
  • Understanding how metabolism works and all the different aspects that go into metabolic health can feel overwhelming. This week Jenn is breaking it all down into digestible pieces, so you can create metabolic flexibility.

    In this episode, Jenn is discussing metabolic flexibility. This is the body’s ability to burn different types of fuel (sugar or fat) depending on what’s available. She breaks down the different aspects that go into creating metabolic flexibility, including sleep, stress, movement, and nutrition. Jenn provides some great examples of how to implement each of these factors into your daily life, and which are most important when getting started. She takes the overwhelm out of this complex topic so that you can get started with one small thing today to create more metabolic flexibility in your life. Tune in today to learn more!

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [3:15] Jenn tells members the recipe they are getting this week and about the quarterly live Q&A.[5:23] What is metabolic flexibility? [7:24] What is metabolism and how does it work? [8:37] What is metabolic health and what are the indicators of metabolic health? [13:45] What are the benefits of being metabolically flexible? [18:11] How does intermittent fasting and the keto diet impact metabolism and metabolic flexibility?[27:12] Does sleep impact metabolic flexibility? [31:21] Why does stress impact metabolic flexibility? [35:18] How does exercise influence metabolic flexibility? [40:00] Jenn summarizes how all these aspects come together when it comes to your health.


    The ketogenic diet was originally designed to help treat seizures. If you do not experience seizures, the keto diet isn’t meant to be followed for life. Sleep is one of the most accessible, effective ways to support metabolic flexibility.The key factor to ensure that we remove fat without losing as much muscle is eating quality and sufficient amounts of protein and strength training. We need all the macronutrients in order to maintain muscle mass and not turn the muscle into fuel.


    [2:29] “Metabolic flexibility is the body’s ability to use different sources of fuel, depending on what’s available. So essentially it’s the body using sugar or glucose or fat as it’s fuel. In an ideal scenario, the body’s able to adapt depending on what's available and it might go back and forth.” - Jenn Trepeck

    [19:33] “When we’re eating processed foods, higher glycemic carbohydrates, foods that look like food but are really new to nature molecules, devoid of nutrition, it sets us up for challenges with glucose and insulin and again, allowing our body to do what it’s supposed to do. So whole, real foods meeting those dietary needs.” - Jenn Trepeck

    [34:53] “Think about all the little things that you can build into your day to help chip away at that stress whether we feel like we’re stressed in that moment, so that we can start to make the shift and turn off that nervous system response that keeps us in that glucose burning state.” - Jenn Trepek

    [44:35] “If you are in a place where you’re experiencing all of those symptoms, or signs of metabolic rigidity, let's start with a progression of working towards whole foods. Hitting our protein, fiber, quality fat. Let’s work to get our blood sugar in these middle ranges. Make sure we have all the stress reduction, the sleep, the movement, all of these other elements in place, and then we can evolve into a place where we start to experiment with some of the other things.” - Jenn Trepeck


    The Mess of Stress Episode

    Nutrition 101 Episode

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  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks, and approachable science. This week, Jenn's explaining why and how mindset is a muscle. She explains how to workout your mindset muscle, and the best ways to fuel it. From books, to meditation, to who you surround yourself with daily, there are a variety of ways to exercise your mindset muscle! Tune in to learn more. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full-length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Do you know how much sugar you eat in a day? The answer may come as a shock, but Jenn is here to help us understand our sugar intake and give us practical steps to eat less sugar, and still enjoy our food.

    Are hidden sugars sneaking into your food? Today, we're diving deep into the surprising places sugar hides and the powerful impact it can have on your body. Navigating how much sugar you're consuming can feel overwhelming, but Jenn is here to break it all down for you. Join us as we explore the many names sugar goes by, simple strategies to reduce it in your meals, and practical tips to stay on track as you transform your habits for better health.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [02:37] Members’ Recipe for this week & quarterly live session with Jenn.[4:40] How much sugar does the average American consume? [7:43] Why do things taste sweeter? [9:54] What happens in the brain when we consume sugar?[13:48] How many different names are there for sugar?[19:40] How can you know if you need to reduce your sugar intake or if you are experiencing a different issue?[24:58] What are the best ways to ditch sugar?[28:22] What sugar swaps can you make to hit the sweet spot while avoiding processed foods?[29:50] Should you ditch sugar cold turkey or do a gradual reduction? [35:12] How should you start your day to avoid blood sugar extremes and sugar cravings?[38:35] What are the best ways to stay accountable when creating new habits?


