
  • "So, frequent cleaning actually extends the life of your carpet and is recommended by most manufacturers and the EPA."

    This question comes up often - Do Carpets Wear Out Faster If You Clean Carpets Often? Erik Olson, our carpet cleaning expert answers this question today on this episode!

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    So frequent cleaning actually extends the life of your carpet and is recommended by most manufacturers and the EPA this is the Check a pro radio show Check A Pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe in my home I've got carpet I love carpet but I've heard something before and it's kind of like this theory out there and I'm not sure if it's true so I've asked Erik Olson from safe and soft carpet cleaning to answer the question from me here on the program and that is if you clean your carpets over and over again do they wear out overtime because of that is it bad for the carpet so that's a great question actually no it does not so each day we pull pounds and pounds of sandy soil out of you know the base of people's carpets your neighbors carpets I mean you can see it yourself you spread the yards you look deep and you can see that kind of sand or soil that's in your carpets that sand is actually scratching and dulling your carpet kind of like sandpaper it's grinding your expensive yarns down into those worthless fibers that you've vacuum up and so every moment you wait your carpet wears out faster if you don't have them professionally cleaned often enough a lot of times people think well I'll wait till it looks dirty or you know if I clean it more often like how much is too often and I say look professional cleanings designed to remove those sandy gritty soils from grinding down your carpet fibers so frequent cleaning actually extends the life of your carpet and is recommended by most manufacturers and the EPA we also apply a protectant or can apply a protectant after cleaning that Shields your carpet from wearing out faster and protector has three primary benefits right it makes vacuuming 60 to 70% more effective so the carpets will stay clean longer to significantly reduce wear and abrasion because of increased vacuuming effectiveness and then three and last but it's famous for the spot and spill protector so anytime you spill something it's not going to cause like a permanent staining most of the time right it depends on what you spill and how long you leave it there but yes cleaning more often will actually extend the life of your carpet it will not wear it out faster the longer you wait with those sandy gritty sticky soils in your carpet the faster it will wear out Eric thanks for clearing that up for me I've heard that for actually decades people will say the more you have it done the more your carpet will wear out thank you for clearing that up for us Erik Olson from safe and soft carpet cleaning in Boise all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast so when you need your carpet cleaner just need some advice about carpet cleaning contact him at safe and soft thanks buddy thanks joe check a pro as your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

  • Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    In this segment, co-owner Erik Olson, explains his company's why and why they are committed to outstanding customer service.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning

    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    We are different because of the service experience that we provide so we like to provide our clients with a knock your socks off service experience this is the check a pro radio show check a pro joe provides the latest and services products and techniques now here's your host the man with the hard hat and tools checker pro Joe other people take their carpets for granted or carpet slots are being maintained want to be clear in regular basis last inexpert incorporating instructor during here should previous sentence error codes and was a Cold War over social size carpet cleaning Eric how are you great Joe how are you fantastic so it's previous sentence of carpet cleaner and different from other carpet cleaners so first and foremost Joe I I think that we are different because of the service experience that we provide we see that in a lot of the service industry that that kind of customer service factor is is lacking no we like to provide our clients with a knock your socks off service experience but the other thing that kind of sets us apart is our dry times with with the carpet we have the fastest dry time zone on the market for carpet that will be dry in about an hour OK we will figure that out instead of soaking it down so that the carpets actually look cleaner and that they are cleaner than a lot of the competitors are providing we have a new in the industry for for some of these cleaners the column splash and dash but they just come in for a bunch of water in such a little bit of it up and then kind of just take your money and run away with us if we need to put in the extra work to give you the best results then that's what we're going to do we have a 30 day guarantee we wanna make sure that you're completely satisfied with the work we we follow up with you after we've provided the work just to make sure that everything is to your satisfaction and hopefully that we've we've exceeded your your expectations so Oh my God a lot of other cleaners too we actually use that extra safe cleaners that do not leave a soil attracting residue and so that again leaves your carpets cleaner longer you're not going to get that crunchy feel and your carpets are nice and soft and and dry in an hour I mean what more could you ask for for carpet cleaning everyone comes down to the process and of course the people behind the business because they're customer service and you guys have received from South corporate planning are fantastic everyone thank you so much for joining me today thank you Joe check your points you're welcome sentence for pre qualified contractors stay tuned for more than check a pro radio show.

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  • "We do clean our equipment, so that we're not cross contaminating, which is very important."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    On today's program, the topic is a common one. "Does Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning Bring Equipment Inside The House?"

    Jim Klauck from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "The moral of the story is make sure that you ask whomever is going to be cleaning your carpets. Is it safe for my pets?"

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Today's episode topic is a common one. "Is Carpet Cleaning Safe For Pets?"

    Jim Klauck from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "I like to get up as much as possible with the gum freezer and then if there's any little bits that are harder to get out,I would use like something like a solvent like an orange or orange oil."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Have you ever had chewing gum stuck to your carpet or rug?

