
  • James Muir is the founder and CEO of Best Practice International, known for his expertise in sales with a 30-year career that spans from individual contributor to executive VP. As the bestselling author of "The Perfect Close," he focuses on simplifying complex sales processes. Muir has a significant background in healthcare, having worked with major names in technology and healthcare, such as HCA, Tenet, Catholic Healthcare, Banner, Dell, and IBM. Beyond his professional life, Muir is passionate, enthusiastic, and enjoys incorporating fun into his work. He is also a dedicated lifelong student of sales, an accomplished guitarist, an organic chemistry enthusiast, and a fitness buff. Residing in the mountains of Salt Lake City with his wife and two sons, Muir embodies a well-rounded and vibrant personality.


    In this episode of the Selling from the Heart podcast, hosts Larry Levine and Darrell Amy welcome sales expert and author James Muir. They dive deep into the challenges of dealing with stalled sales and discuss actionable strategies from James' new book, "Unsticking Deals." Listeners will gain insights into diagnosing the root causes of stuck deals and learn practical methods to keep their sales pipelines moving. Whether you're a sales professional struggling with deal closures or a leader seeking to optimize your team's performance, this episode is packed with valuable advice to help you navigate the complexities of today's sales environment.


    Sincerity and Integrity in Sales Environments: Throughout the discussion, the importance of sincerity and integrity in navigating modern sales environments is emphasized. By prioritizing these values, sales professionals can build trust and credibility with clients, ultimately driving long-term success.Alignment with Client Priorities: The conversation stresses the significance of aligning sales propositions with client priorities. By understanding and addressing client needs, sales professionals can build stronger relationships and drive successful outcomes.Reengaging with Silent Clients: Muir outlines innovative messaging strategies for reengaging with silent clients. By leveraging these strategies, sales professionals can reignite communication and rekindle interest from clients who have gone silent.The 'Muchness, Soonness, and Sureness' Framework: Muir introduces the 'muchness, soonness, and sureness' framework for comparing sales options. This framework helps sales professionals prioritize and align sales propositions with client priorities effectively.


    “If your intention is just to help them, then you can go into every single encounter, just enjoying yourself, having a great experience.”“We have to bring intentionality to the forefront, and if we can bring that good thing start to happen.”“It's about transforming the way you sell by being authentic, real, and trustworthy in every interaction.”"Trust has always been everything in sales, but boy, it's hard to get trust. It's hard to build it. It's hard to keep it.” “You can compare them based on sureness... Even if you're not the top priority... you can still position your solution as becoming a no-brainer”

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  • Dr. Deborah Rozman, President and co-CEO of HeartMath Inc., has been a key leader since 1991, advancing the mission to create a more resilient and heart-centered world. HeartMath's programs offer scientifically validated techniques for emotional self-regulation and energy management, promoting health, resilience, and enhanced intuition. Dr. Rozman co-authored the Transforming book series and "Heart Intelligence," emphasizing heart-based guidance for effective decision-making. As a spokesperson, she advocates for heart intelligence in media, interviews, and keynote addresses, addressing personal, social, and global well-being. Dr. Rozman also contributes to the Advisory Board of the Transformative Technology Lab and HeartMath Institute's Scientific Advisory Board and Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee. She is known for her role in developing award-winning technologies like emWave® and Inner Balance™ for heart-brain coherence.


    In this episode of the Selling from the Heart Podcast, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy dive into the transformative power of heart-based selling with special guest Deborah Rozman, President and CEO of HeartMath Inc. They explore how aligning the heart, mind, and emotions can revolutionize your sales approach, boost performance, and reduce stress. Deborah shares insights from HeartMath’s extensive research and introduces practical techniques to achieve heart coherence, making every sales interaction more genuine and impactful.


    Heart-Based Selling: Understand the importance of authenticity and trust in sales and how connecting through the heart can enhance relationships with customers.The Science of Coherence: Learn about the scientific basis of heart coherence and its impact on the brain, emotions, and overall well-being.Practical Techniques: Discover a simple yet powerful technique to achieve heart coherence, which can be used before, during, and after-sales interactions to maintain focus and reduce stress.Real-World Applications: Hear how sales professionals can integrate heart-focused breathing into their daily routines to improve their interactions and overall sales performance.Emotional and Physiological Benefits: Explore the broader benefits of heart coherence, including improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and better decision-making.