    Every blood sugar challenge or metabolic health challenge isn’t necessarily because of sugar. Other factors could include: low vitamin D, gut health, poor sleep, snacking, nutrient deficiencies, emotions, and more. Do a cold turkey, 7 day sugar detox can help you see what impact sugar has on you. It also allows you to write some new rules for yourself, and look at what guidelines you want for yourself after the 7 days when it comes to sugar. Accountability can create the perfect environment for changing your habits. Whether that’s a coach or a buddy, who can you connect with when the struggles come up? It will be easier than doing this on your own.


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    [5:29] “The latest research I saw was from September of 2023, in a day 34 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than 500 calories. That equates to 100 pounds of sugar per year, per person.” - Jenn Trepeck

    [27:21] “My top tip when you start: Be sure you’re eating sufficient protein and eat regularly enough to keep your blood sugar in sort of this middle range. We want fluctuations, just not extremes.” - Jenn Trepeck

    [32:34] “Red lines can help us have more willpower, it cuts the chatter in our minds. So if we can do seven days with those red lines, what I see, frankly, all of my clients in the last 17 years, seven days of red lines, eliminates a vast majority of those cravings and then our awareness of when those cravings show up and what we can use instead is infinitely easier than when we tiptoe.” - Jenn Trepeck

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about rice cakes. Rice cakes get a lot of attention as a great quick healthy snack
but are they really? Jenn walks through the nutrition facts, explains how they are “empty carbs” and yet still shares great tips for how you can healthfully implement rice cakes into your day, if you enjoy them. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Jenn and her guest Kate are letting you in on a little secret today - you have the power to change your life. This episode is packed full of tips on how to stop living your life on default mode, and how to design the life you live.

    This week, Jenn is joined by empowerment coach Kate House. Kate shares about her quarter life crisis, and how she determined that she needed to take control of her life in order for it to change. She talks about the best ways to deal with contentment and comparison during bumpy seasons of life. Kate shares how she creates goals with her clients utilizing her framework Goals with Soul, and how to make new habits with simple tweaks in your day to create long lasting habits. Tune in to learn how to create goals with intention to fit into your life.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [6:19] We meet Kate as she shares her quarter life crisis. [12:20] What is the difference between default and design, and how do you bridge the gap between the two? [18:40] How do you deal with contentment? [20:50] What are the best ways to deal with comparison? [26:20] How can you determine what you want to focus on in the next season of life (or right now)? What is a Goal with Soul? [34:43] Kate shares an example of breaking down your goals and making them truly attainable.[39:46] How can you work through imperfect action?


    A Goal with Soul starts with an intention. It is aspirational, attainable, meaningful, and seasonally appropriate.Action creates clarity and it’s what moves us forward. Make the action for your goal to be as small and simple as possible, so that it’s almost too easy to do it.Show up for yourself imperfectly, you will learn along the way and eventually master the skill. Action helps you create clarity and is what creates results. Life goes through seasons, and there may be times when you have more time to take action and push your life forward, and other times where you need to slow down and focus on what is in front of you while implementing joy in the little pockets you have available.


    [7:47] “I actually did have a light bulb moment because that was the moment I realized, oh my gosh, I am the only person who can change this for myself. Dennis can’t do it for me, my boss can’t do it for me, I have to take ownership of my life and I have to decide to pour myself into the things that feel fulfilling, that feel like I’m living by design, cause up until that point, I was kind of living by default.” - Kate House[8:36] “Nothing changes if nothing changes, and also what I’m not changing, I’m choosing.” - Kate House[13:48] “To me, living by design means hitting pause on the busyness of life and taking time to really be present with the people that I love most. The cool thing to me about living by design is that it is unique for each and every one of us.” - Kate House[41:24] “Ed Mylett had this great quote on a podcast years ago, he said imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time. I draw on it so often to inspire me to take action and to do it imperfectly, and to be ok with the fact that I can’t start something new, I can’t be a beginner at something and also be a master at it at the same time.” - Kate House"We're setting up the systems for the most hectic of days, not for the ideal day." - Jenn Trepeck


    Willpower Guzzlers Podcast Episode

    The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months

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    I’m Kate House, your host of the Live By Design Podcast and founder of the empowerment coaching program - the Live By Design Collective!