    Jim Klauck from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "How Can I Remove Chewing Gum From My Carpet?"

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "It's always fun when we clean upholstery to see what we can find in there."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Do you have upholstery that needs cleaning? Well the team and Safe N Soft can do the job! Jim Klauck from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "Can You Clean My Upholstery?"

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "A color correction if you have like a red dye stain from Kool-Aid or wine or, something like that, is a stain and it's not a spot because even after we clean it, that spot's not coming out."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "What Is The Difference Between A Carpet Stains and Carpet Spot?" See what carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning has to say today on the podcast.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "It's a pulling action and put that tension on the carpet and then you'll actually tuck the carpet and push the carpet down onto a tack strip."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Have you ever wondered why your carpets begin to ripple? This is unsightly and can cause a tripping hazard. Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "Why Do My Carpets Ripple?" See what carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning has to say today on the podcast.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "Where does the dirt go? Depending on what method is used."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    When you have your carpets professionally cleaned you have to wonder where the dirt goes? Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) from Check A Pro Radio asks this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "Where Does The Dirt Go When My Carpets Get Cleaned?" See what carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning has to say today on the podcast.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

  • "Whether that's a counter rotating brush machine or an oscillating pad machine that has tamping on it that actually lifts, it creates agitation,but it lifts the carpet pile and helps reset those fibers."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Will the cleaning of your carpet help smooth out those matted areas? Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) from Check A Pro Radio poses this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "Can Cleaning My Carpet Help With Matted Carpet Areas?" See what we learned from Erik at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning today on the podcast.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Some of us have carpet that's matted,especially if we have kind of like a high pile carpet it and,and you know,over time it can be matted.And so some questions have come into the program about,can that be removed through carpet cleaning?You would think through extraction,maybe it would help bring it all back together.So I don't know the answer,but I'm bringing the expert on here,Erik Olson from Safe and soft carpet cleaning in Boise,Idaho.How you doing,Erik?Great Joe.Thanks for having me on.It's great to have you here.Ok.So I would think,but I'm not an expert.That's why I call on you that cleaning matted carpet would probably be good for it.Will it help?Yes,it will.In fact,uh,carpet cleaning will help prevent,uh,like a long term matting of the carpet,right?A lot of times that's a matting of the carpet.Uh,not always,but sometimes that's an indication that the carpet's not being cleaned often enough or vacuumed often enough.And so that carpet pile is being kind of crushed.And so,um,we have equipment,um,whether that's uh a counter rotating brush machine or uh an an oscillating pad machine that has tamping on it that actually lifts,it creates agitation,but it lifts the carpet pile um and helps reset those fibers.Um Hot water extraction can do the same thing using that heat and then rooming the carpet afterwards,helps reset those carpet fibers so that they stand up.Now,um vacuuming often also helps.So that's another form of carpet cleaning,right?Is vacuuming.We don't always think of that as,as carpet cleaning.It's not because we can do it ourselves.But at the same time,if we're not vacuuming often enough,I'm doing that maintenance and care that we should,um,then the carpet will become matted more often,especially in those high traffic areas.Right?Because we always see those patterns,um,where we are walking the most to the,um,the,the,the path that just gets the most foot traffic and,uh,even after we clean them sometimes that is,well,a lot of times that is very apparent still and people are like,well,it still looks a little funny and,you know,looks a little worn and,and mad at there and,and,and it's because it's not either being vacuumed enough,it's not being protected like AAA protector is not being,um,put on where it's needed.Um,if it's an area of high traffic where you're vacuuming and you've got protected on,uh,maybe the next step is to put a,a rug or,or something that will kind of,um,deflect that traffic.Right.That,that maybe isn't as attached as wall to wall carpet is that could be,you know,uh,replaced if,if needed and is less expensive to replace.But carpet cleaning in general,yes,will,will help prevent,um,matting over time,um,because it's removing those contaminants in the carpets,removing those grits and soils and things that are just grinding down and breaking down on those carpet fibers and crushing that carpet pile.Whereas this equipment is helping lift it up and rejuvenate,rejuvenate it.Excuse me.Um,we also probably mentioned this a little bit earlier,but after we clean,we take,um,this,a lot of people get a,get a kick out of this,we use a carpet rake and so we're,we're grooming the carpet back and forth.Um,I don't know how else to,to,to describe it like when you're raking your lawn or,or something like that where that actually lifts the grass,you know,you're,you're grooming everything out of the carpet,but this actually lifts and resets those carpet fibers so that when it dries,those carpet fibers are standing upright and they're nice,nice and fluffy and soft and,and everybody loves it until,you know,they,they're almost afraid to walk on it afterwards because then they leave little footprints.So there you go.Yeah.Excellent.Ok.So the answer is yes,you can do it yourself a bit with vacuuming,but certainly you can call safe and soft out when they clean the carpet.It'll help you with your matted carpets.Thanks Erik.Appreciate it,buddy.Thank you,Joe.