    "Simplicity is crunched complexity. If things weren't simple, we'd never get there.""Life is fulfilling when you connect in the heart with whomever you're interacting with.""When you establish heart resonance, you intuitively know what to share and how to position what you have to sell.""Creating a coherent, resonant vibration by heart-focused breathing with love, care, kindness, or appreciation establishes resonance with the other person.""Incoherence is an expensive habit. Anxiety and stress can cost you dearly in sales performance."

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  • Andy Paul nearly didn't make it past the sales training class in his first job after college because he was seen as too introverted and analytical. Yet, over the past three decades, he's excelled as an author, sales leader, speaker, and consultant by embracing his distinctive style and approach. He has helped improve the performance of sales teams handling products ranging from multi-million-dollar communications networks to sports memorabilia, working with startups and Fortune 1000 companies. With experience across global markets and various sales channels, Andy now shares his insights to help businesses build successful teams and reach their goals.


    In this episode, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy interview Andy Paul, renowned sales expert and author of ‘Sell Without Selling Out’. They discuss how the sales landscape is evolving in the current "post-trust" world. Andy advocates for an approach that prioritizes understanding customer needs and offering genuine value rather than leading with a hard-sell pitch. This conversation explores how sellers can redefine their roles to help clients clarify their goals and solve challenges through human-centered connections. Together, they emphasize that sales professionals who act as trusted advisors will not only achieve their quotas but also transform the perception of the sales profession itself.


    Authenticity Over Tactics: Buyers value genuine connections and are tired of sales tactics that don't address their needs.Helping vs. Selling: True sales success lies in understanding the client's goals and providing valuable insights that guide their decision-making.Reinventing the Sales Process: Sales stages must align more closely with the buyer's journey, focusing on solutions rather than pitching products.Weak Ties & Strong Ties: A salesperson can provide new perspectives and insights by acting as a weak tie in the customer's network.Slow Down to Sell Faster: Building relationships and deeply understanding the buyer's needs might require multiple conversations, but it's essential for building trust and winning business.


    "Selling is not helping. Selling is selling. Helping is helping. Both are required, but we need to get them in the right order.""If buyers are talking to you, it's because they need to. So you need to figure out what they need from you.""Sales professionals who see themselves as trusted advisors will transform how their clients see the sales profession."

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  • Gretchen Gordon is the author of "The Happy Sales Manager: Drive Sales, Lead Your Team with Ease, and Have Fun." She is the founder and CEO of Braveheart Sales Performance, a sales consulting and training firm. With over 30 years of experience in sales and sales management, Gretchen is passionate about helping sales leaders transform their roles and find happiness in their work. She is known for her practical advice and expertise in overcoming common sales management challenges.


    In this episode, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy interview Gretchen Gordon, author of "The Happy Sales Manager." Gretchen shares her insights on how sales managers can find happiness and success in their roles. She emphasizes the importance of adopting a different mindset as a sales manager and focusing on the success of the team rather than individual achievements. Gretchen also discusses the challenges sales leaders face and provides practical advice for overcoming them. Listeners will gain valuable insights into effective sales management and learn how to build a high-performing and happy sales team.


    Sales managers need to adopt a different mindset than that of a salesperson. They should focus on coaching, motivating, and inspiring their team members rather than trying to replicate their own success.It is important for sales managers to recognize that not everyone on their team will be like them. Each salesperson has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it is the manager's role to understand and support them individually.Sales managers should resist the temptation to rescue their team members and instead focus on preparing them for success. By practicing and role-playing different scenarios, managers can build their team's confidence and enable them to handle sales calls effectively.Sales managers need to be willing to change and grow in their role. They should constantly assess their own strengths and weaknesses and be open to learning new strategies and approaches to sales management.Building trust and effective communication are key to successful sales management. Sales managers should create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their challenges and seeking guidance.


    "Selling from the heart is just being a person talking to another person." - Gretchen Gordon"You have to focus on doing the uncomfortable or difficult things to enable the people on your team to execute at the highest level." - Gretchen Gordon

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    The Happy Sales Manager Website:

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  • Former corporate senior leader Dustin Dale is a professional keynote speaker, executive leadership trainer, and bestselling author whose life mission was redefined on November 21, 2021. Dustin was told that he was headed toward death from an autoimmune disease. In four days, Dustin realized his mission still needed to be finished. During his many treatment sessions in an oncology department, Dustin wrote his first best-selling book, ""Learn to Lead by Serving,” where he shares his knowledge and experience of 10 years leading over 1,000 teams and more than 3,500 persons for major corporate companies.