    I help women who feel stuck and overwhelmed and want to move through life with confidence and clarity set and actually achieve their personal goals with soul via mindset shifts, personal growth practices, healthy habits, and guilt-free self care!

    You can find me living in my small town of Gettysburg, PA with my husband (and college sweetheart!), my two little boys, and two mischievous pup dogs too.

    As a Behavior Change Specialist, Empowerment Coach, Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcaster, and Virtual Summit Host, I’m perfectly poised to support you in living by design and not by default via my signature method: The Live By Design Blueprint.

    ⭐ Because YOU are the architect of your extraordinary life! ⭐

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about naked carbs. Maybe you’ve been hearing of naked carbs lately but you aren’t exactly sure what that means. Eating naked carbs means that you are eating carbs by themselves, which can cause blood sugar spikes. Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. Jenn walks through various studies around combinations of foods and shares the best way to incorporate high quality carbs into your diet. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • We all know that we need to eat more vegetables, but what if you just can’t stand them? And what if the only way you can think of to eat them is salads? Maybe you just haven’t cooked vegetables in a way that you truly enjoy. Our guest this week offers ideas and tips but, above all, encourages you to play with your food to find what you love!

    On this week’s episode, Jenn is joined by Hollywood caterer and cookbook author, Gwen Kenneally. Gwen gives some great tips on how to make vegetables pop and become more desirable to add into your daily food. She shares some simple ways to get started when cooking vegetables, and provides tips on how to season them and experiment with new ways of serving them up on your plate. Gwen talks about the best tools to have in your kitchen, and shares some of her family favorite recipes! Tune in for some great tips and tricks to add more plants to your plate. Don’t forget to grab her Plantastic Cookbook also!

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [5:10] Gwen shares her story and what led her to focusing on plant based cooking. [8:50] What are some simple ways to cook vegetables aside from roasting and steaming? [11:28] How can someone determine the best ways to season vegetables? [13:20] What are some vegetable combination ideas?[18:59] Gwen shares recommendations on how to make vegetables that people usually stay away from such as kale, mushrooms, and cabbage. [24:33] What are some great staples to keep in the house that are versatile and easy to use?[25:58] How else can you use quinoa, beyond as a rice substitute?[27:53] How can you identify and use jackfruit?[30:32] What are the best kitchen tools to have on hand? [32:18] How can you make family favorite recipes - especially with school lunch season coming up?[33:45] Which recipes from the Plantastic Cookbook are best for nights when you are short on time?


    Play around with your food, try different spices, herbs, seasonings, etc. Try cooking them in a different way, barbecuing, steamed, roasted, etc. Experimenting will open up all kinds of possibilities for you.The recommended goal is to have at least 30 types of plants in your diet per week for great gut health. Meal prepping can make a huge difference and save you time throughout the week. Do your shopping on a weekend, wash everything, cut it up, prep it, it’ll save you a lot of time during the week.


    [14:09] “When chefs are like, oh no, you have to do it this way, I’m like, no, you get to play with your food. You get to have fun, and you get to create it for yourself and anybody you’re cooking for.” - Gwen Kenneally“It's really about playing...if you're not so worried about how it's going to turn out...I think sometimes we take it so seriously and we're so afraid of 'what if I don't do it right?' Well, the chocolate chip cookie was invented by mistake.” - Gwen Kenneally[30:33] “A microplane is the long grater that you can put it over a pot and grate your garlic and ginger right over it. That’s a great tool. A good, sharp knife. Invest a little money in a knife because if you’re chopping and prepping nothing is better than a good knife.” - Gwen Kenneally [33:04] “I mean we used to get a sandwich, a carrot and an apple, but I think if you do lots more little portions of lots of different things, you’ll get them to start eating and trying more and if their friends are eating it, that’s the best.” - Gwen Kenneally"There’s 0 evidence that 100% of people would benefit from a plant-based diet but there IS OVERWHELMING evidence that 100% of people would benefit from adding more plants to their diet. Hopefully today we made that a bit easier for you." - Jenn Trepeck


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    Gwen Kenneally is a Hollywood caterer, highly acclaimed chef and food enthusiast with over 20 years of culinary experience. She is known for her innovative and sustainable approach to plant - based cuisine. Gwen is passionate about creating delicious meals that are good for both people and the planet. Her work has been featured in top culinary publications, and she continues to inspire food lovers around the world with her creative recipes.

