in rural contexts to provide examples and inspiration for being the Church and addressing the needs unique to your community.Rural Revival Podcast launches March 13. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.
Rural Renewal Podcast is brought to you by the Rural Renewal Summit, a two-day digital event exploring new possibilities for small-town churches. The summit will bring together church leaders like Hugh Halter, Tim Thompson and Leah Hidde-Gregory, along with fresh expressions pioneers like Michael Beck, who are leading the church to do new and exciting things in small-town North America.
The Rural Renewal Summit will take place on April 21 and 22, and is designed for individuals and church leaders to participate, on their own, or with their team. Register before March 1 to get the early bird price. Rural Renewal Summit - Fresh Expressions