    Dustin has developed leaders worldwide by inspiring stronger cultures and creating servant leaders. He has also become an example of faith through his powerful testimonial. Dustin brings an authentic and inspiring message about what it is meant to become a servant leader. Delivering this message across corporations, universities, and all industries have created a ripple effect for future leaders to succeed!


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy delve into the essence of authentic leadership with special guest Dustin Dale, author of "Learn to Lead by Serving." They explore the transformative power of servant leadership in sales and beyond. From the importance of self-discovery to building trust with customers, Dustin shares invaluable insights and practical tips for cultivating a servant's heart in both personal and professional realms.


    Authenticity and Trust: Genuine connection fosters trust, which is essential in today's post-COVID world.Self-Discovery: Understanding oneself is crucial for effective leadership and salesmanship.Leadership Shadow: Leaders must be aware of their reputation and the impact they have on others.Circle of Success: Surround yourself with individuals who challenge and elevate you.Transparent Conversations: Honest communication builds credibility and fosters growth.Building Trust: Consistently providing value and nurturing relationships is key.Morning Routine: Starting the day with self-care and focus prepares you to serve others effectively.


    "Selling from the heart is the true connection point between solution and authenticity, where trust is found.""The longer a problem stays a problem, the more debt you pay on it.""Servant leadership is not about doing the job of your teams, but about helping them and fostering connection.""Your reputation is your leadership shadow, invisible yet powerful."

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  • Jean-Claude (JC) Larreche is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and the Alfred H. Heineken Chaired Professor of Marketing, Emeritus at INSEAD. His book The Momentum Effect: How to Ignite Exceptional Growth, published by Pearson, was named the 4th Best Book of the Year by Amazon USA in its Business and Investing category. It has been translated into several languages.

    Building on his research in The Momentum Effect, Professor Jean-Claude (JC) Larreche currently works on developing “leadership talents for powering growth” on a global scale. He has designed the learning simulation DiG (Discovery, Innovation, and Growth) which is currently available in six languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Korean) and is offered internationally by a network of local certified DiG instructors. The research objective of the simulation is to test if the leadership skills for growth are different in a variety of contexts (country, industry, the size of company…) and to explore if personal development approaches have to be adapted accordingly.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy dive into the third sales transformation with special guest JC Larreche. Learn how to go beyond creating value to mastering the capture of corporate value, essential for any sales professional navigating today's competitive business environment.


    Understanding the evolution of sales transformations: from product pushing to solution selling to value capture selling.The importance of vulnerability in sales leadership and the challenge of bridging from one person's heart to another's.The significance of corporate value drivers: profitability, market share, and customer satisfaction.Developing competencies for long-term success: juggling multiple objectives, leadership, empathy, and business acumen.Bridging the gap between top management and the sales force for mutual respect and strategic alignment.


    "When you talk from the heart, it's from the heart of one person to the heart of another person.""The deep root cause of short-term vision in sales is the lack of respect that top executives have for the sales force.""Salespeople are not just selling; they're managing a business."

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  • Dave Kurlan, an esteemed speaker, best-selling author, and seasoned entrepreneur boasting over three decades of sales development expertise, gained induction into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame in 2012. He founded Objective Management Group, Inc., a leader in sales candidate assessments, and Kurlan & Associates, Inc., an acclaimed international consulting firm specializing in sales force development, recognized as a three-time Inc. 5000 honoree. His influential book, "Baseline Selling," reached #3 on and remains relevant even years after its publication, alongside his contributions to collaborative works and his own publication, "Mindless Selling." Renowned for his captivating presentations at prestigious events like Inc. Magazine's Conference and Gazelles Sales & Marketing Summit, Kurlan's expertise is frequently showcased in various media platforms. He introduced STAR, a groundbreaking recruiting method for exceptional sales talent, and curates the award-winning blog, "Understanding the Sales Force."


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy dive deep into the concept of trust-based selling with special guest Dave Kurlan. They explore the importance of slowing down and being deliberate in the sales process, especially during the crucial stage between suspect and prospect. Using baseball analogies, they illustrate how rushing through this phase can erode trust and hinder sales success. Instead, they emphasize the significance of asking questions, listening attentively, and building a strong case for why prospects should buy. By adopting these strategies, sales professionals can establish genuine connections, differentiate themselves, and ultimately drive better results.


    Slowing down and being deliberate in the sales process builds trust and accelerates deals in the long run.Asking questions, listening attentively, and seeking clarity are essential steps in establishing rapport and understanding customer needs.Rushing to present or pitch products/services can create resistance and erode trust, hindering sales success.Building a strong case for why prospects should buy, based on their unique needs and challenges, increases the likelihood of closing deals.Using analogies, such as the baseball diamond, can help visualize and reinforce key concepts in sales strategy and execution.