    Gwen has been featured in numerous publications and TV shows, and she brings her wealth of knowledge and expertise to her latest cookbook.

    She believes that plant - based cooking is not just a trend but a lifestyle that promotes health, ethical consciousness, and a greener planet.

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about 30 seconds a day. What if Jenn told you that you could reprogram your brain to be healthier by committing to doing 30 seconds of something a day. Based on two recent studies that she has read, she is explaining what you can do to reprogram your brain, and why it takes such little time. What will you do with your 30 seconds? Tune in to learn more. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • We can’t believe we have hit 5 years of Salad With a Side of Fries! This episode highlights audience questions from the Live podcast recording in NYC. Tune in to hear the answers to those questions that can benefit anyone on their health journey. If you’re new to Salad with a Side of Fries, this is a great episode to start with.

    In this episode, you will hear questions that audience members asked Jenn during her Live podcast recording in NYC to celebrate 5 years of Salad With a Side of Fries. Audience members get the opportunity to ask their questions and receive live coaching from Jenn. Questions include how blood sugar works, how to manage insulin resistance, if you should drink soda, why someone may have a sudden weight gain and so much more. Whether it’s your first time with us or you’ve been a listener for the last five years, tune in to hear questions from everyday people that you are likely wondering for yourself.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [6:15] What made Jenn start her podcast?[10:37] Jenn explains why burning fat and storing fat are related to blood sugar. [14:30] What happens when you are insulin resistant? [15:50] Why is fat important and what types should be added to your diet? [22:10] Which is worse - regular soda or diet soda?[23:35] How can you determine the first thing that you should change when it comes to your health? [25:54] How do you determine how much food you should eat? [29:14] What can cause sudden weight gain? [33:14] Where do you find the best support for your health journey (health coach, nutritionist, etc.)?[37:33] What are some things that Jenn has given up in her diet and why?[42:46] Jenn addresses intermittent fasting and how it works with the body.[47:59] If you are drinking alcohol, what’s the best way to approach it?


    Protein and fiber at every meal makes removing fat no big deal (and eat some quality fat too). What’s one thing you want to change about your health today or prevent in the future? The answer to that question is what you should start with on your health journey. One thing at a time, one step at a time, one thing to move your health forward. Balancing blood sugar is key to removing fat. Start your meal with protein, fiber, and fat, then add in high-glycemic carbs and the dessert to keep yourself from spiking your blood sugar too high. If you start with high-glycemic carbs or sugar, your insulin spikes and then gets stored as fat.


    [10:37] “Whether you are burning fat or storing fat is a function of blood sugar.” - Jenn Trepeck[12:24] “When we eat too little, when we cut out whole food groups, when we dramatically cut calories, our body doesn't realize that there's a refrigerator full of food that we’re choosing not to eat. And it says, you won't kill me, I will survive. So anything it gets, it stores as fat because fat is fuel stored to be used later.” - Jenn Trepeck[45:01] “Because we’re all losing it as water, muscle, and bone, gaining it back as fat, losing it as water, muscle, and bone, gaining it back as fat. So over time, we could end up at the same number on the scale as we were before, but by our body composition, we’re actually fatter at that number, which means our health is not the same.” - Jenn Trepeck


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  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about Velveeta. After seeing a trending recipe on social media with Velveeta as the “star of the recipe”, Jenn had to take a look at the nutrition facts. She was floored by the facts that she found and the amount that would be used and consumed in the trending recipe. Tune in to learn more about Velveeta to decide if you want to include it in your diet, or if you’ll pass on it. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Have you gotten the diagnosis of IBS? Jenn and Hannah are here to talk about why IBS is BS, and what things you can do to overcome the IBS symptoms. Tune in to learn more about digestion and gut health.

    On this week’s episode, Jenn is joined by health coach, Hannah Alyward. Hannah walks through what IBS is and why the common recommendation of elimination diets isn’t a forever solution. She explains why people experience bloating and what the bloating you are experiencing could mean. She also talks about what is happening inside of our digestive system when we eat. Hannah shares some tips for things you can do right now to optimize digestion and the best ways to support gut health. She is a wealth of information; you do not want to miss this episode!

