Why does your art matter when the world feels heavy, uncertain, or even chaotic? If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “Who am I to create right now?”—you’re not alone. But that might be the wrong question.
In this episode of the Savvy Painter Podcast, we’re talking about what it means to make art during difficult times. If you’re an artist feeling disconnected, stuck, or unsure whether your work even matters right now, this conversation is for you.
We’ll look at why creative burnout is so common in overwhelming seasons, how to reconnect with your practice when it feels impossible to show up, and why your art is not just valid but vital. You’ll learn how to calm your nervous system, process tough emotions without pushing them down, and use your studio as a place of resistance, healing, and humanity.
Because making art isn’t frivolous, it’s how we stay connected. It’s how we resist isolation. And it’s precisely what the world needs more of.
3:31 – The importance of acknowledging your emotions without letting them take over
7:14 – The better question to ask, and why now is exactly the right time to make your art
15:16 – How to work with your emotions instead of pushing them down
19:34 – Why it feels like your art doesn’t matter (and the most powerful way to push back against that)
Mentioned in Why Your Art Is Exactly What We Need Right NowThe Marginalian
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How often have you heard phrases like, “Go big or go home,” or “Just put yourself out there”? Society loves to advocate for taking big risks. Yet too many end up freezing or avoiding risk-taking entirely when the leap they’re being asked to make feels too big for them. Thankfully, there’s a middle ground between taking a big risk and taking no risks at all.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, I’ll show you the power of taking small, controlled risks to build your confidence and gradually increase your risk tolerance. You’ll see why big leaps often backfire and halt your progress, and discover how to expand your risk-taking comfort zone without overwhelming yourself.
2:59 – The nervous system’s role in your risk-taking confidence and the advantage in taking small risks
8:41 – How approaching risk-taking like a ladder or video game expands your confidence
15:23 – Signs that you’re taking too big a risk and techniques to regulate your nervous system when things feel too scary
17:41 – How to know when it’s time to level up your risk-taking and expand your tolerance
22:23 – Biggest takeaways, your challenge for the week, and a final message
Mentioned in Why Taking Big Risks Can Backfire (and What to Do Instead)Sign up for the workshop “Talk About Your Work”
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
When things don’t go your way in your art practice, what do you do? Like many artists, you might beat yourself up with lots of self-criticism and judgment. You’d be better off creating the habit of having your own back instead. That way, you’ll actually speed up your progress and not look back a year from now with regret that you’re still stuck in the same place.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, I’ll reveal exactly what having your own back looks like, why it’s a crucial skill you must learn, and how not doing so can hold you back for years. I’ll also discuss the impact of creating this habit on you as an artist and how compassionate support (from yourself and/or others) helps evolve your art practice.
2:53 – Why self-criticism doesn’t make you a better artist
8:04 - How getting rejected isn’t really about your work
10:29 – What having your own back means and why it’s a crucial skill to develop
14:52 – How creating the habit of having your own back impacts your art practice
17:02 – Explicit and implicit messages you’ve received that encourage self-criticism
20:16 – Why compassion and empathy in the face of rejection help you evolve
24:46 – Why feeling ready to show your work isn’t likely or necessary
Mentioned in Not Having Your Own Back Has Cost You Years of ProgressSign up for the workshop “Talk About Your Work”
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Your brain automatically runs scripts on repeat. But are those scripts helping you or playing like mini horror movies in your head? With the right mental rehearsal approach, you can create scenarios that help turn around any unsatisfactory results of your art practice.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, we’re going to get into what mental rehearsal is and why it’s one of the most powerful, yet underutilized tools for artists. You’ll discover how you’re always mentally practicing something repeatedly, how your current results are proof, and what happens when you change what you’re rehearsing in your brain.
2:24 – What mental rehearsal is and some ways you’re probably using it wrong
7:05 - Why the brain makes mental rehearsal so effectively powerful (with a client example)
12:42 – The effect mental rehearsing might be having on your art practice right now
14:33 – Another example of what can happen when you switch your mental rehearsal
17:19 – The difference between artists who succeed and those who stay stuck
Mentioned in Why Mental Rehearsal Is a Powerful Tool for ArtistsJoin Growth Studio
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Is the problem really your art—or just how you’re looking at it?