    "The better you do taking your time between 1st and 2nd base, the faster you can run from 2nd base to home plate.""Salespeople have a reluctance to slowly and patiently listen and ask questions. They prefer to start with a demo or a presentation, and they don't get that the very fact that they want to pitch something creates distrust.""If you want to lead your sales team in runs batted in and be known as the heavy hitter, walk from first base to second base. Watch what starts to happen."

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    With a decade of experience as an author, speaker, coach, and trainer, Carole Mahoney assists entrepreneurs, founders, and salespeople like you in growing your businesses through a collaborative and science-based sales approach. Her upcoming book, "Buyer First: Grow Your Business with Collaborative Selling," unveils the groundbreaking method for achieving sales success that she employs with her clients daily, drawing insights from the experiences of 2.3 million salespeople.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are joined by guest Carole Mahoney, author of "Buyer First: Grow Your Business with Collaborative Selling." They explore the transformative power of collaborative selling in revolutionizing the sales profession. Carole delves into the importance of putting buyers first, actively listening, and building trust through authentic connections. Drawing from her own experiences and research, Carole shares practical insights and strategies for sales professionals to enhance their approach and achieve meaningful results.


    Sales professionals should prioritize understanding and addressing the needs of buyers.Collaborative selling involves active listening, asking open-ended questions, and fostering genuine connections with buyers.Building trust is crucial in sales and requires authenticity, transparency, and a buyer-centric mindset.Sales origin stories influence beliefs and attitudes toward sales, and introspection and reframing can lead to personal and professional growth.Deep inner work not only enhances sales effectiveness but also contributes to personal development and character building.


    "Selling from the heart is about putting your intentions to be other-focused first.""Amazing things start to happen when you stop shining the spotlight on yourself and shine it on the other person.""Trust isn't built on people liking you; it's built on telling the absolute truth."

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  • Paul Ross is on a passionate mission to guide already successful sales professionals and entrepreneurs to radically up-level their sales results. He is an Author, Speaker, Elite Sales Trainer, Master Hypnotist, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Over the past 30 years, he has guided tens of thousands of people to use the power of words to design their own results.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, join Larry Levine and Darrell Amy in an enlightening conversation with Paul Ross, author of "Subtle Words that Sell: How to Get Your Prospects to Convince Themselves to Buy and Add Top Dollars to Your Bottom Line." Paul introduces innovative approaches to sales, drawing from his expertise as an elite sales trainer, master hypnotist, and practitioner of neurolinguistic programming. He emphasizes the importance of understanding subconscious motivations, building trust, and expanding prospects' states of consciousness to facilitate impactful sales interactions.


    Sales isn't about selling products; it's about selling decisions and positive emotions related to those decisions.Prospects often struggle with trusting themselves to make good decisions and believing they deserve the offered opportunities.Effective sales communication involves influencing subconscious minds to expand prospects' beliefs and possibilities.Utilizing subtle language, metaphors, and stories can captivate attention, build trust, and guide prospects towards desired outcomes.Confidence in sales can be cultivated through learning confidence, which involves extracting lessons from every experience and continually improving sales skills.Leadership in sales entails enrolling teams in a shared vision, fostering a culture of trust and empowerment, and developing the ability to emotionally regulate and empathize with team members.


    "Selling is not only about getting your ideas into the prospect's mind; it's about expanding their mind to include your ideas and new possibilities.""Rapport is only important if it sets the groundwork for suggestibility. If it doesn't do that, so what?""If you really want to be a leader, you have to learn enrollment, which is fantastic for using these techniques very powerfully and very quickly.""Your ability to lead and see others comes down to states of consciousness, both in terms of influencing others and influencing yourself."

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  • Benjamin Tagoe is currently a Chief Executive Officer at Objective Management Group, bringing experience from previous roles at Fairfield Enterprises. Benjamin Tagoe holds a 2013 - 2015 Master Of Business Administration @ Harvard Business School. With a robust skill set that includes Financial Modeling, Consulting, Hedge Funds, Fixed Income, Strategy and more, Benjamin Tagoe contributes valuable insights to the industry.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are joined by Benjamin Tagoe, CEO of Objective Management Group (OMG), to delve into the latest trends in sales and unveil the secrets behind driving sales success. Through decades of data analysis on millions of sales professionals, Benjamin shares unparalleled insights into the key competencies that differentiate top performers from the rest. From the importance of self-awareness to the critical role of adhering to sales processes and manager accountability, this episode provides actionable strategies for sales professionals looking to elevate their game in 2024.