  • "If you spill any wine or Kool-Aid or things of that nature those are gonna clean right up and that you're not gonna have this nasty red, yellow or blue stain on your carpet because you have that protectant on there."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    So should you apply Scotch Guard protection to your carpets? Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck) from Check A Pro Radio poses this question to Erik Olson, carpet cleaning expert - "Is Scotch Guard Protection Necessary For Carpet Protection?" Check out what I found out from the experts at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    One of the things I love about my home is the fact that I've got a lot of carpet in my home.As a matter of fact,in my studio where I am now,I have carpet and I really need to have carpet because we don't want a lot of echo.So carpet is very important to me in my business and in my personal life and there's,you know,a lot of wear and tear on it.So after I get it clean,I'm wondering if I should,uh,protect it somehow with like a Scotch Guard product.We've all heard of that.So I've asked an expert in the carpet cleaning field,Erik Olson from Safe and Soft carpet cleaning in Boise.Hey,Erik,how you doing?Good,Joe.Thanks for having me.Yeah.So,you know,I love my carpet.I try to take my shoes off when I can.I really don't want it to wear out.I don't wanna clean it constantly,but is there a way to protect it long term?Absolutely.So,uh,you know,the question you ask is,is kind of the answer right there is,is scotch guard or I mean,that's a term most people are familiar with,uh,there are other products and,and those of us in the industry kind of refer to it as like a fabric protector,uh,protectant that we would,uh,apply to the carpet after we clean the carpet.Um,and what that is,is,is,it's,it's a barrier.It's a,it's in the name,it's a protector for those carpet fibers.So when your carpet comes brand new,it comes from the factory with a protectant on it.Right.And that's,um,that can be made up of a number of things.Um,where that,um,the chemical makeup where it,it creates a barrier around that carpet fiber and protects it from getting,um,scratched and,and just kind of worn and abraded from the grits and the soils that,that we,uh,have in our carpets every day.That's why we vacuum.Right.It's a very important vacuum.Uh,because the soils,those sands,those,those,the soils that are in your carpet under a microscope,they're like little shards of glass or knives and they are just cutting up those fibers.And so when somebody is like,well,I,I just had my carpet cleaned but it still looks dirty there.That's because the carpet is damaged.Uh,it's not necessarily dirty but it is damaged and so the light does not reflect off of it the same way.In fact,we like to have a for,for those of us,uh,or for those of you that can see this on video,we have a little demonstration tool where it's like a clear tube.So when you look under a microscope,your carpet fiber is like a clear tube on the other side,uh,of this tube,it,it's very scratched up,it's very abraded and it just,it looks dirty because,um,it's all scratched and,and the light's just not shining through it the way that it used to like it does on the other side.And so that's what essentially the carpet fibers do when they're,they're scratched up when you put Scotch Guard or have that reapplied after the carpets are cleaned,that continues to protect your carpet.Prolong it,your investment essentially,right?Because that's a big investment.We wanna,we want to protect that because it's more expensive to replace it than it is to clean and maintain it.So,yes,uh,a product like,uh,Scotch Guard,there are better products out there.Um,which,um,as a,a carpet cleaning professional or our carpet cleaning company,we have access to those that we can apply that last a little bit longer that are,that may be a little bit safer in,in some regards,um,to apply to your carpet and help your carpet,um,stay cleaner longer,help it,uh,vacuum up easier,help it prevent staining on the carpet,right?If you spill any wine or kool-aid or,uh,things of that nature that those are gonna clean right up and that you're not gonna have this nasty red,yellow or blue,you know,whatever stain on your carpet because you have that protectant on there.So,if you want to prevent those things and make it easier to clean your carpet up,um,then,um,that kind of protector is,is a great idea.It's a fantastic idea.The more we talk about carpet cleaning,the more I feel it's carpet care.So a lot of us think we'll just give our carpet a bath,like we go into the shower.But after we shower or bat,maybe we put moisturizer on or something to keep,you know,to keep the skin soft and supple,especially as we get older.Right.So when the carpet gets older,it's kind of like people,when they get older,their cells don't regenerate as well.And so,you know,older people need more moisturizer.Maybe they need a face lift or something.So,the more I talk to you,it's more like carpet care than carpet cleaning.Absolutely.And,and,uh,it's a mindset.Really.Is,are you gonna take care of your carpet or are you,um,wanting carpet restoration?Which at that point,you don't always like your carpets only new once,but depending on how well you take care of,it depends on how good it will look in the long term if you're skipping,cleaning or skipping protected because you're like,well,I want to save some money.It may end up costing you more in the long run because your carpet just may not last as long.Hey,this has been fantastic educational for me as well.Erik Olson.Thank you so much,safe and stuff,carpet cleaning and Boise.All of his information is located in the description of this podcast to get your carpets cleaned and to have them cared for long term.Thanks,Erik.Appreciate it.Thank you Joe.