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [3:40] Hannah shares about her life before becoming a health coach. [7:48] Why is an elimination diet not a long term solution?[12:37] What is IBS and why is it BS?[14:07] What is natural bloating vs. bloating indicating a bigger issue? [17:39] Why are people experiencing a lot of bloating and when do you need additional testing? [25:40] What are some things we can do right now to optimize healthy digestion? [29:05] How do you know where to start with healing digestive enzymes? [31:48] Why are gallbladder removals so common? [37:04] Hannah shares her final thoughts around supporting your gut health at home.


    The first priority to set up success for digestion is to ensure that your nervous system is calm and chewing your food to applesauce consistency to make sure that you are breaking your food down efficiently.Elimination diets are not meant to be permanent, they should only be a temporary solution to reduce symptoms that you are having while finding and repairing the root cause. Always advocate for yourself. Ask your doctors questions. If you are not comfortable with what they are recommending, seek a second opinion. If they are not listening to you and addressing your concerns or symptoms, seek a second opinion.


    [9:59] “What's so key here that I want to repeat is that the objective of the elimination diet is that we pull things out to create a healing opportunity, so that we can then add things back in and your body doesn’t react the same way it once did once there’s been that healing.” - Jenn Trepeck[17:47] “If you feel like this is really impacting your life and you’ve already made some nutrition adjustments, which are kind of like the first line of defense that people bring into play. If we take out processed foods, minimize gluten and dairy, if you’ve done all that and you’re still feeling this way, it’s time to work with someone that is an expert in this and explore some functional testing.” - Hannah Alyward[25:52] “Before food even makes it into the gut microbiome, our body is priming for digestion essentially. So if you can spend more time with your food, smelling your food, cooking your food, enjoying your food, chewing your food, these are how we set our bodies up to properly digest our food.” - Hannah Alyward[27:40] “Take six deep belly breaths before eating each meal, helping to calm and pacify the nervous system, and chewing your food into applesauce consistency, everyone can start there and it’s free and it’s easy.” - Hannah Alyward[36:13] “I wish everyone would dig deeper into their gut health, even if they have no digestive symptoms, because it influences fertility and skin and energy and just everything. even hair growth. All these systems are interconnected.” - Hannah Alyward


    Birth Control Part 1 Episode

    Birth Control Part 2 Episode

    The Body’s Daily Detox Episode

    Debunking Detox Episode

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    Good Gut Formula Masterclass


    Hannah Aylward is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, gut health specialist, and the founder of HAN, her functional nutrition practice taking a root cause approach to repairing the gut for real. After struggling with her own chronic digestive issues for years, Hannah dove headfirst into the latest in gut health research, seeking answers to her bloating, food sensitivities, and pain. With her science-backed formula, Hannah has overcome her own digestive issues and helped hundreds of other women around the world do the same.

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about training like an Olympian. With the 2024 Olympics currently happening in Paris, it’s no surprise that we may be comparing ourselves to these amazing athletes, or at least feel inspired by them. While we likely cannot mimic the discipline and lifetime of training they have committed to, there are 6 things that the everyday person can learn from how olympians train to support our own athleticism and overall health! Join today’s inspiring conversation. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Do you ever feel like you're at the end of your rope, and you never feel truly rested? Join Jenn as she discusses how to take a step back and look at what type of rest your body needs in order to recharge.

    In this episode, Jenn is sharing the 7 different types of rest. She walks us through each type and shares the different ways that you can implement that type of rest into your day or busy routine. From mental rest to spiritual rest, your brain and body require some time to relax and just be. The tips you’ll hear in this episode will help you determine which type of rest you need and how to approach getting it in a way that doesn’t feel like another overwhelming task! Tune in to determine how you’ll spend time in your “nothing box”.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [5:29] Jenn shares the 7 types of rest. [7:08] What are the benefits of sleep and what types of sleep are there? [8:43] How can you prioritize mental rest? [14:14] What is social rest and what are some examples? [17:08] Why is spiritual rest so important?[23:09] What is sensory rest and how does our everyday life impact our senses?[29:25] How can you fit more emotional rest into your life?[33:19] What are options for creative rest?[36:15] How do you determine which type of rest you need most?