    Self-Aware Selling: Sales success hinges on self-awareness, allowing sales professionals to focus on understanding the prospect's needs and overcoming personal limitations.Adherence to Sales Process: Sticking to a milestone-centered sales process is vital for consistent success, yet many teams struggle with implementation despite heavy investments.Manager Accountability: Effective sales management involves holding sales people accountable, coaching them, and providing strategic guidance, fostering an environment of growth and development.


    "Selling from the heart comes down to selling with self-awareness.""The process is your friend. Follow it, add value to your clients, and watch your success soar.""Top performers want to be challenged and held accountable. They thrive on structure and strategic guidance."

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  • Davin Salvagno is a renowned inspirational speaker and author, known for his expertise on purpose. As the Founder of PurposePoint & The Purpose Summit, he has also authored the bestselling book "Finding Purpose at Work." With nearly two decades of experience in leadership roles spanning operations, human resources, marketing, and finance, Davin discovered a passion for guiding leaders to reconnect with their foundational purpose. His keynote talk "The Power of Purpose" gained international acclaim in 2018, and he has continued to deliver impactful talks benefiting numerous organizations worldwide. Since 2018, Davin has served as an Executive Coach for multiple CEOs and a consultant in leadership and organizational development across various sectors. He is a distinguished member of the Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches and the C12 Business Forums, a global peer advisory group for Christian CEOs and Business Owners. Originally from Philadelphia, Davin currently resides in Michigan with his wife Amy and their two children.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, we dive deep into the transformative power of purpose-driven sales. Special guest Davin Salvagno, renowned speaker and author, shares invaluable insights on how to integrate purpose into your sales approach, unlocking new levels of success and fulfillment. From reframing mindsets to fostering genuine connections, this episode offers practical strategies to align your sales efforts with purpose and meaning.


    Purpose is not singular but plural, comprising various roles and moments in life.Eliminate distractions to be fully present and attentive in your interactions.Actively listen to uncover the needs and problems of those around you.Separate the solution from monetary rewards to prioritize genuine value creation.Embrace the journey of discovering and living your purpose, one moment at a time.


    "All selling, if done well, is solving a problem.""Purpose is not singular. Purpose is plural and momentary.""You can be all of you to the person that's right in front of you."

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  • Guy Kawasaki, a renowned entrepreneur, author, and tech evangelist. From his influential role at Apple in the 1980s, where he played a key part in the success of the Macintosh, to his ventures in entrepreneurship and venture capital, Kawasaki's journey has been marked by innovation and business acumen. As a prolific author, his books like "The Art of the Start" and "Enchantment" continue to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs. Join us as we delve into Kawasaki's diverse contributions to the tech industry, his insights on marketing, and his engaging presence as a speaker and educator.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy have an engaging conversation with Guy Kawasaki, the Chief Evangelist of Canva and author of the book "Think Remarkable: Nine Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference." They discuss the concept of selling from the heart and the importance of being others-focused in sales. Guy shares insights on vulnerability, the power of disciplined habits, and the significance of making a difference. He also highlights the value of connecting with others and the importance of seeing operational realities in person. This episode is filled with practical advice and inspiring stories that will motivate listeners to be remarkable in their personal and professional lives.


    Selling from the heart means having the other person's best interests at heart, not just your own.Vulnerability is a sign of wisdom and strength, not weakness.Disciplined habits are crucial for success in sales and life.Connecting with others and walking in their shoes can lead to valuable insights and stronger relationships.Success obliges individuals to help others and make a positive impact.


    "If you're successful, you have an obligation to hold that door open, make that door bigger, make the tide rise, float all the boats.""If you want to be a great salesperson or evangelist, sell something great. Do not affiliate yourself with mediocrity."

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  • Mark Carpenter is a serial storyteller. Even as a child, he loved to tell stories (mainly to get attention). He leveraged that ability into a career in marketing communications and public relations, then as a college professor and corporate facilitator.

    Now, he teaches people how to more intentionally tell stories that teach, lead, sell, and inspire to accomplish business and personal goals. He is the co-author of the best-selling book “Master Storytelling: How to Turn Your Experiences Into Stories that Teach, Lead, and Inspire” and co-creator of the Master Storytelling Workshop. Leveraging a 20-year career in corporate communication, 10 years working as an adjunct professor of communication, and 15 years facilitating training, Mark couples a lively, engaging style with purposeful, impactful learning.