  • "There are multiple methods, but I always say it depends on how well trained and how proficient that technician that specialist is at that method."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Have you ever asked yourself if carpet cleaning chemicals are safe to use on your carpets? I have! So, I asked our carpet cleaning expert in Boise, Idaho that exact question - "Are the chemicals used to clean carpets safe?" Check out what I found out from the experts at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Years ago when I was in college in the summers I would clean carpets in the dorms.That's right.That's what,that's what I did.And when you're cleaning up after college students,hm.That's,that's a lot of work.Uh,I wouldn't call myself an expert carpet cleaner.Uh,but I got pretty good at doing it and,and,uh,it's an interesting job.I've asked my friend Erik Olson from Safe and Soft Carpet cleaning to join me here on the program today because I've got a question for him.How you doing,Erik?Good Joe.Ok.So I want to talk to you about the methods of cleaning carpet.I'll tell you what our method was.We had this big machine,um,and we had a wand and we filled this big machine up with hot water and we put some kind of soapy chemical in it and we sprayed and sucked,sprayed and sucked and this thing was held like 10 gallons.I think it was a big beast and then we drank,you know,we emptied it out and we did it over again.I'm not sure if it was the right process,but I was just a kid in college trying to make money in the summertime.So,I don't know what that method is called.But what is that?Yeah,I,I mean,I can tell you what it's called.It's soap and suck.It's so,it was a,it was an,a,a portable extractor.Right.With a wand.It wasn't necessarily a,a truck mounted,uh,uh,cleaner.Uh,which just means that it may not have been as,as powerful.Right?You're running,um,probably a shorter hose on it.It's just another piece of equipment,right?Because sometimes we cannot always run hoses all the way down to the truck.We need to bring in a portable piece of equipment.Um,so that's there,there's all sorts of different types of,uh,pieces of equipment.So,you know,the question of which method or which cleaning method is,is best,that's,that's a tough one.Uh,usually I,you know,I have my own personal preferences but I also say that,uh,the best method is usually the one with the best technician,uh,that or how,how else do I do?I put this a little bit more clearly.It really depends on the technician who's using the tool,right?Uh That's like asking,uh,a mechanic,uh,what's the best tool to fix my car?Well,it depends on what's wrong with your car.Uh,it depends on what kind of results you want.Uh,what,what are the features and benefits.Uh What are,what are you hoping to achieve?Um,so there are,there are multiple methods but I always say it depends on how well trained and how proficient that technician that specialist is at that method.So,as far as you know,the machine that you used in college,nothing wrong with it.Plenty of carpet cleaners that,that go out and do that.Um,are there more efficient and powerful tools?Absolutely.But can you still get the cleaning job done with that portable unit?Yes.Yes,you can.But there may be something that can probably do it faster and,uh,just be a little bit more powerful.So you might,you might get a little bit better results.You just have to put in a little bit more time with that with that other piece of equipment.Uh,so,I mean,does that answer the question as far as what cleaning method is best?Um,I could go over all the different methods most of the time I will say people don't always mind or care as much.Uh,what,what is used,uh,as,as far as well as long as what you're using is safe,right?You know,it,it has a safe chemical,a safe cleaner that you're using.Um,but all they care about really are the results.Um,and are you gonna take forever to clean my carpets?You know,they don't want you around all day cleaning your carpets.They hope that it,uh,dries fast and that you get good results and that their carpets don't get dirty quickly again.Right.And so that's what we hope to achieve here.It's uh,safe and soft.We provide a low moisture method,but we also have a hot water extraction method.Um,so it,it comes down to personal preference and what the need of the client is and,and what's best for that need.Yeah.No.You know,when you were talking about this,it reminds me of football,it comes down to the athlete.So the athletes,the technician comes down to the tools.What type of equipment do you have?And does it really matter who and how they score a touchdown?No,and that's what the owner of the home wants.They want that carpet clean safe.And so when you say,you know,the technician,that's pretty much the athlete,right?They're the ones that are trained.They're the ones with the experience.Yes,that is very true.Ok,Erik Olson,as always,thank you so much for joining me here on the program Safe and Soft is the name of the company,all of Erik's information and his team's information is located in the description of this podcast.Reach out to him for all your carpet cleaning needs.Erik,once again,thanks so much.Thank you,Joe.