    The first step of determining what type of rest you need is to ask your body what needs to be restored. Are you experiencing decision fatigue? Or do you need a walk outside to disconnect?Take a week and try each of the rest options and see what works best for you and see how you feel after each different type of rest. Honoring your need to rest allows you to show up better in all other areas of your life. If you are a parent, modeling this for your children will help them learn to prioritize their rest and wellbeing as well!


    [14:20] “Everyday social interactions for introverts, socializing can be very exhausting and draining, but even for people who wouldn't identify as introverts, social rest can be really valuable. This gives us a chance to recharge and a big piece of this is actually maintaining our boundaries.” - Jenn Trepeck [24:35] “Frankly we just live in a world of overstimulation and that over stimulation creates a lot of the exhaustion and our brain is always going because there is constant input.” - Jenn Trepeck [31:40] “Where do you feel like you’re not even feeling things? Like things can be crazy around you and you’re sort of like blinders on, focused, moving forward. That’s a great indication that we could use a little emotional rest.” - Jenn Trepeck


    There’s not Enough Time in the Day Episode

    Meditation for Stress Episode

    Slow Down...Yeah Right? Episode

    Beyond Caffeine: Natural Ways to Improve Energy Levels Episode

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  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about Purslane. While you’ve probably never heard of it, you have likely seen it before. Purslane is the weed that you may find between the cracks of a sidewalk, but it is actually a superfood. Packed full of micronutrients, minerals, and antioxidants, this may be a great option to add into your nutrition repertoire. Tune in to learn more about how to identify purslane, where to buy it, and great ways to add it to your meals. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Do you constantly put pressure on yourself to look a certain way, or weigh a certain weight? Are you willing to do anything just to lose weight while ignoring how your body and mind feel? What if we told you that isn’t the best way to honor yourself and it isn’t even the best way to reach that goal! Tune in today to understand a different perspective around your activity, self worth and the options available to you.

    This week Jenn is joined by CEO and Co-Founder of WeShape, Katie Bramlett. After years of having a successful company, Katie couldn’t get aligned with what they were promoting, so she decided to take it in a different direction, creating WeShape. Her new business focuses on movement and self worth instead of diet culture. In this episode, she talks about what diet culture tells us about our self worth, and how someone can start finding body liberation. She discusses how to connect with your body to determine what movement is in alignment for you, and how to honor yourself along your fitness journey. Tune in to learn how to determine your individualized fitness journey.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [5:14] What is Katie’s background and how did she get started with WeShape? [10:22] What are some indications that diet culture is influencing our thinking? [12:32] What does diet culture tell us about self worth? [17:10] How does Katie define self worth? [23:20] Where can someone find body liberation? [26:55] How can you untangle the movement from the desire to change your body?[28:29] How does self betrayal play into our typical diet culture approach to working out?[31:00] How does WeShape work through their four pillars?[36:08] Katie shares her final thoughts around self worth and movement.


    Learning to understand what your body needs, what feels good in your body, and what is the right type of movement for you, is so important, as everyone is different and no one fitness routine is right for everyone. Get curious with yourself, start asking yourself hard questions to uncover what you want as an individual. Ask yourself if you are living for you or for someone else’s version of what they think you should be?It has been ingrained in us that our value is based on our appearance, however that doesn’t have to be your story. You can find your self worth in the ability to express your most authentic self, regardless of other people’s opinions. Your weight does not equate your worth.


    [7:14] “When we look at the data and science around diets, around weight loss and weight gain, and yo yo dieting, we often see that they don’t work, and people often gain the weight, if not more, back. I have a theory and belief it’s because people are using that vehicle to validate their self worth, and that work is done outside of weight loss.” - Katie Bramlett“I have a theory that people are using that vehicle (weight loss and diets) to validate their self-worth.” - Katie Bramlett“I’m not saying weight loss is bad. I’m saying when we lead with that, the fruits of that effort are often short-lived.” - Katie Bramlett“What we’re really looking for is this self-worth piece and we think that that’s connected to this body.” - Jenn Trepeck[17:12] “For me, I define self worth as the ability to express my most authentic self, regardless of other people’s opinions.” - Katie Bramlett[36:07] “I just want to offer kindness to everybody because in a lot of ways this was normalized for all of us, and so getting more critical and more judgemental to yourself or participating in it or being in it is not going to help, so kindness can go far and we have choices.” - Katie Bramlett


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    Katie Bramlett is the CEO and Co-Founder of WeShape and Host of The Feeling Lighter Podcast by WeShape. With a background in Psychology and excellent skills with Infrastructure and Operations, Katie concentrates on the goal that you should strive to feel better in and about your body, not focusing on how to change your body. With over twenty years of experience, Katie is passionate about social change and is leading WeShape’s brand mission of bringing awareness to the toxic weight loss culture. Her entire company and product is rooted in intention, movement, community, and beliefs. She aims to help people bring self love and emotional intelligence to fitness and to create self awareness through meaningful conversations.

