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なお、パーソナリティのノスタルジー鈴木と稲村ジェーンは、市川市でまちづくりを実践するNPO法人『フリースタイル市川』( ) のメンバーなので、広義のまちづくりにまつわる内容(場づくり等)も盛り沢山です。感想、要望、議論、提案等は、!ka !ch!kawa のTwitterアカウント( @ikaichikawa )宛にお願いします( )!電子メールは ikaichikawa1🦑 まで(🦑を@に変えて)! -
Meet changemakers from all around the world. And get your weekly dose of inspiration to take action!
We are having deep and authentic conversations with social entrepreneurs, activists, leaders, intrapreneurs and unsung heroes to understand what shaped who they are today.
Life Line is a podcast made to amplify the voices of those who work hard to make a difference. We believe they have a strong message that deserves to be shared with the world.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mental Health Today… is hosted by Ken Stearns and aims to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness through open discussion, education, and tools. The show will feature guests who share their experiences within the mental health field, including treatment professionals, funding experts, activists, advocates, patients, and policy makers.
Each episode is LIVE across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube.
Mental Health Today is sponsored by Jar Foundation LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing mental illness and improving access to mental health resources. The show will help to build the foundation's strategy, structure, and direction while raising awareness and promoting education about mental health. -
Kênh Podcast chia sẻ những câu chuyện trong hành trình trưởng thành của những người trẻ, host bởi Aster
The Growing Up journey is created by Aster including her interesting thoughts toward the adult world.
Everything happening in your life is meaningful. Here we share everything not only joys but also vulnerability.
Aster's here! you're safe. Let's color our life. -