  • "There are safe cleaners to use,that are very green hyp0 allergenic,you know, safe for pets, safe for Children. But on the flip side of that,there are some that are not so safe."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    Have you ever asked yourself if carpet cleaning chemicals are safe to use on your carpets? I have! So, I asked our carpet cleaning expert in Boise, Idaho that exact question - "Are the chemicals used to clean carpets safe?" Check out what I found out from the experts at Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

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    You Call Safe N Soft Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Having clean carpets is something that we should all have.It should be a right as an American,as far as I'm concerned,the question is though,are the chemicals that are used to clean carpets safe?That question comes up a lot here on the program.I've asked my friend Erik Olson from Safe and soft carpet cleaning to join me here on the program.Erik,how you doing?Good Joe.Thanks for having me.Yeah,it's great to have you here.So I'm sure this question comes up a lot with your customers and if not,it should,because I'm kind of curious when you're cleaning carpets.How safe is it?So that is a great question.There are safe cleaners to use,uh,that are very green hypo allergenic,um,you know,safe for pets,safe for Children.But on the flip side of that,there are some that are not so safe.Uh,it really kind of depends on the cleaner and what they're using.Um,a lot of times they'll even use cleaners that,um,aren't really designed or formulated to,uh,clean carpets,but they still use them to clean carpets.Uh,so they'll use things like,uh,Fabu Loso or simply green or ammonia,which is,you know,not safe.Um,and all of these things that,that have chemicals in them that,that can be hazardous.Um,not,and not safe for,for the house.Um,and so here at safe and soft,we work very hard to look at the chemical makeup of what we're using.Um,as well as,uh,working with our distributors to have safer solutions,uh,safer chemistry for people because we're exposed to things every day,just all sorts of,of toxins.And obviously when we come to clean your home or clean your carpets that,that largest air filter in your home,we want to make sure that we're using something that's safe that's not gonna leave a hazardous or toxic residue left behind that could cause harm to,to you,your Children or your pets.So,yes,there are safe cleaners and there are also not safe cleaners.And you need to be asking,um,the cleaner that you have come to your home,um,is what you're using safe?Is it green?Um,and how will it affect me?And Eric,I would imagine at safe and soft,you guys use the same products over and over again.Even if there's a tough stain,you're not gonna pull out some chemical that you just looked up on Google and put it down.Right.You guys are consistent.That's right.Yeah.So we do have a couple different um uh products that we use.The products.That's the word I want uh that we use.And it,it's case by case,right?It's,well,this is a tougher stain and because this is organic,you know,I want to use this type of product as opposed to something that may be uh may come out better with uh a,a solvent or,or,or whatever.Right?It's,it's case by case,depending on what kind of stain,what kind of soiling you have in your carpet.We have some that are more aggressive than others.Um,but we do always want to make sure that what we're using is,is for the most part safe and that we're completely flushing out or removing that uh from the carpet so that we don't leave that behind.Yeah,it's in your name.Safe and soft,right?Safe and soft carpet cleaning.All of Erik's information is located in the description of this podcast.Make sure that you contact them when you want to have a safe and soft carpet cleaning experience.Thank you so much,Eric.I appreciate it.Thank you,Joe.

  • "Typically people clean seasonally during warmer months but we still perform cleanings during the fall and winter months."

    - Erik Olson, Carpet Cleaning Expert

    So, the question is - "What is the best time of year to clean your carpets?" Well, Check A Pro Joe has asked carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson to answer this question for the listening audience today.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Typically people clean seasonally during warmer months but we still perform cleanings during the fall and winter months. This is the check a pro radio show checker pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe there are different times of year where we think we need to get certain things done in the colder climates we're not gonna paint our house or the exterior of our house you know maybe not even the interior but here's a question I have for our carpet cleaning expert Erik Olson from safe and soft carpet cleaning Eric what is the best time of year to get my carpets cleaned so that's a great question I will answer it with a question when was the last time you had your carpets cleaned right if you had a hard time remembering then it's probably due to be cleaned again right it's wise to protect your investment and not wait until the carpet appears dirty because that's on the damage carpet fibers is occurring so think of it this way do you change your HVAC filter when you start having a hard time breathing or see all that dust in the air right or your bed sheets when you start seeing stains or the oil in your car when it starts running rough probably not like you change or clean those things on a schedule to maintain health and cleanliness to extend the life of those things right carpet should be cleaned every 6 to 12 months at the very least every 18 months typically people clean seasonally during warmer months but we still perform cleanings during the fall and winter months because we have a low moisture option it's actually very convenient during those colder months where you know you've got snow and ice and a lot of people just don't like to have things cleaned because sometimes they imagine that the door is going to be open a little bit run hoses through the door we can actually bring all our equipment inside we perform a low moisture cleaning that we're not over saturating your carpets and they dry fast and they're not going to put a strain on your HVAC or have a lot of humidity in the air you don't have to worry about opening your windows when it's freezing outside because we're just using a lot less water and it will dry as long as you are at room temperature right 70 degrees and you have good air flow maybe a ceiling fan or a moving fan so again it really kind of depends on your schedule people may hold off in those winter months but we do have a 30 day guarantee and so if there are any issues we will come back and we will clean and you just want to make sure that you're staying on schedule for keeping your carpets clean so that they always look beautiful so that they are performing their intended purpose actually filtering your air and keeping your family clean and healthy thank you so get on a schedule contact Eric and his team safe and soft carpet cleaning all the information is listed in the description of this podcast thank you Eric thank you Joe check a Pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

  • "We do the post inspection and to make sure that you're happy with the results."

