A chance encounter podcast💁♂️💁♀️
剛剛出社會的 Zoe 和 Kingsley,透過他們 “英國留學生” 的角度討論人生和社會。內容涵蓋 “英語討論”、“無聊事”、“爭議性主題” 和 “對戰系列”,讓觀眾從多方面認識年青人的想法🤓。
Fresh out of school and into the society, Zoe and Kingsley discuss matters of life and the society through the lens of two international students in the United Kingdom. Aiming to share thoughts from young people, our content includes 'Discussions in English', ' Chatty Conversations', ' Controversial Matters' and a 'VS Series' 🤓.
我們的 Podcast 逢星期五,GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00 更新。敬請留意!
Our podcasts air every Friday, GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00. Stay tuned!
---------- 社交平台 Social Media ----------
Scrambled Eggs – Instagram:@scrmbld.eggs
Zoe – Instagram:@zoevong_vcc
Kingsley – Instagram:@kktmsanm