    When he’s not training, speaking, coaching, or creating new content, Mark is likely hiking or snowshoeing in the mountains near his home in Utah, playing the piano, bragging about his grandchildren, or writing children's books.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart Podcast, hosts Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are joined by Mark Carpenter, the serial storyteller and co-author of the best-selling book, "Master Storytelling." Together, they explore the profound impact storytelling can have on sales, leadership, and building authentic connections. From weaving personal experiences to influencing leadership decisions, learn how storytelling can elevate your sales game and create lasting impressions.


    Connect as Humans: Selling from the heart is about connecting as human beings, not just transactions.Storytelling Structure: The key storytelling structure includes an introduction, conflict, and change to effectively convey messages in a concise manner.Intentionality in Storytelling: Be intentional about the purpose of your story and the lesson you want to convey.Repeatable Stories: Reuse and repurpose stories intentionally for different contexts, audiences, and lessons.Building Trust: Stories trigger the release of oxytocin, the trust hormone, in the brain, fostering genuine connections.


    "Selling from the heart is about connecting as human beings.""The story is not about you; it's about the point you're trying to make, the lesson learned, and how it can impact the listener.""If you're intentional about the destination, you're going to take that story start to finish in a straight line.""Look for those moments where you have an emotional reaction. There is a story embedded in that with something to teach, lead, sell, and inspire.""Storytelling builds trust by increasing oxytocin, the love hormone, fostering genuine connections between people."

    Learn more about Mark Carpenter:

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  • Mike Weinberg is a coach, speaker, trainer, consultant and a multiple best-selling author. His specialities are new business development and sales management, and he's on a mission to simplify sales and create high-performance salespeople and sales teams.

    Known as a #SalesTruth-teller, salespeople and sales leaders appreciate his blunt, funny, tell-it-like-it-is style, and his ability to share simple, practical, powerful, and easy-to-implement concepts. He’s spoken on five continents and has become one of the most trusted and sought after sales improvement experts in the world. Mike works with companies in all industries ranging in size from a few million to many billions of dollars."


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy are joined by renowned sales coach, speaker, and author Mike Weinberg. Together, they delve into the crucial role of authentic leadership in sales management. They emphasize the importance of connecting with sales teams on both a professional and personal level, highlighting the impact of emotional and mental support on performance and culture. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, they provide actionable strategies for sales leaders to effectively lead with heart while driving results.


    Sales leadership involves balancing accountability with empathy, fostering a culture of high performance while prioritizing the well-being of team members.Authenticity in leadership builds trust and loyalty among sales teams, leading to increased engagement and productivity.Effective sales management requires recognizing and respecting the emotional and mental bandwidth occupied by salespeople, using it wisely to inspire and motivate.Healthy, assertive conversations rooted in genuine care and concern strengthen relationships between sales managers and their teams, driving long-term success.The integration of head and heart in sales leadership leads to a harmonious blend of results-driven focus and compassionate leadership, creating an unstoppable force in sales culture.


    "Sales is about results, but it's equally about connecting with the hearts of your team members.""Balancing accountability with empathy is the hallmark of effective sales leadership.""Authenticity breeds trust, and trust is the foundation of strong sales teams."

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  • Elliott Moon, a certified Working Genius coach, brings a wealth of experience in innovation and adaptability, cultivated through a diverse professional background. Growing up in Texas with insights from his father's immersion in the insurance industry, Moon developed a deep appreciation for relational selling. His journey led him to embrace the transformative Working Genius model by Patrick Lencioni, focusing on self-awareness and productivity. As a guest on the Selling from the Heart Podcast, Moon shares insights into leveraging the Working Genius model to unlock individual and team potential, offering practical strategies for enhanced productivity, morale, and success in the realm of sales.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy as they explore the transformative power of the Working Genius model in the sales world. Certified Working Genius coach Elliott Moon sheds light on the six key activities encapsulated in the Widget Process: Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity. Discover how understanding your own working geniuses and frustrations can revolutionize your approach to sales, teamwork, and productivity.


    Understand the six stages of the Widget Process: Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity.Learn how to identify your working geniuses and frustrations to enhance self-awareness and productivity.Explore the symbiotic relationship between different working geniuses within a team and how it can lead to successful outcomes.Gain insights into how the Working Genius model can revolutionize your sales approach, from client interactions to project completion.Uncover strategies to leverage your unique strengths and collaborate effectively with others in the sales profession.