We’ve all been there. You step back from something you’ve just created, and your brain instantly goes, “Ugh, this is awful.” Maybe even, “What if people see this and think I have no idea what I’m doing?” That little voice in your head? It’s not just being dramatic, it’s actively sabotaging you.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, we’re digging into how your brain warps your perception of your own work, why that inner critic is so convincing, and, most importantly, how to quiet it so you can share your art with confidence. Because if you don’t believe in your work, how can you expect anyone else to?
1:58 – Negativity bias of the brain and how it affects your perspective
4:07 - One Growth Studio member’s journey from self-doubt to public recognition
6:52 – The cycle of doubt you experience with your work
10:46 – Three steps to override your brain and overcome self-doubt
16:48 – How to practice talking about your art to build confidence
Mentioned in Your Brain Is the Worst Art Critic (And What to Do About It)Why Get Your Work Critiqued?
Exploring Your Art Without Overthinking or Overwhelm
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Do you ever feel anxious or freeze up when someone asks about your work? You want people to see and love your art, but talking about it can feel overwhelming. And if you struggle to talk about your art, you might miss opportunities to connect with potential buyers.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, we’re diving into why learning to talk about your art is so important. I’ll share how your words can shape the way collectors experience your work, what it really costs to stay silent, and why there’s no “wrong” way to talk about your art—even if it feels intimidating.
4:24 – Why your art won’t speak for itself and why you need to help it
10:26 – What happens when you stay silent instead of engaging with potential buyers
13:36 – How connection shapes a collector’s experience and influences their decision to buy
17:40 – How talking about your art builds confidence and conviction in your work
20:37 – The impact of clear communication when applying for shows, grants, and residencies
22:07 – The biggest fears artists have when discussing their work and why they don’t need to worry
27:06 – The key to feeling comfortable talking about your art and a quick challenge to help you practice
Mentioned in How to Talk About Your Art Without Feeling Awkward
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As a kid, did you wish you were like Cinderella and had a fairy godmother who could just wave her magic wand and president you with whatever you wished? Unfortunately, this idea of a fairy tale character coming to save the day is every bit as fantastical as the art police scenario talked about last week. Just as no one is coming to arrest you, no one is coming to save you, either.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, you’ll learn how to be the hero of your own story instead and give yourself the best odds to succeed as an artist. I’ll share the scope of the responsibility you need to take on, provide insights and suggestions to help you get clear on and envision what you want inside and outside the studio, discuss the importance of focusing on what you can control instead of what you can’t (like social media algorithms), and more.
3:55 - How to stack the odds in your favor and give yourself the chance to create the practice you want
6:39 - How to envision your perfect day and the results you want to get in your art practice
11:28 - Better questions to ask yourself about what you want so you can create a fulfilling practice
13:50 - Why you often feel helpless as an artist and what happens when you don’t know what you want
16:06 - What you need to know about social media and the importance of focusing on what you can control
21:37 - Why you don’t need to know all the answers to start (but what is required of you right now)
26:21 - One final suggestion that can keep you moving forward
Mentioned in You’re the Hero of Your Own Art StoryJoin Growth Studio
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Do you believe that if you think outside of the box and actually apply that thinking to your work that the art police will come to arrest you or take away your brushes? As absurd as that seems, refusing to follow your instincts as an artist because of your fear of negative nancy voices still has the same effect on you. You’re so worried about doing everything “by the book” that it causes you to question your decisions and your work, to the point where you stop yourself from doing it.
So in this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, we’ll dismantle the myth that there’s a correct way to create, show, or sell your art and that some invisible authority is waiting to catch you in the act if you stray away from doing it “right.” I’ll also give you some truths, strategies, and tools to help you more easily embrace your creative inner voice and artistic instincts without fearing others’ negative beliefs or thoughts.