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about Thunderbird Real Food Energy Bars. While the ingredients are simple and real food, are they really the best choice to have on hand? Jenn walks through the nutrition facts of a few different bars to determine who these energy bars may be best for. Tune in to learn if this is something you should have stocked in your desk drawer or just eat on occasion. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • When you think about your health, what is it that you picture? When you push yourself to workout, what do you say to yourself? Do you exercise because you hate your body and want to change it? Do you think about how you look or how many pounds you want to lose? If you find yourself focusing on fitness because it’s supposed to change your body composition, you may be missing the bigger picture of what health means.

    This week Jenn is talking about untying the knot of fitness and body composition. Many times, we can get stuck in a cycle of obsessing over what we look like in the mirror, and the results will determine whether we are “healthy” or not. But what if we looked at all the other factors that go into health? During this episode, Jenn discusses how psychology plays into our feelings around our fitness regime, the hierarchy of movement, and what the other parts of health include. She describes how she utilizes tracking with her clients so they can see what their habits are when they are feeling their best. Tune in to learn how to reframe your thoughts around exercise and appreciate the miracle of the body you have.

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [7:28] Why is there confusion with fitness and body composition? [12:00] How does psychology play into our feelings around our fitness routines? [20:18] How can you determine what your desired outcome actually is? [25:29] What’s the first step to reframing our feelings around fitness and health? [28:35] What is the hierarchy of movement? [30:15] What are the other factors of health? [34:19] How does Jenn utilize tracking with her clients? [37:58] How can you separate movement from the way your body looks? [42:27] Jenn shares her thoughts around BMI and motivation.


    Health isn’t just fitness and nutrition. Expand your definition of what it means to live a healthy life to include your mental health, happiness, energy, and sleep quality.To determine what habits set you up for success, track your stress level, mood, sleep, energy, confidence and then look to see on which days you felt the best, what habits you were doing.Your body is an absolute miracle. Creating awareness and reframing your thoughts around your body and appreciating all the things it does for you, allows you to look at a new narrative.


    [27:04] “When I first start working with a client, we don’t talk about the movement component in depth for about a month and it’s on their radar anyway. It’s almost like by not hyper focusing on it, and giving them other tools and things that we’re building on each week, it inherently starts to diminish some of that importance on that activity or the intensity of that activity.” - Jenn Trepeck [28:01] “Just as we know it’s not human to be sitting all day, it's also not human to sit all day and go berserk for an hour.” - Jenn Trepeck[30:04] “There isn’t one thing we’re going to do for our health that is going to trump or outshine or outdo the other pieces of health.” - Jenn Trepeck[40:11] “What if during our movement, we could just sort of have a moment of wonder at how amazing this human body is, and thank goodness we don’t have to think about which muscles move to make a movement happen and to breathe and to make sure the heart beats, and all of these things, like the body is an absolute miracle.” - Jenn Trepeck


    LAST CHANCE: Tickets to Salad with a Side of Fries LIVE in NYC on July 25, 2024

    The Ultimate BioHack Episode

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    Biostack over Biohack Episode

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  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about the calcium paradox. Through her research she found that there have actually been four different calcium paradoxes over the years. She touches on each of them in detail in this episode. Listen in to understand the details, but remember at the end of the day, when hearing new information, look at the whole picture, focus on balancing nutrition and ensuring that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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  • Do you struggle with binge eating, and no matter what you’ve tried, you just can’t stop? Or maybe you’ve tried to lose weight by eating less and then threw in the towel because it was just too hard? This week, Jenn is talking to therapist Heather Heynen about how to make progress for the long run, not just for a short period of time.