    "Sales feels relational. If you're gonna sell from your heart, it's about valuing the person over the transaction.""Wonder asks the big questions; Invention generates ideas; Discernment assesses workability; Galvanizing rallies and inspires; Enablement equips the work; Tenacity ensures successful results.""Your geniuses are needed to make work happen. Running towards people with opposite geniuses creates a symbiotic relationship that makes all work better."

    Learn more about Elliott Moon:


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  • Jon Alwinson is a sales veteran with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to winning numerous awards, both as an individual and team leader, he spends a great deal of time in one-on-one coaching. Jon’s new book is called Relentless Sales: The Skills, Mentality, & Faith Needed to Be Great In Sales.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy in a powerful episode featuring seasoned sales expert John Owenson. Explore the world of relentless sales, where skills, mentality, and faith converge to create a transformative journey in the sales profession. Learn how to overcome adversity, conquer fear, and develop a relentless mindset that propels you to new heights. Discover the importance of a solid sales process and gain insights into building a morning routine that sets the tone for success.


    Embrace a relentless mindset: Persistently pursue excellence, conquer fear, and never give up.Develop a solid sales process: Establish a fundamental framework for successful selling.Overcome adversity: Learn from challenges, appreciate the hard times, and let them shape your resilience.Conquer fear with mantras: Repeat empowering phrases or scriptures to build confidence and overcome fear.Capture wins daily: Journal your daily successes and learning moments to stay motivated and focused.Plan your day and night: Outline priorities the night before to start the day on the offensive and end it with a clear mind.


    "Selling from the heart is living from your true identity – confidence, putting your customer first, and pursuing excellence.""Relentless sales is an unyielding, persistent, never-give-up attitude coupled with caring, adding value, and earning the right to push boundaries.""Next play – a mantra to move on, stay focused, and not let setbacks derail your entire game in sales.""Relentless is not just about not giving up; it's about not giving up on caring, on bringing value, and on being committed to the customer.""Faith in sales is about finding strength in knowing who you are, aligning priorities, and letting that guide your actions in the profession."

    Learn more about Jon Alwinson:

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  • Lori began her sales journey growing up in her grandmother’s fine women’s apparel store. Although she became a teacher, Lori quickly learned that teaching would not support her as a young single parent. She went back to her sales roots, intentionally looking for a sales role as technology was booming in the mid-1980’s.

    After a stellar career in tech sales, Lori launched Score More Sales, a sales consultancy designed to help leaders of mid-sized companies hire better sellers and evaluate their existing sales teams. The company launched 20 years ago. 2022 is a big celebratory year.

    In 2015 Lori realized that so many of the sales managers she was training and coaching were male so she set out to determine why so few women were in sales and especially as sales executives in leadership. That realization launched Women Sales Pros, which consists of a group of top women sales experts as well as a consulting and coaching arm to assist company leaders in creating more diverse sales teams.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Darrell Amy and Larry Levine are joined by special guest Lori Richardson, founder of Score More Sales and trailblazer in the sales industry. They discuss the importance of authenticity, building trust, and the mission to bring sincerity and substance to the sales profession. Lori shares insights from her dynamic career and offers valuable advice for sales professionals looking to excel in 2024. The conversation covers topics such as mindset, morning rituals, competency development, and the significance of meaningful conversations in sales.


    Competency Mastery: Lori emphasizes the importance of mastering competencies, especially the will to sell. Being coachable, having a positive outlook, and taking responsibility are crucial elements for success in sales.Morning Rituals for Success: The hosts discuss the significance of starting the day with a positive mindset. Lori shares her morning ritual, including affirmations and spending time outdoors, highlighting the impact it can have on one's day.Leadership Aspirations: For sales professionals aspiring to leadership roles, Lori encourages being proactive. Don't wait to be tapped on the shoulder; express your desire for growth and seek guidance on what competencies are needed for the next level.Conversations Beyond Sales: Lori stresses the value of diverse conversations beyond sales-centric topics. From charity auctioneering to personal interests, building relationships with a human touch can open doors and enhance your professional network.Women in Sales: The conversation extends to Lori's passion project, her book "She Sells," addressing the underrepresentation of women in B2B sales leadership. Lori provides advice for women aspiring to leadership roles and emphasizes the need for proactive career planning.