    - Erik Olson

    So do you need to be home when your carpets are cleaned by Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning? Our carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson, has the answer in this podcast! Check out what Erik has to say on this episode...

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    We do the post inspection and to make sure that you're happy with the results. This is the check a pro radio show Check A Pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe - A lot of us are very busy thank goodness for companies like Amazon because we don't have to shop as much on our own things get delivered when we're out we're out at work or out at soccer with the kids some questions come up though about home service companies and in particular carpet cleaning I've asked Erik Olson a professional in the carpet cleaning business from safe and soft to answer this question that has come up do I have to be home while my carpets are being cleaned what's the answer to that great question Joe technically no so we cleaned for many clients who trust us to come and clean their homes while they are away right we send background checks for our technicians before they arrive at the home so that they know who is coming to their home and we just asked that payment is due upon completion so typically if they're not home or if you need to leave while we're there cleaning we just collect payment before they leave or we can just run a card after the work is completed we do like to do like a post inspection to make sure that you're happy with the results but we can also send you before and after photos and we have a 30 day guarantee where if you're not happy we will come back and clean the carpets again and no charge we would prefer that you are there but we understand that people have busy lives and we have the systems in place to accommodate so very simply everybody if you want to be there it's great if you can't be there you can still get your carpets cleaned so it's no excuse call Eric and his team over safe and soft carpet cleaning all their information is listed in the description of this podcast thanks Erik thanks Joe.

  • "When 'on location' carpet cleaning first began, shampooing was the most popular method and the shampoos left a sticky residue that caused resoiling."

    - Erik Olson

    Will my carpets get dirtier quicker if I have my carpets cleaned more often? Well, that's a good question! Our carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson, says not necessarily! Check out his answer on this episode...

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    When on location carpet cleaning first began shampooing was like the most popular method and the shampoos left a sticky residue that caused resoiling this is the Check a pro radio show check Afro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe this is like an old wives tale I've heard this before it's about carpet this may be true in your mind as well for everyone listening out there and that is do your carpets seemed to get dirtier quicker the more you get them clean hmm so I've asked Eric Olson he's an expert in carpet cleaning from safe and soft carpet cleaning to answer this question once carpets have been cleaned the carpets can get dirtier quicker is that true Erik well that's a great question the answer I think is yes and no OK so at one time your carpet resoled quicker after cleaning but that was over 40 years ago OK so that was a long time ago went on location cleaning carpet cleaning first began shampooing was like the most popular method um and the shampoos left us sticky residue that caused the soiling so just imagine if you shampooed your hair and then didn't rinse it right but chemistry equipment lots changed right even in the last five years a lot has changed with that but with safe and soft chemistry no shampoos or soaps and our equipment your carpets are left nearly residue free frequent cleaning actually extends the life of your carpet and is recommended by most manufacturers Simply put times of changed and as long as the carpets are rinsed that should not be an issue there are some cleaners however we'd like to call them splash and dash that they just rushed through it and they do not do a thorough job of rinsing their the carpet and so your carpets kind of left crunchy stiff right that's just evidence that there's residue there right and and we do not like to have that with our company right if if something like that was to occur we would immediately come back and make sure that it was right so that you have nearly zero residue or as little residue as possible in your profile so your grandparents need to stop spreading the noise it's old fashioned stuff today companies like safe and soft carpet cleaning are really good company like safe and soft are going to be doing it the right way and not leaving residue behind you know I was thinking about leaving shampoo in my hair if I had a lot of hair I guess it would make a difference people still call carpet cleaning shampooing and you know sometimes off carpet cleaner is like we don't use shampoos anymore but whatever you want to call it yeah old habits die hard thank you so much Eric I appreciate it all of Erik's information to contact him is listed in the description of this podcast thanks again Erik thank you Joe check a Pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

  • " They could still dry in a reasonable amount of time as long as the inside the house it's about around 70 degrees you know 60 to 70 degrees and you've got good air flow then you get good dry times." - Erik Olson

    Can your carpets be cleaned when it's raining? Our carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson, says yes! Hear why on this episode...

