Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: I came to work in Australia.| I have a student visa.| What visa do you have? | I want to become a permanent resident. - Mai rona 'English on Repeat,' iha podcast ida ne'e atu ajuda no hadi'a ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian Inglés : Ha'u mai serbisu iha Austrália.| Ha'u iha vistu estudante nian.| Ita-boot iha vistu saida? | Ha'u hakarak sai rezidente permanente.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Have you ever shared someone else’s video or music on social media without their permission? Chances are you were infringing their copyright. Understanding how copyright is applied will help you avoid awkward situations and potentially serious consequences. - Ita-boot fahe ona ema seluk nia vídeo ka múzika iha mídia sosiál lahó sira nia lisensa? Iha posibilidade katak ita-boot viola direitu autór nian. Komprende oinsá direitu autór nian aplika sei ajuda ita-boot atu evita situasaun sira ne'ebé ladún di'ak no konsekuénsia ne'ebé maka bele sai grave.
Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: What do you do for a living? | I’m a student.| I want to start a business. |I work part-time. - Mai ita rona ba 'English on Repeat,' podcast ida ne'e, atu ajuda ita hadi'a ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian ne'e: Ita-boot servisu saida? | Ha'u estudante ida.| Ha'u hakarak hahú negósiu ida. |Ha'u serbisu tempu-parsiál.
In Australia, January 26 is the national day, but the date is contentious. Many migrants who are new to Australia want to celebrate their new home, but it’s important to understand the full story behind the day. - Iha Austrália, loron 26 Janeiru hanesan loron nasionál, maibé data ne'e kontensiozu. Migrante barak ne'ebé foin mai Austrália hakarak selebra sira nia hela fatin foun, maibé importante atu komprende istória kompletu iha loron ne'e nia kotuk.
Some celebrate Australia Day with patriotic pride, others mourn and protest. What’s the right way to mark January 26, and can you have pride in your country while also standing against injustice? - Balun selebra Loron Austrália ho orgullu patriótiku, balun tan lutu no protesta. Saida maka dalan loos atu marka loron 26 Janeiru, no ita-boot bele iha orgullu ho ita-boot nia rain enkuantu iha mos ema balun ne'ebe hamriik hasoru injustisa?
Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: I live nearby. | I’m new to the area.| How long have you lived here? | I like living here. - Rona 'repete liafuan inglés,' podcast ida ne'e sei ajuda hadi'a liu tan ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian Inglés. Ezemplu hanesan: Ha'u hela besik. | Ha'u oin foun iha área ne'e.| Ita-boot hela iha ne'e kleur ona? | Ha'u gosta hela iha ne'e.
Listen to 'English on Repeat,' a podcast to help us improve our speaking skills: I speak a little English. | I’m not used to the Australian accent. | I’m still learning English. | Sorry, I don’t understand. - Rona 'liafuan inglés repete,' podcast ida ne'e atu ajuda hadi'a liu tan ita-nia abilidade ko'alia lian Inglés. Ezemplu hanesan: Ha'u ko'alia Inglés uitoan. | Ha'u la toman ho asentu Australianu sira nian. | Ha'u sei aprende lian Inglés. | Deskulpa, ha'u la komprende.
Festivál "Hamutuk 2024/25" ne'ebe organiza husi grupu timoroan sira iha Melbourne hamutuk ho Endeavor United Soccer Club ne'ebé halao iha 27 & 29 Dezembru 2024 no 2 & 4 Janeiru 2025 hanesan eventu bo'ot ne'ebe fo omenajen no apresiasaun ba timoroan sira nia reziliénsia, kriatividade, no espíritu komunitáriu durante tinan lima nulu hela iha Australia. Tuir komisaun organizadora sira festival ida ne'e ho intensaun atu halibur komunidade Timoroan sira iha Melbourne ho apoiu husi governu lokal hodi selebra komunidade Timoroan nian prezensa iha Melbourne, aumesmo tempu hatudu mos tradisaun Timor nian ne'ebe mak riku tebes.
You’re probably familiar with the four seasons—Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring—but did you know that First Nations people have long recognised many more? Depending on the location, some Indigenous groups observe up to six distinct seasons each year. - Karik ita-boot hatene ona klima haat—Veraun, Autumn, Invernu, no Primavera—maibé ita-boot hatene ka lae katak ema Primeiru Nasaun sira rekoñese klima iha Australia barak liután ida ne'e? Depende ba fatin, grupu indíjenu balu observa to'o estasaun neen ne'ebé diferente kada tinan.
Learn how to talk about getting a gift for someone. Plus, find out what the Secret Santa tradition is all about. - Komprende no ko'alia lian Inglés bele ajuda ita-nia moris iha Australia. Kada episode programa aprende Inglés , ami sei esplika kona-ba Australia nia moris no espresaun iha kualker eventu. Iha episode ida ne’e ita sei aprende oinsá atu ko'alia kona-ba fo no simu prezente husi ema. No mós, buka hatene saida maka tradisaun Santa Segredu nian.
Atór filme ho idade tinan 10 hosi Timor-Leste hetan nia esperensia premeiru ho filmi iha Disney. Solomon Bravery Horta, ne'ebe hela iha Irlanda Norte, ho aman Helio Dos Reis Horta hosi Timor no Inan, Maria Siahaan Horta, hosi Indonesia, koalia kona-ba nia esperensia halo filmi "The Boy and The Octopus". Liu husi filmi ne'e nia dehan nia hetan inspirasaun husi animal tasi nian, Kurita, ne'ebe hanesan animal matenek no laran diak.