1:24 - The irony of being an artist living in a world with other human beings
4:06 - How fear of the art police can manifest, regardless of your education level
8:23 - Extremes that artists go back and forth between and its impact on them and their art
12:27 - The long history of creativity and the cognitive dissonance artists have about mistakes
16:33 - How to check in with your own voice when you hesitate to do artwork you feel called to do
18:42 - Ways to introduce playfulness and experimentation into your art and how your subconscious mind helps
21:14 - How tapping into your own creative voice protects and empowers you
23:04 - Tools to help you clear the mental chatter and reconnect you to your instincts
Mentioned in There Are No Art Police—So Why Are You Following Their Rules?The Far Side Comic Strip by Gary Larson
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Noticing the small wins you’ve gained can have a big impact on your practice as an artist. That insight was what I loved hearing about most in my conversation with Leslie Rae Cannon, an artist from Atlanta, Georgia and a member of Growth Studio. She graduated with an art degree from Presbyterian College, and now as an empty-nester has traded in carpools and play-dates for canvases and paint brushes.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, you’ll learn how small wins have helped Leslie grow as an artist, from overcoming her fear of putting her work out there to becoming really selective about which gallery she allows to show her art. You’ll also hear about the importance of developing a supportive community and how that’s helped Leslie recognize her own progress.
1:34 - A sense of who Leslie is and what she’s discovered about herself as an artist
5:56 - The process Leslie goes through when working on or in between projects
8:56 - How Leslie felt inspired to create her hydrangea collection and allowed herself more freedom in painting them
15:25 - Leslie’s transition from being really excited about her work to wanting to show her work
19:37 - One way that people have been drawn to some of Leslie’s paintings and a recent decision that saved her from sitting in frustration
26:10 - How Leslie has evolved into the habit of consistently putting her toe in the water to get her work into a gallery
33:50 - The impact of Leslie’s belief in the law of attraction and manifestation on her success
39:17 - How Leslie has gotten into the practice of noticing her small wins
41:26 - How Leslie shifted from trying to get in front of as many people as possible to being able to pick and choose her shows
47:37 - What today’s Leslie would tell herself (or other artists) if this were three or four years ago
Mentioned in How Small Wins Impact Your Art Practice with Leslie Rae CannonLeslie Rae Cannon Art | Instagram
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
How to Confidently Price Your Artwork Without Overwhelm
How to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Price Your Artwork
Julep Gallery | Dunwoody Gallery
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Do you feel a twinge of anxiety or regret settle in after you’ve set a goal? It’s similar to how people often feel after making a big purchase. You get really excited about your goal, only to feel this wave of doubt sink in. I call this goal phenomenon “goal remorse.”
In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, we’ll dive deeper into what goal remorse is and why it pops up. I’ll also give you some tips to calm the overthinking of your goal, help you feel good about your decision, and stay on track with your vision.
1:36 - What goal remorse is, why you feel it, and questions to ask yourself when the goal you’ve set is too vague
7:57 - A close cousin of “shiny-object syndrome” that leads to goal remorse and the bigger win you gain by committing to your goals
14:20 - How recognizing that you’re in a negative thought pattern, challenging it, and reframing it will help defuse it
17:00 - One of my favorite and constantly used tools for calming down the nervous system
19:19 - The power of self-hypnosis or mental rehearsal to train your brain to trust yourself and your instincts when it comes to your goal
21:44 - An important thing to remember after you’ve committed to a goal and the importance of scheduling time for reassessing
24:25 - How to give yourself accountability to help eliminate any sort of goal remorse or doubts around your goal
Mentioned in Doubts Don’t Mean You Chose the Wrong Goal
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Setting goals isn’t just about the end result; it’s also about personal growth and transformation. You feel disappointed and perhaps like you’re spinning your wheels a bit when you don’t achieve what you’ve set out to do. And a struggle to decide the ‘right' goal for you might be getting in the way of that feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pride in your art practice.
So how do you choose if you have a million ideas and feel like you can’t pick just one to go with? In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, you’ll learn about the common fears associated with goal-setting and the part your brain plays in the process. I’ll also give you some practical tips to help you decide which goals to pursue.