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    They could still dry in a reasonable amount of time as long as the inside the house it's about around 70 degrees you know 60 to 70 degrees and you've got good air flow then you get good dry times. This is the Check A pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt checker pro Joe here at the radio program had a question across my desk it's about carpet cleaning so I've ask the owner of safe and soft carpet cleaning Eric Olson to join me here on the program's data answer this question from a listener Eric if it's raining or I guess snowing or if there's just inclement weather can my carpet still be clean absolutely I mean we take extra precautions we wear shoe covers and we put down door mats to protect from tracking anything into your home and unless it's raining inside the house right our technicians you know take those precautions to make sure you get the best cleaning and your carpet dries in a good amount of time right and then if you consider our 30 day guarantee it's like having free reign insurance item in my experience raining has never really been a real issue for not having your carpets cleaned but we do like to add those extra precautions to reassure our clients same goes for snow but usually you know weather is kind of linked psychologically right if something that's raining or snowing outside you're not thinking wow I really need to clean the house but when it's sunny outside for spring cleaning in the spring or summer cleaning that's people are more inclined to do it so we do have a slow season right during the winter months all of winter months but we are still out there performing work was people's carpets need to be maintained they want to maintain those investments and keep their carpets from wearing out yeah we we'll take those extra precautions so that if it's raining you don't have to worry about your carpets being getting dirty right after they clean and the cool wet air outside does that affect the drying time it can yes however I mean you you've got an increase in community so that could slow the drying time down but we can also add speed drying fans you know turbo fans that will actually speed dry your carpets and or you know when we use the low moisture cleaning process that allows an hour drive time so because we're using less water it dries faster as opposed to you know pressure washing your carpets hoping that they'll dry right after you know that we like to use the least amount of water possible and speed dry that so there's that added convenience and then have days where it rains or snows you know they can they can still dry in a reasonable amount of time as long as inside the house it's about around 70 degrees you know 60 to 70 degrees and you've got good air flow then you'll get good dry times that's it thanks so much for that answer Eric Olson safe and soft carpet cleaning all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast thank you joe check a pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the Check a pro radio.

  • "Multiple cleaners have come in previously and we're not able to remove these organic stains we will take this high-powered UV light that kind of acts as the sun if you will and use like a peroxide and actually treat those spots that UV light will help fade that stain that color that's in your carpet so we have had success ." - Erik Olson

    Check A Pro Joe has asked carpet cleaning expert, Erik Olson to join him in this segment to answer this question - Will stains come out of my carpet after it is professionally cleaned?

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Multiple cleaners have come in previously and we're not able to remove these organic stains we will take this high-powered UV light that kind of acts as the sun if you will and use like a peroxide and actually treat those spots that UV light will help fade that stain that color that's in your carpet so we have had success. This is the Check a pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of prequalified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe we look at our carpets and they may be only 2,3,4,5 years old invested a lot of money we've got some stains question is will all the stains come out when we hire the carpet cleaner so I have asked Erik Olson he's a professional carpet cleaning expert from safe and soft carpet cleaning to answer that question Eric how are you great job thanks for having me so the question posed today will all the stains come out of the carpet by the time you leave so well that's a loaded question it actually depends I mean although we have great success at removing most things some stains are permanent and why is this one of the reasons can be because sometimes people have tried to treat the stains previously with over the counter spot removers like all maybe one of the most popular ones that people like to use and carpet cleaners hate is resolve that often will set the stain when we find out if somebody's used the spot remover from the store beforehand we usually give them the disclaimer that we have about a 5050 chance of removing that now because you actually tried to remove it yourself and may or may not have set this thing other stains due to the nature of carpet and was spilt on them like let's say turmeric is an extremely difficult one to remove turmeric that oftentimes in Curry hair dye hair dye is designed to dye your hair as far as removing that out of the carpet that can be very difficult nail Polish bleach can even be permanent for many cleaners we have had success with removing nail Polish and even bleach we are actually safe and soft we can go in and redye the carpet so any color that's been removed from bleach we can actually add that color back to the parking fibers and as far as hair dye goes I mean we can bleach out the carpet and re diet as well that will work and it also just depends on if the carpet fibers are damaged so a lot of times if you're not using proper spotting techniques like rubbing the carpet that's a big no no you can damage the carpet face fibers what you should be doing is actually blotting if the fibers are damaged then you have a lot less likely chance of removing those things we've had success with but it also depends on the ink and sometimes one spot remover may not work we'll try another one we have just picked up actually a special UV light that allows us to remove tough organic stains like urine turmeric or Curry vomited and so on so before where had cases where a number of cleaners have come in multiple cleaners have come in previously and we're not able to remove these organic stains we will take this high power UV light that kind of acts as the sun if you will and use like a peroxide and actually treat those spots that UV light will help fade that staying that color that's in your carpet so we have had success with that we continue to add training for specialty spot removal but we cannot promise that we can always get out the spots we set realistic expectations and our pre inspection when we go over everything a lot of times it's easier to know whether we can remove a spot if we know what the spot is but a lot of times people don't know there's those mysteries things right and we have spot removers that have success at removing those mystery stains but sometimes they don't we are good at removing stains but we're not God right we can always perform a miracle that and I get that from you know my trainers as well that that have trained us on these spot removal techniques that hey look I'm good but I'm not God I can't remove everything OK great advice contact Erik Olson and his team over a safe and soft carpet cleaning for all of your carpet cleaning needs his information is in the description of this podcast thanks Erik thank you Joe check a pro as you were local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

  • "Urine in carpet is kind of like an iceberg, you may see a small spot on top but underneath the carpet it's really kind of spread out." - Erik Olson

    Sometimes our pets soil our carpets and rugs in our homes. Will carpet cleaning remove these odors? Check A Pro Joe has asked Erik Olson from Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning to join him on the show to discuss this topic.