    Today, Jenn is joined by therapist Heather Heynen to discuss overcoming binge eating, restricting, and yo-yo dieting once and for all. She explains some common causes behind eating disorders for many people, and the steps that can be taken to heal our relationship with food. Heather breaks down some somatic practices that you can try, as well as how to name your feelings so you are able to lower the temperature on them and recover without leaning on something else, like food or substances, to numb those feelings. She shares the valuable difference between state and story, and why changing your story can change your habits...for good! Tune in to learn more about these wonderful tools!

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store.


    [6:28] How does binge eating, restricting, yo-yo dieting and anxiety all play into Healther’s work today?[8:15] How often does Heather see these issues as a mental health therapist?[10:00] What are some of the biggest mistakes Heather sees people making when it comes to trying to change their behavior?[12:38] What are somatic practices and why are they so much more effective?[16:01] What is big T trauma vs. little t trauma?[20:05] Where do you start with healing your relationship with food?[24:49] How do these tools lead to long term behavior changes?[26:27] If you process your feelings more in your head, what can you do to work through it?[28:39] What is state vs. story?[32:02] How can we help children feel their feelings or tolerate distress better?[34:39] What lessons has Heather been able to learn through her solo bike packing trips?[38:24] How can you cultivate giving yourself grace?


    When you learn how to feel and experience your emotions, you will no longer need other things, i.e. food or substances, to numb and avoid those feelings.Long term results come from consistency, being patient with yourself, giving yourself a lot of compassion and grace throughout the process.You either hold your emotions in your body (energy) or in your head (thoughts). Learning how to process both of them can lead to freedom from unwanted habits.


    [8:32] “The biggest disordered eating pattern is binge eating disorder, overeating, emotional eating, that sort of thing. In my practice, I do specialize in treating that, so I personally see it, but if we look at statistics, that is definitely the biggest type of disordered eating that we have going on.” - Heather Heynen“I think anybody can do anything for a finite period of time...then it becomes a function of how we can create the things we can do for an infinite amount of time." – Jenn Trepeck[13:03] “Our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive our behaviors, our behaviors give us our results, so you can understand why working with the thoughts and shifting to the more helpful ones is really important when we’re talking about sustainable behavior change.” - Heather Heynen[13:42] “Our feelings, our emotions really are energy within our bodies, and if we don’t learn how to process emotion, it gets stuck. It gets stuck within the body and it can lead to physical issues with the body, it does lead to weight gain, that’s another physical component. It can lead to a lot of anxiety and depression, so processing emotions is really important.” - Heather Heynen[24:58] “Binge eating is related to emotion, meaning we are eating to try to numb, we’re eating to try to change an emotion that we’re feeling. We don’t want to feel whatever it is that we’re feeling. So if that is one of the biggest reasons that we eat, we get triggered to binge all these things and we want to stop that long term, then learning the skill of feeling our feelings, even the horrible, awful feelings, just learning to feel them and experience them, it’s amazing.” - Heather Heynen[28:56] “Learning to have this more helpful narrative, helpful stories, can really help us create a state of being that’s a lot more peaceful. But the other side of the coin is that if we can create a more peaceful state, then our story happens to be more helpful as well.” - Heather Heynen

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    Heather Heynen is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Mental Health, Qualified Mental Health Professional, Life Coach, FMS Certified Exercise Professional, Health Coach, Podcaster & Writer. Heather has been working in private practice for over 20 years as a licensed mental health therapist, life coach & health coach. Along the way, she worked for some years as a part-time personal trainer, owned a Cross-Fit gym and created an online weight-loss & maintenance program.

    Heather is 50 years old and a mother to one child. She loves to travel and is an avid rock-climber, mountain biker and has taken on multiple solo multi-day bike-packing challenges over the past few years.

    She is a recovered binge-eater, restricter, yo-yo dieter and suffered with anxiety for years. This led her to creating and hosting the podcast Weight Loss & Wellness For Real and also creating online courses all with the purpose to help others find food and body freedom as well as purpose and joy in life. Her mission is to bring whole-person health (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) to individuals so they can live their absolute best lives.

  • Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn is talking about jet lag. Did you know there is a difference between jet lag and travel fatigue? Jenn dives into the difference, how to manage travel impacts, and the best tips for how to improve jet lag after a flight or prevent it altogether. Tune in to learn how to battle post travel exhaustion. Like what you're hearing? Be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. Have an idea for a nutrition nugget? Submit it here:


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