1:58 - What setting goals helps you avoid and common struggles of artists who don’t have clear goals
8:32 - Why artists struggle with choosing the “right” goal and trusting their decision
16:34 - Why your brain creates obstacles to achieving your goals and how to deal with it
21:09 - How to decide if you feel like you have too many ideas
25:52 - The importance of trusting your decision once you’ve made it
Mentioned in How to Decide on the “Right” Goal
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There’s an affliction going around lately within artistic circles. You might be experiencing it too, even if it’s just a small voice or whisper in the back of your head. The affliction is the thought that, “My art doesn’t matter”.
Now, your immediate reaction might be to refute this and tell yourself, “Of course it matters/” And I agree and am here to remind you that, yes, your art does matter. But this constant nagging doubt could make you feel like an art practice isn’t worth having after all.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, you’ll learn about what’s special about your art and exactly why it matters, not just to you but to other people as well. I’ll also discuss why you believe it doesn’t matter and how your approach to your work could change if the thought was completely non-existent in your mind.
3:20 - Why you sometimes believe that creating your work doesn’t matter and how it leads to dissatisfaction in your practice
8:09 - The most beautiful thing about being an artist and how it showcases a gift that most people don’t have
13:14 - How you impact people with your art, whether you’re aware of it or not
16:38 - The impact on you if the thought “my art doesn’t matter” didn’t exist in your head at all
23:06 - One of the greatest realizations I’ve ever had about my own artwork
Mentioned in Why Your Art Matters (Even When You Think It Doesn’t)Join Growth Studio
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Money and pricing your art can feel like tricky, even uncomfortable topics, but they’re also some of the most powerful conversations we can have as artists. Why? Because our beliefs about money and pricing often run deep and show up in ways we don’t even realize. They influence how we value our art, how we show up for it, and ultimately, how we create a practice that truly supports and sustains us.
In this final roundtable episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, I’m joined by Growth Studio members Merrie Koehlert, Leslie Cannon, and Beverly Woodhall. We dig into how your thoughts about money and pricing impact your relationship with your art, and we get real about the hidden mindset blocks that can hold you back. Whether it’s pricing your work with confidence, valuing your time, or shifting your money beliefs, this conversation is filled with insights to help you move forward and thrive as an artist."
1:23 - Quick self-introductions for Merrie, Leslie, and Beverly as artists
2:56 - Assumptions about money as it relates to art that the roundtable have had or heard from others
8:44 - How your subconscious programming can impact the lens through which you see your art
14:04 - Critical junction points in Merrie’s life that reinforced her negative assumptions about selling art
18:40 - How Leslie, Merrie, and Beverly view pricing their artwork and how their thoughts about pricing have changed
31:09 - Getting around the drama in your head so you can learn to get comfortable with your pricing
34:55 - How each participant has internalized what “the value of the painting” means to them
43:25 - The value to the art collector and why buying a piece of art because it matches other room decor shouldn’t be considered an insult
50:12 - Painting pieces you know people buy when you need to make more money versus painting what you really want and not selling as frequently
57:11 - Thoughts around money or pricing that the participants now notice that they were oblivious to before and how Growth Studio has helped
Mentioned in How Your Money Mindset Shapes Your Art PracticeJoin Growth Studio
How to Confidently Price Your Artwork Without Overwhelm
How to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Price Your Artwork
How Artists Can Overcome Money Mindset Blocks
Beverly Woodhall | Instagram
Merrie Koehlert | Instagram
Leslie Cannon | InstagramSupport the show
As artists, we go through several phases on our way to creating pieces. It all starts with this period of play and discovery that I call the exploratory phase, and to talk about it with me are Growth Studio members Sabrina Setaro, Alyssa Marquez, and Jess Fredrick.
In this roundtable episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, you’ll go on a deep dive into the first stage of artistic creation: the exploratory phase. Sabrina, Alyssa, Fredick, and I will discuss what happens in this stage and what they’ve discovered about their work in the process, techniques to balance play with purpose during your exploration, how they avoid overwhelm and overthinking during this discovery phase, and more!