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    Urine in carpet is kind of like an iceberg you may see a small spot on top but underneath the carpet it's really kind of spread out this is the Check a pro radio show check a pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe's got a question for my carpet cleaning expert here on the radio program today Eric Olson from safe and soft carpet cleaning will carpet cleaning remove the odors in my carpet and I'll also add this to it the floor below the carpet what's the answer bud alright well great question Joe and usually that's kind of a complicated question it depends right we do specialize in the removal of pet stains and odors as long as the carpet hasn't been overly saturated or damaged there's a number of ways that we can remove those urine a lot of times is most often the case from the carpet let's say that you have so much urine then it gets down into the padding underneath or the concrete floor or the wood plank subfloor underneath right when it's penetrated that much your best bet is actually to replace the padding and seal or encapsulate the subfloor indeed because the urine is so severe urine in carpet is kind of like an iceberg so you may see a small spot on top but underneath the carpet it's really kind of spread out and so a lot of times when we use a treatment whether that's an enzyme or an oxidating product like a peroxide or chlorine dioxide that helps kill the odor causing bacteria and or break down those urine salts we have to pour down at least as much as the pet put first place but again it's it really kind of depends on how much that is urinated or or compromise the carpet there there's a number of ways to address that so typically an evaluation from a professional to come in and take a look at that is your best bet most of the time we can treat that and take care of that and have had great success determining the degree and the restoration auto removal that you can expect and the other thing is too like if you still have a pet like chances are they're probably going to have another accident it's how do you want to you know mitigate that problem so the moral of the story is the carpet can be saved possibly the pad can't you might have to seal the floor because when it gets wet again for sure through humidity or other moisture getting on top of it will smell again that's right it reactivates those urine salts and brings those odors back so a lot of times people were like well I don't want to pet treatment I don't I don't need a pet treatment and we're like well if you defer on that then the odor may come back when it gets wet again after and clean it so you know there's usually a waiver for something like that well if that happens then just know that we would have to come back and apply a pet treatment there would be an additional charge for that so we come through and we can inspect with black lights to determine whether or not there's spots and whether or not they need to be treated or neutralized eric thank you so much for your professional cleaning advice for carpet safe and soft carpet cleaning in Boise ID all of their information is located here in the description of the podcast check a pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the check a pro radio show.

  • "We're on their turf, they're very territorial and we want to keep them safe we want to keep our technicians safe so, yes putting your pets away is a good policy. Our equipment could cause injury to them (your pets) so we just like to have them put away."

    So how do you prepare for having your carpets cleaned? Our carpet cleaning expert lays it all out for today on this episode!

    Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning company located in Boise, Idaho.

    For more information about Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning in Boise, Idaho log on to or check them out at

    Visit Us At - Safe N Soft Carpet Cleaning


    You Can Call Anytime: (208) 695-4013

    Podcast Episode Transcript:

    We're on their turf they're very territorial and we want to keep them safe we want to keep our technicians safe so yes putting your pets away and sometimes our equipment you know if the pets get in the way that that could cause injury to them, so we just like to have them put away. this is the check A Pro radio show, Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt Check A Pro Joe! Many of us have this question that's been posed to us here on the radio program today it's about carpet cleanings so I've asked my expert carpet cleaning friend Eric Olsen to join me he's with safe and soft carpet cleaning and the question is what should I do to prepare for that upcoming carpet cleaning when you guys come out so that's a great question a lot of people will vacuum beforehand which is great we do always pre vacuum even if you have vacuum and we want to get up as much dry soil as possible but typically the best thing that you can do is to move any furniture that you'd like to have moved any kind of fragile items or personal items so that they're less likely to get in the way of cleaning and or you know something doesn't happen to them so just moving personal items any kind of fragile items you can pre-vacuum but we always pre-vacuum it won't hurt you can never vacuum too much other than that we do send over our background check information for our technicians so that you know who's coming to your home and that you will know anything about them their profiles and whatnot other than that we send job confirmation so that you know when jobs happening because people forget and we'd like to remind them because our lives are busy but other than that it's really not too much that you need to prepare for it really kind of depends if carpet cleaning is pretty simple but for some of our other services there might be some more preparation that's necessary I'll add one more thing if you have a four legged furry friend a pet you may want to make sure that they're secure and you know what that is a great idea in fact I'm glad that you brought that up so we love animals I have very good luck with animals and most of the time they like me but sometimes you know when I'm on their turf I was just talking to one of my technicians the other day about well yesterday in fact we're on their turf they're very territorial and we want to keep them safe we want to keep our technicians safe so yes putting your pets away sometimes our equipment you know if the pets get in the way that that could cause injury to them so we just like to have them put away so yeah that's a great idea thank you for bringing that up absolutely alright Eric Olson safe and soft carpet cleaning Boise ID if you need anything for carpet cleaning needs they're the guys to go to in the description of this podcast is all of their information Eric thank you so much thank you Joe Shapiro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned or more of the Check A Pro radio show.