    "Selling from the heart is integrity, honesty, and good selling—bringing sincerity and substance to the sales profession.""Competency mastery is about having the will to sell. Trainable skills are essential, but the desire, commitment, positive outlook, and taking responsibility are key.""Don't wait until somebody taps you on the shoulder. Be proactive about your career growth and find out what competencies are required for the next level.""Humanize your conversations. Conversations beyond sales-centric topics can open doors and enhance your professional network.""For women aspiring to leadership, express your desire for growth. Understand competencies needed and work on areas of improvement. Be proactive in shaping your career."

    Learn more about Lori Richardson:

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  • Elizabeth Dixon, an accomplished business leader and serial entrepreneur with nearly two decades of experience at the Chick-fil-A Support Center, is currently the Executive Director of Trilith Foundation, reporting to Dan Cathy, Chairman of Chick-fil-A. With a background working for renowned brands such as Disney World, Gap, YMCA, and Cooper Aerobics Center, she has mentored under leaders like Dan Cathy and Horst Schulze. Elizabeth is a sought-after speaker, sharing insights on exceptional customer experiences globally through live events, virtual resources, consulting, and her debut book, The Power of Customer Experience. She has also founded, operated, and sold several small businesses while guiding emerging entrepreneurs toward achieving their business goals.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy on a profound exploration of purpose-driven sales with guest Elizabeth Dixon, a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader. Elizabeth shares her transformative journey from defining her purpose through personal challenges to advocating for authenticity in sales. Discover the power of aligning personal purpose with professional endeavors and learn practical steps to navigate the intersection of passion and sales success.


    Authentic sales stem from inviting others into meaningful experiences, not just transactions.Defining personal purpose transcends job titles and empowers individuals to bring value beyond sales metrics.Sales professionals can proactively align personal purpose with corporate missions or pursue entrepreneurial ventures to fulfill their authentic selves.


    "Authentic sales are about inviting others into something meaningful and valuable, not just making a sale.""You are not your sales. You are not your performance. Bring your purpose and gifts into your work, don't extract them from it.""When defining success, dismantle the ladder of titles and compensation, focus on meaningful relationships and contributions."

    Learn more about Elizabeth Dixon:


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  • For over three decades, Neil Rogers has built a successful career in sales and marketing, working with clients in a wide range of verticals, including pharmaceutical, biomedical, manufacturing, logistics, financial services, and government defense contractors. He is the

    Owner and VP of Marketing & Sales at Rogers Marketing, winner of several Million Dollar Sales awards, the Velocity Award for growth, and Heavy Hitter Awards for large accounts. Neil and his wife Lori are the creators/owners of the Positive Activity 11-Step Process, using scientifically proven activities to increase the quality of life and business through creativity, optimism, and positivity. The two entrepreneurs started the non-profit PASE (Parents Assisting Special Educators) and PASE After 21 for special needs adults. Bar Tips is his first published book, drawing on the lessons learned during his years as a bartender that Neil has applied for success in sales.


    In this episode of Selling From The Heart, join hosts Larry Levine and Darrell Amy in a captivating conversation with Neil Rogers, the seasoned expert in sales and marketing and author of "Bar Tips." Discover the unspoken parallels between bartending and sales, as Neil shares insights on building relationships, effective communication, and the art of hospitality. Learn how the principles from behind the bar can be the key to success in your sales journey.


    The Golden Rule in Sales: Applying the golden rule - treating others as you want to be treated - is the foundation of building long-term relationships in both bartending and sales.Importance of a Proper Greeting: Just as a warm welcome sets the tone for a great bar experience, the first impression in sales can make or break a deal. Smile, greet, and be genuinely interested in your prospect.Listening Skills: Drawing from Dale Carnegie's wisdom, Neil emphasizes the significance of listening to customers. Understanding their needs and preferences without interruptions is crucial for effective sales communication.Time Management and Punctuality: Neil introduces the concept of "15 minutes is the new on time." Being punctual, managing time efficiently, and staying organized are keys to success both at the bar and in sales.Taking Ownership of Business Problems: Neil shares a valuable lesson from his mentor about taking ownership when things go wrong. Reflect on your role in a problem and focus on solutions rather than blaming others.Solving Problems Silently: The best way to handle business issues is to solve them without customers noticing. Neil advocates for proactive problem-solving to enhance customer experience.


    "The only difference between a bartender and a person in a selling capacity is that customers come to them; we have to go hunt them.""Never get a second shot at the first impression. It's the small things that matter in building relationships.""Solve the problem without the customer ever knowing. It's the art of making things right behind the scenes."

    Learn more about Neil Rogers:

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    Please visit BarnesandNobles to order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.


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