Country is the term at the heart of Australian Indigenous heritage and continuing practices. The environments we are part of, carry history spanning tens of thousands of years of First Nations presence, culture, language, and connection to all living beings. So, how should architects, government bodies and creative practitioners interact with Indigenous knowledge when designing our urban surroundings? - Nasaun maka termu ne'ebé iha sentru hosi patrimóniu Indíjena Austrália nian no prátika ne'ebé sira kontinua. Ambiente ne'ebé ita halo parte, lori istória ne'ebé mai husi tinan rihun sanulu resin hosi prezensa, kultura, lian, no ligasaun ba ser moris hotu-hotu hosi ema Primeira Nasaun sira. Entaun, oinsá maka arkitetu, órgaun governu sira nian no pratikante kriativu sira halo interasaun ho koñesimentu ema Indíjena bainhira dezeña ita-nia ambiente urbanu?
New research has highlighted the high rates of workplace sexual harassment and assault experienced by migrant women. Experts say there are many reasons why this type of abuse often goes unreported. - Peskiza foun hatudu katak númeru asediu seksuál no asaltu aas tebes ba feto migrante sira iha serbisu fatin Australia nian. Espesialista sira hateten katak iha razaun barak ne'ebe hatudu tanba sa maka abuzu seksuál hanesan ne'e dala barak la relata.
Istória ida-ne'e kona-ba Ezequiel "Zequito" Oliveira, Materestu husi 12 de Novembru no mos ativista ne'ebe haktuir nia viajen iha tempu rezistensia ne'ebe úniku oituan. Nia konta nia Viajen hahú bainhira nia sei labarik no bainhira nia muda mai Dili, nia kna'ar momentu ne'eba mak hanesan ponte entre frente rezisténsia tolu: forsa armada iha foho, kanál diplomátiku iha rai-li'ur, no operasaun klandestina iha sidade sira no mos oinsa liga ho jornalista/ativista internasional sira " Mai hau, Hau hare luta ba independensia husi hau nia mama. Maski ami nain walu, nunka iha momentu ida ne’ebe nia sente hanesan kbiit laek. Ami nia inan sempre dehan “imi tenki ba eskola tenki servisu makaas labele baruk ten”. Lia fuan ida ne’e hanesan motivasaun boot ida mai hau”.
Timorese United Association (TUA) iha Sydney foin hili lideransa foun sira atu dirije grupu ne'e. Membru foun simu tomada de pose hahú iha loron 26 Outubru. Asosiasaun ne'e importante tebes ba ema Timor-oan sira ne'ebé hela iha Sydney. Lideransa foun sira iha objetivu balun ne'ebe sira hakarak atinji ne'ebe liga ho preservasaun kultura Timor nian. Sira mos loke odamatan ba traballadór timor-oan sira ne'ebe dala ruma sente mesamesak no hanoin uma, atu partisipa iha atividade no grupu ho fo apoiu ba malu. Sira hakarak asosiasaun sai hanesan uma segundu ba traballadór sira ne'e.
Are you seeking a truly impactful Australian travel experience? Whether you’re seeking wilderness, food, art or luxury, there are plenty of First Nations tourism adventure that you can explore, led by someone with 65,000 years of connection to this land. Not only will you deepen your experience, but you’ll help drive cultural and economic opportunities for First Nations communities. - Ita-boot buka hela esperiénsia viajen Australianu ida ne'ebé maka iha impaktu duni? Karik ita-boot buka hela rai-fuik, ai-han, arte ka luxu, iha aventura turizmu Nasaun dahuluk nian barak ne'ebé ita-boot bele esplora, lidera hosi ema ida ho ligasaun tinan 65,000 ho rai ida-ne'e. La'ós de'it ita-boot sei aprofunda ita-boot nia esperiénsia, maibé ita-boot sei ajuda lori oportunidade kulturál no ekonómiku sira ba komunidade sira Nasaun dahuluk nian.
Joven Australianu nain rua ho idade 18 no 19 anos halo viajen ho sira nia bisikleta haleu Australia durante kuaje tinan ida nia laran. Sira nia sakrifisu no jornada ida ne'e ho deit objetivu ida atu azuda hadia eskola ida iha Balibo. Joven nain rua ne'e mak Cezary Carmichael ho Leo Norman.
Iha fulan Agostu tinan ida ne'e, Darwin sai uma-na'in ba programa interkambiu kultural uniku ne'e hare ba abiliddade suku nian. Inisiativu ida ne;e mai husi organizasaun karidade, Empowering Community Growth, hodi halibur feto sira husi Timor, Aborijinu no mos feto refujiadu Afghanistan. Liu husi atividade suku, hamosu amizade, abilidade ba suku no negosiu nian. Maske iha bareira ba lian hodi komunika ba malu, partisipante sira fahe sira nia abilidade iha suku, kria produtu oi-oin no iha esprensa atu bele hasoru malu tan iha futuru hodi aprende liu tan.
Iha dia 6 de Outubro, SBS Tetum iha oportunidade hodi dada-lia ho Prezidente Timor-Leste, Sr. Jose Ramos-Horta iha fatin ne'ebe nia hela iha Sydney. Iha oportunidade ne'e ami koaloa kona-ba problema ne'ebe maluk Timor-oan traballadór sira hasoru, nune'e mos ho progresu ne'ebe Timor-Leste atinji ona durante 25 anos depois de vota ba Independensia. Prezidente mos koalia kona-ba nia razaun vizita mai Australia.
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