1:10 - The five phases of artistic creation
4:27 - Sabrina, Alyssa and Jess tell a little bit about themselves
8:00 - What the exploratory phase looks like for each roundtable participant in their studio
14:05 - Allowing further experimentation and how to keep frustration at bay during this phase
24:48 - More experimentation techniques you can use to help you get out of a rut as an artist
34:43 - Insights the participants received about their artwork during the exploratory phase
46:08 - How to know if you’re using this phase for deep exploration or as a way to hide from something else
54:07 - How being part of Growth Studio has helped Sabrina, Alyssa, and Jess in the exploration process
Mentioned in Exploring Your Art Without Overthinking or OverwhelmJoin Growth Studio
Alyssa Marquez | Instagram
Jess Fredrick | InstagramSupport the show
Welcome to another roundtable series! This time I’m joined by Growth Studio members Louisa Jornayvaz, Braighlee Rainey, Jack Wray, and Elisabeth Svendby in a discussion about finding your voice as an artist.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, you’ll learn about what it means to find your voice and ways you can connect with it. You’ll also get personal insights into how the participants’ have connected with their voice and how it brings meaning into their artistic practice.
1:37 - Braighlee, Louisa, Elisabeth, and Jack quickly introduce themselves
3:27 - How they define what the artist's voice means to them
8:46 - How to know when you’re connected to your voice
11:00 - How your background can impact your art and the journey of finding your voice
19:52 - How each roundtable participant has progressed in finding their voice
26:35 - Why this journey isn’t straightforward and how it can evolve as you continue to walk the path
33:59 - Advice if you’re really not sure where to look to help you discover your artistic voice
42:27 - The connection between finding your voice as an artist and meditation and green lights
46:46 - The importance of imperfection and challenge in bringing character and resonance to art
50:10 - The impact of being taught in curiosity and sensitivity conditioning
54:59 - What the roundtable participants learned within Growth Studio to help them find or connect with their voices
Mentioned in How Artists Find Their Voice and Create from the HeartJoin Growth Studio
Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
Elisabeth Svendby | Instagram
Jack Wray | Instagram
Braighlee Rainey | InstagramSupport the show
It’s one thing to have an interest in creating art or putting something on canvas. It’s another to see yourself as an artist and have an artistic practice.
What’s a difference-maker between those who do and those who don’t? Creative confidence, and to talk about it, I’m joined by Growth Studio members Alyssa Marquez, Merrie Koehlert, and Andrew Rea in another roundtable series.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, you’ll learn about the concept of creative confidence, its impact on artistic practice, and how it differs from self-confidence and arrogance. You’ll get personal insights into how the participants’ confidence has evolved, whether there’s such a thing as too much confidence, and how peer support can help navigate challenges and enhance artistic expression.
1:34 - Defining creative confidence and how it’s necessary for artists to create and share their work
6:46 - How you’re constantly making art (even if you haven’t always been the artistic type)
13:00 - How Alyssa’s creative confidence has evolved over time
24:42 - How an evolution in confidence has most recently affected Merrie’s and Andrew’s art
29:49 - How to distinguish between confidence, self-confidence, and arrogance
33:19 - Can you have too much confidence in your painting or art practice?
40:33 - How confidence has impacted Alyssa’s desire to take risks with art
43:03 - Impact of the Growth Studio community on the roundtable participants’ confidence
Mentioned in How Creative Confidence Impacts Your Artwork
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Merrie Koehlert | InstagramSupport the show
Do you turn into a nervous Nellie at the thought of other people critiquing your art? Perhaps you even try to avoid the situation, or find yourself asking what’s the point of getting a critique if art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder anyway?
I’ve brought together artists from Growth Studio in a roundtable series to discuss several topics of interest to artists. We kick off the first of this series with Sabrina Setaro, Elisabeth Svendby, and Beverly Woodhall to go on a deep dive on the subject of getting your work critiqued.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter Podcast, you’ll hear us cover the purpose of a critique, how to deal with the advice you receive, and how to get past the nerves. We’ll also discuss the kinds of things you can learn about your work from consistently seeking out constructive feedback.
1:19 - Sabrina, Elisabeth, and Beverly’s introduction and the benefits of getting a critique
7:41 - What Elisabeth learned about herself through critiques and the evolution that occurs with this simple question
13:13 - The difference in the critique conversation for half-done versus completed paintings
19:22 - How having faith in your own vision becomes a huge part of your evolution as an artist
27:02 - How Beverly, Sabrina, and Elisabeth look at their paintings differently now as a result of getting critiques
32:55 - What you and your art gain when you go with your instinct and follow your curiosity
40:57 - An important caveat about getting critiques and what to look for in somebody to critique your work
Mentioned in Why Get Your Work Critiqued?Join Growth Studio
Elisabeth Svendby | Instagram
Beverly Woodhall | InstagramSupport the show
Perfectionism can show up in your studio and throughout your practice in many ways. Some are obvious, and others not so much. But what perfectionism looks like is often difficult to clearly define; the best way to illustrate it is by contrasting it with mastery.
In the final episode of this four-part live series on The Savvy Painter Podcast, you’ll learn about the concepts of perfectionism and mastery and explore the different behaviors they can cause. I’ll also provide insight into how to recognize and address any perfectionist tendencies you have to foster a healthier, more productive artistic practice.
1:04 - The difficulty of nailing down the concept of perfectionism
3:20 - Behaviors associated with perfectionism and mastery in artistic practices
13:34 - How emotional awareness can help you respond more effectively to perfectionist tendencies
24:48 - Working through an impulse to go for too many brush strokes when self-doubt creeps in
30:57 - The importance of distinguishing between feelings of openness and closing off in response to challenges
39:27 - Working through how to reframe and respond to rejection as an artist
48:38 - The very high price tag that comes with perfectionism
Mentioned in How Perfectionism Shows Up In Your StudioJoin Growth Studio
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Many artists have a tricky relationship with money. The stories we tell ourselves about money can create hidden barriers to pricing and selling our work with confidence. By shining a light on these beliefs, you’ll find a path to transforming your approach to money—and building a more sustainable, abundant art practice.
In part three of this live event series on The Savvy Painter Podcast, we’re exploring some common money myths that can hold artists back. Together with a few participants, we’ll question these limiting beliefs and offer ways to reframe them, so you can feel more empowered in pricing your art and growing your creative business.
2:18 - Common money beliefs and how they shape attitudes toward spending and earning in the art world
8:50 - How to start becoming aware of and questioning your beliefs about money
13:30 - Braley’s dichotomous belief about the value of original pieces versus smaller prints
20:16 - The purpose of questioning your thoughts about pricing and selling art
25:27 - Reframing the fear of creating artwork that isn’t good enough or doesn’t feel authentic
35:17 - The impact of Morgan’s money beliefs on her pricing and ability to connect to potential collectors
46:45 - What you’re actually selling and why you create the art vs. why a potential collector wants to buy it
51:50 - The importance of separating facts from subjective stories about money
Mentioned in How Artists Can Overcome Money Mindset Blocks
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You have an inner critic blocking or interfering with your ability to fully trust in yourself and your art. That harshly critical internal voice thinks it’s doing you a favor. It thinks it’s protecting you. Yet, it says things to you that you wouldn’t dare say to a loved one or friend.
So let’s take the microphone away from your inner critic and hand it to the higher self that’s been patiently waiting to speak through you. It’s time to trust in your creative process and yourself as an artist.
In this episode of The Savvy Painter podcast, you’ll hear part two of this four-part live event series as I guide you on how to cultivate trust in your artistic voice. I’ll discuss the signs of trust or mistrust, give you the three steps to cultivating trust, and much more!
4:52 - The lesson that our inner critic can learn from The Stoics and their Memento Mori
9:22 - How to start to get more familiar and friendly with the voice of your higher self and build trust
13:45 - What it looks like when you don’t trust your voice and your process
17:54 - What it looks like when you do trust your own voice and process
23:30 - What trusting your voice means, how it (or the lack of it) might feel to you, and the first step to obtaining it
26:21 - Three starts to questions you can use to start enabling curiosity (step two) and the third step to cultivating trust
31:31 - What arrogance is and how it differs from your inner voice when analyzing your art
33:20 - The importance of seeing yourself as an amazing artist
38:41 - The power in always having full trust in yourself and the common thread that runs through all of your work
Mentioned in How to Cultivate Trust in Your Artistic Voice
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